WCop General Talk Thread

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We finally got rid off that green frog holding the french flag so I'm happy to show you France's newest flag made by Reymedy's mother. We all kiss her everywhere and promised to invite her for dinner if we end up winning wcop.



nah i mean im in agreement that smogmog is retarded and all, but random personal attacks like that dont really do anything to further the position of tourney players. it kinda backs up their reasoning for officially separating things lol. im sure rl isn't exactly a breeze thru sim city either for some morbidly chub azn snappin gym selfies dressed like fucking shofu so he can go laugh about it in a jampacked skype call or w.e... not saying ur a freak or anything, i enjoy chillin here too but i dont think ur in a position to be unloading that degree of shit from ur clip. i mean call me irrelevant for lurkin in the shadows all this time as both parties carried on with their own fucked agenda, but how relevant do you think you are when you're suddenly spouting off on this like its a fucking newsflash when its actually been an ongoing conflict for years.
Right, I deleted the post as reading through Badabings post I just generally thought the forum didn't need this with everything currently going on. I'll put my hands up and admit I fucked up/wasn't thinking when posting the logs and its as much my fault by making it public etc.

edit: Leftiez is full on retarded
Since the decision has been ruled now, I can speak up my mind without looking like I'm trying too take something from Canada.
I found the people shocked about a 7 hours delay, for a game impacting directly 3 teams (so more than 30 players), furiously funny. And even funnier now that we consider the following facts :
- It took 10 hours for the TDs to come up with a solution (ie : do nothing)
- 2 teams have been disqualified due to an activity win
- 1 team got qualified due to an activity win
- A captain left his team after 10 days
- A player johned shamelessly

Now the "decision" that you took M Dragon is probably a decent one given the situation. But you have to know that managing events (among other things) is not about taking bad decisions when there is not good one left, but about preventing unfortunate situations like that to happen. And this is why rules have been established actually.
" I expect all Captains to nag their players to get their battles done if they are being active, and make substitutions as necessary, that is your job."
In the end, we were all aware that something was going wrong with one of the official teams, that was basically a time bomb that exploded in the face of three other teams. Nothing has been done to deal with it, and I'm sorry to point it out, but making sure that every single team is headed correctly is your responsibility.
" I will NOT accept inactivity. I don't want people sitting around, I want people being proactive."
I see. (I could also go on about that pseudo-rule forcing people to play at least one game during the first week)

Let's even assume that Afrabs couldn't sub in anyone a couple of hours before the deadline. Why did you not force them to take measures BEFORE (I believe that letting Afrabs replace the members that tried to ruin the team was tolerable, I hate the idea that a single member can spoil the fun and the chances of all his mates)? Why do you let a player blatantly john given the stakes ? How can he avoid two wcop games, but play for the R2 of "The Choice" the day before the deadline of his wcop games ? And he fucking liked Afterburn's post on Sunday, while Funk is supposedly waiting for him somewhere at the same time ? What the fuck lmfao.
And above all, why isn't he punished (and his irresponsible captain aswell) in some way for that ? Does this mean that we can freely break rules, and give away wins like it's Christmas day with a little letter "Hey your opponent decided to not give a fuck about this tournament anymore, lucky you". That sounds nice, and I guess that France will soon receive its "Too bad, your opponent got sub'd in 3 days before the deadline and didn't decide to john, enjoy your last turn Scald burn instead !" letter (yo sorry afterburn , I'm not calling you out, I simply would have loved it if every single member of your team would have acted the same as you or Subject 18 for instance and I have a huge respect for the members of Afrabs who stood up to fight under the circumstances).
I can't help but think that this is unfair, that you sure dealt with this first round poorly and didn't do much to respect any of the rules you set yourself (and you know that I don't hold any personal grudge against you). And since you felt like giving the last blow to my team that got its share of shitty events for the week, I feel like someone has to point out the organisation failure.

Now, because I don't necessarily enjoy criticizing things (you may doubt that) without contributing to their improvement, here is a spreadsheet, following peng idea, on how the round 1 should be organized :
tAp1 = Team A player 1

So yea, it only work for XY groups, as you can't balance it perfectly with old gens only counting 12 groups (so the number of games to be played does not match with the number of opposing teams). It is not easily fixable, so the only solution I have to offer is to balance it by crossing the games through the years (the first year, team A meets teams B, C and D in BW + teams E, F and G in DPP etc. and then next time, they meet different teams). It would be balanced even every 5 years -if you see what I mean-. It's not perfect, but thats the only possible attempt to make the pairings more "fair".

