ORAS UU: The Next Best Thing V2 (Toxicroak - Submission Stage)

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k so i left it over night because of the tie between spoofy and shib but no one voted so ill leave this open for one more hour then give it to both of them if still tied n_n

this fantastic fish has recently dropped to bl2. Dragalge sports good bulk on both ends and thanks to adaptability gives it strong offenses as well. Submissions end Saturday at 8pm.
Defensive Phaser Dragalge

Dragalge @ Leftovers/Black Sludge
Ability: Poison Point
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Bold Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Scald
- Toxic Spikes
- Venoshock

Dragon Tail is the phasing move with the useful addition of having a nice 30% of chance to poison the target (and alongside with Toxic Spikes) it helps Dragalge to use effectively Venoshock. Scald is there to have a chance to burn the opponent thus making this Poison/Dragon pokemon more durable.

68 Speed EVs allow Dragalge to outspeed Relaxed Swampert so Dragalge can finish it if it is enough weak; 252 EVs in HP plus the remaining 188 in Def coupled with a Bold nature to make Dragalge more bulky on the physical side.

Two Dragalge sets here, one Trick Room set and one not. It matters, you'll see.

Tricky Dragalge @ Expert Belt
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 HP / 4 Def
IVs: 0 Spd
Nature: Modest
Sludge Wave
Draco Meteor
Focus Blast
Hydro Pump

Sludge and Draco for that stab/adapt/expert boost and most things are gone. Under trick room, you'll likely be the fastest thing, so all you'll need is good predictions to dominate. Focus blast works for steels, while hydro pump is often unexpected and surprise hits those ground types trying to earthquake you, like Krookodile and Donphan. (Hydro has that bonus accuracy against krook than FB).

Poison Lover Dragalge @ Black sludge / Red Card / Cutsap Berry
Ability: Adaptibility / Poison Point
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Def
Nature: Modest
Toxic Spikes
Draco Meteor
Venom Drench

While support would be better, drag can lay spikes of his own, and venoshock will proceed to hit like a truck. If they have a lot of threats, taking away from SpA to Def or SpD is fine. I know poison point over adaptability is heresy, but the point is to wear down and make opponents weak from toxic damage and venoshock.
Lastly, Venom Drench is awesome with Cutsap, kind of like it's own Memento except it doesn't have to die. Venom Drench lowers attack, special attack, and speed, so it makes their mon easy to revenge kill, get in a set up user, or to slow one of theirs. Black sludge allows for longevity while red card can let you set up both layers and make multiple mons poisoned. Obviously, this set needs support. I know this isn't a teammate thread, but a scary alternative set partner I've found is offensive Competitive Milotic for the defog users. Totally unexpected 100% of the time, but always awesome to lay down scalds, ice beams, hidden powers, etc.

Hopefully you all like one of these! I'm new here, but I'd like to think I'm a quick learner.
I don't even know what to call this set. Mixed Lure I guess.


Dragalge @ Life Orb / Draco Plate
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 188 Atk / 252 SpA / 68 Spe
Mild Nature
- Outrage
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Bomb
- Focus Blast / Hidden Power Fire / Filler

2HKO's Blissey with Outrage. 'nuff said.

But seriously, with 75 base Attack, Dragalge can hit hard on the physical side if you're not prepared because of that sweet Adaptability.

edit: Jaguar's Gunk Shot idea below is actually better than mine imo, but I hate missing moves so Outrage for me pls
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Psuedo ninja'd with mixed (damn dying laptop), but I've been working on this set:
Dragalge @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 80 HP / 68 Atk / 228 SpA / 132 Spe
Mild Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Draco Meteor
- Focus Blast
- Toxic Spikes / Scald / HP Fire

This set, 2HKOs Blissey with Gunk Shot and OHKOs Florges in most cases while not sacrificing too much bulk or power. EVs outspeed Empoleon, Donphan and other Pokemon of that speed while giving Dragalge a Life Orb number (minimizing recoil from LO).
Dragalge doesn't have a very wide movepool, but it actually has a surprising number of good coverage options. This set is a more defensive approach to Dragalge.

Double Danger Dragon (Pseudo Double Status Mixed Wall)

Dragalge @ Black Sludge
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Bold Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Bomb
- Scald
- Protect

I don't really know what to call this, but it's basically a more defensive version of its standard set that spreads not only poison, but also burns. Defense investment lets it check Fighting types, like Banded Heracross, which can only 2HKO if it packs Earthquake (which none do), much better than without investment. Its naturally high Special Defense lets it take special hits well too without investment. Sure, Draco Meteor is weaker, but it's still deceptively powerful coming off of uninvested 97 SpA. Scald is the real draw of this set, catching a lot of common switch-ins, especially Ground types and Steel-types, off guard. It can also fish for burns against most physical attackers in the tier that lack Earthquake. It's the go-to move to spam on this set when you're trying to weaken the opposing team's biggest threats. Otherwise, Sludge Bomb is great to spam too, especially if all Steel-types are gone, and it deters Fairies. The 30% status inflict rate on both moves aid this set a lot in softening up the opponent and make this set difficult to switch into. Finally, Protect is fantastic on this set, scouting for surprise Earthquakes from physical attackers, racking up free residual damage from poison and burns, and also turning a lot of possible 2HKOs into 3HKOs. Of course, it scouts choice-locked 'Mons too.

