

Banned deucer.

"Does this coat make me look fat?"​

"I'm not going to lie to you. Yes, yes it does."


Co-lead with Adrian Marin & E4 Flint
In this metagame, whenever you add one of the "accessories" below to a Pokemon, you transform it. Each item adds or changes the secondary typing and carries a 50 base point bonus and a 10 base point penalty. Like with Mega Stones, the items cannot be removed. Otherwise abilities and movepools stay the same.

This will be OU-based with standard clauses. Future bans and unbans will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, determined by the co-leaders.

Also keep in mind all other items are usable. Leftovers, Choice items, Focus Sash, Mega Stones, and whatever else you want are still great additions to any team!


(+25 Attack, +25 Special Attack | -5 Defense, -5 Special Defense)

Spell Tag
(+25 Attack, +25 Special Attack | -5 Defense, -5 Special Defense)

Mystic Water
(+20 Special Attack, +30 Special Defense | -10 Speed)

Hard Stone
(+20 Attack, +30 Defense | -10 Speed)

(+20 Special Attack, +30 Speed | -5 Defense, -5 Special Defense)

Sharp Beak
(+20 Attack, +30 Speed | -5 Defense, -5 Special Defense)

Cherish Ball
(+25 Defense, +25 Special Defense | -10 Speed)

Metal Coat
(+25 Defense, +25 Special Defense | -10 Speed)

Twisted Spoon
(+25 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +15 Speed | -10 Defense)

Silver Powder
(+25 Attack, +10 Defense, +15 Speed | -10 Special Defense)

Silk Scarf
(+30 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +10 Attack | -10 Defense)

Soft Sand
(+30 Attack, +10 Defense, +10 Special Attack | -10 Special Defense)

Miracle Seed
(+20 Special Attack, +15 Defense, +15 Special Defense | -10 Speed)

Poison Barb
(+20 Attack, +15 Defense, +15 Special Defense | -10 Speed)

Dragon Fang
(+20 Attack, +20 Special Attack, +10 Speed | -5 Defense, -5 Special Defense)

Never Melt Ice
(+20 Attack, +20 Special Attack, +10 Speed | -5 Defense, -5 Special Defense)

Black Glasses
(+30 Special Attack, +15 Special Defense, +5 Speed | -10 Defense)

Black Belt
(+30 Attack, +15 Defense, +5 Speed | -10 Special Defense)

  • The type replaces the secondary typing or adds one if it doesn't exist.
    • fire.png

    • grass.png
  • If you add an item that matches the type(s) your Pokemon already has, no type change takes place.
    • fighting.png
    • ground.png
  • The items function like Mega Stones: they cannot be removed.
  • No limit to amount of items per team, however.
  • They DO NOT add the 20% type bonus anymore. Remember: new STABs gain 50% in power already.
  • The accessory will display in battle as [Accessory Name] under the Pokemon.
  • Accessories that would give a Pokemon a negative stat are banned on that Pokemon.

Accessories in Action:



Ability: Terravolt
125 | 170 | 100 | 120 | 90 | 95



125 | 170 | 95 | 140 | 85 | 125
Think of Magnet Kyurem-B as a faster, item-less Zekrom. Thanks to its secondary Electric-typing it now has STAB on Fusion Bolt, and while the Magnet doesn't add any boosts to Attack, it still sports a massive base 170. It loses out on STAB Ice, but with that it also loses its Stealth Rock weakness, and Ice Beam is a fantastic coverage move to run alongside Fusion Bolt anyway.

Another item to try: Black Belt - 125 | 200 | 115 | 120 | 80 | 100 with STAB on Focus Blast and a resistance to Stealth Rock.
Or: Metal Coat - 125 | 170 | 125 | 120 | 115 | 85 with STAB on Iron Head and defenses (and Roost!) that would make some walls green with envy.



Ability: Iron Barbs / Anticipation
74 | 94 | 131 | 54 | 116 | 20



74 | 94 | 156 | 54 | 141 | 10
Without Leftovers, some walls are going to feel almost naked in Accessorize. If they have access to another form of recovery, however, they can mitigate that loss of residual HP replenishment. Ferrothorn has access to Leech Seed to maintain itself as needed, and even without a Rocky Helmet, it's still dishing out contact damage with Iron Barbs. Plus now it can't lose its "Leftovers" from Knock Off, and it even has a lower Speed to boost Gyro Ball.

