Project The PU Viability Ranking Thread

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to be honest I've always thought poliwrath deserved S-rank even with musharna in the meta. without it, it has obviously only gotten better. not much walls its dual stab (defensive poliwrath gets shit on too because you sub on it and circle throw can't even fuckin break it's disgusting). pelipper is annoying, but you can run sub toxic to beat it too. and bulky grasses that also resist fighting like gourgeist, bulky victreebel (not common but a fine mon) and phys def roselia can get fucked by ice punch, and gourgeist can't even do shit to you without seed bomb. and then of course you can run defensive, but I like subpunch so much more because so little handles it and it can sub on tons of shit because of its amazing typing, bulk, and ability. you can even run encore or bulk up, though I think ice punch and toxic are generally better.

anyways yeah poliwrath is a solid S-rank candidate, definitely agree with it.
Writing this from mobile so pardon mistakes.

In a Musharna-less metagame, there's next to no reason to use Bastiodon. I'd drop it from B to C+/C. It's the most passive thing on the planet who had an excuse to be used as a universal Musharna counter, but now the only niche it holds is countering Chatot which isn't terribly hard to do.

Definitely seconding Hollywood's nomination of Poliwrath to S, it's a very defining mon in the current metagame and can just shit on so much without mush around to push it around.

B-Rank has a very clear divide in quality of mons, at least to me. You've got good mind in the metagame such as Carbink, Rampardos and Mantine being tiered with stuff like Arbok (fun fact: have legitimately never seen this in a game) Ditto and Volveat which are a niche or ineffective.
I think Poliwrath was S rank worthy before Musharna left, so I'm gonna agree with Holly's nom. One important thing is can we stop theorymonning about wether mons are better or worse with Musharna gone. Lets have some time to play test, Musharna hasn't even been banned for a day yet lol and there hasn't been an update on PS yet. Lets actually see if anything gets worse or better before making nominations. (This was not directed at Peefs post, just a general statement)
Musha is banned, adjust your rankings accordingly.

Anyway, my nominations:

A+ ---> S

Tauros is a great Pokemon in the current meta, and thus I believe it should be S. With Sheer Force, the amazing 110 speed tier, and good coverage allows Tauros to be a really good wallbreaker. Tauros' bulk is not to be taken for granted either, as while 75/95/70 bulk would not be acceptable in higher tiers, but in PU, it lets Tauros check/beat multiple threats such as Brick Break-less Sneasel (SD), Tangela (w/ Sheer Force Fire Blast which most run), and more. Overall, Tauros is great in PU, even better with Mushy no longer walling it, and deserves S

A- ---> B+/B

While Shell Smash in PU may be a great selling point, generally there's no reason to use Huntail over Carracosta/Barbaracle (mainly Carracosta but I won't get into the whole Carra/Barbaracle argument). Even with Shell Smash, its coverage is pretty bad (just like Crunch and Ice Fang/Beam for coverage other than obligatory Return), and for now, Smash + Sucker Punch is illegal, making one of the only niches it would have invalid. Honestly, there's no reason to use Huntail other than SmashPass, which with low speed and bad SpD, common special attackers, as well as phazers (Throh/Poliwrath are kinda common and viable), just use the two premier Smashers, Carracosta and Barbaracle, and thus I think Huntail should go down 1/2 ranks.

My points (which are probably invalid and bad)

"No reason to use Huntail" Its niche is smash+BP, although Smash pass isn't amazing and I do agree that it should drop

Edit: Sniped, but while I'm here yes to Poli, even if it's just because it walls like half the viable tier atm

At first, it seem quite insane, due to Regigigas being atrocious and almost impossible to set up... That's not true, we are in PU. I must say, a lot of pokemons of the tier aren't terribad at their job, but are huge set up fodder for any pokemon ( Watortle, Bastiodon, and others... )
Which means Regigigas CAN SET UP PROPERLY WITHOUT MUCH TROUBLE, let me remind you that Gigas has 110/110/110 Bulk, a very sweet bulk allowing Gigas to set up on most supports or defensive mons in the tier w/out Toxic, as well as creating Subs that can 1 Seismic Toss, which is pretty cool.
As i'm sure you all know, Regigigas is a killer after 5 turns, and it has access to perfect coverage with Knock Off/Drain Punch, and Drain Punch in itself is an okay offensive recovery.
Overall, Regigigas isn't as bad as all pokemons that you can find in E Rank, i can understand why people putted him in E at first, because he looks awful in paper, but the meta isn't as aggressive as others metas, it's not a challenge anymore to successfully set up Regigigas.
Post-Musharna Ban Update:

Poliwrath from A+ to S (Exceptional Pokemon, walls the defining Pokemon of the tier, racks up entry hazard damage with tremendous ease, has great offensive sets as well. Easy S-Rank candidate and when I brought it up internally I assumed it would be well-received. It was).
Golem from A to A+ (In my opinion, the best offensive SR setter as it checks a great amount of the metagame while being very strong at the same time, and the WP RP sweeper set is also quite decent).
Ninetales from A to A+ (One of the most threatening sweepers, the Passho NP set does very well against balance and Ninetales has high enough Speed to be just as effective against offense).
Piloswine from A to A+ (Another great SR setter with tremendous bulk, its position at #1 in usage stats reflect this (the good stats)).
Bouffalant from A- to A (This was a bit more controversial but the general consensus seemed that Bouffalant's power and bulk made it an A-rank Pokemon easily comparable to current A-rank Pokemon like Purugly and Throh).
Chatot from A- to A (Pretty widely agreed with, Chatter is a bitch and NP Boomburst is great against defense).
Rotom-F from A- to A (Competing with Tauros for the best Choice Scarf user in the tier, but has a bit more set versatility in LO SubSplit (amazing set), Specs, and ChestoRest. A really solid choice as glue on most teams).
Serperior from A- to A (The definition of A-rank, has about 5 viable sets and most of them are up there in terms of "great in the meta". Few counters overall and a reliable sweeper on offense).
Raichu from B+ to A- (Amazing coverage makes it difficult to check by offensive without saccing something, fast Electric-types are common but Raichu is the best in terms of all-out special attacking).
Kadabra remains in A- (Good Pokemon, and I was close to raising it, but the Sash set doesn't hit as hard as it would like and the LO set is ridiculously easy to deal with from offense).
Heatmor from B+ to A- (One of the best wallbreakers in the tier, with mixed coverage there's practically nothing not 2HKOed by it, it's very suitable in A- rank).
Misdreavus from B+ to A- (Best offensive spinblocker, TauntWoW is great against stall due to Misdreavus's great bulk, whereas NP can often get many kills against balance. Fast Taunt is incredibly useful).
Torterra from B+ to A- (Been explained throughout the thread, offensive Pokemon that compares better with A- rank Pokemon than B+ rank Pokemon).
Marowak from B+ to A- (Hits really really hard, staple on Sticky Web but a great offensive SRer on even non SR).
Huntail from A- to B+ (Good in theory, but ridiculously uncommon and in practise it has trouble setting up).
Gogoat from B+ to B (Another uncommon Pokemon, SubBU seems decent but the general consensus is that it's too slow and has annoying 4MSS).
Camerupt remains in B (Best Electric-type check but fares terribly against common SRs and Defoggers limiting its effectiveness as an SR setter, and frail in practise, compounded by no recovery).
Klang from B- to B (It loses a niche with the Musharna ban, but it is still a great mono-attacking sweeper that can setup on many other Pokemon as well like Serperior).
Meowstic-M from B+ to B (Discussed in the thread).
Sliggoo remains in B- (Discussed in the thread).
Murkrow from C+ to B- (No objection).
Solrock from C+ to B- (Discussed in the thread).
Kingler from B- to C+ (Discussed in the thread).
Zweilous from C- to C+ (This was the most agreed ranking for Zweilous, though may change since lost a niche with Musharna ban).
Dusknoir from C- to C+ (I like CB Dusknoir. It hits pretty hard and is pretty bulk and a pretty good spinblocker and I like it. Based on thread opinions, it was somewhere between C and C+, so I gave Dusknoir the benefit of the doubt. Subject to change).
Natu from D to C- (A bit better than D, but still pretty bad).

If you contest a change, feel free to discuss it in the thread.