Focus Blast could be used in the last slot to hit Steel-types for decent damage, but Dragalge is better off spamming Scald to burn them because it doesn't hit hard enough without investment. It only 3HKOs Mega Aggron and has shaky accuracy, which makes it mediocre and unreliable. Still, it's an option if you really need to handle Empoleon and can't do it elsewhere.

Speed investment, as always, to outspeed Relaxed Swampert, with the rest focusing on mixed bulk, giving it a nice defensive spread of 334/289/282. It's not really a wall, but it can definitely shrug off some strong hits and pivots well. I'll try to post some calcs later.
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Venom Drench Shuffler

Dragalge @ Black Sludge
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Dragon Tail
- Venom Drench
- Venoshock / Dragon Pulse

So yeah a Shuffler set with TSpikes and Venom Drench. With TSpikes up, Venom Drench is guarantee to reduce the switch-in's Attack, SpA, and Speed, making them easier to handle for Dragalge. Dragon Tail gives it phasing abilities to increase the amount of Poisoned foes and your choice of STAB, although Venoshock is powerful towards Poisoned foes.

e: Venom Drench is pretty cool because it gives you initiative whenever a switch-in on Dragalge is initiated. It lowers the Attack, Speed, and SpA which makes the role of being a defensive cushion less tough for it. It also gives the next teammate of Dragalge an easier time Switching in and possibly using the STAT Reduced Pokemon as fodder. With Adaptability and Venoshock you hit whatever comes it very hard with the use of Toxic Spikes.
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Venom Drench Shuffler
Dragalge @ Black Sludge
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Dragon Tail
- Venom Drench
- Venoshock / Dragon Pulse
So yeah a Shuffler set with TSpikes and Venom Drench. With TSpikes up, Venom Drench is guarantee to reduce the switch-in's Attack, SpA, and Speed, making them easier to handle for Dragalge. Dragon Tail gives it phasing abilities to increase the amount of Poisoned foes and your choice of STAB, although Venoshock is powerful towards Poisoned foes.
This is almost the same set I posted with two differences: the ability (Adaptability instead of Poison Point) and one moveslot (Venom Drench) and I don't know if this is enough to differentiate ===> maybe you can call it Offensive shuffler because you use Adaptability. Is really strage the inclusion of Venom Drench but not Venoshock (slashed with Dragon Pulse) which is quite nice if you focus your attention on the Toxic Spikes.
Venom Drench -in my humble opinion- is really specific and much more gimmick than Venoshock which is at least STABbed while this status move doesn't do anything to a Steel/Poison type which can't be poisoned or to a pokemon which isn't poisoned.

In my opinion, you should elaborate more about the utility of Venom Drench on a pokemon so slow.
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Defensive Phaser Dragalge

Dragalge @ Leftovers/Black Sludge
Ability: Poison Point
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Bold Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Scald
- Toxic Spikes
- Venoshock

Dragon Tail is the phasing move with the useful addition of having a nice 30% of chance to poison the target (and alongside with Toxic Spikes) it helps Dragalge to use effectively Venoshock. Scald is there to have a chance to burn the opponent thus making this Poison/Dragon pokemon more durable.

68 Speed EVs allow Dragalge to outspeed Relaxed Swampert so Dragalge can finish it if it is enough weak; 252 EVs in HP plus the remaining 188 in Def coupled with a Bold nature to make Dragalge more bulky on the physical side.

Two Dragalge sets here, one Trick Room set and one not. It matters, you'll see.

Tricky Dragalge @ Expert Belt
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 HP / 4 Def
IVs: 0 Spd
Nature: Modest
Sludge Wave
Draco Meteor
Focus Blast
Hydro Pump

Sludge and Draco for that stab/adapt/expert boost and most things are gone. Under trick room, you'll likely be the fastest thing, so all you'll need is good predictions to dominate. Focus blast works for steels, while hydro pump is often unexpected and surprise hits those ground types trying to earthquake you, like Krookodile and Donphan. (Hydro has that bonus accuracy against krook than FB).

