Muse [Looking for 24 Monsters for 'Dex]

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Cool, thanks! I will definitely be there for the new games. Or at least until I finish breeding my entire collection, which is pretty big at this point. :P

Hmmm, I might have one on Bank; haven't seen a cloner yet. I'll Edit this after checking bank.

Do you still have timid diancie. If so I have some legends that you can clone. I can't clone.

I do have a spare copy of my Timid Giveaway Diancie, for just such an occasion as this. Are you available sometime in the next hour and a half?
Hmmm, I might have one on Bank; haven't seen a cloner yet. I'll Edit this after checking bank.

I do have a spare copy of my Timid Giveaway Diancie, for just such an occasion as this. Are you available sometime in the next hour and a half?
Yea man my luck is horrible but I'm down.
Cool, thanks! I will definitely be there for the new games. Or at least until I finish breeding my entire collection, which is pretty big at this point. :P

I checked Bank and I do happen to have one Spare Manaphy; it's fully re-distributable so if you could get a copy back to me someday, that would be awesome. Available for the next hour and twenty minutes.
Yea man my luck is horrible but I'm down.

I need your friend code. For those of you lurking, I do happen to have one more extra Diancie and 5 Extra Rayquaza. Be sure to have your friend code in your signature when you post. :)
I checked Bank and I do happen to have one Spare Manaphy; it's fully re-distributable so if you could get a copy back to me someday, that would be awesome. Available for the next hour and twenty minutes.

I need your friend code. For those of you lurking, I do happen to have one more extra Diancie and 5 Extra Rayquaza. Be sure to have your friend code in your signature when you post. :)
Ok cool man. 530094467773 ign Brandt
I checked Bank and I do happen to have one Spare Manaphy; it's fully re-distributable so if you could get a copy back to me someday, that would be awesome. Available for the next hour and twenty minutes.

I need your friend code. For those of you lurking, I do happen to have one more extra Diancie and 5 Extra Rayquaza. Be sure to have your friend code in your signature when you post. :)
I should be home in a few minutes. I'll hop online then.
Could you CMT for these two pokemon, please?


[497] Shiny Serperior
OT: Branden (63477) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Contrary
IVs: 31/X/31/30/31/30
Egg Moves: Hidden Power Fire, Iron Tail, Glare, Mirror Coat, Pursuit
Tradeable Stock :

[15] Shiny Beedrill
OT: Julia (37500) (Lv. 10)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Swarm
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Tutor Moves: Bug Bite, Fury Cutter, Tailwind, Knock off (Drill Run on request)
Tradeable Stock :
Notes: This is ooh_shiny's Beedrill, and she said this was fully redistributable. Cloned on Black with Action Replay.

If you don't see anything on my thread that you want, that's fine with me. Thank you.
Hey everyone; I've been really busy with school, so I will probably only be replying on Saturdays and/or Sundays and only if I don't have a huge pile of homework. Sorry for any inconvenience! I will be more available after June 20th.

Could you CMT for these two pokemon, please?


[497] Shiny Serperior
OT: Branden (63477) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Contrary
IVs: 31/X/31/30/31/30
Egg Moves: Hidden Power Fire, Iron Tail, Glare, Mirror Coat, Pursuit
Tradeable Stock :

[15] Shiny Beedrill
OT: Julia (37500) (Lv. 10)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Swarm
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Tutor Moves: Bug Bite, Fury Cutter, Tailwind, Knock off (Drill Run on request)
Tradeable Stock :
Notes: This is ooh_shiny's Beedrill, and she said this was fully redistributable. Cloned on Black with Action Replay.

If you don't see anything on my thread that you want, that's fine with me. Thank you.

Nothing I needed, but try and ask ooh_shiny directly about her monsters as she always has a project available for those who want her stuff. If she's not around anymore or turns you down, quote her here and I'll give you the Beedrill for free, since you've donated Pokémon to this thread in the past.
CMT for nest ball tauros shiny and the naive closplaychu
Nothing I needed, thanks for the offer.
Hey Pokeguy, CMT for the Naive Diancie.
Nice Raikou, but I'd rather use my own with 31 Speed IV. Thanks for the offer though.
Hello, CMT for Naive Diancie (I have Celebi)
Sorry, already have celebi. Thanks for the offer.
Confirming Pokéguy has redis rights on this:

[625] Shiny Bisharp
OT: Nozomi (38279) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Defiant
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Psycho Cut, Quick Guard
Tradeable Stock :
Note: Bred by Teru_XD and is nicknameable by LionNP. Only re-distributable by Teru_XD and I.
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Interested in either one or both of these:
[719] Diancie
OT: OCT2014 (10274) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Naïve - Ability: Clear Body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/29/31
Suggested Moves: Moon Blast, Earth Power, Psyshock, Diamond Storm
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: This was reset by cjlaborde2nd, who said it was only re-distributable by him and I. Comes from a legitimate wondercard. With Earth Power confirmed in ORAS, Diancie doesn't really need Hidden Power Fire (it really just hits Scizor and Scizor OHKO's with Bullet Punch before you can use it). Trophy Case.

