Move/Ability animations thread


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This thread is for you, the user, to provide suggestions on move animations that can be improved over Pokémon Showdown, or you can request a move that you think should be animated.

There are some rules to have to follow to suggest a move:
  • The move must exist obviously;
  • It must be a somewhat viable move;
  • It must be a move that has no animation;
  • It must be an ability that would make sense to be animated (Example: Cute Charm)
  • If you want a new sprite / particle to be added, 3+ moves must use this particle in their animations, meaning I'm NOT adding a particle just for a single move;
    • There are some exceptions to this rule;
  • Depending on the animation, a mirror of said particle can be made (meaning, 2 particles can be used);
  • We don't have to make it look like it does in-game;
  • You must provide a constructive argument as to why you think X or Y should be animated / implemented like so
  • If you provide a particle to be used in certain animations, they must be licenced under the CC-Licence (we don't want to get sued)1

*Animation x is presented*

BAD: u should add some flame backgrounds all over that shit ywis???

GOOD: Is the lightning in Force Palm really necessary? You could try animating without it

Keep in mind that I am limited with what the animation engine gives me so here are some things I can't do:
  • Rotate the image;
  • Change the hue / recolor particles in a certain animation;
  • Make it spin (the particle must be animated from the start as a .gif);
  • Mirror the foe's particles

With all that said, let the requests start!

Todo list:
  • Fissure;
  • Brave Bird / Sky Attack (Pondering);
  • Sparkling Aria (Uses Bubblebeam animation for now);
  • Shore Up (Uses Light status animation for now);
  • Floral Healing (Uses Heal Pulse animation for now);
  • Strength Sap (Uses Mega Drain animation for now);
  • Toxic Thread (Uses Electroweb animation for now);
  • Lunge (Uses Megahorn animation for now);
  • Dragon Hammer (Uses Hammer Arm animation for now);
  • Mind Blown (Uses Ice Ball animation for now);

  • Bloom Doom (Uses Petal Dance animation for now);
  • Hydro Vortex (Uses Origin Pulse animation for now);
  • Hyper Sprint Attack Breakneck Blitz (Uses Giga Impact animation for now);
  • Maximum Psy Breaker (Uses Psychic animation);
  • Subzero Slammer (Uses Sheer Cold animation for now);
  • Tectonic Rage (Uses Precipice Blades animation for now);
  • Savage Spin-Out (Uses Electroweb animation for now);
  • Shattered Psyche (Uses Psychic animation for now);
  • Devastating Drake (Uses Dragon Pulse animation for now);
  • Genesis Supernova (Uses Psycho Boost animation for now);
  • 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt (Uses Tri-Attack animation for now);
  • The Light That Burns the Sky;

  • QC Sticky Web particle;
  • QC Caltrop & Poison Caltrop particle;
  • Terrain & Mud/Sport fields (On hold);
  • Updated weather backgrounds (Whenever someone codes it);
  • Reset the mon position whenever the mon is immune or the move fails;
  • (I'll keep adding more as I feel the need to / as you keep suggesting & requesting)
Completed animations:

Rejected animations / particles:
  • Egg;
  • Question Mark;
  • Exclamation Mark;
  • Stat increase and decrease;
    (note: they might get accepted at a later time)
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hey, nice work!
the only thing i would change is the new sticky webs appearance, as atm they look too realistic, and also looks kinda ugly :/
hey, nice work!
the only thing i would change is the new sticky webs appearance, as atm they look too realistic, and also looks kinda ugly :/
Same goes for Spikes. Reckon spikes are fine for ORAS, but in GSC in particular they look super out of place. P important for GSC since Spikes is one of the cores of the meta.
In the development room, there was a suggestion to use old graphics for older metas. Not sure how that discussion went, since it just died down but let's see how it goes
The new return animation just seems like too flashy. I feel like the giant heart isn't really a great choice and it seems so out of place with the move. Maybe if it wasn't so large or if it was a darker color it will kinda blend with the move even more.
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What do you mean exactly with "Flashy"?

If the Heart particle's color is changed, It will be changed for all animations. Although, I can try and make it smaller.

This is how it currently looks (Ignore Play Rough):

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IMO Return could be closer to its XD/Colo animation, where the heart shows up on the target upon hitting it.
So, like Play Rough?

Show me a video of XD/Colosseum where the mon uses Return.

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I'd prefer no change. I like how it looks different from Play Rough.
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That's a lot of hearts covering the opponent. It doesn't really look like the foe got attacked physically. More like "hearts just exploded on it".

But yeah, check my last post and give me your opinion.
I like it tbh. The heart delay at the start made return look rather awkward. Idk whether people want the hearts to be more visible or not, but I don't mind it either way.
This was suggested a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure it will look good with all the hazards on the field.

Stealth Rocks:
This was suggested a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure it will look good with all the hazards on the field.

Stealth Rocks:
One of the issues I have with SR right now is that some of the larger pokemon models cover the lone rock image and I can't see it, so I forget if rocks are up or not . So the new animation would fix that issue
One of the issues I have with SR right now is that some of the larger pokemon models cover the lone rock image and I can't see it, so I forget if rocks are up or not . So the new animation would fix that issue
Good point.

I thought it would actually look worse if the field was full of hazards but, hey it works!
v-create should turn the pkmn using it into a 3d render of my head
nice meme
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Really appreciate the steadily increasing animation quality as of late, keep up the good work. :]

Is there any chance you could add something to differentiate Mach Punch and Bullet Punch? They're obviously very similar in flavor but they're different types, so it be nice if you could tell them apart at a glance. Do you have a pre-existing "POW" particle you could use for BP? Something similar has been used in every in-game BP animation IIRC, and it kind of looks like a bullet hole which makes sense. Gen 4 Mach also uses a sort of "tunnel vision" effect but that requires more work and only one of them needs to change to differentiate them.

I've been working with a "POW" particle before but it just wasn't working well. I might consider adding a "POW" particle if I'm provided with one.
Also, we've been using shadow balls as a pow effect for quite a few moves (see: Double Edge, Zen Headbutt...). Can't we just use that?
Keep in mind, we don't need to make it look like it does in-game
Sorry, I wasn't insinuating it had to look like the in-game animation -- that was just the only thing that came to mind for distinguishing them. The Shadow Ball particle could work, though I'm not sure how it would look in practice alongside the existing fist particle.

I don't know what the format/size for the particle files is, but would something like this work? I tried to make the line thickness similar to the fist sprite line thickness. It would have a lot more transparency, but I'm assuming that's something you can manipulate on a move by move basis?

It needs to have a transparent background.

After thinking about it, I think we can go for something similar to how it looks in-game


These are ripped from Diamond & Pearl


And this is from X / Y

Or we could try to draw an impact shape close to how it looks on that bullet punch
(Not that yours looks bad but, it looks sort of out of style comparing with the other fx)

EDIT: I edited the particle that I was trying out a while back. I think it's usable now. Give me a moment to test it out

EDIT2: Got it. Particle was done by SailorCosmos and edited by me

Bullet Punch:
Take Down, Double Edge, Giga Impact, etc.:
Close Combat:
What other viable moves should use this particle?
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