AbNormal {Community Project} [Voting Phase]

Take Down (New type: Rock)

There's a lot of Pokemon you could put here. I tried to keep it to all quadruped mons though that didn't get it. There's some more but this list would be way too big if I counted them.

Vice Grip (New type: Bug)

BIG MEATY CLAWS (or in Trapinch's case, face)

Comet Punch (New type: Fighting)

Just mons I can see do Multiple Punch: The Move.
Fury Attack

"The target is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row."

I know that's kind of a lose definition, but hey I think its nice. Plus when I think of Fury Attack I personally think of Fearow. I know that's not really a good argument but I feel Flying fits well.


Originally was going to have this as steel, but then it occurred to me that the user isn't actually shooting stars. Plus Psychic seems to fit both the "energy" rays part and has a cosmic theme to it.

Fury Swipes

This is mainly a tie-in to Hone Claws being a Dark-type move - "The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes quickly two to five times in a row." Sounds Dark to me, personally.

Tail Whip

Fairy seems to be the generic go-to type for these retypes on moves that really made sense with Normal. It's cute, I guess?


Swagger involves pissing the opponent off, which could be interpreted as an underhand tactic.


Same reasoning for a lot of sound moves.


Magic barrier that protects from status. Plus it ties in with Misty Terrain protecting from status.
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Take Down (New type: Rock)
Walrein, Durant, Turtwig, Abomasnow, Eevee
Basically following the pattern of some Pokemon that already get it (there are so many that everything is possible). Also, Eevee had it back in Gen 1 as a TM.

Vice Grip (New type: Bug)
Self-explanatory. I was even surprised that it didn't get it.

Fire is related to speed (see ExtremeSpeed). Stars are on fire (kinda), and energy rays are hot. Funny thing is that all Fire starters can learn this move in Gen 4, with move tutors.

Psychic encompasses all supernatural protective/creation moves. For all status purposes. Barrier, Reflect, Light Screen, Magic Coat, Mirror Coat, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Room. Even our retyped Protect. So..

MegaGallade , can you please post the voting results for Noble Roar? It simply boggles my mind that Suicune, Raikou and Entei didn't get the move. (Maybe it was one of the voting problems that keep happening?) They were the perfect fit for the move, especially Entei. Noble? Most certainly. They're named after some nobility rankings (Chinese emperor, monarch and duke/emperor) Do they roar? Definitely. Entei and Raikou know Roar when you find them in HGSS, meaning they learn it naturally. Fire type? Check for Entei. It was so painfully obvious that they'd be submitted and win that I submitted some other lesser fitting Pokemon, and now those win... If those results are right, that was surprising to say at least...

And if anyone who voted No for them wants to explain their reasoning, feel free to do so. :)
Fury Attack
Well, fury reminds me of dark, and we made Rage Dark-type too, and their flavor is almost the same, so why not?

The user launches some pretty-looking stars. The pretty part fits Fairy, since it's a "beautiful" type and the stars fits too because Fairy is related to mystica. things and these stuff.

Take Down
The only mon with Rock Head/Reckless that don't have anything better.

Comet Punch
Breloom, Heracross, Cinccino
Just things with Skill Link/Technician and hands.
Take Down (New type: Rock)

There's a lot of Pokemon you could put here. I tried to keep it to all quadruped mons though that didn't get it. There's some more but this list would be way too big if I counted them.

You're restricted to six adds. This is 7 Pokemon.


Originally was going to have this as steel, but then it occurred to me that the user isn't actually shooting stars. Plus Psychic seems to fit both the "energy" rays part and has a cosmic theme to it.

... the user is shooting stars? Unless you mean actual, stars-in-space-that-are-plasma, in which case Steel wouldn't make any sense anyway, that would be Fire.

