Battle of Hoenn [Online Competition] - Finished! Erebyssial Wins!

Comments bolded in the quote
Aggron (The Anti-Mega) @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
  • Heavy Slam
  • Ice Punch
  • Earthquake
  • Thunder Wave
I agree with you that M-Aggron is going to be one of the biggest threats in the metagame, this thing is a beast and nothing does well against it physically. M-Manectric causes all sorts of problems for him though, Volt Switch chunks him hard if they don't outright go for the (likely but not guaranteed) kill with Overheat.

Wigglytuff @ Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk

  • Dazzling Gleam
  • Heal Bell
  • Wish
  • Hyper Voice / Protect
I am not convinced this Wigglytuff isn't just wasted space on your roster; 3v3 is incredibly fast-paced so Wish-passing is iffy when most pokemon are threatening Wigglytuff with a 2hko, and you aren't threatening anything other than Sableye, which any number of specially offensive pokemon can do. Heck, M-Sableye can just CalmMind/Recover and set-up on Wigglytuff all day, so it still wins unless you're catching M-Sableye with Dazzling Gleam on the switch or you crit. If you really want a Competitve user, Milotic has better stats and movepool to abuse it (Especially a Choice Scarf variant, which outruns even M-Manectric), and if you're worried about healing Aggron just run a RestTalk set instead.

Crobat (Brobat) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
  • Brave Bird
  • Cross Poison
  • Roost
  • Taunt
Crobat is up there with Breloom for my MVP pick of this competition, no problems with your set here. I run U-Turn over Taunt, personally, but both choice have their merits.

Machamp @ Assault Vest
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
  • Dynamic Punch
  • Stone Edge
  • Knock Off
  • Bullet Punch
If you're running him purely as a M-Aggron check, as others have said in the thread you're probably better off finding someone with high special attack (M-Manectric, Ninetales, even M-Camerupt). Still, Machamp is a solid choice and his damage is nothing to scoff at. As far as moveset goes you may want to consider a Sash and Ice Punch for Mence, but Aggron is a reliable enough check that you probably don't need to be running an item solely for revenge-killing him.

Ludicolo @ Life Orb

Ability: Swift Swim

EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
  • Hydro Pump
  • Giga Drain
  • Ice Beam
  • Rain Dance
Ludicolo is a terrible Breloom counter, from my experience (Breloom is my lead in 90% of my matches); both are speed 70 so you have to deal with a speed tie, nearly every Breloom has Focus Sash so you can't score the OHKO, and even two hits from Bullet Seed is enough to put you into KO range from Mach Punch. If the Breloom player predicts you switching into the Spore and uses Bullet Seed, this "counter" instantly loses; if he doesn't predict the switch and uses Spore, Ludicolo is still potentially KO'd by a 4 hit Bullet Seed before it attacks or else Ludicolo attacks and Breloom survives anyway to Mach Punch. Roserade in comparison is immune to Spore and resists both of Breloom's STABs, while also outspeeding Azumarill, Swampert, and Ludicolo. My opinion: Unless you're running a dedicated Rain Dance team, Ludicolo is outsped and OHKO'd by almost everything in this competition, and there's precious little it can switch into save Sableye

(This one gets to stay because it's adorable)

Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
  • Moonblast
  • Psyshock
  • Shadow Ball
  • Thunderbolt
Latios @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
  • Draco Meteor
  • Psyshock
  • Shadow Ball
  • Thunderbolt
Scarf Gardevoir/Latios are great for checking/countering a huge number of threats, and I absolutely adore them both. Trace Gardevoir especially, as it can switch into Manectric as it Mega Evolves with little worry, can lead if you think the opponent is leading with a non-Mega Sableye and Trick the Scarf onto it, can switch into Sableye as it Mega-Evolves and threaten it with Moonblast (A 2hko even if it Calm Minds on the switch, or you can laugh as Sableye bounces it's WoW/Taunt back onto itself), and both can outspeed anything in the tier that's isn't +1 M-Mence, Latios potentially even able to run Modest while doing so (You don't outrun +1 M-Sharpedo or M-Blaziken if Jolly, but you still beat Adamant variants). Also, considering how little is actually specially defensive in the tier while having much lower physical defense (Basically M-Gardevoir, Regice and Roserade), Psyshock could probably be exchanged for Psychic for the higher BP and potential SpDef drop.
Sorry if I'm coming off like an asshole in there, I do actually really like your team and it helped me spot a couple glaring holes in mine (I had nothing outside M-Manectric to handle M-Aggron, for example, and I noticed my general over-reliance on Breloom's Sash against teams with more than one potential Breloom check). Wigglytuff seems like it's dragging your team down and Ludicolo is probably better off being swapped for Roserade, but your other four members pose a significant enough threat that I'd be sweating as I looked at them at the start of the match.
Comments bolded in the quote

