Glare (New type: Poison)
Onix, Milotic, Gyarados, Barboarch, Kecleon
The first four are all Pokemon with serpentine bodies, so Snake Glare fits them well (Barboarch is technically in the "Pokemon with fins" body group, but he does have a serpentine body). Kecleon is a lizard, like Helioptile and Druddigon, who also get the move.
Rock Climb (New type: Bug)
Armaldo, Leavanny, Ariados, Golurk
They're all Pokemon that could climb rocks and use the move competitively. STAB for the 3 physically oriented Bugs. Golurk gets coverage for two of it's weaknesses in one move, and 85% accuracy doesn't bother it.
Focus Energy (New type: Fighting)
Lucario, Bisharp, Gallade, Drapion, Absol
Lucario, Bisharp and Gallade fit flavor-wise (Inner Focus, two are Fighting types). They all have many moves for guaranteed crits without even holding Scope Lens. Drapion and Absol have Sniper and Super Luck respectively, so they can abuse the move.
Double Team
It's named Shadow Divide in Japanese, and it's about creating illusions. Pretty much Zoroark the move.
A "cute" move with little flavor to it.
Endure it with your fighting spirit! (or something along those lines)
Energy, light and stuff.
Aerilate, Pixilate, Refrigerate
Causes all moves of a one type (that would be voted separately) used by the Pokémon to become Flying and receive a 30% boost.
See Post #266.
Onix, Milotic, Gyarados, Barboarch, Kecleon
The first four are all Pokemon with serpentine bodies, so Snake Glare fits them well (Barboarch is technically in the "Pokemon with fins" body group, but he does have a serpentine body). Kecleon is a lizard, like Helioptile and Druddigon, who also get the move.
Rock Climb (New type: Bug)
Armaldo, Leavanny, Ariados, Golurk
They're all Pokemon that could climb rocks and use the move competitively. STAB for the 3 physically oriented Bugs. Golurk gets coverage for two of it's weaknesses in one move, and 85% accuracy doesn't bother it.
Focus Energy (New type: Fighting)
Lucario, Bisharp, Gallade, Drapion, Absol
Lucario, Bisharp and Gallade fit flavor-wise (Inner Focus, two are Fighting types). They all have many moves for guaranteed crits without even holding Scope Lens. Drapion and Absol have Sniper and Super Luck respectively, so they can abuse the move.
Double Team
It's named Shadow Divide in Japanese, and it's about creating illusions. Pretty much Zoroark the move.
A "cute" move with little flavor to it.
Endure it with your fighting spirit! (or something along those lines)
Energy, light and stuff.
Aerilate, Pixilate, Refrigerate
Causes all moves of a one type (that would be voted separately) used by the Pokémon to become Flying and receive a 30% boost.
See Post #266.