Propose-a-Game / Request-a-Host Thread

Gonna be requesting a thread for my PTU game soon and figured I'd post up here to see if I can get a few more players interested (need 1 more player, ideally 2-3). I made a post in the general chat area but haven't made one here yet.

Already have 3 players interested but one is sort of out due to timezone issues. Game will probably be run on Monday or Tuesday. All other relevant information can be found in the linked thread.
I have an almost finished game that I had built up four years ago that I would like to host. Originally I had it mostly ready to go with jumpluff as a cohost, and I know that she is currently semi-busy with life stuff atm (at least from what I recall from the DnD convo I am currently in), so I would like to know if anyone would be willing to cohost. Basically it's revisiting Underground Mafia, except the setup is a bit different and much simpler (so it should be easy for newbies to get into if we get any as it was originally designed as a beginner). The roles are 75% written up, rules are completed, and the sheet is ready to rock and roll. All I need ideally is a cohost.

The numbers of signups needed to run the game is currently at 24, but I can cut down significantly if needed (i.e. I could run the game on as few as 16), thanks to the very stream-lined setup of the roles. However with the current state of Smogon mafia being slowly but surely revitalized, I think it is worth re-visiting. As for availability for myself as a host, while I cannot guarantee 24/7 access to myself (which is why I would like a cohost to at least allow players to have more than one point of access in case of questions), I can guarantee that I will be active enough to regularly update the game and provide feedback whenever needed (most likely I would do so via forum pm, thanks to the fact that mobile technology enables me to do so wow so cool!).

So to repeat myself: I just need a cohost.

Thanks!~ :)
This is a forum game idea based off of the successful Kickstarter card game called Secret Hitler.

Each player will get one of three roles. There will be:

Team Liberals:
6 Liberals (Doesn't know anyone's role)

Team Fascists:
3 Fascists (Know each other and who is secret Hitler)
1 Secret Hitler (Doesn't know anyone's role)

A table order will be randomly determined as well as a first president.

The policy deck will be shuffled. It contains:
11 Fascist policy cards and 6 Liberal policy cards.


Game takes place over a series of rounds.

A player on the board becomes the "President". This player must then nominate a "Chancellor" alongside them. All of the players will vote for either "yes" or "no". If the majority of the votes are 'yes', the two players are successfully elected as government. If the majority of the votes are 'no', then the election is cancelled and the next player in the table order is president.

Legislative Phase

As soon as we enter this phase: NO POSTING IS ALLOWED.

The president is dealt three cards from the top of the "policy" deck (these will be drafted randomly). There are two types of cards that can be drawn - liberal and fascist policies. In a deck, there are 11 fascist policies and 6 liberal policies. Of the three cards, the president must choose to discard one of the cards without revealing it to anyone. The president then passes on the two remaining cards to the chancellor. Of the two cards, the chancellor must choose to discard one of the cards, once again without revealing it to anyone. The card that the chancellor does not discard is the policy that is enacted. If 6 fascist cards are enacted, the fascists win. If 5 liberal cards are enacted, the liberals win.

After this phase is over, the president and the chancellor can feel free to tell everyone the cards they drafted, but under NO circumstances are they allowed to prove this by showing PMs/pictures of the cards they drew. It is up to the other players to either believe the president/chancellor or not (lying is completely allowed here).

After a policy has been enacted, the process is repeated. The person below the previous president in the table order is the next president and they choose to nominate a chancellor. At this point, all of the players vote for either 'yes' or 'no' once more (these votes are made public).

If a government fails to be elected three turns in a row, a random policy will be enacted.

Remember, If 3 fascist policies have been enacted and secret Hitler is elected chancellor, he reveals himself and the game is immediately over. The fascists and Secret Hitler win.

If there are less than 3 policies left in the deck, we pick up all discarded cards and shuffle them with the remaining cards to create a new deck.

Executive action phase

Whenever a policy is enacted it is placed on it's corresponding track. Liberal policies have no effect and this phase is skipped. But whenever a fascist policy is enacted, it may grand a special power usable at this phase.

The power MUST be used.

With 10 players, here are the powers:

First Fascist Policy: Nothing happens
Second Fascist Policy: Investigation (president chooses a player and will learn his political affiliation. He will not learn is someone is secret Hitler, only if he is a fascist or a liberal. Once again, players are NOT allowed to prove a person's affiliation by showing any PMs/messages that the host may have sent. It is up to the players to believe the president or not (the president could very well lie about the person's affiliation if they wish))
Third Fascist Policy: Special Election (The president chooses who will be president for the next election, play will resume from it's original order after this election)

At this points the Fascists win if Secret Hitler is elected as chancellor!

Fourth Fascist Policy: Execution (President chooses someone to be eliminated from the game and cannot say anything more, that player's role is not revealed unless he is secret Hitler in which case the liberals win!)
Fifth Fascist Policy: Execution (President chooses someone to be eliminated from the game and cannot say anything more, that player's role is not revealed unless he is secret Hitler in which case the liberals win!)

Veto Power: At this point, after the president has passed 2 policy cards to the chancellor, the chancellor may declares he wants to veto the agenda. The president has to decide if he also wants to veto. If he does not, policy is enacted. If he does approve, both cards are discarded face down and president passes to the next player in the table order.

IMPORTANT: Using the veto power counts as a failed government, meaning it will count the same way as voting no in the elections. (if this or no votes happen 3 times in a row, a random policy will be enacted from the top of the deck.