Pokemon I want discussed:
All of the B ranks! Go through them, see what look appropriately placed, and see what doesn't! All opinions welcome!

also i personally think simipour and clefairy should each rise a bit so lemme know what you think.
Fraxure to B/B+
Fraxure is a pretty hard hitting dragon, with nice set-up in Dragon Dance, a good STAB in Outrage or Dual Chop, coverage with Poison Jab, Superpower or Low Kick, and Aqua Tail, and I feel it is overall better than the likes of Wigglytuff and Metang.

Hippopotas to B-
Hear me out on this, but while I like the little hippo, Sand and decent bulk really shouldn't keep it up to B. While it is a decent SR setter, and has reliable recovery, it is really only good as a support Pokemon, but even then, there aren't many Pokemon that benefit from sand in the tier. A lot of the Rock types in PU are either offensive, or already take on the special attackers they switch into pretty well. The only non Rock type Pokemon that can make good with Sand are Stoutland and Kadabra, Stoutland for Sand Rush and Kadabra for Magic Guard. So in my opinion, I feel Hippo dropping down to B- is fair.
Hippopotas to B-
Hear me out on this, but while I like the little hippo, Sand and decent bulk really shouldn't keep it up to B. While it is a decent SR setter, and has reliable recovery, it is really only good as a support Pokemon, but even then, there aren't many Pokemon that benefit from sand in the tier. A lot of the Rock types in PU are either offensive, or already take on the special attackers they switch into pretty well. The only non Rock type Pokemon that can make good with Sand are Stoutland and Kadabra, Stoutland for Sand Rush and Kadabra for Magic Guard. So in my opinion, I feel Hippo dropping down to B- is fair.
I don't honestly think this is fair; sand is something which is quickly becoming popular in the tier if not already and Hippopotas is the only Pokemon which has access to it without having to rely on using Sandstorm. It doesn't have to come in; take a hit and then set up sand. Instead you can sack Hippopotas on the same turn as the sand comes in which is really useful. Stoutland is a monster in the sand and that support from Hippopotas is really useful in saving sand turns. I'm not really too concerned on how many Pokemon in the tier actually benefit from sand; instead I'm focused on what the ones who do such as Stoutland do to take advantage.

Hippopotas is also fucking adorable I think it should really stay where it is but that's just me.
I don't honestly think this is fair; sand is something which is quickly becoming popular in the tier if not already and Hippopotas is the only Pokemon which has access to it without having to rely on using Sandstorm. It doesn't have to come in; take a hit and then set up sand. Instead you can sack Hippopotas on the same turn as the sand comes in which is really useful. Stoutland is a monster in the sand and that support from Hippopotas is really useful in saving sand turns. I'm not really too concerned on how many Pokemon in the tier actually benefit from sand; instead I'm focused on what the ones who do such as Stoutland do to take advantage.

Hippopotas is also fucking adorable I think it should really stay where it is but that's just me.

The problem is that sand faces a lot of competition from sun, which has many viable sweepers in it, like Ninetales, Victreebel, Sawsbuck, and more, that make up for Drought banned in PU. And while I agree that Stoutland is a monster in sand, it does good amounts of work outside of it with Intimidate and Scrappy, while Hippos only niche is getting up sand and SR, maybe a Toxic or Whirlwind. I wouldn't have a problem with it staying at B if there was more viable Pokemon in PU that actually benefit from sand, instead of Stoutland and a few bulky Rock types.
and yes hippopotas is pretty dang cute
The problem is that sand faces a lot of competition from sun, which has many viable sweepers in it, like Ninetales, Victreebel, Sawsbuck, and more, that make up for Drought banned in PU. And while I agree that Stoutland is a monster in sand, it does good amounts of work outside of it with Intimidate and Scrappy, while Hippos only niche is getting up sand and SR, maybe a Toxic or Whirlwind. I wouldn't have a problem with it staying at B if there was more viable Pokemon in PU that actually benefit from sand, instead of Stoutland and a few bulky Rock types.
and yes hippopotas is pretty dang cute
The difference is with sun is that it actually relies on them using Sunny Day unlike Hippo which as I stated can switch-in and bring up the Sand straight away. The only reason to use Hippo is sand. If not, then it is outclassed by other Pokemon which is shown in my Hippo analysis if you want to take a look. Honestly, I don't think sand is getting enough credit in the argument but sand teams pretty much rely on Hippopotas which is why it is fine where it is. I see sand the most as of now but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
Gourgeist, Gourgeist-L, and Illumise to D-
all of these have the same thing in common: everything they can do is done slightly better by other Pokemon. Because of this, they should all be in the same rank. Since Illumise dropping to E was opposed on the account that it wasn't bad, just entirely outclassed, D- is where they fit best.