MegaGallade , can you please post the voting results for Noble Roar? It simply boggles my mind that Suicune, Raikou and Entei didn't get the move. (Maybe it was one of the voting problems that keep happening?) They were the perfect fit for the move, especially Entei. Noble? Most certainly. They're named after some nobility rankings (Chinese emperor, monarch and duke/emperor) Do they roar? Definitely. Entei and Raikou know Roar when you find them in HGSS, meaning they learn it naturally. Fire type? Check for Entei. It was so painfully obvious that they'd be submitted and win that I submitted some other lesser fitting Pokemon, and now those win... If those results are right, that was surprising to say at least...

And if anyone who voted No for them wants to explain their reasoning, feel free to do so. :)

I voted "no" on everything except Furfrou because I intensely dislike giving out signature moves. Furfrou at least has all this Kalos nobility association and is a wall (A bad wall that could use the help), but I disliked everything else as a possibility.

Though personally I'm OK with Arcanine getting it and Entei not just because Arcanine and Entei overlap in a lot of ways already, so making them more distinct is cool.
Tail Whip

Same type as Tail Slap. Even though they pretty much do way different things, they both mean hitting opponents with tails.
Take Down (New type: Rock)

There's a lot of Pokemon you could put here. I tried to keep it to all quadruped mons though that didn't get it. There's some more but this list would be way too big if I counted them.
You're restricted to six adds. This is 7 Pokemon.
Actually, you're only allowed five recipient Pokemon per user... Sorry! The only time I allowed 6 Pokemon was with Nidoran-M and Nidoran-F and that was a mistake on my part. Also, both Blitzle and Darmanitan get Take Down through breeding...
MegaGallade , can you please post the voting results for Noble Roar? It simply boggles my mind that Suicune, Raikou and Entei didn't get the move. (Maybe it was one of the voting problems that keep happening?) They were the perfect fit for the move, especially Entei. Noble? Most certainly. They're named after some nobility rankings (Chinese emperor, monarch and duke/emperor) Do they roar? Definitely. Entei and Raikou know Roar when you find them in HGSS, meaning they learn it naturally. Fire type? Check for Entei. It was so painfully obvious that they'd be submitted and win that I submitted some other lesser fitting Pokemon, and now those win... If those results are right, that was surprising to say at least...
I personally wanted the trio to get the move too, but alas, everything is user-voted and I'm sticking to the votes. Anyway, these were the votes:
-1, +1, -1, +1, +1
There were 5 voters, so thus to get the move recipient Pokemon needed 3 or more 'points'. In total, the trio only got 1 point, because every Yes is +1 and every No is -1. Sorry!
Wait, are you talking about just giving out the re-typed moves, or moves that haven't been retyped? Because I thought we were just giving out the new re-typed moves.
Yes, giving out the re-typed moves, like Take Down, Comet Punch and Vice Grip we are doing now. Sorry that wasn't so obvious.

The voting problem for Double Hit is unfortunately yet to be solved, so until then;

Take Down:
Bonsly, Sudowoodo, Dwebble, Archen
Dwebble is 4-legged like the majority of Take Down users, and Archen gets it for the same reasons as Aerodactyl getting it. Also, Bonsly and Sudowoodo have similar body-structures to Heracross, who gets the move too, and they both get Rock Head. Lastly, all are Physical Rock types without access to the move.

Vice Grip:
Parasect, Skorupi, Excadrill
STAB for the first two, Parasect and Excadrill claws that can open-and-close. Skorupi's evolution can do the same, but since the literal translation for Vice Grip's name is Sandwich Pinch, I'm sure it's tail can easily do just that. (Yes, it can actually be translated to mean Sandwich. Look it up)
Yes, giving out the re-typed moves, like Take Down, Comet Punch and Vice Grip we are doing now. Sorry that wasn't so obvious.

