Fluke's Trading Temple - Updated 21/02/2016

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Are you sure? I've got quite a lot of spitbacks of the Pokemon in this thread I don't do anything with.

Well, Marowak is not on my list of shinies I'm aiming to get, so the regular Adamant 5IV -SpA Cubone you have would be ok I suppose =)
Would you check my thread for Landorus/heatran? Still adding pokemon to my shop though, but maybe you would find something.
Thanks for the Spearow. By the way, are there any Pokemon you're looking out for at the moment? I'm going to start a bunch of new BPs soon and maybe I could also please you within that.

You're very welcome =) At the moment? No. Forgive me for asking, but what are BPs? Battle Points? lol
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