There are a few NFEs in the D ranks that stick out to me as being really questionable in terms of deserving a spot on this list. These are Growlithe, Pikachu, and Porygon. I haven't used any of these Pokemon, but I can't see any reason why you'd want to. Looking at them individually:


Pikachu is just so absurdly frail that I can't see why you would ever consider it over Raichu or Zebstrika, which, while also frail, actually have the bulk to take a hit when necessary. Additionally, its base 90 Speed is really mediocre for something that can't take a hit to save its life. If those flaws weren't enough, it's not even that much stronger than Raichu:

252 SpA Light Ball Pikachu Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Sneasel: 207-244 (82.4 - 97.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Raichu Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Sneasel: 188-224 (74.9 - 89.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

All in all, Pikachu has absolutely zero niche, so I can't see why it should remain ranked.


Growlithe's supposed niche is that it is the most physically bulky fire-type in the tier because of intimidate. However, this is really quite trivial when when you consider that Growlithe has pretty much zero offensive presence, especially when you compare it to Specially Defensive Flare Blitz Flareon, the fact that it's weak to Stealth Rock without Leftovers to passively heal off the damage, the fact that a lot of physical attackers can just hit it with Knock Off and render it useless, and most importantly, the fact that Fire isn't even a good physically defensive type. The only relevant physical attackers that it walls by virtue of its typing are Scyther, Flareon (which can even switch into Growlithe's Flare Blitz and 2HKO with a bit of prior damage if it's CB lol), and Rapidash (which is pushing it in terms of being relevant). This begs the question: Why not just use a different physical wall that has a good defensive typing and can actually hurt things in return? While Growlithe is the best physically defensive Fire-type available in PU, why would anyone possibly need a physically defensive Fire-type?


I don't know what this is even supposed to do honestly. Defensive sets are hopelessly outclassed by Lickilicky. Tank sets have Trace and good coverage I guess, but they're very weak and aren't even that bulky at all. For example:

252 Atk Life Orb Sneasel Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Porygon: 149-177 (44.6 - 52.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Porygon Tri Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Sneasel: 136-162 (54.1 - 64.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

252 SpA Life Orb Ninetales Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Porygon: 144-172 (43.1 - 51.4%) -- 97.7% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Porygon Tri Attack vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Ninetales: 109-129 (37.6 - 44.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Overall, Porygon isn't bulky, isn't strong, and overall has no real niche that I can see. I really don't see why it's ranked at all.

Will make actual relevant noms later

Also Froggyboy sun doesn't affect the viability of sand at all, they're completely different playstyles lol. also, stoutland is horribly outclassed outside of sand. personally I think stoutland and baby hippo should be in the same rank, but that's for another post.
Also Froggyboy sun doesn't affect the viability of sand at all, they're completely different playstyles lol. also, stoutland is horribly outclassed outside of sand. personally I think stoutland and baby hippo should be in the same rank, but that's for another post.
And I never denied that, but the fact that Hippo can do literally nothing other than set up sand for only Stoutland and maybe a bulky Rock type, and set up rocks, before dying makes me feel it should drop, while there are plenty of sun sweepers and a few setters(be it with Sunny Day) that makes me feel it is a better weather. I understand that sand is generally a more bulky style of play, while sun is basically 'SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP'. And I wouldn't say Stoutland is horribly outclassed outside of sand, it gets two good abilities and has a nice movepool to back it.

