AbNormal {Community Project} [Voting Phase]

Right, some sweeping changes (not suggestions, just some brief notes on some things that I think should change), basing typing off of design mostly. For me, some types just feel 'stuck on' with no real reason for them to be there. I feel like people are scared to give things a singular type.

Kangaskhan - Fighting
Exploud - Fighting (no other type really works, maybe it could blow back a ninja with its voice :? )
Heliolisk - electric only
Girafarig - psychic only
porygon2 / porygonZ - electric only
Usaring - fighting/dark (maybe just fighting)
wigglytuff - fairy only
spinda - psychic? spinda isnt particularly fiery
miltank - ground only
snorlax - I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS THIS THING perhaps fighting???
arceus - no clue but fairy/psychic is a bit weird
linoone - ground only
lickilicky - fairy? its kind of a fat, pink fairy like clefable. ghost/rock is a bit silly if you ask me
purugly - dark only
cincinno - fairy only
furfou - ground? fairy is ok tho
furret - fairy only
pidgeot - maybe just flying? fairy seems a bit of a stretch given its just a bird
watchog - psychic/dark?? has kinda psychic eyes, and is kind of a mishievous character? perhaps just psychic
fearow - iffy about that steel typing
azurill - water/fairy, just like its evolutions

double edge - fighting? steel doesn't suit it
body slam - fighting?? ground is weird
crush grip - dark
swallow - grass like stockpile

not finished with the moves section, will finish tomorrow :)
As helpful as that list is, sorry man, but the limit is 3 Pokemon and 3 Moves per person. Also, please make sure to add the current type/new moves of the move/Pokemon as well as Justification. Thanks!
Submission: Chatot
Details: Flying, no new moves
Reason for redo: Lack of flavor (type)
Justification: Now I know most people must be thinking I'm insane for saying that there's a lack of flavor for Chatot being pure Flying, but the thing is, nothing but Tornadus is pure Flying, and I feel like that's important. Tornadus is pure Flying because it's meant to be like a genie god that embodies wind. I just feel like giving that status to Chatot is not really appropriate.

I just want to point out that Chatot being pure Flying in AbNormal is more about a lack of flavor for other types than anything else. Is there another type you think can be fitted to Chatot believably? Because if nothing fits well other than Flying, this nomination for a re-do isn't going to go anywhere.
I just want to point out that Chatot being pure Flying in AbNormal is more about a lack of flavor for other types than anything else. Is there another type you think can be fitted to Chatot believably? Because if nothing fits well other than Flying, this nomination for a re-do isn't going to go anywhere.
Well in the original voting for Chatot, there was talk of Psychic and Dark as possible other types. (I wasn't around back then, otherwise I probably would have spoken more about it back then.) I also think Fairy would be a possibility considering there seems to be a connection between Fairies and sound in sort of way. Also, we made Meloetta Fairy type. I realize this might go nowhere, but I figured it might be worthwhile in the case that some people might share my sentiments.
Does the type chart need to be revised? I only mention this because it occurs to me that Shedinja now gets unresisted STABs. (Audino-Mega, Aurill, Lopunny-Mega, Meloetta-Pirouette, Pyroar, Wigglytuff and a bunch of (former) Normal/Flying types are no longer immune to Shadow Claw.)
Does the type chart need to be revised? I only mention this because it occurs to me that Shedinja now gets unresisted STABs. (Audino-Mega, Aurill, Lopunny-Mega, Meloetta-Pirouette, Pyroar, Wigglytuff and a bunch of (former) Normal/Flying types are no longer immune to Shadow Claw.)
Well... types don't change their effectiveness, but I guess move coverage might need to be changed.
Submissions end this week!
Welp, due to other things at the moment the submission phase will end anytime before the 30th. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The Voting Phase is here!
After a long wait, voting now may begin. Please vote like the example below:
Agree: (in order of most agreed with to less most agreed with)
Disagree: (in order of most disagreed wish to less most disagreed with)
Agree: ...
Disagree: ...
Please put all Pokemon/Moves that you would like to retype in 'Agree' and those not in 'Disagree'. You must have at least one 'Agree' and at least one 'Disagree'. Those with Agree get +1, and an extra +1 every 2 Pokemon, and those with Disagree get +0, and an extra -1 every 2 Pokemon. The Pokemon/Moves with a majority of the votes will be retyped. Here's another example:
Agree: Magikarp(+2), Eevee (+2), Gallade (+1), Ampharos (+1)
Disagree: Mew (-1), Eelektross (+0), Wailmer (+0)

Note: You don't need the brackets when you vote
There is no limit to how many Pokemon you disagree with and how many Pokemon you agree with.