No problem! Just wanted to make sure before I suggested anything. Anyway, have we given out any boosting moves? I think those will be fun to give out, especially Swords Dance and Shell Smash.
I personally wanted the trio to get the move too, but alas, everything is user-voted and I'm sticking to the votes. Anyway, these were the votes:
-1, +1, -1, +1, +1
There were 5 voters, so thus to get the move recipient Pokemon needed 3 or more 'points'. In total, the trio only got 1 point, because every Yes is +1 and every No is -1. Sorry!
Eh... I see. They did get 3 votes going by what you posted, but I guess you posted the wrong numbers?
I voted "no" on everything except Furfrou because I intensely dislike giving out signature moves. Furfrou at least has all this Kalos nobility association and is a wall (A bad wall that could use the help), but I disliked everything else as a possibility.
Yep, with your post regarding Noble Roar and SmellingSalts, I thought so. There's still 2 more 'No's though. Hm...
Though personally I'm OK with Arcanine getting it and Entei not just because Arcanine and Entei overlap in a lot of ways already, so making them more distinct is cool.
That's true.
Eh... I see. They did get 3 votes going by what you posted, but I guess you posted the wrong numbers?
By 3 votes I guess you mean 3 people who voted 'Yes'. But because 2 said no, 3 - 2 = 1, so they only got one point. If they had 4 'Yes's and 1 'No', that would give them 3 point, because 4 -1 = 3 and 3 is over half of the amount of voters.
There's still 2 more 'No's though. Hm...
There was actually only one more 'No'.

Hopefully the Double Hit recipients will be finalized in time for the Voting Phase.
Sorry for the double post, but It's Voting Time!
If you do not know how to vote, please read the OP.
If your submission is fused with another's yet you want your submission to be separate, notify me asap.

Tropius (This and above by The Reptile) *
Eevee (This and above by the someone)
Boufallant (By EverM)
Archen (This and above by MegaGallade)

*Note: I removed the Pokemon who can already use Take Down from this user's submission, mostly because they had 6 Pokemon over the limit, 5. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Gligar (This and above by The Reptile)
Scizor (By the someone)
Excadrill (This and above by MegaGallade)
Mr. Mime (This and above by Ghoul King)
Medicham (This and above by The Reptile)
Cinccino (This and above by EverM)

Flying (Ghoul King/The Reptile)
Dark (EverM)
Fighting (Ghoul King)
Psychic (The Reptile)
Fire (the someone)
Fairy (EverM)
Steel (Ghoul King)
Dark (The Reptile)
Dragon (Ghoul King)
Fairy (The Reptile/Amitghosh)

Due to a lack of submissions, this move's type has already been decided.
Dark (Ghoul King/The Reptile)
Electric (Ghoul King)
Flying (The Reptile)
Fairy (Ghoul King/The Reptile)
Psychic (the someone)

Note: These Pokemon now receive Double Hit;
+Double Hit (By GiveUsYourBones <Hit> and MegaGallade <Met, Bin, Dou & Cher>)

To keep the thread alive, here are a few discussion points from the previous week's changes and more:
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
  • Do you think any of last week's Recipient-Pokemon will get more usage because of these new moves (apart from those with Double Hit) and why?
  • Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Dark type Rage, Fighting type Hold Back, and Steel type False Swipe?
  • Are there any unanswered questions you want to know specifically about this Pet Mod? If so, please tag me when asking the question and I will reply.

Once again, thanks for submitting, and get voting!
Do you think any of last week's Recipient-Pokemon will get more usage because of these new moves (apart from those with Double Hit) and why?

Noble Roar might shift Arcanine to more of a wall thing? It's got recovery, Intimidate, and now Noble Roar... I doubt Luxray really cares, and Furfrou is only liable to care if it ends up gifted some recovery or something.

Smelling Salts probably doesn't have much of an effect, since none of the Pokemon that got it like to attack Physically. Audino's Attack is actually identical to its Special Attack, but Mega Audino has more Special Attack and regardless there's Calm Mind.

Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Dark type Rage, Fighting type Hold Back, and Steel type False Swipe?

Nobody is going to run Hold Back or False Swipe competitively anyway, though in the alternate reality in which AbNormal is the baseline Pokemon series Steel type False Swipe has enabled these fortunate players of another reality to reliable wear down and catch everything in the game, even Ghosts. But for us Showdown players in this reality it's meh.

