Acid Rain

Okay, Armaldo has godly stats in this. It's stats (adjusted for Swift Swim and Sand Storm) are equivilent to the range of 75 / 125 / 100 / 70 / 129-144 / 108 - 144
Other swift swimming rock types have even better stats, but armaldo stands out due to not having a weakened water STAB, and access to rapid spin
Okay, Armaldo has godly stats in this. It's stats (adjusted for Swift Swim and Sand Storm) are equivilent to the range of 75 / 125 / 100 / 70 / 129-144 / 108 - 144
Other swift swimming rock types have even better stats, but armaldo stands out due to not having a weakened water STAB, and access to rapid spin
Relicanth does get rock head smash. Although it will always miss when it's important.
While this may not make it overly great, Forretress has access to Overcoat in DW and benefits from the fact that nobody will want to use fire moves after the crippling power drop, meaning that it could be a pretty good hazard setter and spinner in this tier. It never really liked taking water moves either since most of them hit on the special side, so that's also a plus.

Goggles Blissey becomes better than Chansey as well - 12,5% damage every turn is crippling for a wall.
Fog is a weather too, though I'm not suggesting it be added to this horror show.

So what happens if a Pokemon attempts to implement its weather? Does it do nothing, because the weather is already up, or does it de-activate all other weathers temporarily? Not even getting into the question of what happens with Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre's Abilities, since they aren't here yet anyway.
Fog is a weather too, though I'm not suggesting it be added to this horror show.

So what happens if a Pokemon attempts to implement its weather? Does it do nothing, because the weather is already up, or does it de-activate all other weathers temporarily? Not even getting into the question of what happens with Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre's Abilities, since they aren't here yet anyway.
I would hope they just won't work. Otherwise you can use a weather, wait out 5-8 turns, and then have the field clear skies. OR maybe it could go back to rain/sun/hail/sand again. Hm.
I would hope they just won't work. Otherwise you can use a weather, wait out 5-8 turns, and then have the field clear skies. OR maybe it could go back to rain/sun/hail/sand again. Hm.

My assumption was "Goes back to Acid Rain", though that's apparently not the case. Le sigh. Now weather setters are useless. Screw Char Y forever.
Dragonite Masterrace(dragonite) @ LO/Safety Goggles/Specs/CS
Multiscale/Inner Focus(if you have LO/Specs/CS)
Roost/Draco Meteor

Basically this set capitalizes on dragonite being the only pokemon with all three moves
Excadrill does look stupidly powerful in this. Might want to look into it.

Knock Off is even more prominent here because you want to remove everyone's Safety Goggles.

Also Gliscor could be neat, as it pretty much has lefties after Poison Heal and weather, and has that annoying SubToxic set, along with a Knock Off set because Safety Goggles OP. Gliscor + Venusaur OTP maybe?
Some notables.

Heliolisk gets an undodgeable Solar Power boosted Thunder. Yikes. Hilarious burn-out rate if you don't give it Safety Goggles, though.

Mamoswine gets nothing but benefits from this meta, being immune to both damaging effects, buffered from its Water and Fire weaknesses, and no longer concerned about Solar Beam. Meanwhile it ignores Thunder, Thick Fat renders it effectively resistant to Blizzard, and almost everything with Hurricane is vulnerable to Ice Shard. (Volcarona is by far the most notable exception, being actually resistant)

Aurorus meanwhile is, strictly speaking, also notably improved, but now its Ability (and its Hidden Ability if that gets released soon) is a dead slot (Just use Blizzard), and Rock/Ice is an awful type combination.

Sheer Force Nidoking got a sizable upgrade, with perfectly accurate Blizzards and Thunders, and it's immune to Sandstorm anyway, not to mention it appreciates being buffered against Water. (It's also neutral to both Fire and Solar Beam, so that's nice too) Nice. There's actually a rather larger number of Pokemon that get both, mind. Boltbeam just got a huge upgrade in general.

Tornadus-Incarnate actually has something over Thundurus-Incarnate in this meta: Hurricane. More likely it will be overshadowed by other Hurricane users, in practice, but even so.