Another item to try: Pixie Plate - Same stats as above but new resistances and no longer x4 weak to Fire.



Ability: Overgrowth / Contrary
75 | 75 | 95 | 75 | 95 | 113



75 | 100 | 90 | 100 | 90 | 113
When you do the math, a Life Orb Leafstorm does more coming off its base forme's 75 Special Attack. The kicker here is the access to Fire STAB to make HP Fire much stronger than before. Not only is it 50% harder-hitting, but it's also (potentially) coming off +2 base 100 Special Attack. The loss in defenses is fairly negligible, but you do have to account for a Stealth Rock weakness now. Overall it's not a giant threat but may be worth watching out for.

Another item to try: Dragon Fang - 75 | 95 | 90 | 95 | 90 | 123 with STAB on Dragon Pulse and the option to run either HP Fire or Ground.



Ability: Levitate
92 | 105 | 90 | 125 | 90 | 98



92 | 125 | 105 | 125 | 105 | 88
Here's how you turn an attacker into a defensive threat. You give it no weaknesses! Luckily Hydreigon has Roost to remedy the loss of soft recovery in Leftovers. Throw in some standard status moves like Thunder Wave and Toxic, STAB Crunch or Dark Pulse (sadly no Poison STAB), and coverage such as Flamethrower or U-turn and you have a decent bulky supporter.

Now that you've seen some examples, it's time to go shopping for some new accessories!
Ferrothorn art by MLarF | Kyurem-Black art by reika-world
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Strategies, Suspects, and Resources

Should we quick-ban Shedinja w/ Metal Coat?



It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Shedinja wearing a Metal Coat has only 1 type weakness and will undoubtedly dominate the metagame initially.

-No longer vulnerable to poison or Toxic
-No longer vulnerable to sandstorm damage
-Immune to every type bar Fire
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Strategies, Suspects, and Resources

Should we quick-ban Shedinja w/ Metal Coat?



It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Shedinja wearing a Metal Coat has only 1 type weakness and will undoubtedly dominate the metagame initially.
Entry hazards and WoW still ruins it. If you didn't set up any hazards, phaze it out and set up hazards. Also fire types are everywhere.

I don't see this becoming a problem
I can see 3 amazing Cheerish ball holders


Espically the fat T-Wave CM God named Clefable even Jirachi lol
I agree with Unuhexium. Its managable, and a by product of so many fire types that handle it are many hazards, so that alone should keep it in place. But in the hands of a skilled player, its worse than sturdinja.

Edit: And I thought Regular talonflame with Sharp Beak was annoying.....
Oh my god... I'll hate this thing if I face one.

Clefable @ Metal Coat
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonlight
- Moonblast
- Stored Power/Heal Bell

Fairy/Steel typing with stats of 95/70/97/95/115/50. It'll be a pain to beat, because of high defenses, can't be poisoned, Unaware, means can't be affected by set up, while it sets up itself. How do you beat this thing?

Florges @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Synthesis
- Moonblast
- Giga Drain

Grass typing, means it'll be affected by Flower Veil. Also has higher Defenses and Special Attack.

Whimsicott @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- Nature Power
- Giga Drain
- Substitute/U-turn/Growth
- Leech Seed/Knock Off/Hidden Power Fire

Special Talonflame anyone? Give it Sun support and it'll rek opponent with Growth.
I'm not so sure we need to ban Shedinja because of Metal Coat. Sure, it only has one weakness and now ignores Toxic and sandstorm, but entry hazards will always be a crippling handicap. The stat boosts in both defenses are meaningless with 1 HP, and it isn't like Fire-type moves are a rarity. Shedinja might be extremely powerful now, but I'm not prepared to say that it's broken since most forms of passive damage are still a thing.
There are two viable items for Porygon-Z here. Be happy Porygon-Z fans (myself included).

Porygon-Z @ Spell Tag/Twistedspoon
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Agility
- Nasty Plot/coverage
- Shadow Ball/Psyshock (depends on item)
- Tri Attack

One similarity this will give is both has 160 Special Attack. Adding a type means it'll gain more STAB for Adaptability.

