Genmons [Playable on rom!]

Oh lord, setup sweepers everywhere...
Clefable might surprisingly be worth using despite the lack of both Moonblast and Calm Mind. Magic Guard sets are obviously garbage now, but...

It still gets Softboiled, Fire Blast and BoltBeam coverage, plus other old moves such as Shadow Ball and Giga Drain. I wouldn't call that garbage. Yes it lacks STAB, but with its coverage and LO-boosted power, it's still pretty effective. Togekiss is probably a better fairy though, with air slash, nasty plot, aura sphere and shadow ball available.
It still gets Softboiled, Fire Blast and BoltBeam coverage, plus other old moves such as Shadow Ball and Giga Drain. I wouldn't call that garbage. Yes it lacks STAB, but with its coverage and LO-boosted power, it's still pretty effective. Togekiss is probably a better fairy though, with air slash, nasty plot, aura sphere and shadow ball available.
"Garbage" may have been harsh, but Clefable has rather lousy damage with anything but Moonblast -- base 95 special attack is pretty weak even with a Life Orb. With no way to boost it, the only real draw of using Clefable is its typing and Magic Guard. Alakazam is from the same generation and not only has access to the same moves and ability, but is faster, more powerful and can utilize STAB. If you want a Bulky Magic Guard user, Reuniclus also gets STAB (Psystrike) as well as a boosting move (Quiver Dance). If you just want a Fairy Type, Aromatisse/Florges can utilize STAB Fairy coverage and have similar or greater bulk. As you mentioned, Togekiss is also a better choice, as it has a boosting move as well as STAB (Air Slash).

Speaking of Fairy types, this occurred to me:


Slurpuff @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Oblivion Wing
- Steam Eruption/King's Shield/(coverage)

It's 4AM and I'm too tired to check how this stacks up to Florges (I know Slurpuff has generally lower stats), but Unburden + Geomancy gives you so much speed that I'm pretty sure you can just invest in bulk and go Modest to outspeed everything in the game. Oblivion Wing gives coverage and recovery, while Steam Eruption is your best option to hit Steel types. King's Shield can also be used to screw with physical attackers that Geomancy doesn't protect you from, allowing you to heal up and whittle them down.
A belly drum set would still probably be better on slurpuff, considering its just not that powerful. The bulk is good, but the power just is...meh, and only getting to set up once sucks.
A belly drum set would still probably be better on slurpuff, considering its just not that powerful. The bulk is good, but the power just is...meh, and only getting to set up once sucks.
Slurpuff cannot use Belly Drum in Genmons... However, if you're into that kind of things, there's BellySpeed Ursaring (with Guts for even more pain).

EDIT : Greninja'd.
Serperior un fortis natty loses leaf storm but gains a few awsome moves.
v-create plus contrary is the only reason to use it with bulk boosting at the same time as speed
Stored power for some actual power out put
horn leach due to its loss of synthesis
dragon tail for phasing
Bolt strike gives some nice power as well as a way to spread status
scald because scald
basic lyrics went from late game cleaner plus ant roTom to unbreakable boosting wall and phenomenal let game cleaner via speed bulk and stored power
to bad it lost synthesis and aromatheorpy
It looks like none of the Contrary users have anything relevant to use, unless you want to try sweeping with Dragon/Fire-spamming special Spinda. The problem with a V-create + Stored Power set is that most other Gen 5 Pokemon outclass it, as Quiver Dance and Shell Smash are widely available -- Swoobat gets STAB, Simple, and Special Attack. If you want a bulky Speed-boosting set, you could run Quiver Dance/Stored Power Leftovers Musharna invested in physical Defense, which serves mostly the same purpose. A bulky phasing set might work on Serperior if Gen 5 had any relevant recovery moves, as unboosted Horn Leech coming off base 75 Attack won't be able to mitigate enough damage even with Leftovers. This is the best I can think of running.


Serperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- V-create
- Dragon Tail/Circle Throw
- Horn Leech/Circle Throw/Dragon Tail
- Scald/Stored Power

Phasing moves have negative priority, so the speed boosts from V-create are kind of pointless, but they're nice to have anyway. You'll get walled by a type no matter which phasing move you choose, so pick your poision. Horn Leech gives you (weak) recovery and (weak) STAB, so you can either run it or the second phasing move to dissuade Fairy and Ghost types. Scald spreads burns, which is always nice, and Stored Power does...mediocre damage even at max power. You can't reliably 2HKO yourself.

