Nelson Tangela's Legendaries [COMPLETED]

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I'm so sorry for this, I had a powercut today and therefore no Internet. I'll be back online in about 10 minutes and ready to start trading again :)

Most of the stuff up to here has been sent, everything that hasn't has been contacted via VM, I should be around for a few more hours tonight, providing my Power stays on
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Hi Legofigure11,

Can I please get a Hoopa? I would really appreciate it. I have already added you.
Here is my info:

FC: 5129-1453-5156
IGN: Stephen

Thank you so much in advance!
Hello! Would like to request Mew, Jirachi and Hoopa, if that's alright.
My FC is 2380-5418-6107 [IGN: JB (AS), Percy (OR), Bryan (X)]. Thank you in advance! =]

Thank you so much! =]
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Going Offline.
Will be back at probably around 9AM. Pretty much everything up to here has been sent.
In the meanwhile, you can contact GiveMeGeno, but be sure to read his rules! (Link in OP)

Also, be sure to check out my Salamence being distributed here:
Good luck!
Requesting Cresselia
Deposited: Level 1 Male Tropius
Nick: Stratos
Message: Nelson

Thank you and Nelson for doing this! :)

Requesting Articuno
Deposited: Level 1 Male Tropius
Nick: Stratos
Message: Tangela GA

Thank you very much! Completed the rest with ingame trade. :)
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My FC - 5301 2539 1861
Ign veeby

Requesting for a direct trade thanks :)

Trade complete. thanks Lego!!
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Can I have a Hoopa please. My time code is GMT -4, if I understood your time converter correctly.Can you recontact me?

My FC is 2852-9612-0775.
IGN is Coolman.
I don't know if I added you correctly tho. Added you from the 3DS system, and its waiting confirmation. Like I've said, recontact me. I could be here at 9pm in your time(its 7am in mine)Will you be there?

EDIT:Would also be interested in the Mew.Can we do both of them at the same time?
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Could i get a copy of the landorus (because the german name for him is better!) I've uploaded:
:message; Tangela GA
:IGN; May
Thank you :)
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Hi Legofigure11,

Can I please get a Hoopa? I would really appreciate it. I have already added you.
Here is my info:

FC: 2105 - 8897 - 1329
IGN: Andrea

Thank you so much in advance!
Maybe this is the wrong thread, but I deposited a male Roselia for the Salamence in the Facebook giveaway.
Thank you!;)
Yeah, wrong thread... You should've posted this on my profile page.
Anyway, I'm gonna take this opportunity to say that everything up to here is sent (except for my pending trade with Veebyy and Kelpos and Large92).
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Yeah, wrong thread... You should've posted this on my profile page.
Anyway, I'm gonna take this opportunity to say that everything up to here is sent (except for my pending trade with Veebyy).
Ok, sorry, I didn't know where to post...^^"
You haven't sent the Salamence yet, right?Because my Roselia is still here.Just wanted to know...
Hey there, could I grab a copy of Hoopa? My FC 3711-7716-0367 and IGN Jackiass.

Edit: Received! Thanks for the GA!
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Hi and thanks for this..!
Do you think you could trade me the Hoopa and Mew? Thank you very much..!
FC: 4485-2284-0768 IGN: LOTO

Received thanks..!!!
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Deposited female lv 1 vulpix for Cresselia with message "tangela GA"

Could I have jirachi, Hoopa and Mew too?
My IGN is maged fc 4570 7537 9540

Already added you, Thanks :)
Hi would want the perfect tornadus

Species: Tornadus
Nickname: Boreos
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31


Level 30 Dedenne
IGN: Sam

Take your time lego, I'm in no rush. Thanks!
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I'm just gonna butt in here and say that I'm going offline now. Everything up to here has been sent, except I have a pending trade with veebyy and n.n rattata. Please feel free to contact GiveMeGeno in the meanwhile, othrewise I'll see you guys in the morning!
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