Rage is a weak move, so weak that it's probably not worth running, even with that Attack boost. Especially since a lot of Pokemon that get it get Swords Dance or the like. Nonetheless, here's all the Pokemon that get it: Altaria, Bagon, Basculin, Beautifly, Beedrill, Blitzle, Bouffalant, Carvanha, Charizard, Charmander, Charmeleon, Croconaw, Cubone, Darmanitan, Darumaka, Dodrio, Doduo, Dunsparce, Feraligatr, Granbull, Houndoom, Houndour, Kangaskhan, Krokorok, Krookodile, Marowak, Onix, Primeape, Salamence, Sandile, Sharpedo, Shelgon, Smeargle, Snubbull, Stantler, Steelix, Swablu, Swellow, Taillow, Tauros, Totodile, and Zebstrika. I guess Krokoodile might use it, between Intimidate, STAB, and its lack of Swords Dance? Maybe?


tl;dr version: probably last week didn't do much of anything. That's OK, we're nearing the end of the project, and I never had any expectation that every re-type would affect the metagame.
Sorry for the lateness, but Votes are in!

+Take Down (By The Reptile <Ent, Rai & Sui>, MegaGallade <Sudo & Arch>, the someone <Dur, Turt, Abo & Eev> and EverM <Bouf> )
+Vice Grip (By The Reptile <Gli>, the someone <Sciz> and MegaGallade <Skor> )
+Comet Punch (By Ghoul King <Gol, Inf, Amb & Hit>, The Reptile <Mach & Medi> and EverM <Hera>)

Fury Attack Flying (By Ghoul King and The Reptile )
Fury Swipes Steel (By Ghoul King )

Tail Whip Fairy (By The Reptile and @Amighosh )
Swagger Dark (By Ghoul King and The Reptile )
Supersonic Electric (By Ghoul King )
Safeguard Psychic (By the someone )

Note: See the bottom of this post for reasons 'Swift' is not here.

Thanks to all that submitted!
And now...

Moves to give to Pokemon (Note: Submissions that have already been made (i.e. Using the same type, with same moves and with the exact same justification as someone who submitted before) will not be included) (Also Note: For the voting phase of this week we will redo Quick Attack/Egg Bomb/Dizzy Punch in the new format)

Fury Attack (New type: Flying)
Fury Swipes (New type: Steel)
Shell Smash (New type: Rock)

Damaging moves (Note: Correct me if I am wrong, but these are the last damaging normal-type moves we have left to retype. After this we will do no more damaging moves simply because there aren't any left.)
Double Slap

Status moves

Defense Curl
Note: Very sorry for lateness. Due to a busy schedule at the moment, the OP will not be updated till tomorrow. Sorry again, and thanks for understanding.

Here are a few discussion points also:
  • We have a tie in the votes for 'Swift'! Along with the submissions, which option would you go for and why? Options:
  • Psychic (The Reptile) Justification: 'Psychic seems to fit both the "energy" rays part and has a cosmic theme to it.'
  • Fairy (EverM) Justification: 'The user launches some pretty-looking stars. The pretty part fits Fairy, since it's a "beautiful" type and the stars fits too because Fairy is related to mystica. things and these stuff.'
Get submitting and thanks for reading!
Fury Attack (New type: Flying)
The target is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row.

Just gave it to some mons that get Megahorn, since most of the things that it would make sense for already get Brave Bird. Archen and Pidove are the only exception that I know of.

Fury Swipes (New type: Steel)
The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes quickly two to five times in a row.

Basically I looked at mons that could actually use it. Scyther is obvious because of its Scyths and it becomes Scizor, who gets STAB Tech Fury Swipes. Breloom and Heracross get anti-fairy coverage. Probably won't see much play due to Fury Swipes only having 18 BP, but hey who knows.

Shell Smash (New type: Rock)
The user breaks its shell, which lowers Defense and Sp. Def stats but sharply raises its Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats.