Electric/Grass +Giga Drain, +Energy Ball
Wigglytuff Fairy/Flying +Spit Up, +Stockpile, +Boomburst
Raticate Dark No new moves
Dark/Ground +Sucker Punch, +Earth Power
Lickilicky Ghost/Rock +Shadow Claw, +Shadow Sneak
Cinccino Grass/Fairy +Cotton Guard, +Play Rough
Fairy/Psychic +Play Rough, +Moonblast, +Misty Terrain
Eevee Fairy +Play Rough, +Dazzling Gleam
Chatot Flying No new moves
Flying +Hurricane
Spinda Fire +Overheat, +Fire Punch, +Flare Blitz
Pidgeot Flying/Fairy +Dazzling Gleam
Fearow Flying/Steel +Iron Head, +Brave Bird

(prismwinter I only included three Pokemon that had justification for their changes, if you want Pokemon changed just ask me, same for moves)
Stomp Ground
Mega Kick Fighting
Double Hit Dark
Explosion / Self-Destruct Fire (Note: These moves must be together)
Disable Psychic
Foresight Psychic
Odor Sleuth Bug
Double-Edge Steel
Body Slam Ground
Swallow Poison
In the meanwhile, here are some discussion points:
  • Why do you agree / not agree with some suggested Pokemon / Moves?
  • Do you think some Pokemon / Move viability will be hampered by retyping them?
  • Do you that we should contact the original user before retyping their Pokemon?

Thanks for reading, and go voting! Sorry for the long wait, voting will end by the weekend.
AGREE: Heliolisk (+2) Lickiliky (+2) Wigglytuff (+2) Exploud (+2) Spinda (+2) Arceus (+1) Fearow (+1) Pidgeot (+1)
DISAGREE: Eevee (+0) Fletchling (+0) Chatot (-1) Raticate (-1)

AGREE: Stomp (+1), Double Hit (+1), Body Slam (+1)
DISAGREE: Mega Kick (+0), Explosion/Self-Destruct (+0), Disable (+0), Foresight (+0), Odor Sleuth (+0), Double Edge (+0), Swallow (-1)

Sorry for not conforming to the format before, in future I'll give better explanations :heart:
AGREE: Heliolisk (+2) Lickiliky (+2) Wigglytuff (+2) Exploud (+2) Spinda (+2) Arceus (+1) Fearow (+1) Pidgeot (+1)
DISAGREE: Eevee (+0) Fletchling (+0) Chatot (-1) Raticate (-1)

AGREE: Stomp (+1), Double Hit (+1), Body Slam (+1)
DISAGREE: Mega Kick (+0), Explosion/Self-Destruct (+0), Disable (+0), Foresight (+0), Odor Sleuth (+0), Double Edge (+0), Swallow (-1)

Sorry for not conforming to the format before, in future I'll give better explanations :heart:
Thanks for voting, but it will be better next time if you'd PM me with the votes. Thanks again!
Also, points are slightly inaccurate... I'll take it that you put your 'disagree' votes in the oppoisite order, but from how you ordered it this is how I interpret your votes:
AGREE: Heliolisk (+4) Lickiliky (+4) Wigglytuff (+3) Exploud (+3) Spinda (+2) Arceus (+2) Fearow (+1) Pidgeot (+1)
DISAGREE: Eevee (+0) Fletchling (+0) Chatot (-1) Raticate (-1)

AGREE: Stomp (+2), Double Hit (+1), Body Slam (+1)
DISAGREE: Mega Kick (+0), Explosion/Self-Destruct (+0), Disable (-1), Foresight (-1), Odor Sleuth (-2), Double Edge (-2), Swallow (-3)
Sorry if that is inaccurate, but that's how the votes should be due to your presentation. If it's incorrect, please tell me asap. Thanks once again for voting, and sorry if my explanation in my post was hard to understand.
Well I guess this is a topic that probably could have been discussed before voting, but for the revision of Raticate if it occurs, are we looking to re-type it or just give it new moves? I do agree that it is disappointing that it is "bad Zangoose", but I think if we add moves it can be viable. (Not that I'm against re-typing, but Dark does seem suitable to me.)
Also I guess this bump was just brought up because I miss this thread. :[
Well I guess this is a topic that probably could have been discussed before voting, but for the revision of Raticate if it occurs, are we looking to re-type it or just give it new moves? I do agree that it is disappointing that it is "bad Zangoose", but I think if we add moves it can be viable. (Not that I'm against re-typing, but Dark does seem suitable to me.)
Also I guess this bump was just brought up because I miss this thread. :[
My assumption has been that we're going to re-submit from scratch, as if we were doing it for the first time.
Welp, Ghoul King is right.
Sorry for the long, long wait. I've got many things to do and I'm soon going on a vacation :/
Expect the thread to come back to life before next week's weekend. Sorry for any problems caused.
I'm returning to the coding, and just to ensure this isn't lost in the shuffle of my brain...

NFEs. Skimming the thread, I don't think we ever addressed most of them. For the moment -just to ensure there's no Normal types on release, rather than everybody forgetting about them and AbNormal being released with NFE Normal types- I'm going with best guesses, based on the winning submission's typing and general Pokemon "rules".

-Litleo is pure Fire.

-Aipom is pure Dark.

-Porygon is Electric/Psychic. (Pure Electric is the main other alternative, but I find it unlikely)

-Slakoth and Vigoroth are pure Ground.

