Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 44 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I'll trade any megastones for a meloetta or a mew. I do not care about IVS or natures. I do not want shiny versions. Pm me if you are interested.
Does anyone happen to have this little guy? Looking for the Tanabata Festival Jirachi specifically. I'm not asking for it for free; I have lots of 5-6IV Kalos breed shinnies to offer for her. Her IVs doesn't have to be perfect but I'd appreciate it being Calm or Careful nature if possible, if not then don't worry about it c: Anyways comment or inbox if interested in trading for her! Thanks for your time!

im looking for the following 5iv 4 egg move pokemon cmt for any of these:
a luxury or timer ball timburr(1 with guts and 1 with iron fist)(adamant nature)(clones will be okay because of the low gender ratio)
and a quick ball immunity gligar(impish nature)
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Hi, I'm looking for roughly 200 Pokémon, does anyone need anything from me?
17 Pigeotto
20 Raticate
21 Spearow
22 Fearow
23 Ekans
24 Arbok
26 Raichu
28 Sandslash
30 Nidorina
31 Nidoqueen
52 Meowth
53 Persian
54 Psyduck
57 Primeape
67 Machoke
70 Weepinbell
71 Victreebel
82 Magneton
84 Doduo
85 Dodrio
86 Seel
95 Onix
96 Drowzee
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
118 Goldeen
119 Seaking
126 Magmar
139 Omastar

153 Bayleef
156 Quilava
159 Croconaw
164 Noctowl
166 Ledian
167 Spinarak
177 Natu
178 Xatu
190 Aipom
191 Sunkern
192 Sunflora
199 Slowking
200 Misdreavus
201 Unown
202 Wobbuffet
203 Giragarig
204 Pineco
205 Forretress
206 Dunsparce
208 Steelix
211 Qwilfish
217 Ursaring
218 Slugma
219 Magcargo
221 Piloswine
222 Corsola
223 Remoraid
225 Delibird
229 Houndoom
236 Tyrouge
241 Miltak

253 Grovyle
256 Combusken
262 Mightyena
274 Nuzleaf
275 Shiftry
277 Swellow
284 Masquerain
288 Vigoroth
292 Shedinja
298 Azurill
299 Nosepass
301 Delcatty
313 Volbeat
316 Gulpin
317 Swalot
325 Spoink
326 Grumpig
327 Spinda
329 Vibrava
331 Cacnea
332 Cacturne
336 Seviper
338 Solrock
339 Barboach
340 Whiscash
343 Baltoy
353 Shuppet
354 Banette
358 Chimecho
360 Wynaut
361 Snorunt
364 Sealeo
365 Walrein
367 Huntail
370 Luvdisc
372 Shelgon
378 Regice...

387 Turtwig
388 Grotle
389 Torterra
391 Monferno
394 Prinplup
397 Staravia
399 Bidoof
400 Bibarel
401 Kricketot
402 Kricketune
404 Luxio
405 Luxray
406 Budew
412 Burmy
413 Wormadam
414 Mothim
415 Combee
416 Vespiquen
420 Cherubi
421 Cherrim
422 Shellos
426 Drifblim
429 Mismagius
431 Glameow
432 Purugly
433 Chingling
434 Stunky
438 Bonsly
439 Mime Jr.
440 Happiny
441 Chatot
453 Croagunk
454 Toxicroak
456 Finneon
457 Lumineon
458 Mantyke
464 Rhyperior
470 Leafeon
471 Glaceon
476 Probopass
477 Dusknoir
478 Froslass
486 Regigigas
489 Phione

496 Servine
498 Tepig
499 Pignite
500 Emboar
502 Dewott
503 Samurott
504 Patrat
505 Watchdog
506 Lillipup
507 Herdier
510 Liepard
511 Pansage
512 Simisage
513 Pansear
514 Simisear
515 Panpour
516 Simipour
518 Musharna
519 Pidove
520 Tranquill
521 Unfezant
522 Blitzle
523 Zebstrika
524 Roggenrola
525 Boldore
526 Gigalith
528 Swoobat
532 Timburr
535 Tympole
536 Palpitoad
537 Seismitoad
538 Throh
540 Sewaddle
541 Swadloon
542 Leavanny
544 Whirlipede
548 Petilil
550 Basculin
551 Sandile
552 Krokorok
555 Darmanitan
556 Maractus
557 Dwebble
558 Crustle
561 Sigilyph
563 Cogarigus
568 Trubbish
570 Zorua
571 Zoroark
572 Minccino
573 Cinccino
574 Gothita
576 Gothitelle
578 Duosion
580 Ducklett
581 Swanna
583 Vanillish
585 Deerling
586 Sawsbuck
587 Emolga
589 Escavalier
590 Foongus
591 Amoonguss
593 Jellicent
594 Alomomola
600 Klang
601 Klinklang
603 Eelektrik
604 Eelektross
605 Elgyem
606 Beheeyem
608 Lampent
614 Beartic
615 Cryogonal
617 Accelgor
618 Stunfisk
626 Bouffalant
627 Rufflet
628 Braviary
630 Mandibuzz
631 Heatmor
632 Durant

660 Diggersby
665 Spewpa
669 Flabebe
670 Floette
671 Florges
673 Gogoat
678 Meowstic
680 Doublade
682 Spritzee
683 Aromatisse
685 Slurpuff
687 Malamar
691 Dragalge
693 Clawitzer
695 Heliolisk
698 Amaura
699 Aurorus
702 Dedenne
706 Goodra
710 Pumkaboo [Needs to hold Everstone]
712 Begmite
Anyone have a groudon? Just need to fill the pokedex entry and then swap back. I'm getting back into pokemon
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I can't find a better spot to ask this, but I have no idea at all how to scan peoples secret bases QR codes. I tried the 3DS camera from home but that doesn't work.

Googling has been no help, every how to topic leaves out the actual scanning...
I can't find a better spot to ask this, but I have no idea at all how to scan peoples secret bases QR codes. I tried the 3DS camera from home but that doesn't work.

Googling has been no help, every how to topic leaves out the actual scanning...
in the pc at your base you need to select find a secret base i believe it is under manage qr code settings.
Have 4 female Adamant repeat ball scythers with Defog/night slash/baton pass. These are free 5 IV spitbacks because I hate WonderTrade and you guys will make better use of them. PM me if you'd like one.
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