Whimsicott is the only Pokemon in the game that gets a more-speed-in-weather Ability (Chlorophyll) and Hurricane. There are a number of Pokemon with Swift Swim and Blizzard. (Ludicolo, Beartic, Kingdra, Golduck, Gorebyss, Huntail, Floatzel, Omastar, Kabutops, Carracosta, Lumineon, Luvdisc, Mantine, Relicanth, Qwilfish, and Poliwrath) There are no other cases of getting Hurricane, Thunder, or Blizzard alongside doubling their speed in a weather.
        name: "Acid Rain",
        section: "Other Metagames",
        mod: 'acidrain',
        onBegin: function() {
            delete this.weatherData.duration;
            this.add('-message', "Eh, close enough.");
        ruleset: ['Pokemon', 'Standard', 'Team Preview', 'Swagger Clause', 'Baton Pass Clause'],
        banlist: ['Uber', 'Soul Dew', 'Gengarite', 'Kangaskhanite', 'Lucarionite', 'Weather Ball', 'Castform']
you get it by now
The code was too long for a hide-tag, so I put them all in a pastebin. File names are also indicated there too.
Just use Ctrl + F to find the js files (abilities, moves, typechart, statuses) and copy the code below it. I'll just presume you know what you doing when you copy-paste this.

EDIT: Ctrl + F in the moves.js section for weather ball and you'll see the true reason why it's banned.
Last edited:
        name: "Acid Rain",
        section: "Other Metagames",
        mod: 'acidrain',
        onBegin: function() {
            delete this.weatherData.duration;
            this.add('-message', "What do you mean it says sandstorm instead of acid rain? DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH?!?");
        ruleset: ['Pokemon', 'Standard', 'Team Preview', 'Swagger Clause', 'Baton Pass Clause'],
        banlist: ['Uber', 'Soul Dew', 'Gengarite', 'Kangaskhanite', 'Lucarionite', 'Weather Ball', 'Castform']
you get it by now
The code was too long for a hide-tag, so I put them all in a pastebin. File names are also indicated there too.
Just use Ctrl + F to find the js files (abilities, moves, typechart, statuses) and copy the code below it. I'll just presume you know what you doing when you copy-paste this.
Yay! now we just need someone to host it
Did that mean weather ball was 3 types or was it 800 bp? I have never looked at code for pkmn metas.

Mandibuzz + reuniclus can stallbreak like everything so yeah.
Did that mean weather ball was 3 types or was it 800 bp? I have never looked at code for pkmn metas.

Mandibuzz + reuniclus can stallbreak like everything so yeah.
800 BP, as Hail has maximum weather priority it will be ice.
Heliolisk sounds stupidly powerful with that Solar Power boosted 100% accuracy Thunder. I like the sound of this meta in general really.
Add fog to the weathers, as it's two uses are:
1. Punish moves that can miss (thundblizcane)
And 2. Can give defog the trolliest niche by getting rid of the acid rain for like, 5-7 turns (there's no way it would last forever), which could be used in conjunction with a fire/water starter to make use if the lack of the other.
Add fog to the weathers, as it's two uses are:
1. Punish moves that can miss (thundblizcane)
And 2. Can give defog the trolliest niche by getting rid of the acid rain for like, 5-7 turns (there's no way it would last forever), which could be used in conjunction with a fire/water starter to make use if the lack of the other.
Fog no longer exists in generation 6.
code it in.
not that hard to do.
besides, the whole point of this meta is to have the combined effects of all the weathers.
That exist in generation 6.
Besides I and not that many other people do not want luck-fest 2014.
what matters is that fog was a weather that had no use, and besides, we have new perfect-accuracy moves, plus the ability to remove all of the weathers for a period of time, which would make this an overall healthier meta.

Besides, if all metas were just predictions, and no luck, then there wouldn't be any joy in winning, it would be "of course, I had the advantage since turn (blahblahblah), so there was no way he could recover"
and whoever joined pokemon to say THAT?
what matters is that fog was a weather that had no use, and besides, we have new perfect-accuracy moves, plus the ability to remove all of the weathers for a period of time, which would make this an overall healthier meta.

Besides, if all metas were just predictions, and no luck, then there wouldn't be any joy in winning, it would be "of course, I had the advantage since turn (blahblahblah), so there was no way he could recover"
and whoever joined pokemon to say THAT?
Because everybody loves missing 1 out of 5 times.