-Chansey and Happiny are pure Fairy.

-Taillow is pure Flying.

-Lillipup and Herdier are pure Ground.

-Meowth is pure Dark.

-Rattata is pure Dark.

-Teddiursa is pure Fairy. (Debatable)

-Igglypuff and Jigglypuff are Fairy/Flying. (Debatable)

-Helioptile is Electric/Grass. (Debatable)

-Deerling is Grass/Ground. (Debatable)

-Zigzagoon is Ground/Fire. (Debatable)

-Skitty is pure Fairy.

-Glameow is Dark/Fairy. (Debatable)

-Minccino is Grass/Fairy. (Debatable)

-Sentret is Electric/Fairy. (Debatable)

-Hoothoot is Psychic/Flying. (Debatable, though I doubt anyone would argue with me over it)

-Pidove and Tranquill are Dark/Flying. (Debatable)

-Buneary is pure Fairy.

-Patrat is Electric/Dark. (Debatable)

-Spearow is Steel/Flying. (Debatable)

That should be all of them.

If we make different decisions later, I'll just recode it then -or if we made different decisions on some and I haven't found them in the thread- but this is my current stand-in list.
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Are we going to hold votes for NFE's that Ghoul King brought up? To be honest, I think a lot of them are good as they are. Also, when are we going to get the resubmission part rolling?
Seeing as how Mega Gallade does not seem to be continuing the project, but there's playable code right now (Aside from Roost still turning pure Flying into pure Normal and probably a handful of other minor incorrect behaviors: it's not fully tested) I'm posting the code. It would be great for the meta to see play.
Now installed on rom, but untested as yet, although I did have a crack at fixing pure Flying type Roost.

Edit: Now slightly tested, in that it doesn't completely crash the server out any more. (There was some old code to deal with Gourgeist formes which is no longer relevant.)
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I'm glad to see this finally come to light, I feel like we all put a lot of effort into it. Is this coded just assuming that the current types for all the mons and attacks are good, without doing revisions and NFEs then?
I'm glad to see this finally come to light, I feel like we all put a lot of effort into it. Is this coded just assuming that the current types for all the mons and attacks are good, without doing revisions and NFEs then?

It includes pretty much everything including NFEs. I think it also includes whatever revisions were actually done, but it's been months since I last did anything with the code so it's possible I'm mis-remembering.

Also yay it's hosted!

I have a team made already, though I don't expect to be on a lot today/tomorrow, unfortunately, but come Monday I look forward to getting in play at last.
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Other things that were "added" but actually the Pokemon already gets it...

Spinda: Fire Punch.

Regigigas: Bulldoze.

Delcatty: Play Rough.

Eevee: Take Down.

I'm not finding any others, so we actually did pretty well overall about avoiding redundancy. Still annoyed I didn't clean this up in the code, though.

As far as the matches go, my main takeaway is: Porygon-Z is buffed. A lot. Weak to Sucker Punch, so it's certainly not unmanageable, but if you're not carrying Sucker Punch you may be in for a bad time. Its STABs aren't perfectly complimentary, but they're not far off -Dark/Ground (Krookodile, Exploud), Dark/Grass (Cacturne and Shiftry), Dark/Electric (Watchog), and Dark/Dragon (Hydreigon) are the only type combinations that laugh off both its STABs at once (There is no Pokemon with Dark typing and Electric immunity from an Ability, not even in AbNormal) so it's hard to find a good switch-in to it, especially since none of those are particularly bulky. At least they include multiple Sucker Punchers? Plus of course Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball are both stronger than Tri Attack ever was, so Porygon-Z has basically been given an implicit buff to its damage. Immunity to Seismic Toss also means Eviolite Chansey is... flawed at handling it. It's immune to Thunder Wave, too! Only good answer Chansey has is to drop a Toxic on it, which is a bit sub-optimal.

Mega Metagross getting Steel Double Edge is pretty scary stuff too, though at least it's killing itself when using it, where Iron Head could net it a Flinch. I'm actually starting to think Chansey/Blissey are overall unhappy with having been turned Fairy, contrary to all the hype during the project about how giving them such a good defensive type was going to be a big edge. Still need to work through the various implications.
Great to see that this project is playable! : ]

I did some matches with friends and noticed a few mistakes in the code (or in the OP, whichever one that's not updated with the revisions).
Watchog doesn't learn Glare and Exploud isn't part Ground type. Oh, and Melloetta still can't learn Moonblast. Other than that, things seemed normal.
I did some matches with friends and noticed a few mistakes in the code (or in the OP, whichever one that's not updated with the revisions).
Watchog doesn't learn Glare and Exploud isn't part Ground type. Oh, and Meloetta still can't learn Moonblast. Other than that, things seemed normal.
Watchog was still coded to learn Sucker Punch, although that (eventually) got changed to Glare in the OP. Meloetta didn't have Play Rough either, and none of the Whismur line had had their types updated. I think I've updated things correctly now though (if there's still something wrong you can always PM me).