Azumarill @ Black Belt
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Aqua Jet
- Superpower
- Knock Off / Play Rough

Type: Water/Fighting
Base Stats: 100/80/95/60/70/55

While Azu doesn't appreciate the loss of its precious Choice Band/Assault Vest, it gains quite a bit of power while retaining the ability to switch moves. The EVs probably aren't optimal, but just look at this:

252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 177-208 (52.9 - 62.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
compared to the previous
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 135-160 (40.4 - 47.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

A Belly Drum set would also be quite threatening if it got the chance to set up


Ability: Iron Barbs / Anticipation
74 | 94 | 131 | 54 | 116 | 20



74 | 94 | 156 | 54 | 141 | 10
Without Leftovers, some walls are going to feel almost naked in Accessorize. If they have access to another form of recovery, however, they can mitigate that loss of residual HP replenishment. Ferrothorn has access to Leech Seed to maintain itself as needed, and even without a Rocky Helmet, it's still dishing out contact damage with Iron Barbs. Plus now it can't lose its "Leftovers" from Knock Off, and it even has a lower Speed to boost Gyro Ball.

Another item to try: Pixie Plate - Same stats as above but new resistances and no longer x4 weak to Fire.
are you not allowed to use standard items, then?
also forgot to mention pixies like victini and manaphy can hold cherish ball to A:) get STAB on dazzling gleam and B:) turn the weakness to sucker punch into a resistance could see some use
Kyurem looks like an absolute monster, not only with the Magnet but also with Metal Coat




Kyurem-Black @ Metal Coat​
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Iron Head
- Roost
- Toxic / Fusion Bolt

With Dragon / Steel typing and 125/125/115 bulk, Metal Coat Kyurem Black is a monster. The lost of speed doesn't really matter, as Kyurem-B's speed was always a bit lacking. It now also has STAB on Iron Head coming off of that 170 Attack, making it a defensive monster with offensive prowess. A SpDef set is monstrous, although a physical defensive set is also amazing. Kyu-B is a versatile monster, and personally it might need to banned. It also has the benefit of destroying Shedinja's life, no matter what item it uses thanks to Teravolt. That's also why I have Toxic on the set - while it wouldn't want to stay in on Mega Sableye, it can pop a Toxic on it on the switch.

Since we're talking about Dragon-types




Latios (M) @ Magnet
Ability: Levitate
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam / Roost
- Defog / Roost

Interesting typing, both offensively and defensively. It is objectively better than just Dragon too thanks to Levitate, meaning only Mold Breaker EQs are going to hit this thing. The stats are also insane on this monster - 150 SpA and 140 Speed is absolutely crazy, and its bulk on the special side isn't that bad. It even has Ice Beam to get BoltBeam alongside its Draco Meteor, leaving Defog or Roost for the last slot (keep in mind Roost does not actually cancel out Levitate). With STAB Tbolt it can hit things that it couldn't before like Heatran and TTar without having to use like Surf or something, which opens up Ice Beam as coverage. Overall a potent threat.
Just a comment, but, unless I'm missing something, shouldn't this be a Pet Mod?
No, why? Check out the difference between them in the Rules & Regulations thread.
Edit: I mean, I guess it has some similarities. I took the Metagamiate angle, which added custom abilities, but it applied them universally. Accessorize adds quite a few custom items, but they're applied the same. If people think it should be a Mod, however, I can move it.
are you not allowed to use standard items, then?
You may! Eviolite, choice items, Leftovers, Focus Sash, and more are all still usable and viable.
Oh my god... I'll hate this thing if I face one.

Clefable @ Metal Coat
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonlight
- Moonblast
- Stored Power/Heal Bell

Fairy/Steel typing with stats of 95/70/97/95/115/50. It'll be a pain to beat, because of high defenses, can't be poisoned, Unaware, means can't be affected by set up, while it sets up itself. How do you beat this thing?
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Look at this beast

Slowbro @ Metal Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
IVs: 0 Attk
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Bold
- Scald
- Ice Beam / Fire Blast / Thunder Wave
- Slack Off
- Calm Mind

With an excellent defensive typing and an immunity to Toxic, Slowbro has never been better. The Toxic immunity gives it freedom to use Slack Off and very good coverage options. Plus Twave is to troll. Really powerful and serious threat.

Also, I prefer this over Twisted Spoon version.

Porygon-Z @ Magnet
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Ability: Adaptabilty
Nature: Timid
- Thunderbolt
- Tri-Attack
- Ice Beam / Agility
- Nasty Plot

The makings of a great revenge killer with amazing 120 Speed and near nuke level 155 Special Attack + Adaptability. Its STABs are pretty straight-forward. It has the options of getting faster with Agility, or having almost perfect coverage with Ice Beam. Nasty Plot makes it hit even HARDER
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Just something to note based off of everyone's initial reactions of insanely powerful defenses or offenses: everything gets such a buff, so these "insane stats" really are mostly the norm for this meta, considering how powerful accessories really are. This was also my opinion about mix and mega, with everyone's hype over everything's "overpowered" stats.