There's a lot of mons that could get Shell Smash honestly, but I chose these three. Basically they're Pokemon that have Shells. Golem might be a stretch, but it kind of has a "shell" of Rocks, Shell Smash is a Rock-type, and it might make Golem good. Or not, who knows.

EDIT: Replace Blastoise and Torterra with Squirtle and Turtwig

Editing this in with the others. Just wanted to get my mon submissions out first



Same type as Wrap, since they're basically the same move flavor-wise

Double Slap

There's a lot of Fairy and re-typed Fairies that get this, and this is one of those "it could be anything" moves.


We've been using this typing for similar moves, so why not?


Its about love, I guess? It's another one of those moves that don't really have another obvious type, so meh.


It's Eevee's type, one of the few mons to even get Celebrate, the others being Pikachu and the Eeveelutions.


Telling secrets and stuff. I don't know.

Defense Curl

The Rollout + Defense Curl combo, basically.

Also I'm going to say that my own is better. Psychic not only has the cosmic mofit but it also fits the idea of "energy stars" move than Fairy does imho.
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Fury Attack (New type: Flying)
Cloyster has Skill Link to abuse the move. Cloyster dex: When attacked, it launches its horns in quick volleys. Fury Attack info: The target is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row.

Fury Swipes (New type: Steel)
Honedge, Pidgeot
Both have No Guard, and Honedge gets STAB from it.

Shell Smash (New type: Rock)
Kabutops, Armaldo, Kingler, Crawdaunt, Samurott
It boggles my mind that none of these Pokemon get the move in the first place. Kabutops, Armaldo, Kingler and Crawdaunt are all arthropods. These have exoskeletons, like Barbaracle and Crustle. Kabutops is the Shellfish Pokemon, Armaldo's and Crawdaunt's dexes mention their shells, and Crawdaunt and Kingler has Shell Armor. Samurott visibly has what everyone recognizes as shells, and it and Crawdaunt learn Razor Shell along with Shellder and Binacle, two Pokemon that already learn Shell Smash.
  • We have a tie in the votes for 'Swift'! Along with the submissions, which option would you go for and why? Options:
  • Psychic (The Reptile) Justification: 'Psychic seems to fit both the "energy" rays part and has a cosmic theme to it.'
  • Fairy (EverM) Justification: 'The user launches some pretty-looking stars. The pretty part fits Fairy, since it's a "beautiful" type and the stars fits too because Fairy is related to mystica. things and these stuff.'
Fairy type. Both submissions are pretty solid, so I looked at it from a different angle. More Pokemon benefit from extra Fairy coverage than extra Psychic coverage.
Shell Smash (New type: Rock)

Various Pokemon that have shells, kinda, that haven't been already mentioned. Both Shelmet and Escavalier have literal Shell Armor, but a shell is still a shell. For exeggcute's case, eggshells. Pupitar may be a cocoon, but all the dex entries it has states that it is a 'shell', and is even called the 'Hard Shell Pokemon'. It's also Rock-type. I would have Slowbro/Slowking here but... if they smashed their shell... wouldn't they become Slowpoke?

The one shellfish-Pokemon everyone has forgotten.

Fury Attack (New type: Flying)

The move description states that the user attacks with a horn or beak. Hitmontop obviously has no beak, but it sure does have a horn, as well as Technician.

Fury Swipes (New type: Steel)

Kricketune not only looks like it can swipe things furiously, but also has Technician.

Most Pokemon that get this move are water-type.


The only Pokemon to learn this from leveling-up is Chatot, oddly. IDK.

Anyway, I'm going to update the OP tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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My vote is Fairy Swift as well, for much the same reason as the someone.

Water type

Why: Learned primarily by Water types, actually.

Double Slap
Psychic type

Why: Surprisingly, Double Slap is slanted toward Pokemon that tend to learn Psychic moves. Also, because we already have a better inaccurate Fairy-type multi-hit move, but not a Psychic one.

Steel type

Why: Just reiterating it, really.

Dark type

Why: Taking a different angle on the seduction angle; it's evil manipulation!

Fairy type

Why: Learned by Eevee and Pikachu. We made Eeevee Fairy, sooo....