Sorry if I'm coming off like an asshole in there, I do actually really like your team and it helped me spot a couple glaring holes in mine (I had nothing outside M-Manectric to handle M-Aggron, for example, and I noticed my general over-reliance on Breloom's Sash against teams with more than one potential Breloom check). Wigglytuff seems like it's dragging your team down and Ludicolo is probably better off being swapped for Roserade, but your other four members pose a significant enough threat that I'd be sweating as I looked at them at the start of the match.

Though wigglytuff does drag the team down (he's only good for cleric/wish support and countering m-sableye) I can't see what I'd possibly replace him with. He's a niche but a hard one to replace.

I kinda agree on Ludicolo bUt I haven't looked into roserade yet to justify the change. Also I'm not sure on what roserades base speed is buy I do know that timid Ludicolo speed ties with jolly max speed breloom. Which is pretty good imo.

All in all I still gotta look into my team in work out the kinks. I appreciate your input btw.
I kinda agree on Ludicolo bUt I haven't looked into roserade yet to justify the change. Also I'm not sure on what roserades base speed is buy I do know that timid Ludicolo speed ties with jolly max speed breloom. Which is pretty good imo.
I have used Roserade and just wanted to say it has a base 90 speed which can be pretty useful like outspeeding metagross before it mega evolves, outspeeding neutral salamence before it mega evolves, outspeeding gardevoir before it mega evolves, ect. It also resists fairy and fighting which is nice.

However, if what you are looking for is a more solid breloom counter to replace ludicolo, I don't recommend it. Breloom are usually focus sashed and rock tomb is a guaranteed 2hko on roserade. The only real way a roserade can beat breloom is if it lands the poison with sludge bomb.

252 Atk Technician Breloom Rock Tomb vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Roserade: 72-85 (53.3 - 62.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I remained sceptical that Tyrunt would be given to the west (damn your favoritism GF) but it's been officially announced on the English site:

English PGL said:

Qualified participants in the Battle of Hoenn Online Competition will receive a Tyrunt with a Hidden Ability! To get Tyrunt, competitors must play at least three battles and earn a place in the rankings.

Stay tuned for additional details about this distribution event.

I still think it's weird to see 'Hoenn' and a picture of a Tyrunt but whatever. I guess there isn't anything in the Hoenn dex they could have given us thanks to the DexNav. I don't have time to prepare a real team because of real life but I'll be entering Mega Glalie and my Quick Ball Metagross just for fun (and the Tyrunt ofc)
How would Mega Banette work in this competition?

Knock Off/Sucker Punch off 165 Base Attack is nothing to scoff at. Priority Taunt/Destiny Bond/Will-O-Wisp can surprise many opponents. Not to mention normal Banette is the only pokemon with Insomnia and along with it's Ghost Typing, allows it to switch into Breloom. It can then follow this up with a priority Will-O-Wisp and then finish it off with Shadow Claw. If M-Salamence some how gets to +6, Priority Destiny Bond or even Sucker Punch can save the day.
I know it's a super offensive format, but I'm sorta tempted to run stall. Skarmory + Altaria-M can handle a lot on their own, just need 4 members who can handle specific threats a little better depending on what I see in the other team. I'm thinking Rhyperior for Salamence-M, and maybe Tentacruel for Azumarill (though less switching means less opportunity for Scald spam, hindering his bulkiness).

Not sure about the last two. I am feeling a slight weakness to Metagross that carry Thunder Punch. Adamant CB/LO/Mega does over 50% max to Skarmory. Though I suspect most Mega versions will be Jolly, and non-mega versions are probably better off with a defensive item or Lum Berry. Might use Scarf Magnezone to revenge kill it. That just leaves one spot to fill... Anyone else seeing weaknesses that I'm not?

