Nickname discussion

I have had many nicknames for pokemon over many playthroughs.
Random weird ones include:
2fab4U caught as a majikarp, and now she hyper beams everything to death
SirKnight wasn't very fitting as a ralts, but she's majestic now
Groudon the Camerupt. They share typing, i guess.

Normal-ish ones.
Zumi the espeon. this has been the default name for espeon for me ever since i first owned one.
Lacey the vaporeon. becuase fins.
Natasha the Greninja
Regina the Azelf. I don't catch legendaries for competitive, so Regina is my contest ace.

Random nickname story:
I once had a pokemon, (can't remember what it was) I attempted to name it Penelope. but apparently, the name penelope is to inappropriate.
I have had many nicknames for pokemon over many playthroughs.
Random weird ones include:
2fab4U caught as a majikarp, and now she hyper beams everything to death
SirKnight wasn't very fitting as a ralts, but she's majestic now
Groudon the Camerupt. They share typing, i guess.

Normal-ish ones.
Zumi the espeon. this has been the default name for espeon for me ever since i first owned one.
Lacey the vaporeon. becuase fins.
Natasha the Greninja
Regina the Azelf. I don't catch legendaries for competitive, so Regina is my contest ace.

Random nickname story:
I once had a pokemon, (can't remember what it was) I attempted to name it Penelope. but apparently, the name penelope is to inappropriate.

Probably because "elope" is in Penelope.
I was digging in my box in Alpha Sapphire and discovered Jill the Zigzagoon. I don't know why I named it that.

Regina the Azelf. I don't catch legendaries for competitive, so Regina is my contest ace.

Random nickname story:
I once had a pokemon, (can't remember what it was) I attempted to name it Penelope. but apparently, the name penelope is to inappropriate.
Hmm...that Azelf is making want to think of Once Upon a Time themed nicknames. I'll work on that.

I've looked at the censor list, but I couldn't find what's wrong with Penelope. I'm going to do research with the name rater and a random wild Pokémon in Alpha Sapphire.
*five minutes later*
Well, now I have Penelope the Feebas (which I actually like). case this was done in Generation V, I'll try again.
*five minutes later*
I tried it again in Black and I now own penelope the Cryogonal (didn't feel like capitalizing). I don't know what you did wrong there.
Alrighty, I've decided to name my Reuniclus "Electro". Not because my name is Electro. Cuz of this:

The sound in the song "Eeep eep" makes me think that reuniclus speaks that way. :3 And the moving green blob in the vid reminds me of solosis. (electro lights is the artist i guess, sorta confusing)
The thing GF takes issue with in 'Penelope', iirc, is 'Pene'. It means penis in a foreign language or something; I was so sad my Skarmory lost her nickname over that when transferring up from Bank :'(
The thing GF takes issue with in 'Penelope', iirc, is 'Pene'. It means penis in a foreign language or something; I was so sad my Skarmory lost her nickname over that when transferring up from Bank :'(
Is there a more in-depth censor in Bank than in the games themselves since I didn't have an issue naming something Penelope in Alpha Sapphire.
Before I came to this thread, I used to nickname all my pokemon "BEF", all caps. My brother was being weird one time, and named his pokemon all BEF, so I did too. However, after I saw all the creative nicknames, I decided to make some up too. I have a Pancham in Y that I have never evolved due to the fact that its nickname wouldn't fit. I nicknamed it "Panchi", which sounds like Pancham but also means punch in Japaneese. If I ever find my platinum game, I will nickname my Giratina Tanmonoshitsu, because I think it sounds cool, and its antimatter in Japaneese. What is it with me and these Japaneese names? Also, if I ever get a Totodile again, I would name it "Little Dino", because that's what I named my first ever pokemon, a Totodile. sigh...
Since it's been more than a year since my last post, I felt like I'd drop another batch of nicknames. It's not much, but it's something.