The difference is with sun is that it actually relies on them using Sunny Day unlike Hippo which as I stated can switch-in and bring up the Sand straight away. The only reason to use Hippo is sand. If not, then it is outclassed by other Pokemon which is shown in my Hippo analysis if you want to take a look. Honestly, I don't think sand is getting enough credit in the argument but sand teams pretty much rely on Hippopotas which is why it is fine where it is. I see sand the most as of now but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
I agree, Hippo has that niche of being the only instant weather setter(Outside of Snover) in the tier, but as I see it, if its only niche is setting up sand for 1 or 2 Pokemon, while the rest of the team is support, I feel it should drop to B-
And I never denied that, but the fact that Hippo can do literally nothing other than set up sand for only Stoutland and maybe a bulky Rock type, and set up rocks, before dying makes me feel it should drop, while there are plenty of sun sweepers and a few setters(be it with Sunny Day). And I wouldn't say Stoutland is horribly outclassed outside of sand, it gets two good abilities and has a nice movepool to back it.
You're not meant to leave Hippo in? You switch in to set up Sand and switch out to preserve the sand turns and use it later on in the battle unless you're sure that it can survive a hit against whatever is in to get the chance to set up the Stealth Rock and proceed to Slack Off. You're meant to keep it throughout the game until you're ready to sack it when you're sure Stoutland or something else can clean-up. 'and set up rocks, before dying makes me feel it should drop' don't keep it in. If anything it should be one of the last Pokemon to die in the match.

You're not giving it enough credit. It doesn't die from everything.
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Hippo + stoutland to B+/A- (both of them in the same rank). Sand is an amazing playstyle right now, as with a bit of support, Stoutland can tear apart teams. I have already talked about sand before, but i dont think i mentioned enough about viability. I do know you cant just put a stoutland on a team and expect results, but when you put it on a team with hippo you usually get results. Stoutland vs offensive literally dismantles it, nothing likes switching in, and common offense normal resists get destroyed by coverage (crunch for haunter, superpower for carracosta), and its really hard to revenge kill due to excellent bulk. It, like any other wall breaker, is also a pain for stall. Hippo deserves the same rank because its what makes stoutland threatening, otherwise it is practically a worse bouffalant, which brings me onto my point that they should be the same rank; scrappy/intimidate stoutland would be d-rank, which isnt enough to bump it a rank above hippo.

Clefairy to C+/B-. Im serious, this is the most underrated pokemon in the meta game. It has the ability to set up calm minds on passive shit like lickilicky (dragon tail isnt saving you this time), and although needs a couple boosts in order to hit hard, it can get those boosts. Fairy is a cool typing right now, steel types are average at best (apart from waifudam-t), poison types are ok, garbodor being the only legit one that poses a threat; rose is set up fodder and gets roasted by a flamethrower (arbok also is a slightly relevant threat to it thinking about it). It has decent bulk with eviolite + max defense, and after a few calm mind boosts its hard to break. Toxic spikes support is really effective, preventing things from staying in fishing for a crit and clef can just softboiled as they die from poison. It does have several flaws; relies on its item, HO have reliable ways to beat it, but that is why im nom'ing it for a lowish rank, especcially considering how it can beat defensive/balanced teams with little support.

I also could see snover moving up as it lets lucky players, such as galbia, dodge ever attack using snow cloak, and blizz spam as a whole is a valid playstyle; looking at the top of the VR, not much appreciates a blizzard and thunderbolt/freeze dry. (this is somewhat serious, ice is a good type in this meta)
Eh, Porygon can set up Trick Room effectively because of its decent bulk and has instant Recovery that doesn't force you to run Protect most of the times, i'm completely fine with Porygon being in D Rank, it's not like it was very high already.

Duosion for B-/B and Beheeyem for B/B+

Since Musharna is now gone, these two are probably the most effective replacement to Musharna, and aren't half bad in the first place, they were just, well, outclassed, but now that Mush is gone, and with the rise of Poliwrath, these two are probably getting better, and it's not like i asked A Ranks, that's just pure logic to me.


Growlithe's supposed niche is that it is the most physically bulky fire-type in the tier because of intimidate. However, this is really quite trivial when when you consider that Growlithe has pretty much zero offensive presence, especially when you compare it to Specially Defensive Flare Blitz Flareon, the fact that it's weak to Stealth Rock without Leftovers to passively heal off the damage, the fact that a lot of physical attackers can just hit it with Knock Off and render it useless, and most importantly, the fact that Fire isn't even a good physically defensive type. The only relevant physical attackers that it walls by virtue of its typing are Scyther, Flareon (which can even switch into Growlithe's Flare Blitz and 2HKO with a bit of prior damage if it's CB lol), and Rapidash (which is pushing it in terms of being relevant). This begs the question: Why not just use a different physical wall that has a good defensive typing and can actually hurt things in return? While Growlithe is the best physically defensive Fire-type available in PU, why would anyone possibly need a physically defensive Fire-type?.