EDIT: just wanted to reply to the post by BloodRedZangoose above that I didn't notice until now. I feel like having only 3 mons in the battle will limit the effectiveness of hazards and phazing. So I have made some suggestions for your Rhyperior and Tentacruel. Changes in bold.
Thanks so much for your help, Aussie. I'm actually very glad you suggested those changes to Rhyperior, as it is actually how he is set up at the moment, and I was just about to start making the changes! A lot less work for me to do there now, and I do so love Assault Vest Rhyperior. I'm not sure why I went so entry hazard-happy, but I see now why that is so silly in a 3v3 situation. I think I'm going to go for Megahorn, Rock Blast, Ice Punch and Earthquake. It is as you say a great set up to be able to take a hit and punish all those squishies that think they can KO you.

As for Tentacruel, I see now why Knock Off and Toxic Spikes are definitely not the best options. I'm wondering if maybe it is a better idea to run a different Rain Dancer in that case. Maybe the Sableye that jamashawalker suggested above. I do after all have a plethora of Water types already, and Walrein running Toxic. Plus, three possible megas with only two holding stones is a fun way to mess with the opponent's mind. If you think Tentacruel is still the best option, I am wondering why Sludge Wave is your STAB of choice. I noticed that a lot of sets suggest Acid Spray; do you not agree? Curious to hear your thoughts.
I remained sceptical that Tyrunt would be given to the west (damn your favoritism GF) but it's been officially announced on the English site:

I still think it's weird to see 'Hoenn' and a picture of a Tyrunt but whatever. I guess there isn't anything in the Hoenn dex they could have given us thanks to the DexNav. I don't have time to prepare a real team because of real life but I'll be entering Mega Glalie and my Quick Ball Metagross just for fun (and the Tyrunt ofc)

Yeah, me too. If not for Rock Head Tyrunt, I would be spending time doing something else, instead of preparing for this tourney.
I have used Roserade and just wanted to say it has a base 90 speed which can be pretty useful like outspeeding metagross before it mega evolves, outspeeding neutral salamence before it mega evolves, outspeeding gardevoir before it mega evolves, ect. It also resists fairy and fighting which is nice.

However, if what you are looking for is a more solid breloom counter to replace ludicolo, I don't recommend it. Breloom are usually focus sashed and rock tomb is a guaranteed 2hko on roserade. The only real way a roserade can beat breloom is if it lands the poison with sludge bomb.

252 Atk Technician Breloom Rock Tomb vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Roserade: 72-85 (53.3 - 62.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
If you only run a purely offensive Roserade then of course Breloom walks all over you; that's what Sash Breloom does to almost everybody in the competition, and why I was recommending Roserade as a dedicated counter ie has investment designed around exploiting that Breloom build. Even just running 220 EVs in HP turns Rock Tomb into a guaranteed 3hko, if you go to the extreme then 252/188+ makes it a 4hko. As far as speed investment goes, you need 196 speed EVs with a neutral nature (100 EVs with +speed) to outrun maximum investment base 70 Pokemon (Breloom, Ludicolo, Metagross, M-Swampert with no rain), 188 with a +speed nature to outrun maximum investment base 81 Pokemon (Gyarados and Milotic), or 220 with a +speed nature to outrun maximum investment base 85 (Kingdra, Pinsir, Heracross).
If you only run a purely offensive Roserade then of course Breloom walks all over you; that's what Sash Breloom does to almost everybody in the competition, and why I was recommending Roserade as a dedicated counter ie has investment designed around exploiting that Breloom build. Even just running 220 EVs in HP turns Rock Tomb into a guaranteed 3hko, if you go to the extreme then 252/188+ makes it a 4hko. As far as speed investment goes, you need 196 speed EVs with a neutral nature (100 EVs with +speed) to outrun maximum investment base 70 Pokemon (Breloom, Ludicolo, Metagross, M-Swampert with no rain), 188 with a +speed nature to outrun maximum investment base 81 Pokemon (Gyarados and Milotic), or 220 with a +speed nature to outrun maximum investment base 85 (Kingdra, Pinsir, Heracross).
Well I guess if Breloom is really a huge problem. But Adsiduu's team doesnt really seem to be weak to Breloom because of Crobat and Latios/Gardevoir. Even Aggron fails to be 2hko'd by breloom. According to showdown statistics last month, Breloom shows up about in 1/3 of all teams but Adsiduu is probably even going to see even less due to the number of checks that exists in his/her team. Because of this, I do not think it is necessary for Adsiduu to have to add a hard counter to breloom and having Ludicolo is probably fine. I feel this Breloom problem is too overhyped and it shouldnt be that centralizing. (I have experience, I laddered to about 1400 on showdown)