Fairy type

Why: Wait, this isn't Fairy type already?

Defense Curl
Rock type

Why: Defensive type, and I'm really struggling to come up with any kind of type trend or anything. Also, more Rock Status moves!

Fury Attack
Recipients: Scyther, Tauros, Swellow, Blaziken

Why: Scyther gets STAB Technician-boosted Fury Attack, hooray! Tauros is the only Pokemon that gets Horn Attack but not Fury Attack in standard, while Swellow and Blaziken are both Pokemon that get Peck but not Fury Attack, basically.

Fury Swipes
Recipients: Raticate, Primeape, Infernape, Zoroark, Nidoqueen

Why: A bunch of Pokemon that get Slash but not Fury Swipes, and that I can imagine swiping furiously with claws.

Shell Smash
Recipients: Samurott, Kingler, Drapion, Marowak, Kabutops

Why: A bunch of Pokemon that get Shell Armor or Battle Armor but not Shell Smash, that haven't been suggested already, and that make some sense. (I am genuinely baffled as to why Kingler doesn't already get it)
Shell Smash (New type: Rock)

Various Pokemon that have shells, kinda, that haven't been already mentioned. Both Shelmet and Escavalier have literal Shell Armor, but a shell is still a shell.
Shelmet is based on bivalves and snails, which have shells and other Pokemon representants that learn Shell Smash, so the fact that their shell is armor-like is more secondary than anything. Also, Accelgor is the Shell Out Pokemon.
Pupitar may be a cocoon, but all the dex entries it has states that it is a 'shell', and is even called the 'Hard Shell Pokemon'. It's also Rock-type.
Good justification, but wouldn't Tyranitar become too OP?
Steel Type
Cut is for cutting cuttable trees in the way in the game, and usually cutting is done with axes, which have a Steel Edge.

Double slap
Same type as wake up slap. Tail slap is also a slapping move I know, but that involves slapping with the tail, and so wake up slap relates to it better. Also fairy double slap would sound... Strange.

Defense Curl
Rock Type
Using defense curl before rollout makes it bet better power iirc, and rollout is rock type.

Also i really think confide was retyped alredy...sorry if im wrong
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It's Voting Time!
If you do not know how to vote, please read the OP.
If your submission is fused with another's yet you want your submission to be separate, notify me asap, and if your submission is not included, it is because someone already used the same justification.

Samurott (This and above by The Reptile)
Cloyster (By the someone)
Hitmontop (By MegaGallade)
Blaziken (This and above by Ghoul King)
Heracross (This and above by The Reptile)
Pidgeot (This and above by the someone)
Kricketune (By MegaGallade)
Nidoqueen (This and above by Ghoul King)
Lapras (This and above by The Reptile)
Samurott (This and above by the someone)
Clawitzer (This and above by MegaGallade)
Marowak (This and above by Ghoul King)

Poison (The Reptile)
Water (MegaGallade)
Fairy (The Reptile)
Psychic (Ghoul King)
Fighting (Amitghosh)
Due to a lack of submissions, this move's type has already been decided.
Steel (The Reptile/Ghoul King/Amitghosh)

Fairy (The Reptile)
Dark (Ghoul King)
Due to a lack of submissions, this move's type has already been decided.
Fairy (The Reptile/Ghoul King)
Dark (The Reptile)
Flying (MegaGallade)
Fairy (Ghoul King)
Due to a lack of submissions, this move's type has already been decided.
Rock (The Reptile/Ghoul King)

Note: Swift is now Fairy type, and due to inconvenience, the re-voting for the first recipients will be next week. Sorry again!

To keep the thread alive, here are a few discussion points from the previous week's changes and more:
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
  • Do you think any of last week's Recipient-Pokemon will get more usage because of these new moves and why?
  • Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Flying type Fury Attack, Steel type Fury Swipes (the first two not including recipients) and Fairy type Swift?
  • Are there any unanswered questions you want to know specifically about this Pet Mod? If so, please tag me when asking the question and I will reply.