Very happy that now I have some feedback to work with on Growlithe as I was the one who suggested it. It has pretty much zero offensive presence (like you said) and its typing is really "meh" defensively besides the notable counters I listed. I have since come across a Pokemon I never considered before, Swadloon. I think Growlithe should be put dow-- I mean, moved from D to unlisted/D- because despite its niche as the strongest Fire-type physical wall, its offensive presence is too small and its list of checks are too prominent in the metagame. Thank you for the feedback, Magnemite. :)
I'm not sure what Growlithe is even supposed to respond to in the meta that isn't already dealt with something much better. For all intents and purposes I'd rather use a goddamn defensive Slack Off Monferno than use a Growlithe, since it is completely superior to Growlithe stat-wise, not SR weak, actually resists Dark, has decent speed for a wall, and at the very least has Iron Fist Mach Punch to keep Sneasel in check at all times; and defensive Monferno isn't even that good. Why use Growlithe at all??
I agree with Fletchinder Magnemite in pretty much everything, but i going to test Porygon one of this days, he can have niche, maybe.
Ursaring from B+ to A-/A
One of the best Normal-Types in the tier, the best SW abuser and awesome wallbreaker. Him have perfect coverage in 3 moves, good bulk, can absorb status, and have access to a 140 BP STAB move. Is bad against weather and fast teams in general, but can destroy everything else without trouble.
Mightyena form B to B-
He have bad power before the first kill (and bad bulk/speed all the time), and we already have tons of mons than can sweep during the late game, and Mighty is useless before the lategame in most cases. And i never see him work anyway.
Metang from B- to C
Why use him over Golem, Carracosta, Piloswine, Torterra, or at least Bastiodon? Him have no offensive pressence, is a big set up fodder to pretty much everything, and cannot do a sh*t to Ava/War/Defoggers other than toxic them, but everything learns Toxic anyway, and Bullet Punch do next to no damage.

Im a bit unsure about Gogoat right now, is good mon, but is a inferior Serperior in most cases, SD Serp is a thing cause Knock Off. And being a Sub user slower than Chatot is bad, even more if him can switch into most of your moves.
And i want to hear something about Vigoroth, i fight the BU set the other day and was a hell to take down without a Circle user, or Haunter/Offensive Missdrevuss. And i like the Stall Breaker set.

An is true than Clefairy is underrated, she should be B-, is easily to find team unprepared for Clefa, and in PU you dont find Steel Moves, and the only relevant poison than can counter it must be Garbodor. But in the other hand, be a set up fodder for Ninetales hurts, and need every Knock Off user dead, she is average/bad without eviolite.