0 SpA Serperior Stored Power (380 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Serperior: 160-189 (45.1 - 53.3%) -- 35.5% chance to 2HKO
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Phasing moves have negative priority, so the speed boosts from V-create are kind of pointless -- Contrary Shell Smash boosts defensive stats quicker, so it's more effective for a set like this. You'll get walled by a type no matter which phasing move you choose, so I put on both. Scald is there entirely for the burn chance, as the damage is pitiful. You could also run Horn Leech or Stored Power in the last slot, but the former gets weaker the more you boost and the latter is still pretty weak at 260 bp.
Your defensive stats change at the same rate as v-create (1 per use), just so you know, but I suppose Shell Smash does have its merits (more PP!).
Your defensive stats change at the same rate as v-create (1 per use), just so you know, but I suppose Shell Smash does have its merits (more PP!).
I was under the impression the Shell Smash lowered your defensive stats by 2...looks like I was wrong. In that case, V-create is definitely Seperior superior. Let me edit that set.
Can someone post a few replays so I can get a feel of the meta? Sorry if they have been posted already, I tried my best to look.
Oh baby.

Swoobat @ White Herb/Leftovers?/Life Orb?
Ability: Simple
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Quiver Dance/Shell Smash
- Cotton Guard/filler of sorts
- Stored Power
- Secret Sword

Sure it's beat by priority but one boost and it's an instant wrecking ball.
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Not sure if this has been mentioned but Clawitzer gets boosted STAB Origin Pulse.
Maybe a high damage out put tank like this would work:

Clawitzer @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Origin Pulse
- Steam Eruption
- Oblivion Wing / Filler
- Filler

Or you could go for a Specs or Geomancy set, but even at +2 its pretty slow.
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Add freeze dry to hit water types, water/freeze dry is phenominal coverage or opt for more power and take boom burst
Nuzzel gives you a nice support option is preaty much ideal for an assult vest user
Let's see, what does Togekiss get?
Ohh, it gets Rock Polish... and chatter... and aura sphere... and air slash... and nasty plot... and discharge...

FUCK ELECTRIC TYPE (Togekiss)@Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
- Air Slash
- Discharge
- Roost
- Chatter

yup. THIS is motherfucking paraflinchfusion. Add Dugtrio and watch stuff die cuz of ur skill!
Let's see, what does Togekiss get?
Ohh, it gets Rock Polish... and chatter... and aura sphere... and air slash... and nasty plot... and discharge...

FUCK ELECTRIC TYPE (Togekiss)@Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
- Air Slash
- Discharge
- Roost
- Chatter

yup. THIS is motherfucking paraflinchfusion. Add Dugtrio and watch stuff die cuz of ur skill!
And it gets Gen 2 moves!
Everything from Gen 2 gets Belly Drum, Extremespeed, Crunch, Sacred Fire, Megahorn, Cross Chop, and Outrage. Stuff like Tyranitar or Ursaring can abuse this:
Tyranitar @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum
- ExtremeSpeed
- Crunch
- Cross Chop/Sacred Fire

Ursaring @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Guts
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum
- ExtremeSpeed
- Crunch
- Cross Chop/Sacred Fire

RIP (and you can't even status Ursaring, or it will just kill you quicker)
Not sure if this has been mentioned but Clawitzer gets boosted STAB Origin Pulse.
Maybe a high damage out put tank like this would work:

Clawitzer @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Origin Pulse
- Steam Eruption
- Oblivion Wing / Filler
- Filler

Or you could go for a Specs or Geomancy set, but even at +2 its pretty slow.
Is bulky Clawitzer even viable? Yes, I know that normally max speed Clawitzer still can't outspeed a lot, but at least it allows it to outspeed *some* walls. Plus, Clawitzer is a wallbreaker, so Assault Vest Clawitzer is much less powerful than LO and Choice Specs variants. On max speed variants though, Timid might be better as it outspeeds Gliscor without speed investment.
I like the sound of this meta but one question so I'm assuming pokemon who got their signature moves at a later generation work like is that not allowed
:/ every time i try to play this comes up with loads of error messages. Do i need to have my team as one gen only? And it keeps on saying stuff like my prankster klefki can't learn those moves. (Spiky shield, Parting shot, Sticky Web, Moonblast). Halp?
:/ every time i try to play this comes up with loads of error messages. Do i need to have my team as one gen only? And it keeps on saying stuff like my prankster klefki can't learn those moves. (Spiky shield, Parting shot, Sticky Web, Moonblast). Halp?
You're mistaking this metagame for Monogen, which can be found here: Monogen is a metagame in which your team has to all come from the same generation, Genmons is a seperate metagame entirely.