[719] Diancie
OT: OCT2014 (10274) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Hasty - Ability: Clear Body
IVs: 30/31/31/31/31/31
Suggested Moves: Moon Blast, Earth Power, Psyshock, Diamond Storm
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: This was reset by cjlaborde2nd, who said it was only re-distributable by him and I. Comes from a legitimate wondercard. With Earth Power confirmed in ORAS, Diancie doesn't really need Hidden Power Fire (it really just hits Scizor and Scizor OHKO's with Bullet Punch before you can use it). Trophy Case.

If you're looking for other Diancie Natures, I have the following:

Bold 30/20-21/31/28/31/31 (HP Grass)
Brave 31/31/28/31/31/01

Is this Victini from a legit wondercard?
Movie14 | Adamant | Victory Star
IV: 31/31/31/X/31/31 | EV: UT | Level: 50
Moves: V-Create | Fusion Flare | Fusion Bolt | Searing Shot
Notes: Wondercard

I like it, but have you thought of asking cjlaborde2nd first? He has a trade thread now!

Do you still have any interest in the Victini? I forgot about this and would still like the Diancie.
Confirming Pokéguy has redis rights on this:

[625] Shiny Bisharp
OT: Nozomi (38279) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Defiant
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Psycho Cut, Quick Guard
Tradeable Stock :
Note: Bred by Teru_XD and is nicknameable by LionNP. Only re-distributable by Teru_XD and I.

Thanks for the trade! :)
CMT for Shiny Altaria please :)

There's more that I want, but I'm doubtful that you'll need much from me :p

Sorry, nothing I needed, but thanks for the offer!

I hereby confirm pokeguy has redis rights on my shiny reshiram

Thanks! I've updated with it. :)
Do you still have any interest in the Victini? I forgot about this and would still like the Diancie.

Yeah, I'd like the Adamant Victini and the Jolly Mew (Can it get Defog?). I have both of those already, but would like to purchase trade rights to yours if that's okay. Let me know, you're welcome to whatever you want for those two events and trade rights. :)

EDIT: I have the Naïve Diancie cloned, but need the Hasty one cloned back to me; can you clone?
That sounds good, I keep events on the carts they were RNG'd on so yeah, I can tutor whatever you need on Mew. Also, no, I can't clone but I'm in no rush either. I'll send the Victini and Mew over to you for the Naive Diancie and you can just let me know when you get a clone of the Hasty one. Thanks!
EDIT2: Okay, I should be able to trade next weekend!



[625] Shiny Bisharp
OT: Nozomi (38279) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Defiant
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Psycho Cut, Quick Guard
Tradeable Stock :

Note: Bred by Teru_XD and is nicknameable by LionNP. Only re-distributable by Teru_XD and I.[/quote]


[643] Shiny Reshiram
OT: Linda (46105) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Turboblaze
IVs: 07/17/02/31/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: This is wowgek7's Shiny Reshiram and is only re-distributable by wowgek7 and I. Only possible on ORAS thus far. Real men use focus sash shiny Reshiram. Trophy Case.
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Yeah, I'd like the Adamant Victini and the Jolly Mew (Can it get Defog?). I have both of those already, but would like to purchase trade rights to yours if that's okay. Let me know, you're welcome to whatever you want for those two events and trade rights. :)

EDIT: I have the Naïve Diancie cloned, but need the Hasty one cloned back to me; can you clone?
That sounds good, I keep events on the carts they were RNG'd on so yeah, I can tutor whatever you need on Mew. Also, no, I can't clone but I'm in no rush either. I'll send the Victini and Mew over to you for the Naive Diancie and you can just let me know when you get a clone of the Hasty one. Thanks!
Here is my post in your thread, like I promised.
I'll trade you my fully-redistributable trained Dusk Ball Heatran for these two with distribution rights for my thread.


[303] Shiny Mawile
OT: Marshall (30785) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Intimidate (Huge Power)
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Fire Fang, Metal Burst, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang
Tradeable Stock :

Notes: This is Tatertot's Shiny Mawile and is fully re-distributable.


[620] Mienshao
OT: Tom (53363) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Regenerator
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Move: Knock Off
Tradeable Stock :

Notes: Bred by myself. I saved, hatched, reset and traded to BucketOfSnails of reddit who hatched it shiny. Can come nicknamed Shao Time on request. Credit to Pink for the mother.