But other than that have you had success with this kind of Roserade? What does it bring to the table other than hard countering Breloom that offensive sash Roserade doesnt?
Yeah, even I'm worried about Breloom, who will probably take both my Metagross and Blaziken to take down. I'm wondering if I should just break the Sash with Bullet Punch, probably let Kachaenk bite the bullet, and let my Blaziken come in and revenge kill? It depends on if Metagross out-speeds, or would probably be Spore fodder.
Yeah, even I'm worried about Breloom, who will probably take both my Metagross and Blaziken to take down. I'm wondering if I should just break the Sash with Bullet Punch, probably let Kachaenk bite the bullet, and let my Blaziken come in and revenge kill? It depends on if Metagross out-speeds, or would probably be Spore fodder.
Well I am not saying that you shouldnt be worry about Breloom. Bringing in two or three checks with one that is grass type or has safety googles is probably sufficient. However, I feel a hard counter + 3 checks for breloom is pretty ridiculous. Also remember sub exists to evade a predicted spore which could be useful for the blazikien vs breloom thing.
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Well I am not saying that you shouldnt be worry about Breloom. Bringing in two or three checks with one that is grass type or has safety googles is probably sufficient. However, I feel a hard counter + 3 checks for breloom is pretty ridiculous. Also remember sub exists to evade a predicted spore which could be useful for the blazikien vs breloom thing.

Good point.
Does anyone else think it would be better to run Substitute instead of Knock Off just for Breloom.
If so, the set would probably look something like this:
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Speed Boost
Item: Blazikenite
EVs: 250 odd Attack; 250 odd Speed
Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Low Kick
Move 3: Flare Blitz
Move 4: Substitute

Or would Blaziken miss Knock Off?
Since Breloom usually runs sash to guarantee a Spore, it can seem essential to run SR, which can be restrictive.

I've been thinking of good abusers of Safety Goggles to take the wind out of his sails and/or faster pokemon with multi hit moves that can take him out and.....this meta is very limited!

Mega Pinsir can run Double hit and take him out: 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Breloom: 612-724 (453.3 - 536.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO however it obviously can't switch into Breloom as it chances running into a Spore or Rock Tomb.

Same with Mega Pinsir: 252 Atk Mega Heracross Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Breloom: 165-200 (122.2 - 148.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Both can run Adamant with 236 EVs in Spe and still outspeed Jolly Breloom by 1 point, however Heracross can't Mega Evolve until it's sat in front of Breloom as it drops 10 Spe points after M-Evolving.

Of the 2 I find Pinsir more appealing due to it's 105 speed after M-Evolving which makes it less open to being revenged.

Still can't find a Safety Goggles user that can switch into a predicted Spore and take out sash Breloom though, anyone else have ideas?
Good point.
Does anyone else think it would be better to run Substitute instead of Knock Off just for Breloom.
If so, the set would probably look something like this:
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Speed Boost
Item: Blazikenite
EVs: 250 odd Attack; 250 odd Speed
Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Low Kick
Move 3: Flare Blitz
Move 4: Substitute

Or would Blaziken miss Knock Off?
It's really going to depend on your team. If Breloom is really a problem for you add substitute. Losing Knock off makes you lose absolutely lose against Lati@s and Starmie so make sure your team is prepared for that. Protect and Substitute seem kind of redundant though, maybe possibly take out protect for sub? I am not familiar with Blaziken because I never really used it but what important things do you absolutely need to protect for the speed boost?
Well, my other team members are going to be Donphan, Sableye, Cradily, and Azumarill, in addition to the aforementioned Metagross.

Sableye should completely wall Starmie in theory, right? Even Cradily would be a fantastic counter, so long as the opposing Starmie isn't running Ice Beam.
I suppose that a Physically Defensive Latias might be a 2 hit KO for Azumarill? Then again, this is Azumarill that we're talking about here. My experience is that nothing takes a hit from that, and goes unscathed, so a Dragon would probably be...

