box cutter

Hey mate. Can I request a banner for an Other Meta? The meta is called Almost Any Ability, or AAA for short. It does have a banner currently, but 2 out of 3 of the mons on it are banned.. :/ For reference, here is the old banner.
You could either make the same banner again with 3 allowed mons if you want, or you could make a new one. Feel free to do whatever you like, of course. Some pokemon that you could have on the banner: Snorlax, Skarmory, Victini, Braviary, Gengar, Mew, Zapdos, Suicune, Deoxys-S, Manaphy, Latios... Basically anything in tops ranks of this thread: Probably best not to use more than 3 or 4 in the banner, but you're the artist. Thanks for reading!
Hey mate. Can I request a banner for an Other Meta? The meta is called Almost Any Ability, or AAA for short. It does have a banner currently, but 2 out of 3 of the mons on it are banned.. :/ For reference, here is the old banner.
You could either make the same banner again with 3 allowed mons if you want, or you could make a new one. Feel free to do whatever you like, of course. Some pokemon that you could have on the banner: Snorlax, Skarmory, Victini, Braviary, Gengar, Mew, Zapdos, Suicune, Deoxys-S, Manaphy, Latios... Basically anything in tops ranks of this thread: Probably best not to use more than 3 or 4 in the banner, but you're the artist. Thanks for reading!
Okie dokie, I'll see what I can do. :)
You asked me to look at this... (I just looked at my profile lol)

Well... imgur allows you to resize the pics, so I can tell how they look at a proper size:


You've definitely come a long way; its looking really good.

So my test... draw me a...

Girafarig with a cape and superhero mask. Enjoy ;)
Hey mate. Can I request a banner for an Other Meta? The meta is called Almost Any Ability, or AAA for short. It does have a banner currently, but 2 out of 3 of the mons on it are banned.. :/ For reference, here is the old banner.
You could either make the same banner again with 3 allowed mons if you want, or you could make a new one. Feel free to do whatever you like, of course. Some pokemon that you could have on the banner: Snorlax, Skarmory, Victini, Braviary, Gengar, Mew, Zapdos, Suicune, Deoxys-S, Manaphy, Latios... Basically anything in tops ranks of this thread: Probably best not to use more than 3 or 4 in the banner, but you're the artist. Thanks for reading!
Is this good?

Hey Sparkl3y fren, could you make me a wallpaper that has mega absol and "nostalgia" on it? i dunno if you do wallpapers, but you're art does look great! :)
I never knew you were so talented! These are absolutely fantastic!
You have a style all your own, and it's obvious that art is really your passion.
I love how clean your lines are, and your attention to detail really shows.

Keep doing what you're doing! Amazing work!
I have an small request. I'm making a Battle Spot Teambuilding Workshop thread and I was planning on having a banner go to it. You don't mind if you create a banner on Mega Charizard X on one side and Mega Charizard Y on the opposite? Pretty much both Charizards on opposing sides with the banner saying "Teambuilding Workshop." Much appreciated and thank you. ^^