Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Apparently I need a pokemon with Pokerus to RNG my SoulSilver according to this does anyone have a pokemon with pokerus that can trade with a SoulSilver game? PM me or something. Thanks!!!
Unfortunately, Wifi service was shut down for the old games, making it impossible to trade over wifi. If you don't have Pokerus, then you can rng by using Juggler Irwin, who's on the route just north of Goldenrod. It accomplishes the same thing since you call him in the same way you call Elm, but without the added requirements of needing Pokerus etc
Unfortunately, Wifi service was shut down for the old games, making it impossible to trade over wifi. If you don't have Pokerus, then you can rng by using Juggler Irwin, who's on the route just north of Goldenrod. It accomplishes the same thing.

Lol of course. Thanks for that info. Wish the guide was updated to reflect that kind of thing. RNG is so freaking complicated!
Apparently I need a pokemon with Pokerus to RNG my SoulSilver according to this does anyone have a pokemon with pokerus that can trade with a SoulSilver game? PM me or something. Thanks!!!
I don't know what you want to RNG, but Togepi is easy to get,no?

I use Irwin as well though.
Lol of course. Thanks for that info. Wish the guide was updated to reflect that kind of thing. RNG is so freaking complicated!
The guide said:
Must have one of the following people registered in your Pokégear:
  • Professor Elm: you should have his number, but you must do all three of the following:
    • Show him a hatched Togepi or any of its evolutions
    • Have a Pokemon with Pokérus
    • Have reached Kanto
  • Juggler Irwin (North of Goldenrod City)
It is in the guide :).
I'm looking for a Flawless Eevee/Jolteon with HP ice

I would love to help you to do this, since I'm actually doing it at the moment.
Except I fucked up while breeding and accidentally used a female with a Hidden Ability, and now only a teeny tiny amount of breedjects have either of the defaults. And of those, exactly 0 have had the appropriate IVs and hidden power. Idk. If I get one shortly and you don't mind a hidden ability, I can give you its mother/father. One of them has everything correct bar the ability if I remember correctly. But... I've been breeding it for like a week with no luck so it might be a while!
I doubt any of you will remember me but, i'm back! I know this is a long shot but i'm in need of a few battle ready ( prefered ) pokes for a tournament i have tomorrow. ( leaving it late i know ). I'd only like to borrow ( until monday ) as I have literally nothing to give in return, but when i do ( which will be soon ) you may have one pokemon of your choice. I know a lot of people on here could vouch for my honesty and legit-ness, but it's whether anyone remembers me
I doubt any of you will remember me but, i'm back! I know this is a long shot but i'm in need of a few battle ready ( prefered ) pokes for a tournament i have tomorrow. ( leaving it late i know ). I'd only like to borrow ( until monday ) as I have literally nothing to give in return, but when i do ( which will be soon ) you may have one pokemon of your choice. I know a lot of people on here could vouch for my honesty and legit-ness, but it's whether anyone remembers me
What particular pokemon are you looking for?
I doubt any of you will remember me but, i'm back! I know this is a long shot but i'm in need of a few battle ready ( prefered ) pokes for a tournament i have tomorrow. ( leaving it late i know ). I'd only like to borrow ( until monday ) as I have literally nothing to give in return, but when i do ( which will be soon ) you may have one pokemon of your choice. I know a lot of people on here could vouch for my honesty and legit-ness, but it's whether anyone remembers me
Same as cannibal, what were you looking for?
I would love to help you to do this, since I'm actually doing it at the moment.
Except I fucked up while breeding and accidentally used a female with a Hidden Ability, and now only a teeny tiny amount of breedjects have either of the defaults. And of those, exactly 0 have had the appropriate IVs and hidden power. Idk. If I get one shortly and you don't mind a hidden ability, I can give you its mother/father. One of them has everything correct bar the ability if I remember correctly. But... I've been breeding it for like a week with no luck so it might be a while!
Thank you so much and don't mind about the hidden ability, I don't need it :)
LF: Male 5iv/4iv spitback Bagon with egg moves: Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump, Thrash

would also take a BR version that can remember the moves with heartscales, or a flawless dusk female if youre feeling really nice!

CMT please :D

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Latias - #380 (Bold)
HP: 30 - 31
Att: 7 - 9
Def: 30 - 31
SpA: 31
SpD: 27 - 29
Speed: 30 - 31

It's probably not a keep, but how can I even check the stats? I gave it 8 Def EVs and 4 Speed EVs and deposited it in Box. Stats didn't change. Does that mean it's 30-31/x/30/31/27-29/30?
Thank you so much and don't mind about the hidden ability, I don't need it :)
You're in luck! I just got one I can use, so I no longer need the parents. The male jolteon is timid, HP ice, all the right stats and is lv.42. If that's good for you, put something on the gts and ask for it, I'll trade it afterwards!

I have a female too, but it's not Timid.
Looking for a battle ready Porygon-Z asap. Accidentally released mine and only realized after I saved. Preferably with this (or a similar) set.
Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Tri Attack
- Dark Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Trick
I would like to move my Breloom from Y to OR. Would anyone mind doing two trades?

Edit: I just used the GTS with myself. Didn't realize I could do that.
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