Trouble is, no one seems to want to use Breloom or Starmie in the Battle Maison, so it seems that I can't both get my Battle Points for all those items and tutor moves, and get all the practice that I need at the same time.
Alright, so I am no sort of competitive battler, I mostly just stick to breeding and collecting, but this tournement looks fun, and even a bit challenging. Trying to pick the 6 Pokemon to take on all these threats has been a tad difficult, but I really wanna give this a shot, we go.

Roserade @ Black Sludge
Nature: Timid
Ability: Natural Cure
220 Hp/190 SpAtk/ 100 Spd

-Sleep Powder
-Leaf Storm
-Sludge Bomb

Prepare to see a bunch of bad EV spreads, I don't ussually train my Pokemon and just go by the analysis. This one is based on the post above mine. 220 HP to make Rock Tomb a 3ko, 100 speed and a boosting nature to outspeed and maim Breloom, Ludicolo, and Swampert, or potentially Sleep anything slower.

I wanted to use Roserade anyway, not just as a pure Breloom counter, but because I think it can pull its own weight in this competition. Rest + Natural Cure is a free heal, without relying on a cleric, which might just take up a valuable team spot otherwise. This lets Roserade stay around to come back in and sleep or maim something multiple times if needed, and the switching works well with the SpAtk drop from Leaf Storm. It can also absorb status.

Azumaril @ Assault Vest
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Huge Power
240 Hp/ 252 Atk/ 16 SpEed (standard, free to suggestion)

-Aqua Jet
-Play Rough
-Superpower/ Ice Punch/ Knock Off

Super Standard, but potent. Fairy Typing to maybe help out with MegaMence, MegaAltaria, and switching into Scarfed Latios. Went with Assault Vest because I think Belly Drum sets might be suicide. I really needed some reliable priority attack, and I think Azumarill will help with that. Not really sure about the last move. Ice Punch helps against the aforementioned Dragons, but Superpower hits Steel and Rock types hard, though I cant think of many that Waterfall wont kill anyway. Knock Off is usually a safe choice of I already know which Mega theyre running.

Manetric @ Life Orb
Nature: Timid/ Modest
Ability: Lightningrod
4Hp/ 252 SpAtk/ 252 Spd

-Volt Switch
-Hidden Power Ice

I'm hoping people will see this and expect MegaManetric, maybe throwing people off their game a bit. 4 of the 6 have a potential Mega, but can also function well on their own, so maybe they'll bring the wrong counters into the match. Manetric naturally outspeeds everything except Sceptile, Swellow, Alakazam, Crobat, Ninjask, Raichu and Lati@s, I believe, so I thought about running Modest for more raw power. It also outspeeds Mence before evolving, and Metagross, but I'm still undecided.

Kinda thinking this might be able to check MegaAggron, if I can catch his T-wave to activate Lightningrod, and smash him with Overheat (unless TBolt does more thanks to Filter). Though catching any electric attack sets me up nicely.

Sableye @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
Ability: Prankster
252hp/ 252Def/ 4SpDef

-Foul Play

Fear of scary set-up sweepers prompted me to run Sableye, which is another that I can maybe bluff as a Mega. Priority Taunt and WoW can help some of my more frail Pokemon from getting beat up too much, and maybe give them some opportunities to come in safley.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Nature: Naive
Ability: Intimidate >>> Aerialate
EVs really depend on which set I decide on.

-Hyper Voice
-Return/ Facade
-Outrage/ Dragon Claw
-Fire Blast/ Earthquake/ Roost/ Dragon Dance

Such a strong threat, I can't help but want to use it. A lot of this thread has been trying to counter this beast, but it has so many options I'm trying to figure out my ideal moveset. I definitely see merit in going mixed, Facade seems kinda situational, can it really be effective without being statused? Hyper Voice seems mandatory to hit past Subs. Dragon Dance is awesomeof course, but I dont want to be set-up bait, or go down while trying to boost. This one is kinda all over the place, I could really use some help to figure out how to use this most effectively.