Once again, thanks for submitting, and get voting!

Also, Accelgor is the Shell Out Pokemon.
Good justification, but wouldn't Tyranitar become too OP?
I know Accelgor is, but evolution is weird like that. Same with Huntail getting Shell Smash. It has no Shell, and only gets it because of Clampearl. Personally though, if I could make it so that Shelmet can learn it whilst Accelgor cannot, I would.
I 100% agree with your second statement. Personally I won't vote for any 'OP' Pokemon, with Mega Blastoise, Torterra, Crawdaunt being examples. I just submitted it because it fitted flavour-wise, and just in case people miss it out as it is commonly thought of as a cacoon.
Also i really think confide was retyped alredy...sorry if im wrong
I checked the OP and no, we haven't done Confide before. Everybody makes mistakes though.
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Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]

Flying Confide is really really bizarre to me. That's about it.

Do you think any of last week's Recipient-Pokemon will get more usage because of these new moves and why?

Take Down seems unlikely to help most of the recipients. Entei, for instance, gets Stone Edge already, which is only slightly less accurate, more powerful, and lacks recoil, and so is unlikely to run Take Down. Abomasnow and Eevee(lutions) seem like the main real exception to me, and the Eeveelutions in particular have very limited movepools already, so pretty much any coverage is nice, even if the coverage itself is questionable.

Vice Grip is Vice Grip. It's even too strong to be valid for Technician! I don't see it having an effect. (Though Gliscor's Physical movepool is sufficiently limited that the only reason I doubt it will have impact is because of Return and Frustration)

Comet Punch is a stronger but less accurate Arm Thrust. Mega Heracross is honestly unlikely to run it (It's still weaker than Close Combat), and honestly in general most of the recipients are unlikely to run it. (Golurk would probably rather stick to Dynamic Punch, as would Machamp, and the others would probably, again, prefer Close Combat) Ambipom is a distinct possibility as an exception, though.

Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Flying type Fury Attack, Steel type Fury Swipes (the first two not including recipients) and Fairy type Swift?

There are a lot of Pokemon that get Swift but not Dazzling Gleam. (Including, oddly enough, Cresellia, but it has the superior Moon Blast, so whatever) Even restricting the list to fully evolved, Specially competent Pokemon gives us Accelgor, Ampharos, Arcanine, Articuno, Beautifly, Blaziken, Butterfree, Castform, Charizard, Chatot, Crobat (It has Nasty Plot and not Swords Dance and a wide Special movepool, actually), Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Dragonite, Drifblim, Dustox, Electivire, Electrode, Entei, Flygon, Giratina, Glaceon, Golduck, Gorebyss, Groudon (Think Primal), Grumpig, Ho-Oh, Honchkrow, Houndoom, Huntail, Infernape, Jolteon, Kingdra, Kyogre, Latias, Latios, Lucario, Lugia, Lumineon, Lunatone, Magnezone, Manectric, Mantine, Masquerain, Mewtwo, Milotic, Minun, Moltres, Mothim, Ninetales, Noctowl, Octillery, Pachirisu, Palkia, Pelipper, Pidgeot, Plusle, Porygon-Z, Raichu, Raikou, Rapidash, Rayquaza, Rotom, Salamence, Sceptile, Scizor (Think Mega), Seviper, Shiftry, Skuntank, Slowbro, Slowking, Spinda, Stantler, Suicune, Typhlosion, Vaporeon, Venomoth, Vespiquen, Yanmega, and Zapdos.

Even taking into account how many of these are meh, there's still an impressive list of Pokemon that might actually choose to run Swift as Special Fairy coverage. Not only that, but it completes Roserade's Technician Hidden Power perfect coverage -Swift taking the place of the non-existent Fairy Hidden Power.