Single nicknames:
  • Onigiri (Glalie): Its French name is Oniglali and its Japanese name is オニゴーリ (Onigoori), and it vaguely resembles a rice ball (which is also called onigiri).
  • Xzibit (Voltorb/Electrode): Yo dawg, I heard you like Poké Balls, so I put a Poké Ball in your Poké Ball so you can unleash your Poké Ball by throwing its Poké Ball.
  • Midna (female Mawile): Since I got Pokémon Emerald (which was about the same time I got LoZ: Twilight Princess), I've always associated Mawile with Midna, what with having an appendage that looks like hair but is actually dangerous.
  • Barbarossa (male Whiscash): Named after the pirate from Bravely Default. It works well due to Whiscash's affinity with Water and the first four letters matching with Barboach and Barbicha (the latter of which is Whiscash's French name).
  • Einheria (female Altaria): named after the valkyrie from Bravely Default
  • Chuckles (Sceptile): A play on how people would compare Mega Swampert to Knuckles' Sonic Boom design back in the day, based on the line from Knuckles' theme song in Sonic Adventure 1, "Unlike Sonic, I don't chuckle; I'd rather flex my muscles."
  • Gobblegut (Rayquaza): named after the green serpentine dragon in Super Mario Galaxy 2
  • Kuro Usagi (female Lopunny): I know it's not black (kuro), but at least it's a rabbit (usagi), much like the anime character I named it after.
  • KFC to go (Talonflame): It's a flaming bird (fried chicken?) that goes extra fast.
  • Dampé (male Dusclops): named after the gravekeeper in LoZ: Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask
  • Elbafelc (Gengar): obvious reference to the theory that Gengar is Clefable's shadow
  • Heinkel (Gallade): named after the knight from Bravely Default
  • Nah on acid (female Dragalge): based on the character Nah from Fire Emblem Awakening, whose dragon form is a red similar to the red on Dragalge's head, and that it's Poison-type

Group nicknames:
  • Corps prêt G/R/I/S (Regigigas/Regirock/Regice/Registeel): Reference to the most well known quote of Reggie Fils-Aime (after whom the Regis were named whose name resembles the Regi- root): "My body is ready." "Corps" and "prêt" are direct French translations of "body" and "ready," respectively, and the last letter designates what Regi it is (Gigas, Rock, Ice, Steel).
  • Yui/Yuzuko/Yukari (Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf): Named after the lead trio of the anime/manga Yuyushiki, of which the characters have similar hair colors to the head colors of the Lake Trio. This came to mind when I noticed that Uxie's Japanese name ユクシー (Yukushii) is vaguely similar to the title of the anime/manga in question.
  • Astrea/Ikaros/Nymph (Raikou/Entei/Suicune): Named after the Angeloid trio of the anime/manga Sora no Otoshimono, again based on their colorings, but also because both trios have a sort of power triangle thing going on among them.
    • In Sora no Otoshimono, Astrea has strength and emotion but lacks intellect, Ikaros has strength and intellect but lacks emotion, and Nymph has intellect and emotion but lacks strength.
    • As for the legendary Pokémon trio, Raikou has great offenses but poor bulk, Suicune has great bulk but poor offenses, and Entei is a sort of middle ground. It's not exactly the same, but you could draw a parallel between offense/bulk and strength/intellect.
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  • Onigiri (Glalie): Its French name is Oniglali and its Japanese name is オニゴーリ (Onigoori), and it vaguely resembles a rice ball (which is also called onigiri).
  • Barbarossa (male Whiscash): Named after the pirate from Bravely Default. It works well due to Whiscash's affinity with Water and the first four letters matching with Barboach and Barbicha (the latter of which is Whiscash's French name).
  • KFC to go (Talonflame): It's a flaming bird (fried chicken?) that goes extra fast.
  • Elbafelc (Gengar): obvious reference to the theory that Gengar is Clefable's shadow

These are cool. I like Barbarossa most, since it reminds me of Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean as well ^w^

  • Corps prêt G/R/I/S (Regigigas/Regirock/Regice/Registeel): Reference to the most well known quote of Reggie Fils-Aime (after whom the Regis were named): "My body is ready." "Corps" and "prêt" are direct French translations of "body" and "ready," respectively, and the last letter designates what Regi it is (Gigas, Rock, Ice, Steel).

When I read 'My body is ready' I just had to check if it were true. Otherwise a meme would be appropriate. But alas, I could not find Reggie Fils-Aime's relation to the Regi Pokemon anywhere! Bulbapedia states that Regi- comes from the Latin word meaning 'Royal' D:
Do you maybe have a link or explanation as to how Reggie's name was turned into the Regi- root of the Legendary Golems?
When I read 'My body is ready' I just had to check if it were true. Otherwise a meme would be appropriate. But alas, I could not find Reggie Fils-Aime's relation to the Regi Pokemon anywhere! Bulbapedia states that Regi- comes from the Latin word meaning 'Royal' D:
Do you maybe have a link or explanation as to how Reggie's name was turned into the Regi- root of the Legendary Golems?
Well, shoot. I thought I heard it somewhere, but maybe it was a faulty source of information that ended up deleted. So, maybe I'm wrong about it. Sorry for the misinformation.

Doesn't change much about my thought process behind the nicknaming, though.
I was watching a match on YouTube and I saw an amazing nickname:

EDIT: I've looked all over for nicknames for my Rotom-Heat and none I felt really worked for my personal naming ascetic for my personal 'mons*. Then I thought of one:
Duke Nukem.

*While I like nicknames like "Easy Bake" for Rotom-H, I prefer nicknames that are actual name like. Even if it is something kinda dumb like Swampy the Swampert, which is the name of my competitive Swampert.
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