Poison Lover Dragalge @ Black sludge / Red Card / Cutsap Berry
Ability: Adaptibility / Poison Point
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Def
Nature: Modest
Toxic Spikes
Draco Meteor
Venom Drench

While support would be better, drag can lay spikes of his own, and venoshock will proceed to hit like a truck. If they have a lot of threats, taking away from SpA to Def or SpD is fine. I know poison point over adaptability is heresy, but the point is to wear down and make opponents weak from toxic damage and venoshock.
Lastly, Venom Drench is awesome with Cutsap, kind of like it's own Memento except it doesn't have to die. Venom Drench lowers attack, special attack, and speed, so it makes their mon easy to revenge kill, get in a set up user, or to slow one of theirs. Black sludge allows for longevity while red card can let you set up both layers and make multiple mons poisoned. Obviously, this set needs support. I know this isn't a teammate thread, but a scary alternative set partner I've found is offensive Competitive Milotic for the defog users. Totally unexpected 100% of the time, but always awesome to lay down scalds, ice beams, hidden powers, etc.

Hopefully you all like one of these! I'm new here, but I'd like to think I'm a quick learner.
I don't even know what to call this set. Mixed Lure I guess.


Dragalge @ Life Orb / Draco Plate
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 188 Atk / 252 SpA / 68 Spe
Mild Nature
- Outrage
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Bomb
- Focus Blast / Hidden Power Fire / Filler

2HKO's Blissey with Outrage. 'nuff said.

But seriously, with 75 base Attack, Dragalge can hit hard on the physical side if you're not prepared because of that sweet Adaptability.

edit: Jaguar's Gunk Shot idea below is actually better than mine imo, but I hate missing moves so Outrage for me pls
Psuedo ninja'd with mixed (damn dying laptop), but I've been working on this set:
Dragalge @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 80 HP / 68 Atk / 228 SpA / 132 Spe
Mild Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Draco Meteor
- Focus Blast
- Toxic Spikes / Scald / HP Fire

This set, 2HKOs Blissey with Gunk Shot and OHKOs Florges in most cases while not sacrificing too much bulk or power. EVs outspeed Empoleon, Donphan and other Pokemon of that speed while giving Dragalge a Life Orb number (minimizing recoil from LO).
Dragalge doesn't have a very wide movepool, but it actually has a surprising number of good coverage options. This set is a more defensive approach to Dragalge.

Double Danger Dragon (Pseudo Double Status Mixed Wall)

Dragalge @ Black Sludge
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Bold Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Bomb
- Scald
- Protect

I don't really know what to call this, but it's basically a more defensive version of its standard set that spreads not only poison, but also burns. Defense investment lets it check Fighting types, like Banded Heracross, which can only 2HKO if it packs Earthquake (which none do), much better than without investment. Its naturally high Special Defense lets it take special hits well too without investment. Sure, Draco Meteor is weaker, but it's still deceptively powerful coming off of uninvested 97 SpA. Scald is the real draw of this set, catching a lot of common switch-ins, especially Ground types and Steel-types, off guard. It can also fish for burns against most physical attackers in the tier that lack Earthquake. It's the go-to move to spam on this set when you're trying to weaken the opposing team's biggest threats. Otherwise, Sludge Bomb is great to spam too, especially if all Steel-types are gone, and it deters Fairies. The 30% status inflict rate on both moves aid this set a lot in softening up the opponent and make this set difficult to switch into. Finally, Protect is fantastic on this set, scouting for surprise Earthquakes from physical attackers, racking up free residual damage from poison and burns, and also turning a lot of possible 2HKOs into 3HKOs. Of course, it scouts choice-locked 'Mons too.

Focus Blast could be used in the last slot to hit Steel-types for decent damage, but Dragalge is better off spamming Scald to burn them because it doesn't hit hard enough without investment. It only 3HKOs Mega Aggron and has shaky accuracy, which makes it mediocre and unreliable. Still, it's an option if you really need to handle Empoleon and can't do it elsewhere.

Speed investment, as always, to outspeed Relaxed Swampert, with the rest focusing on mixed bulk, giving it a nice defensive spread of 334/289/282. It's not really a wall, but it can definitely shrug off some strong hits and pivots well. I'll try to post some calcs later.
Venom Drench Shuffler

Dragalge @ Black Sludge
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Dragon Tail
- Venom Drench
- Venoshock / Dragon Pulse

So yeah a Shuffler set with TSpikes and Venom Drench. With TSpikes up, Venom Drench is guarantee to reduce the switch-in's Attack, SpA, and Speed, making them easier to handle for Dragalge. Dragon Tail gives it phasing abilities to increase the amount of Poisoned foes and your choice of STAB, although Venoshock is powerful towards Poisoned foes.

e: Venom Drench is pretty cool because it gives you initiative whenever a switch-in on Dragalge is initiated. It lowers the Attack, Speed, and SpA which makes the role of being a defensive cushion less tough for it. It also gives the next teammate of Dragalge an easier time Switching in and possibly using the STAT Reduced Pokemon as fodder. With Adaptability and Venoshock you hit whatever comes it very hard with the use of Toxic Spikes.
K vote, mines for jaguar
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