Other Silly Things You've Seen On The OU Ladder: V2

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chinoise niqqa: oh
chinoise niqqa: okay


Yeah I made a fuck ton of bad plays but who cares
The funniest part about this is that you almost lost (and probably would've lost had he been running adamant like he should've). People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
-I've witness Rotom-W with Rocky Helmet before. But when one has a Red Card as their held item, it gives credibility to the last silly Rotom I've covered. not alone having the lack of recovery as well.

Anyways. So, I've made an new alt after being in remorse of losing hope of the OU Meta. And I get this in the following:
-http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-136993998 (Venusaur Mega Vs The World.)
-http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-136997857 (Speaking of the particular poke. How A Combuskun. Couldn't kill. My Mega Venusuar. Find out why.)
I started off playing really badly but it didnt even matter because this guy was so bad. He had a lilligant, a floatzel, a charizard without a mega stone, and just some weird movesets.

Might I ask why you are using Thunder Wave and Gyro Ball on the same Ferrothorn?

Meanwhile: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-137005861
-Counter Tyranitar being used against Greninja, or at all
-Why Excadrill used X-Scissor on that Garchomp instead of EQ (or even Iron Head) is beyond me
-Hawlucha setting up and then immediately switching when Unburden activated and Acrobatics would have done a shitload of damage
-Sleep Powder fail on turn 20
-Leech Seed fail on turn 21
-Ferrothorn using Gyro Ball AFTER IT HAD BEEN TRICKED A SCARF
Oh dear...
  • Using Knock Off on a Mega Venusaur
  • Leaving Quagsire in on a Mega Venusaur
  • Switching Chansey into Entei when he had a Mandibuzz at full health
  • Switching said Mandibuzz out into Mega Venu when the other Venu used Sleep Powder (okay, not entirely silly, but Mandi could have Taunted or Whirlwinded away Venu)
The funniest part about this is that you almost lost (and probably would've lost had he been running adamant like he should've). People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

I did say I made a lot of bad plays, I admit it. But was I a hacker? yes
EDIT: Also, blissey could've still survived adamant.
+4 252+ Atk Scolipede Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 649-765 (90.8 - 107.1%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO.
Decent-ish odds on my side. Also, I think poison jab was it's only offensive move, so that level 1 magnemite would have walled it as long as it could. Death by struggle recoil, maybe? eh...
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Ummm... Maybe he really really didn't want to get paralyzed? Maybe people use trick or thief a lot on him? Running out of pseudo-logical (if you could call them that) arguments. It had wonder guard, right?... Right?

Pretty sure it didn't have wonder guard b/c alakazam doesn't get wonder guard.
*magic guard?
Random Shit: Going Down Fighting Edition
-Donphan with Counter and Gunk Shot.
That's one way to take care of Grass types..
-Choice Scarf Destiny Bond Gengar. It worked.
Gotta go suicide
-Oh boy... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-136972089
-Fake Out+Last Resort only Ambipom. Ghost types say hi. Also, Ambipom sucks in OU.
The Last Time I Quoted You said:
In all seriousness, if it was Galvantula or Ambipom, you'd have a reason to apologise
To be fair, Ambipom sucks in OU. Espadcilly with that set (It can learn Knock Off!)
Better in UU anyway

At least it has one weakness?
-Espeon continuing to set up Calm Mind on Quagsire.
It was obvoiusly Damp
-Florges doing the exact same thing later in the battle. Ironically, its trainer had the Quagsire in question earlier and set up on his opponent's.
*That noise you hear in Inception*

-Quagsire #2 had some sort of Hidden Power.
HP Water 2 OP
-Gigalith. With Smack Down, which at least has some utility.
The utility of destroying Air Balloon Rotom-S?
-Assist Meowstic-M.
I'm a Liepard!
-Sand Rush Sandstorm Excadrill (no Tyranitar or Hippowdon to be seen) using EQ on Azelf. It also had some sort of Hidden Power.
Well that's one way to get Sandstorm...
Also lol HP Excadrill

-Weezing spamming Stockpile for no apparent reason.
Maybe it thought it could stockpile into infinity?
-Night Shade Gengar. Because it's not like it can kill Medicham (which is what it used it on) with Shadow Ball.
Gengars special arrack sucks anyway
-Yet another non-mega Charizard.
Bet it had Air Slash
-Rain Dance+Hydro Cannon M-Blastoise.
To be fair, it would sting like a bitch. Then you could kill it :^)
-Quick Claw Snorlax. Gotta go fa(s)t.
Snorlax the Hedgehog?
-Iron Head Cute Charm Milotic.
Gotta hit those pesky Rock types somehow!
-The battle featuring the above two had a Red team actually win: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-136973157
-Latios using Trick on Y-zard. Twice.
Errr... It has a Mega Stone?
-Toxic Orb Facade Staraptor. As if it didn't die quick enough already...
Nuuuuu buuuurd ;-;
-Sableye, apparently with no item.
I'm done here
-No explanation: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/oususpecttest-136972712
comments in bold, you know the Dril(bur)[/quote]
The fun part is that Reckless Double-edge outdamages Facade by a little amount.
Maybe he didn't want the recoil just the toxic damage


Both Charizard and Venusaur on the team, no mega apparently
His Charizard got outspeed by my Kyu-B
His Ferro got OHKOd by my CB azumarill superpower:
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Ferrothorn: 284-336 (80.6 - 95.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
He only decided to send something that could tank a hit after more than half of his team was dead