Fury Attack is so weak most Pokemon are unlikely to run it, especially because it's also inaccurate, but Flying coverage might prove useful to Mamoswine (It already gets Peck, but Fury Attack will usually hit harder), Rhyperior, Escavalier, and especially Mega Heracross. (Whom gets Skill Link to put it at 85% Accuracy, effectively 75 BP)

Fury Swipes is slightly less accurate, but also harder hitting. Unfortunately, Mandibuzz is the only fully evolved, Physically competent Pokemon that already gets Fury Swipes without getting some other, more reliable/stronger Steel move like Double Edge, Iron Head, or Slash.
I know Accelgor is, but evolution is weird like that. Same with Huntail getting Shell Smash. It has no Shell, and only gets it because of Clampearl. Personally though, if I could make it so that Shelmet can learn it whilst Accelgor cannot, I would.
I didn't say that to unencourage Shellmet's line getting the move. It was just another emphasis that Shellmet has a shell that looks like an armor helmet, not the other way around. I know previous-evolution Pokemon move are weird like that.
I 100% agree with your second statement. Personally I won't vote for any 'OP' Pokemon, with Mega Blastoise, Torterra, Crawdaunt being examples. I just submitted it because it fitted flavour-wise, and just in case people miss it out as it is commonly thought of as a cacoon.
That's an understandable thing to do. Although I disagree with Torterra being OP if it got the move...
Sorry for inconvenience, but I am extending the voting phase for an unspecific long period of time.
This is due to a lot of busy things going on at this time, and I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to end it. I'm sure you noticed last week's submission phase began very, very late.
This is also due to the fact I am going on a pretty long vacation soon, to a place with a weird timezone. With all the busy things going on I have to relax a bit.

So again, sorry for inconvenience caused and thanks for continued support on the project. It will resume soon, trust me.
I've got the time atm, so sorry for the double post, and Votes are in!

+Fury Attack (By The Reptile <Arch, Abs & Pid> and Ghoul King <Swel> )
+Fury Swipes (By The Reptile <Scy & Hera>, the someone <Hon>, MegaGallade <Kri> and Ghoul King <Zoro> )
+Shell Smash (By The Reptile <Squi, Turt, Gol & Lap>, the someone <Kab, Arm, King & Sam>, MegaGallade <Shel, Escav & Claw> )

Constrict Water (By MegaGallade )
Double Slap Fairy (By The Reptile )
Cut Steel (By The Reptile , Ghoul King and Amitghosh )

Captivate Fairy (By The Reptile )
Celebrate Fairy (By Ghoul King and The Reptile )
Confide Dark (By The Reptile )
Defense Curl Rock (By The Reptile and Ghoul King )

Thanks to all that submitted!
And now...

Moves to give to Pokemon (Note: Submissions that have already been made (i.e. Using the same type, with same moves and with the exact same justification as someone who submitted before) will not be included) (Also Note: For the voting phase of this week we will redo Quick Attack/Egg Bomb/Dizzy Punch in the new format, hopefully)

Glare (New type: Poison) Reason: Limited distribution, not many Pokemon of same type obtain it, competitively viable
Rock Climb (New type: Bug) Reason: Lack of same-type Pokemon distribution
Focus Energy (New type: Fighting) Reason: Competitively viable on Sniper and Super Luck users who otherwise do not obtain it.

Status moves

Double Team


Because we have retyped all damaging normal moves, every week or so we will have something in the 'Other' section.
This week,
please post submissions on what we should change Aerilate, Pixilate and Refrigerate's effects to.
I asked a question a while ago if we should change it, and there were many suggestions on what to change them too. So now, officially, we will vote on what new effects these abilities should have?
If you want to keep them the way they are, just say so in the submission.
Thanks for reading!
Note: This submission phase will also last for an undefined amount of time. Sorry for any inconvenience. The OP will be edited soon.

Here are a few discussion points also:
  • What moves that we have retyped so far have very limited distribution? Should we use these moves as 'Moves to give to Pokemon'?
  • Which moves/Pokemon/recipients we have retyped have lost potential? Personally, for Shell Smash I'm sad that no one submitted Quilladin and that we have two fairy multi-hit moves.
Get submitting and thanks for the support on the project and for reading!
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