Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Any Xerneas can learn Geomancy, so this request sort of doesn't make sense unless you meant you're looking for any Xerneas lol.

Xerneas has 3 different sets: Geomancy (Modest or inferior Timid), Scarf (Hasty/Timid/Naive) or Support (Calm) so his question is still valid.

Does anyone know what is the image limit per post? Thinking of opening a thread
LF: Adamant 5/6IV Landorus and Bold 5/6IV Thundurus for use in VGC! Must have blue pentagon :)

If anyone can clone pokemon I have some other good 5/6iv shinies with pentagons that I can trade for them if you can give me a copy back :)
I'm looking for a Qwilifish with the egg moves supersonic and acid spray. If you have or can get me a 5IV flawless (impish) male or female (prefer male) I'm willing to offer multiple pokemon for it.

I have another very easy request, I'm looking for a flawless female Magikarp in a dive ball with its standard ability.

Please contact me if this is possible for you.

edit: Also is Hasty Rayquza an acceptable alternative to Naive?
I think yes since most of the time ice moves are special except like beartic and mamo and weavile. However dragons do tend to be physical so yea its your call.

Looking for good 5 iv legends offering for cloning female shiny mawile (Intimidate 5iv Adamant nature) and male shiny greninja (Protean 31/31/27/31/31/31 naive nature).
Note I will not help with cloning since I don't know how to and I am too scared to do it.
Also both were bred and are 100% legit I will even nickname them for you.
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Looking for a HA tyrunt -- spitback, caught from FS, whatever -- not fussed on IV's.

Have a fair few breeding project rejects, hopefully of value to someone.

Peace out :)
Looking for : heatran (sandstorm team) a modest 5iv xerneas (missing the useless stat only) and a 5iv rayquasar (missing the useless stat only). I offer events and some breeding projects that you will assign me.Thanks in advance post here or pm if you have the above and you are willing to trade.
Hey, does anyone here have access to the Maxsoft FB page? It's currently restricted to only SEA people.

This is because they'll most likely be distributing Hoopa codes. If it's gonna be a URL based one like last time, then it'll be easier. If not, then CMT for a Hoopa code.
I could use a hoop a code.But when will it be available ?Also if it isn't redeemable in a pal version of the game can you obtain the hoops and then trade him to me?(I don't care about ivs / nature )
I could use a hoop a code.But when will it be available ?Also if it isn't redeemable in a pal version of the game can you obtain the hoops and then trade him to me?(I don't care about ivs / nature )
I think multiple Maxsoft RayRay codes could be redeemed on one console, so it could be the same. If that is the case, then I'll happily redeem you one if I get another code.
Anyway if you got one know that I got all events and take breeding projects .So if you plan trading him (or even a clone of him) message me.
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