Missed the recently released HA pokémon? Get them here! [COMPLETE]

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Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon: Makuhita (Lv.44 - Female)
In game name: Albus
GTS message: Snoopy pls

Thanks in advance!
Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon: Druddigon (Lv.59 - Female)
In game name: goatee
GTS message: Snoopy
Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon: Druddigon (Lv.59 - Female)
In game name: goatee
GTS message: Snoopy
Requested Pokemon: Tyrunt
Deposited Pokemon: Lv. 1 Male Croagunk
In Game Name: Jeff
GTS message: Snoopy
there are only three uploaded and yours isn't there.
Requested pokémon: Chikorita
Deposited pokémon: female lvl 15 JPN bagon
In game name: Sakuya
GTS message: Snoopy~
Thank you sooooooo much! You're the first person I've interacted on this site to trade/do something like this with! Thank you for making it awesome =D

I kind of want to do it now lol
Thank you sooooooo much! You're the first person I've interacted on this site to trade/do something like this with! Thank you for making it awesome =D

I kind of want to do it now lol
Heh, no problem! My pleasure. Check out my other giveaway that's in my signature if you'd like. :)
Requested Pokemon: Totodile
Deposited: lvl 1 farfetch'd
In game name: Celes
Message: Snoopy

Thanks for doing this giveaway! Always wanted an ha toto
Requested pokémon:Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon:lvl 5 female Azurill
In game name:Jason
GTS message: Snoopy

Trying again since the last one was sniped.
Requested pokémon: Tyrunt
Deposited pokémon: Male Lv. 29 Gothita
In game name: Archy
GTS message: Snoopy

Thanks dude! :)
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