At first, it seem quite insane, due to Regigigas being atrocious and almost impossible to set up... That's not true, we are in PU. I must say, a lot of pokemons of the tier aren't terribad at their job, but are huge set up fodder for any pokemon ( Watortle, Bastiodon, and others... )
Which means Regigigas CAN SET UP PROPERLY WITHOUT MUCH TROUBLE, let me remind you that Gigas has 110/110/110 Bulk, a very sweet bulk allowing Gigas to set up on most supports or defensive mons in the tier w/out Toxic, as well as creating Subs that can 1 Seismic Toss, which is pretty cool.
As i'm sure you all know, Regigigas is a killer after 5 turns, and it has access to perfect coverage with Knock Off/Drain Punch, and Drain Punch in itself is an okay offensive recovery.
Overall, Regigigas isn't as bad as all pokemons that you can find in E Rank, i can understand why people putted him in E at first, because he looks awful in paper, but the meta isn't as aggressive as others metas, it's not a challenge anymore to successfully set up Regigigas.
Only n00bs lose to that shit.
nuvs like me obv
Im for D-/D, his bulk make him viable, but have a good amount of common checks (SubDisableHaunter, Golem, Torterra, Throh, etc., and some Bulky/offensive teams have like 4/5 checks by pure luck), him is bad, but have a niche.
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wtf mightyena is a huge threat, if anything it should go up. It's literally one of the best mons against offence.
Hmmmm, your arguments are well thought out and quite eloquent, but I'd have to disagree. It has middling speed, meh attack, unreliable priority, and its coverage is just dark and fairy (and fire fang lol). It's not hard to deprive it of a moxie boost and easy to revenge even if it has one. With so many good sweepers, Mighteyana is just outclassed
wtf mightyena is a huge threat, if anything it should go up. It's literally one of the best mons against offence.
The things is than i never see him work, maybe i need to find one in good hands or something.
Is hard to find time to set up with him, because you need something to kill, and him does not even learn Pursuit.
And PU is pretty bulky, you find more Balance and Bulky offensive teams than HO with more than one member who can be killed by Mighty without trouble.
Him is only good during the late game, during the rest of the battle is pretty mediocre.
STAB Sucker Punch is a cool thing and give him some revenge kill potential, but other mons like Sneasel or Basculin have much better speed tier and rely less on their priority.
He have a bad speed tier, bad bulk, rely on Sucker Punch and more Checks than most offensive mons.
Him can be deadly with the right support, but need more support than many others, even B- sounds high for me...
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Hmmmm, your arguments are well thought out and quite eloquent, but I'd have to disagree. It has middling speed, meh attack, unreliable priority, and its coverage is just dark and fairy (and fire fang lol). It's not hard to deprive it of a moxie boost and easy to revenge even if it has one. With so many good sweepers, Mighteyana is just outclassed

Thanks for calling me out on making a shitty one liner with a shitty, incorrect one liner.

Its attack, base 90, obviously looks weak in any other tier, but in PU 90 is pretty much standard with top threats of the tier like sneasel (95), ninetales (81), serperior (75), raichu (90) not hitting any harder than mightyena with their respective offensive STAB, especially when you consider that these mons can't afford to run adamant or modest where mightyena can. Talking about sucker punch as if it's useless because it doesn't always connect is laughable. In S and A ranks there are only two mons who are faster than mightyena and run sub and this is the only mind game worth mentioning imo. If there is a mon faster than you which can nasty plot or swords dance or do anything like that, you keep sucker punching until they attack. Since i adopted this policy of sucker punching 8 times i have never lost a mindgame like this and i've laddered extensively with mightyena (I'm currently #1). When you then consider that mightyena's sucker punch is actually the most powerful priority in the tier, I don't think it's fair to dismiss it on the claim that it's "unreliable". Of course, its speed and priority go hand in hand and seeing as the only thing faster than him that he wants to hit with coverage is sneasel (which takes about 50% from an unboosted sucker and is ohko'd after rocks by a +1 sucker) it really doesn't matter that much that his speed is low. Talking about Dark and Fairy coverage as if they're bad is a joke to me as well as they are to of the best offensive types in the game that complement each other pretty well. In PU, it's perfect neutral coverage but more importantly, play rough hits all the things that mightyena can't hit with crunch and that includes poliwrath, throh, eviolite sneasel (you can tank any hit from it) vullaby and any others that i haven't thought of. If it wants to run extra coverage, it can run ice fang to hit potential checks a little harder such as golem, togetic and torterra. I personally run taunt over ice fang to give it a little extra utility but that's besides the point.
Your next point is what i have the most problems with.
It's not hard to deprive it of a moxie boost and easy to revenge even if it has one.
This comment makes me feel like you've never used or played against mightyena because anyone who has played a decent player using it would know that that's not true in the slightest. Mightyena is a mid-late game cleaner so should mainly be used once the opponents team is worn down. The reason you use it is because it's incredibly good at getting boosts without having to set up. If you think that sneasel's knock ooff is a potent attack, mightyena's crunch is very close behind, doing an average of a bout 5% less. Once it's got a moxie boost, your claim that it's easy to revenge kill is even more ridiculous. Here are some calcs of good mons.
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Poliwrath: 244-289 (63.5 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Sneasel: 174-205 (69.3 - 81.6%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Ninetales: 274-325 (95.1 - 112.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Scyther: 261-308 (92.8 - 109.6%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tauros: 227-269 (78 - 92.4%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Fire Fang vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Rotom-F: 224-265 (92.9 - 109.9%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Throh: 374-442 (84.2 - 99.5%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Crunch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raichu: 234-277 (89.6 - 106.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

The fact that it has the most powerful priority in the tier and can grab boosts without any set up clearly shows that it's not outclassed in this role. It's far better than any B- mon and I'd consider it better than a lot of B+ mons. Don't move it down.
Thanks for calling me out on making a shitty one liner with a shitty, incorrect one liner.