EDIT: I edited both of my requested Pokémon, because I realised that I would prefer these. I hope that's ok since you haven't responded yet anyway. ^^
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Not interested sorry.

Thanks for taking the time to check my thread, have a nice day!

Here is my post in your thread, like I promised.
I'll trade you my fully-redistributable trained Dusk Ball Heatran for these two with distribution rights for my thread.


[303] Shiny Mawile
OT: Marshall (30785) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Intimidate (Huge Power)
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: Fire Fang, Metal Burst, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang
Tradeable Stock :

Notes: This is Tatertot's Shiny Mawile and is fully re-distributable.


[620] Mienshao
OT: Tom (53363) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Regenerator
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Move: Knock Off
Tradeable Stock :

Notes: Bred by myself. I saved, hatched, reset and traded to BucketOfSnails of reddit who hatched it shiny. Can come nicknamed Shao Time on request. Credit to Pink for the mother.

EDIT: I edited both of my requested Pokémon, because I realised that I would prefer these. I hope that's ok since you haven't responded yet anyway. ^^

That's a deal. Also, feel free to change your mind as many times as you like, until you actually trade me the Heatran. Nothing's final until data is exchanged. I'm available on weekends only.

That sounds good, I keep events on the carts they were RNG'd on so yeah, I can tutor whatever you need on Mew. Also, no, I can't clone but I'm in no rush either. I'll send the Victini and Mew over to you for the Naive Diancie and you can just let me know when you get a clone of the Hasty one. Thanks!

Cool, I'll get the Hasty Diancie cloned by the next cloner that trades me.
Lady Valkyrie, havokchomp123, Tatertot, Arhan, Pokéguy

Everything has just been banked and is ready to go, except for Mew Pokéguy, I have to get to the battle frontier or whatever it's called so I can tutor Defog. I forgot when you asked that I restarted that file, so I had to trade it over from pearl and get to the point that I can tutor it, can have done later tonight.

That's fine, I'm available this weekend or next weekend. Whenever you're ready, but because of school, I only play on the weekends.

Due to how these Pokemon are obtained (wild RNG catches and the randomness of FRLG), I was about Antar's HP Ice Shaymin?

And thanks for the heads up! I didn't feel like going through all my PMs to check from who I got what exactly. Man, I need to keep track of those lol.

Yeah, I'm doing well. I'm having some bad luck getting one of my projects done though, because of bs RNG (Naive Snorunt) and hopefully, I'll be able to get my hands on hex flawless Rayquaza soon. =P Also hoping I can nail that shiny spread soon. I'm almost nearing 500 eggs and I got one shiny that had a garbage spread lol. How about you?

Sure, just need a copy of Shaymin back. Might get you to clone a nice Diancie too if you don't mind. As for me, I've been resetting on and off, different legends each time, but with no luck. I've been mostly focusing on the electrician program I've been taking at the college. I just got 99% on the final exam, for the first part of the course. 1st Year Electrical comes next. Life is so exciting. Hope you're having fun old friend. Let me know when I can pick up Clefairy. :)
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Sure, just need a copy of Shaymin back. Might get you to clone a nice Diancie too if you don't mind. As for me, I've been resetting on and off, different legends each time, but with no luck. I've been mostly focusing on the electrician program I've been taking at the college. I just got 99% on the final exam, for the first part of the course. 1st Year Electrical comes next. Life is so exciting. Hope you're having fun old friend. Let me know when I can pick up Clefairy. :)
Sure, I can clone them. lol, been there done that. I've encountered 5 5iv Thundurus already, always the wrong stat of course. You can pick up the Clef whenever.
[479] Shiny Rotom
OT: CHEVAR (22288) (Lv. 20)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/14/31/30/31/31
PP Maxed Tutor Move: Pain Split, Electroweb, Signal Beam, Snatch, Hidden Power Grass
Tradeable Stock : Infinite
Notes: Chev4's Shiny Rotom. Fully re-distributable as long as you credit Chev4 for it. I found this on my old Platinum game and transferred it to black. I just recently got White 2 from my cousin, so this now comes with Pain Split, Electroweb, Signal Beam and Snatch!

see my thread? I don't have nearly as much probably to offer so I can do a two for one trade if you would like.

[146] Shiny Moltres
OT: Julia (34117) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/X/31/30/31/31
PP Maxed Tutor moves: Defog, Roost, Fire Blast, Hidden Power Grass
Tradeable Stock : Infinite
Note: This is ooh_shiny's Shiny HP Grass Moltres and is fully re-distributable as long as you credit ooh_shiny for resetting it. Cloned on Black with Action Replay.

kinda want this to a lot.

I just got promoted to being a fire gym leader on reddit which is why I wanted this stuff. I can offer a decent amount for these 2 pokemon of course.
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