ORAS General Discussion - Mark 2 - Spoilers Inside

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So I played the demo a few times today... AND nothing new. Well, not nothing new. I met the male Elder who guards the orbs on Mt. Pyre. Found out that the set of female Ace Trainers you can battle were sent by Norman to test you and they say they'll be at the Gym in the main game. But otherwise nothing else.

Here was my first impression of the demo, it pretty much says everything I found.
You heard wrong. Gen 4 to Gen 5 involves using two DS's for a one-way trip called poketransfer (that crossbow minigame). To get from Gen 5 to Gen 6 you would need pokebank.

Are you sure you're not mistaken? We're on Gen 6 now. Either way, you might want to head to "Simple Questions, Simple Answers" if you are having trouble transfering between generations.
Yea i will ask there thanks :) so i need two 3DS to trade right? to transfer from X to ORAS and than change the game to ORAS and than make a normal trade with two games of ORAS right?
anyone see norman, winona, or wallace among the demo npcs in mossdeep? seen all the other gym leaders was wondering if those show up at any time.

I didn't even see any of the others apart from T&L and Flannery? I didn't even know the other leaders showed up! I've got a load of Magma Grunts now (probably having played 16 times or so). Every so often we ride Latias to our adventures and I've run into the Aurune guy twice. I wonder if the super secret place is related to him in any way?
I've seen Roxanne, Brawly, and Wattson (and Tate and Liza ofc). Are they supposed to show up randomly or are they part of the 'new faces' that show up when you play enough times?
Decided to play the demo again; found something a little... odd.
I found trainers who clearly say phrases lifted directly from Norman's gym, implying they're trainers from there. But... they use Absol...?
Ironically one of them said "The higher the defence, the more reckless I can be in attack!" before sending out Absol. Top fucking lel.

Edit: One of them also said "A certain person told me to go all out on you" instead of "Your dad told me to go all out on you". Nice attention to detail.
Also, something a little more interesting.
Remember that whole Sea Mauville thing found in the data? Well... I met a Scientist in the demo today who talked about it. He said about being sent there by Captain Stern to find a rare Scanner. Sound familiar?
Many of the characters in the demo have the same dialogue as they normally do in-game, not sure what you're getting at.

There is a character that says Sea Mauville is a Hoenn protected area so I guess it's a nature preserve of sorts.
Many of the characters in the demo have the same dialogue as they normally do in-game, not sure what you're getting at.

There is a character that says Sea Mauville is a Hoenn protected area so I guess it's a nature preserve of sorts.
As in he literally referred to Sea Mauville as the place he was sent to to get the scanner by Stern. I really have no idea how this can be interpreted as anything but the Sea Mauville being the Abandoned Ship.
I didn't even see any of the others apart from T&L and Flannery? I didn't even know the other leaders showed up! I've got a load of Magma Grunts now (probably having played 16 times or so). Every so often we ride Latias to our adventures and I've run into the Aurune guy twice. I wonder if the super secret place is related to him in any way?

Roxanne and Brawley show up (together) in that little area towards the lower right of mossdeep and wattson appears in that little cliff towards the left of the space center that gives you a view of the rocket.
I met the Contest Girl earlier today, she didn't say much of interest though, but she did mention that her Altaria is nicknamed "Ali", but that's really important.
I've not seen anyone here mention her yet. Haven't seen anyone else in the demo though...
I met the Contest Girl earlier today, she didn't say much of interest though, but she did mention that her Altaria is nicknamed "Ali", but that's really important.
I've not seen anyone here mention her yet. Haven't seen anyone else in the demo though...
She is in the demo but she's not particularly worth mentioning; her Altaria's nickname was revealed prior to the demo.
The 3 swimmers from Kalos, 2 of them want to stay in Hoenn because they like the idea of deep sea exploration. Or at least diving. One of them mentions becoming a Scuba diver. New trainer class maybe? Underwater trainer battles?
I was looking back at the Hoopa event text that was uncovered in XY:
“It’s said that Hoopa’s lair is overflowing with the objects and treasures it nabbed over the years, claiming them for its own. Rumor has it that there are mountains of gold and silver treasures that it took from ancient kings and wealthy land barons. I hear that Hoopa’s lair is in an oasis in the desert, but no one’s been able to find the place!
A desert? What desert?
I smell an adventure.
I didn't even see any of the others apart from T&L and Flannery? I didn't even know the other leaders showed up! I've got a load of Magma Grunts now (probably having played 16 times or so). Every so often we ride Latias to our adventures and I've run into the Aurune guy twice. I wonder if the super secret place is related to him in any way?
I've seen Roxanne, Brawly, and Wattson (and Tate and Liza ofc). Are they supposed to show up randomly or are they part of the 'new faces' that show up when you play enough times?

I don't how it exactly works. After completing the "story" missions there are 5 spots in Mossdeep that several characters can appear. As far as I know the characters that appear there are suppose to be random, but I had several playthroughs where they don't change so I don't know. Here are who appears in what spot as far a I know:

On the sandy Islet to the left of Mossdeep:
3 Team Aqua Grunts.
2. 3 Team Magma Grunts.
3. 3 Swimmers
4. Flannery getting interviewed by Gabby & Ty.

Between the house next to Steven's and the Mossdeep Gym:
An elder.
2. A Shroomish
3. A fossil maniac

On the path next to the Pokemon Center:
A Rich Boy
2. A cyclist.
3. A scientist.

Next to the down stairs right before the stairs leading up to the Space Center:
Brawly & Roxanne
2. Captain Stern & a worker of his.
3. A Black Belt father and his son.

On the shuttle overlook spot next to the Space Center:
2. A lady.
3. A guy.

In addition on the mission islands you can randomly encounter another scientist, Lisia, male elder from Mt. Pyre, and Aarune (though I haven't met him yet).

This information and more is mentioned in my analysis.

Decided to play the demo again; found something a little... odd.
I found trainers who clearly say phrases lifted directly from Norman's gym, implying they're trainers from there. But... they use Absol...?
Ironically one of them said "The higher the defence, the more reckless I can be in attack!" before sending out Absol. Top fucking lel.

I mentioned that 9 posts ago.

Also, something a little more interesting.
Remember that whole Sea Mauville thing found in the data? Well... I met a Scientist in the demo today who talked about it. He said about being sent there by Captain Stern to find a rare Scanner. Sound familiar?

I mentioned that same thing in my Analysis...

... None of you are ready my posts, are you?
1. An elder.
2. A Shroomish
3. A fossil maniac
I think you mean THE fossil maniac, heh heh

... None of you are ready my posts, are you?
If I'm being totally honest I try to read them all but I sometimes don't make it all the way through the long ones. This recent one was pretty interesting to me because I've been trying to figure out the "hidden" content of the demo. Seems we've run into all the same people in Mossdeep.
I've actually encountered one other person on islands while on missions. It's an elderly lady. She says she's one of the four something-a-rathers. When I encounter her again I'll post her exact dialogue.
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