Sticky Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

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(I haven't sprited in a while, sorry if it sucks)

I have 23 KB shiny Audinos.


I'm seriously so hyped for Mega Audino, it's one of my all time favourite pokemon
Really? Not only are these megas hideous but they detract from the possibility of My water/fairy Mega Milotic. The quintessential contest pokemon, featured in the contest issue, that reveals contest mega evolution...and Slowbro gets the mega.

If anything it should have been Slowking, Kanto has enough rabid fans as is.
I'm personally rather glad Gen 1 got more Megas, due to Gen 3 just going completely Mega-Happy and having more Megas. Like... I dunno, I just have this feeling that even though Gen 1's far from my favourite, as the original generation it should probably have the most Megas of any other Gen.
If anything it should have been Slowking, Kanto has enough rabid fans as is.
I'm personally rather glad Gen 1 got more Megas, due to Gen 3 just going completely Mega-Happy and having more Megas. Like... I dunno, I just have this feeling that even though Gen 1's far from my favourite, as the original generation it should probably have the most Megas of any other Gen.
Also like 50% of gen 2 is just stuff tacked on to gen 1 families anyways. like if you want a Slowking Mega that just being really complainy. In all honesty Mega Slowbro embodies more of Slowking's trait than Slowbro's anyways. The gen 2 things that REALLY need megas are the other 50% that isn't actually gen 1 stuff. All the single or two stage evo things that are forgotten in the ether of the pokedex: Quilfish, Griafarig, Lanturn, Xatu etc.

PS: M-Milotic is still coming too, so no need to get upset just cause it wasn't leaked by Korea yet, lol
If the only big boost is to its defense, it's gonna be pretty situational. If it loses speed like Garchomp did, then it's completely useless.
Not necessarily. Remember that Garchomp lacks dragon dance to patch it's speed. Salamence does have it. Combined with intimidate prior to mega-evolving, a boost to defense could give it more opportunities to set up dragon dance. Also, while sand rush force takes set-up to work, arielate has a direct and immediate benefit.

Of course this is just conjecture, we still don't know what the stats are other than "big defense boost" so there's no use worrying over speed loss.
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Well that was... unexpected. Can't say I care much for the new mega selection, or for their designs, but they do seem to have a lot of utility. Their stat gains are right where they need to be, and that goes a fair way to mitigating their assey (in singles) abilities. Audino still has its godly supporting moveset, but now has the defensive stats and defensive typing to actually use them and what Megabro lacks for in walling prowess due to the loss of Regenerator it makes up for with the sheer threat its CM sets should be able to pose. It's likely going to inspire a lot of mirror match ups due to its unparalleled ability to wall itself, though.
Slowbro is one of the few pokemon with such piss-poor aesthetics that I am simply unable to use it, despite its competitive viability. Slowbro has never been on any of my teams in any gen for this reason.

Megaslowbro is even worse
It's just me or slapping a mega-evo in something which currently NEEDS an evo (audino, sableye, mawile) its feels really stupid?

An How about slowking? I mean, really someone its gonna used him now wit this? I don't know, currently the "mega-evolution" concept its cool aplicated in pokemon really strong or in a 3rd stage because its feels like one upgrade with interesting limitations (no item for not be broken, not HP increased and you can only have one in your team) but slapping in a thing like audino, sableye or banette... Just no.

An what about slowking... Anyone its gonna used him after this?

Really, anything its gonna a evolve in the regular way (except eevee... maybe) never more? I jus't don't feel right that evolution is replaced forever by the mega-evolution.
Mega-Slowbro's design is terrible. It looks like it messed up trying to put on its clothes (or shell in this case). That or its trying to do a Spoink impression. As for Shell Armor, preventing critical hits is nice perk for a set-up sweeper but what's preventing it from being taunted, phazed, etc.? That said, I am interested in seeing its animation.

Mega-Audino's design is nice but honestly it's one of those pokemon that should've been given a regular evolution. It's one of those pokemon (ie. Dunsparce, Farfetch'd, Luvdisc, etc.) where it felt incomplete and had so much more room to grow from both a competitive and non-competitive standpoint. These pokemon do not need something that just feels so final when they feels like there's so much more potential and a lot mileage you can get out of them. Its Mega even looks like it could have been a regular evolution since its design feels like the next natural step.
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Ugh, I'm still NOT sold on Shell Armor, sorry. There are much better defensive abilities it could have gotten instead (or even fucking Simple if you guys won't quit with the Calm Mind shit).

It's trash and they screwed him over. Fucking sad too, since he is one of my fave Pokemon, also that tragic design...

I won't even comment on Healer.

Mad af rn

It's just me or slapping a mega-evo in something which currently NEEDS an evo (audino, sableye, mawile) its feels really stupid?

An How about slowking? I mean, really someone its gonna used him now wit this? I don't know, currently the "mega-evolution" concept its cool aplicated in pokemon really strong or in a 3rd stage because its feels like one upgrade with interesting limitations (no item for not be broken, not HP increased and you can only have one in your team) but slapping in a thing like audino, sableye or banette... Just no.

An what about slowking... Anyone its gonna used him after this?