Aggron @Aggronite
Nature: Impish/ Careful
Ability: Sturdy >>> Filter
252Hp/ 252Atk/ 4 Def or SpDef

-Heavy Slam
-Ice Punch
-Thunder Wave

From what the rest of you are saying, this thing will be a beast as well, and Im thinking, depending on what I see in the Team Preview, I will either try to sweep with MegaMence, or try to prevent a sweep with MegaAggron, and try to pick the most appropriate teammates to compliment the one I chose. I thought Careful could be useful to tank special hits a bit better and take down their counter, but I have to run some damage calcs.

I am open to any and all suggestions for this team, I spent way too long typing this on my phone, and I am not an experienced battler. EVs especially need work, but feel free to suggest different Pokemon as well if you think they could work better.
How would Mega Banette work in this competition?

Knock Off/Sucker Punch off 165 Base Attack is nothing to scoff at. Priority Taunt/Destiny Bond/Will-O-Wisp can surprise many opponents. Not to mention normal Banette is the only pokemon with Insomnia and along with it's Ghost Typing, allows it to switch into Breloom. It can then follow this up with a priority Will-O-Wisp and then finish it off with Shadow Claw. If M-Salamence some how gets to +6, Priority Destiny Bond or even Sucker Punch can save the day.

I've been loving Mega Bannette in this metagame! Priority D-bond +Taunt gets you the guarenteed kill to stop sweepers. This metagame is super offensive when I played on Showdown, putting you in alot of Wincon situations which Banette can bail you out of. It's only use in this metagame is to mega evolve and die while taking something with it. Well worth it in this 3v3 metagame.
How would Mega Banette work in this competition?

Knock Off/Sucker Punch off 165 Base Attack is nothing to scoff at. Priority Taunt/Destiny Bond/Will-O-Wisp can surprise many opponents. Not to mention normal Banette is the only pokemon with Insomnia and along with it's Ghost Typing, allows it to switch into Breloom. It can then follow this up with a priority Will-O-Wisp and then finish it off with Shadow Claw. If M-Salamence some how gets to +6, Priority Destiny Bond or even Sucker Punch can save the day.

I've been loving Mega Bannette in this metagame! Priority D-bond +Taunt gets you the guarenteed kill to stop sweepers. This metagame is super offensive when I played on Showdown, putting you in alot of Wincon situations which Banette can bail you out of. It's only use in this metagame is to mega evolve and die while taking something with it. Well worth it in this 3v3 metagame.
Sableye should completely wall Starmie in theory, right? Even Cradily would be a fantastic counter, so long as the opposing Starmie isn't running Ice Beam.

All Starmie run Ice Beam, so don't count on it

I suppose that a Physically Defensive Latias might be a 2 hit KO for Azumarill? Then again, this is Azumarill that we're talking about here. My experience is that nothing takes a hit from that, and goes unscathed, so a Dragon would probably be...

Don't guess, use the Damage Calculator. But yes, Play Rough 2HKOs physically defensive Latias, it OHKOs other builds though

Trouble is, no one seems to want to use Breloom or Starmie in the Battle Maison, so it seems that I can't both get my Battle Points for all those items and tutor moves, and get all the practice that I need at the same time.

The Maison is fine to play around in, but I wouldn't use it as your main form of practice before the competition. Get on Pokemon Showdown and practice there! If you run out of time to earn BP for moves / items then ask nicely in the Wi-Fi Simple Requests thread, someone may be able to help you. Surely you don't have to play that much though, one 0-50 streak (beating the Chatelaine) would net you 250 BP (so long as I've calced that right), which should be more than enough for what you need
Trouble is, no one seems to want to use Breloom or Starmie in the Battle Maison, so it seems that I can't both get my Battle Points for all those items and tutor moves, and get all the practice that I need at the same time.

The battle institute in mauville is pretty fast for getting BP. Do well in 5 battles and you get around 12 BP. It's faster than the maison if you don't have a huge streak going.
I'm a total noob and have a noob question (registered here to ask this): the OP has a list of eligible mega evolutions, and Mega Metagross is not there. Is this correct? If so, why is he not eligible?

I may just get a Salamence to use as a mega if that is correct.
I'm a total noob and have a noob question (registered here to ask this): the OP has a list of eligible mega evolutions, and Mega Metagross is not there. Is this correct? If so, why is he not eligible?

I may just get a Salamence to use as a mega if that is correct.

Nope, Metagross is definitely legal and a great Pokémon to use in the meta. I guess cant say forgot about it while he was compiling the list. gdi cant say.