tl;dr : you should have seen it coming from someone whose account name is Felony.
Ok, I agree with what the French team are saying, yes matchups were dumb. Did you know were were more unlucky than you in that sense? We literally had 0 matchups against OCN or Afrabs players. Yeah, the activity win stuff really does suck and its unfortunate. That being said, there just needs to be a better matchup format next time and this is something MDragon and the TDs are working on. I'm still glad I played this tour but I am hugely disappointed to not make top 8 with a team I thought were more than capable.
Yo Reymedy, I get why you wanted the other afrabs players to have tried harder to get matches done after the hopeless position we were in, I understand that part. But the part about the Scald burn irked me a little bit tbh, especially after Ojama's irc pm to me after the match. Your player could've set his Gyarados up much easier if he wanted to instead of taking my Lando's Stone Edge. Kevin Garrett got lucked by Cicada in the match after, you don't see Kevin Garrett pming Cicada or subtly referencing the fact he got haxed by him in an unrelated post by going "oh thanks for the bs your Thundurus dealt my Chansey" or pming him with "nice undeserved win". My Garchomp also got critted by Tran's Lava Plume, and had that not happened it could've potentially taken an EQ from the Scarf Lando-T and killed it with a 2nd Outrage, but I'm not pming anyone about that, because I won, and also cuz I know it isn't the player who decides when his pokemon lands a crit or a burn.

Just needed to get that off my mind.
Yo Reymedy, I get why you wanted the other afrabs players to have tried harder to get matches done after the hopeless position we were in, I understand that part. But the part about the Scald burn irked me a little bit tbh, especially after Ojama's irc pm to me after the match. Your player could've set his Gyarados up much easier if he wanted to instead of taking my Lando's Stone Edge. Kevin Garrett got lucked by Cicada in the match after, you don't see Kevin Garrett pming Cicada or subtly referencing the fact he got haxed by him in an unrelated post by going "oh thanks for the bs your Thundurus dealt my Chansey" or pming him with "nice undeserved win". My Garchomp also got critted by Tran's Lava Plume, and had that not happened it could've potentially taken an EQ from the Scarf Lando-T and killed it with a 2nd Outrage, but I'm not pming anyone about that, because I won, and also cuz I know it isn't the player who decides when his pokemon lands a crit or a burn.

Just needed to get that off my mind.

Yo Afterburn.
I'm sorry that my comment irked you, but if you want to start this :
Your player could've set his Gyarados up much easier if he wanted to instead of taking my Lando's Stone Edge.
I actually doubt that (plus you don't explain how), but does it justify the burn to your eyes ? I don't understand how your opinion on Cicada's choices is relevant.
- No the crit was irrelevant aswell, EQ is min 52 on your no HP investment Chomper (I checked :heart:). So the extra 7% from the Lava Plume crit didn't matter (you'd have had 44+7=51). Point cleared. And it's weird that you make a big deal of a Lava Plume crit (+7 extra % :v4:) when it didn't manage to burn this time (and chances are higher afaik), nor it did after when you carelessly switched your Keldeo, and later your Landorus-Therian, in on 2 other Lava Plumes (while you get a Def fell after your first ShadowBall on the Heatran). I'll submit to Cicada the idea to rename himself Cicabarn though because he clearly sucks at burning things.
you don't see Kevin Garrett pming Cicada or subtly referencing the fact he got haxed by him
No, indeed, I don't see it if it's a private message. But I can assume (given his team) that he didn't because it was not really a big deal. Now again, as weird as it sounds, I didn't feel a huge pleasure watching my mate haxing his opponent after being haxed himself.

Now if the real point of your post was to discreetly allude to how much of a meanie Ojama is. Yea well, he sure is a meanie :pirate:

PS : I was happy to post this "no-one-gives-a-fuck" comment.
Lol I was using the situation of heatran critting garchomp as a rough example of having a reason to pm whoever crittted me and go "NICE UNDESERVED CRIT" like ojama did, didn't think you'd get so technical. Oh and for the record, I did have HP investment on that Garchomp, which was adamant btw (I don't like speed ties with other chomps), you can check that with Leftiez cuz I sent him my team before the match :toast: As for the part where I said Gyarados could set up easier, Cicada himself admit in the inbox he sent me yesterday he was overthinking in that scenario of Lando's U-turn, but whatever, fact is your team didn't qualify and neither did mine. He can add "-burn" to his name or w.e you said, you can add another "y" in reymedy, or however you were taught to spell remedy, I honestly don't care.

It's kind of weird that Cicada was p chill in his response that he inboxed me yesterday and I thought him and I resolved the issue with the private convo, yet you seem more worked up on his match than he does.

when you carelessly switched your Keldeo on a Lava Plume

Yep you're right, that was careless of me. Aegislash would've been a much better switch-in.
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