A guy a mono flying team made me ragequit today also, one of his mons was swanna
Why did i ragequit? First of all I found out i have no response to Zard Y, which he was using against me, second he used Heat Wave and burned the first time... 10% chance. 1 turn later I switch in my Azumarill and he uses Heat Wave again and burns me and crits .-. i'm also extremely pissed off with hax today
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Random Shit: Change of Scenery Edition
-I'm pretty sure there are better things to send in on Chandelure than Overcoat Forretress.
-Copycat Blissey with a Ganlon Berry.
-Ditto vs. the world: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-137213704
-Bisharp setting up SD on Foul Play Mandibuzz.
-Shell Bell Quagsire.
-Gyarados setting up on said Quagsire.
-Seaking. Mixed with Agility, Drill Run, Ice Beam, and an unknown fourth move.
-Fake Out+Fling+Covet+Power-up Punch Ambipom.
-Psychic Metagross.
-Dragonite setting up Dragon Dance under Trick Room. Against Ice Beam Porygon2.
-Bringing in Hawlucha (which used Flying Press) and Gengar (which used Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse) on Porygon2, STILL under TR.
-Egg Bomb+Blizzard+Double-Edge Blissey.
-Conkeldurr using Facade on Gengar. At least it was burned.
-Sableye using Metal Burst. And outspeeding Politoed with it. And doing the same thing later against Amoonguss. And Mawile. And spamming WoW on the Amoonguss.
Yknow what's fun?
Using a rain team
Dark Pulse Deoxys-A. Because Shadow Ball doesnt exist
Moonblast and Dazzling Gleam Xerneas. Because one STAB move isn't enough?
Nightmare Darkrai
Rain Team in Ubers without Kyogre. Just why.
Dual STAB Deoxys-A
Blizzard Darkrai
Said Darkrai using Blizzard on a fucking rain team.
Probs something else I forgot
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I just saw a youtube battle and...
Bulk Up + Spikes + Synthesis + Hammer arm Chesnaught? Any ghost type wall this thing
Guy sends Exca in that Chesnaught, that already had show that had Hammer arm
Guy sends Klefki in Dragonite and apparently forgets that Dnite usually carry EQ, but it doesn't matter because parahax strike
That same guy has a Dnite with EQ
Guy forgets what Quiver Dance does and get swept

Yknow what's fun?
Using a rain team
Dark Pulse Deoxys-A. Because Shadow Ball doesnt exist
Moonblast and Dazzling Gleam Xerneas. Because one STAB move isn't enough?
Nightmare Darkrai
Rain Team in Ubers without Kyogre. Just why.
Probs something else I forgot

You forgot Darkrai using Blizzard on Politoed and Dual STAB Deo-A
I did say I made a lot of bad plays, I admit it. But was I a hacker? yes
EDIT: Also, blissey could've still survived adamant.
+4 252+ Atk Scolipede Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 649-765 (90.8 - 107.1%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO.
Decent-ish odds on my side. Also, I think poison jab was it's only offensive move, so that level 1 magnemite would have walled it as long as it could. Death by struggle recoil, maybe? eh...
And yet you didn't switch to the magnemite first, you let a lot of pokes die before that. My point is that if you're going to make fun of a noob, at least beat the piss out of them instead of struggling. It's really pathetic when you say "lol this guy is so bad look at them and laugh" and then lose half your team to them, especially when it's quite clear that the player is a young child. It makes you look like a dick.
Random Shit: Change of Scenery Edition
-I'm pretty sure there are better things to send in on Chandelure than Overcoat Forretress.
Sturdy Forretress?
-Copycat Blissey with a Ganlon Berry.
Dafuq is a Ganlon Berry? Also lol Copycat
-Ditto vs. the world: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-137213704
Captain Falcon
-Bisharp setting up SD on Foul Play Mandibuzz.
-Shell Bell Quagsire.

-Gyarados setting up on said Quagsire.
Could of been Water Absorb
-Seaking. Mixed with Agility, Drill Run, Ice Beam, and an unknown fourth move.
Probs Hydro Pump/Surf
-Fake Out+Fling+Covet+Power-up Punch Ambipom.
Stop making fun of my little monkey friend! ;-;
He still sucks in OU, but Fake Out is a good start

-Psychic Metagross.
Could of been mixed :^) (Yeah no)
-Dragonite setting up Dragon Dance under Trick Room. Against Ice Beam Porygon2.
Why does this sound like something the A.I would do?
-Bringing in Hawlucha (which used Flying Press) and Gengar (which used Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse) on Porygon2, STILL under TR.
It used a Fighting move at least... Right?
-Egg Bomb+Blizzard+Double-Edge Blissey.
-Conkeldurr using Facade on Gengar. At least it was burned.
Knock Off?
-Sableye using Metal Burst. And outspeeding Politoed with it. And doing the same thing later against Amoonguss. And Mawile. And spamming WoW on the Amoonguss.
Smacks head against brick wall
Choice Band Giga Impact tho
comments in bold. You know the-
Yknow what's fun?
Using a rain team
Dark Pulse Deoxys-A. Because Shadow Ball doesnt exist
Moonblast and Dazzling Gleam Xerneas. Because one STAB move isn't enough?
Nightmare Darkrai
Rain Team in Ubers without Kyogre. Just why.
Dual STAB Deoxys-A
Blizzard Darkrai
Said Darkrai using Blizzard on a fucking rain team.
Probs something else I forgot
Omg what did TRC say about non-OU battles, you naughty child.
Omg what did TRC say about non-OU battles, you naughty child.
I've seen other people do it too.
Plus this isn't really in the "Screwed you over" catagory required for the Ubers version of this thread.
Still, that's a OU Rain team, so shouldn't it count anyway?
who the fuck uses water absorb on quagsire lol
Yeah you totally missed the point.
Still, at least it coudlnt of been Damp... Right?
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