EDIT: also, it says that if it matches a type your poke already has,no type change is made. however, the examples arent specific if you have a poke with its primary typing the same as the accessory. is it like MnM where they merge into single-type, or do they still retain their original typing? (your example says: ground/flying + flying = ground/flying, fighting + fighting = fighting)

and now, with the most important message of this post.

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I feel like this change is substantially bigger for defensive/ support mons, as offensive mons feel a signifigant loss in power without a Life orb or Choice Item.


This is something I expect to get a lot better in this metagame. For starters, holding either of these items give it about a 20% damage deduction on the physical side and a 19% damage reduction on the special side w/ the standard spread. Additionally, the type change is really nice for wob. Fairy covers its weakness to dark and bug while giving it an immunity to dragon. Steel, on the other hand, leaves wob with 9 resistances and an immunity. Pretty neat for trapping.
subpunch azu with black belt seems like a solid offensive mon, particularly when a lot of people are likely to add steel to stuff. shame about no recovery, though

252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Focus Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 220-261 (65.8 - 78.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
EDIT: also, it says that if it matches a type your poke already has,no type change is made. however, the examples arent specific if you have a poke with its primary typing the same as the accessory. is it like MnM where they merge into single-type, or do they still retain their original typing? (your example says: ground/flying + flying = ground/flying, fighting + fighting = fighting)
Ground/Flying + Ground is still Ground/Flying.
I feel like this change is substantially bigger for defensive/ support mons, as offensive mons feel a signifigant loss in power without a Life orb or Choice Item.
Yes, the power output is reduced, but it's not that far off in some instances. Plus when building offensive threats the goal should be to augment them with a new STAB. Porygon-Z is a good example because it has Adaptability to abuse Psyshock or Thunderbolt now. Nidoking also enjoys much stronger Sheer Force boosted Thunderbolts. Landorus-T gets a solid U-turn. ETC

Edit: For comparison
Magnet - 252 SpA Sheer Force Nidoking Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 165-195 (48.3 - 57.1%)
Old - 252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 125-148 (36.6 - 43.4%)

Magnet - 252 SpA Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 175-207 (51.3 - 60.7%)
Old - 252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 199-234 (58.3 - 68.6%)
Time to seize your glory!!!!

Exploud @ Spell Tag / Charcoal
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Def
Ability: Scrappy
Nature: Modest
- Boomburst
- Focus Blast
- Overheat / Ice Beam
- Surf / Ice Beam

Why does this thing even get Overheat?!?!
It can either ultilize Spell Tag for an amazing defensive typing or Charcoal for Powerful High power Dual STABs. If you go the Spell Tag route, no need for secondary STAB, as STAB Scrappy Boomburst almost has the same damage output as STAB SE Shadow Ball. Its coverage is amazing. Focus Blast, Ice Beam (only Thunder Fang though), Freakin' Surf, and Fire Blast AND Overheat.
Ground/Flying + Ground is still Ground/Flying.

Yes, the power output is reduced, but it's not that far off in some instances. Plus when building offensive threats the goal should be to augment them with a new STAB. Porygon-Z is a good example because it has Adaptability to abuse Psyshock or Thunderbolt now. Nidoking also enjoys much stronger Sheer Force boosted Thunderbolts. Landorus-T gets a solid U-turn. ETC

Edit: For comparison
Magnet - 252 SpA Sheer Force Nidoking Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 165-195 (48.3 - 57.1%)
Old - 252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 125-148 (36.6 - 43.4%)

Magnet - 252 SpA Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 175-207 (51.3 - 60.7%)
Old - 252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 199-234 (58.3 - 68.6%)
I think you're right that the a good amount of building is going to focus around these new typings in terms of offensive presence. However, the thing is that offensive mons are going to have to sacrifice power and bulk for better typings and a bit of speed. Defensive mons, on the other hand get generally increased bulk and better typings. However, you reminded me of an interesting point with Nidoking. In general, mons with lower base stats will see greater effects of all stat changes (bar speed). This means Nidoking only sees about a 10-15% drop in power when choosing magnet over LO. However, a mon like Latios sees a reduction in power closer to 20% for doing the same. However, all-in-all, this should shape up to be quite an interesting OM.