Really, anything its gonna a evolve in the regular way (except eevee... maybe) never more? I jus't don't feel right that evolution is replaced forever by the mega-evolution.
Slowbro got the mega not king and i already used one from time to time. I will use the mega as well. Banette's mega is fine, just very situational. Sableye is also going to surprise some people I think. It has a great typing and a usable defense stat now. With prankster before megaing, it can really mess with an opponent. I see an interesting stall breaker in sableye's future.
Can we stop griping on who didn't get a mega or who deserves one? For one, they ARE going to not reveal some of them until the release date so there are many options still on the table. After all,

is still an option some day.
Thought I’d pull together some significant data on Mega evolution stat upgrades. Using the Megas we already know to make educated guess about Megas that are coming is the best way to theory-mon after all. So here are all the trends that have been set by what we have:
  • No mega gets more than +100 to its BST
  • Megas USUALLY get +100 to their BST (Mega Alakazam is the only exception with +90 and this is probably because of the general +10 sp.def upgrade its base form got this gen making it still +100 from its gen 5 and earlier base stats)
  • No Mega has a change in HP
  • No Mega has had fewer than 3 stats increased (nothing gets all base 100 pumped into just 1 or 2 stats, and among all megas only 25% of them have only 3 stat changes, making is 3 in 4 odds your mega will see changes in 4 or more stats)
  • The average stat changes a Mega has is 4
  • Only 13% of Megas lose a stat so the other stats can gain more than 100 BST (close to 1 in 8 chance something loses a stat)
  • No Mega has lost more than 30 points in a stat (only Abomasnow, Mewtwo Y lost 20 in a stat, and everything else loses 10, so while not impossible losing more than 10 stat is VERY unlikely)
  • Speed is USUALLY the stat that is lost if any (although Mewtwo Y loses Defense)
  • Based on above no mega loses stats in an offense or in Sp.Defense (although since defense has been lost before losing sp.deffense wouldn’t be too unprecedented but still very unlikely)
  • Megas USUALLY have their stats increased by multiples of 10 (the only exception being Venusaur, Charizard X, and Lucario, however these non multiple of 10 upgrades served to give final base stats that are “clean” numbers ending in 0 or 5, expect for M-Lucario’s speed)
  • Just under 50% of Megas have stats thrown in the offense they were CLEARLY never going to use (this is usually +10 or +20, but there’s basically a 1 in 2 chance your mega “wastes” a little bit of its 100 BS)
  • no Mega’s gotten more than +80 in one stat (this is still pretty unprecedented and it only went to Mewtwo X who’s playing at the Uber level)
  • excluding Mewtwo X no mega has ever gotten more than +60 in one stat (this only went to Heracross’s attack and Heracross also gave up speed so it’s other boosts weren’t tiny relative to most mega’s secondary boosts)
  • Even excluding Heracross and Mewtwo the next biggest upgrade is +50 in one stat and it is still fairly uncommon with less than 25% of Megas getting +50 or better. (Your odds are a little worse than 1 in 4 to get a +50 boost in one stat)
  • Most Megas got +40 as their biggest boost but some get +30 as well
  • The most “Average” Stat upgrades are a set of boosts around 40/30/20/10 or 30/30/20/20
  • Numerically the average increase to any given stat on a mega is: 20 (actually it’s 19.8 but yeah)
Anyway that stuff should help with educated theory-moning. Here's some examples of what you can tell using the stuff above.
For instance it’s easy to hope M-Loppuny will get
However, even though this follows all the set in stone rules this has very very low statistical likelihood of happening since there’s no “wasted” stat (1/2), a stat increase over 40 (1/4) only 3 stat changes (1/4) and there is a decreased stat (1/8) those combined trends have 1/256 odds of happening (0.4% chance) And this is not even considering the fact that it’s +80 and not +50. Not to mention it’s breaking a few unbroken trends like even though 3 stats change only 2 are increased (unprecedented) and it includes a drop in sp.atk (unprecedented) You could even argue that going above +60 is unprecedented on non legendary megas if you wanted. So this spread would be all around poor theory-moning.

Way more plausible spreads would look like this:

Hopefully all those trends could be useful while we discuss where megas might end up.
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It's just me or slapping a mega-evo in something which currently NEEDS an evo (audino, sableye, mawile) its feels really stupid?

An How about slowking? I mean, really someone its gonna used him now wit this? I don't know, currently the "mega-evolution" concept its cool aplicated in pokemon really strong or in a 3rd stage because its feels like one upgrade with interesting limitations (no item for not be broken, not HP increased and you can only have one in your team) but slapping in a thing like audino, sableye or banette... Just no.

An what about slowking... Anyone its gonna used him after this?

Really, anything its gonna a evolve in the regular way (except eevee... maybe) never more? I jus't don't feel right that evolution is replaced forever by the mega-evolution.
I like it, actually. It gives team building an extra dimension, allowing GF to limit your use of the 'new evolutions' whilst also allowing them to create a lot of really powerful and diverse monsters who whilst not utterly ruining the game with power creep. As bad as some of the new megas have been, imagine what the XY metagame would be like if the bulk of the current crop of megas were normal evolutions and you could use them all on the same team. Now add the current crop of upcomings...

Can we stop griping on who didn't get a mega or who deserves one? For one, they ARE going to not reveal some of them until the release date so there are many options still on the table. After all,

is still an option some day.
I think, if done right, this actually would be the best case scenario for the metagame as a whole, because it essentially would significantly increase the diversity of teams that we, as competitive players, would likely encounter.
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