Its attack, base 90, obviously looks weak in any other tier, but in PU 90 is pretty much standard with top threats of the tier like sneasel (95), ninetales (81), serperior (75), raichu (90) not hitting any harder than mightyena with their respective offensive STAB, especially when you consider that these mons can't afford to run adamant or modest where mightyena can. Talking about sucker punch as if it's useless because it doesn't always connect is laughable. In S and A ranks there are only two mons who are faster than mightyena and run sub and this is the only mind game worth mentioning imo. If there is a mon faster than you which can nasty plot or swords dance or do anything like that, you keep sucker punching until they attack. Since i adopted this policy of sucker punching 8 times i have never lost a mindgame like this and i've laddered extensively with mightyena (I'm currently #1). When you then consider that mightyena's sucker punch is actually the most powerful priority in the tier, I don't think it's fair to dismiss it on the claim that it's "unreliable". Of course, its speed and priority go hand in hand and seeing as the only thing faster than him that he wants to hit with coverage is sneasel (which takes about 50% from an unboosted sucker and is ohko'd after rocks by a +1 sucker) it really doesn't matter that much that his speed is low. Talking about Dark and Fairy coverage as if they're bad is a joke to me as well as they are to of the best offensive types in the game that complement each other pretty well. In PU, it's perfect neutral coverage but more importantly, play rough hits all the things that mightyena can't hit with crunch and that includes poliwrath, throh, eviolite sneasel (you can tank any hit from it) vullaby and any others that i haven't thought of. If it wants to run extra coverage, it can run ice fang to hit potential checks a little harder such as golem, togetic and torterra. I personally run taunt over ice fang to give it a little extra utility but that's besides the point.
Your next point is what i have the most problems with. This comment makes me feel like you've never used or played against mightyena because anyone who has played a decent player using it would know that that's not true in the slightest. Mightyena is a mid-late game cleaner so should mainly be used once the opponents team is worn down. The reason you use it is because it's incredibly good at getting boosts without having to set up. If you think that sneasel's knock ooff is a potent attack, mightyena's crunch is very close behind, doing an average of a bout 5% less. Once it's got a moxie boost, your claim that it's easy to revenge kill is even more ridiculous. Here are some calcs of good mons.
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Poliwrath: 244-289 (63.5 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Sneasel: 174-205 (69.3 - 81.6%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Ninetales: 274-325 (95.1 - 112.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Scyther: 261-308 (92.8 - 109.6%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tauros: 227-269 (78 - 92.4%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Fire Fang vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Rotom-F: 224-265 (92.9 - 109.9%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Throh: 374-442 (84.2 - 99.5%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Life Orb Mightyena Crunch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raichu: 234-277 (89.6 - 106.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

The fact that it has the most powerful priority in the tier and can grab boosts without any set up clearly shows that it's not outclassed in this role. It's far better than any B- mon and I'd consider it better than a lot of B+ mons. Don't move it down.

My problem with the list of damage calcs is that it ignores the large list of defensive mons that can easily take hits from Mighteyana, and personally I've never had a problem with that because most don't carry pursuit to guarantee a moxie boost. Lots of things like Serperior, Lickilicky, Golem, Hippopotas, Pelipper, Avalugg, etc can handle it (sorry for lack of calcs, but on mobile device) and phase or kill it. My issue is that it needs a +1 boost to even take out a 4 defense Marowak. Yes you have to play it right late game for it to work, I've just never had an issue. That being said, I'm willing to admit that it doesn't deserve to drop below Arbok and Keckleon, but putting it on the same level as Basculin might be too much. I guess I'll have to go build a team around mighteyana now.
Tl;dr a drop might not be necessary, but a boost is probably pushing it
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