Sixth Fascist Policy: The fascists win! Heil Secret Hitler!


The Liberals win if:
Secret Hitler is killed
five liberal policies are enacted

The Fascists and Secret Hitler win if:
six fascist policies are enacted
Secret Hitler is elected chancellor after a third fascist policy has been enacted.

Other rules:
  • If anything, the players are NOT allowed to PM each other (this includes the fascists). They may only have open discussion in the thread. Obviously, this is impossible to keep track of, but hopefully players will report anyone who is trying to start PM conversations to the host.
  • Revealing of a players role/team is NOT allowed under ANY circumstances. Obviously, they can claim their role/team, but they are not allowed to prove this in any way.
I had drawn up the idea of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Mafia, as seen in the games listing, (all I had basically done was put together a possible list of role names for each faction), but now I've started to do some more work on it. I've converted it to multi-faction and am working on all of the particulars.

What I want is a co-host who can help mainly with flavor and keeping the game running smoothly once it starts. I'm also interested in interesting role ideas and potentially some input on game balance, but those less so. PM me on IRC, Smogon, or Showdown (in order of preference), or post here if interested.
Hi, so, what are the opinions here on Vanilla mafia? I've never seen it hosted here so I assumed it was banned/rejected or whatever, but I've never seen mention of it either so I just wanted to see why that is. Is it just considered an "uncompetitive" format or has it just never been brought up here?

Over on PO there have been some long and fun games of it being hosted, and it's actually a strategic format of mafia, so yeah.
by Vanilla Mafia do you mean traditional mafia or straight-up zero power roles? either way though I think the main reason is that Smogon games take so much time to play that most people would rather play a unique format every time, rather than something completely vanilla. Also I think games like that work better in real-time, which is more PS's forte than ours.
Hi, so, what are the opinions here on Vanilla mafia? I've never seen it hosted here so I assumed it was banned/rejected or whatever, but I've never seen mention of it either so I just wanted to see why that is. Is it just considered an "uncompetitive" format or has it just never been brought up here?

Over on PO there have been some long and fun games of it being hosted, and it's actually a strategic format of mafia, so yeah.

When you say Vanilla mafia, you're referring to the vanilla theme that's on the server mafia right (aka a mountainous/all vanilla setup)?

On smogon we generally play outside contact mafia games with 15+ mafia. A pure all vanilla setup gets pretty boring real fast especially with the more players you have unless you have people who are dedicated/enjoy playing NOC formats. We don't really play a lot of NOC here (although it's def not unheard of) and since vanilla is a more extreme NOC version, it's not something that people have really considered hosting. I think it's something that generally people here aren't interested not because it's "uncompetitive" but because it doesn't fit into our paradigm of what mafia is. There's nothing wrong with it per say, it's just that the sort of people who would want to play such a format you probably won't find on this site.

Personally, I like the format a lot for real-time mafias (a la what PO has), but in a forum setting even with short deadlines things can get stale really quickly and it's just generally not as interesting/fun as when you have roles in the game that can mix things up.
Vanilla town is by far the most complained-about role in Smogon OC meta. I don't think any other role got criticized essentially out of existence in smalls. It was a. suspicious b. often a mafia fakeclaim c. boring d. deemed uninvolved for the player e. prone to resulting in idling f. hard countered by tracker/watcher if it was a fakeclaim.

Even when we play NOC some will lament they are just vanilla town despite those games being PR-lite. I think all-vanilla is only really engaging irl or in a rtm format. When you have time to think about what do, you wish you had something TO do on a forum/with any sort of deadline.

Not to say if you/anyone wanted to kick up rtm games of all vanilla you wouldn't be able to get a bunch of people interested to play. But as a forum game, yeah, vanilla town roles generally have been phased out of our meta since nobody really enjoys being VT when you could do.. something, anything.
Looking for a cohost and someone to help me balance/design a game. It's my first time actively designing a game, so I'd like someone with some experience to back me up with it.

Dead Mafia
Type: Mafia vs Village
Player Total: 25 (tentatively)
Premise: A normal game, but when a player dies they will get a secondary Role PM.
Honestly, I'd like to see a combination of Mafia and Pokemon. While some roles could be similar to traditional Mafia cough, Detective Pikachu, cough I feel some of the roles would add more variety to a well-known game and makes it Smogon-esque in a way. If people seem to like this idea or have some criticism, I'll probably start on a spreadsheet of some roles. Thanks!
Honestly, I'd like to see a combination of Mafia and Pokemon. While some roles could be similar to traditional Mafia cough, Detective Pikachu, cough I feel some of the roles would add more variety to a well-known game and makes it Smogon-esque in a way. If people seem to like this idea or have some criticism, I'll probably start on a spreadsheet of some roles. Thanks!

Metagame Mafia, where all the roles are Pokemon, just finished and postgame is coming soon.

You should definitely give it a read!
I'm trying to think of some ideas for a Super Smash Bros themed Mafia game.

I want to stay true to the theme of the game (which is free-for-all) by potentially just making everyone on their own, but I fear that may be too chaotic. I'm also thinking about putting players in pairs (Mario and Luigi, Ness and Lucas, etc.) and then maybe one common mafia (Master Hand). If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.

edit: I also had an idea where everyone is on their own, but the game ends when only 5 players remain (and they are crowned the winners), so it maybe encourages players to team up, but at the same time nothing is sacred and people can lie/deceive at any time they want/need.
I'm trying to think of some ideas for a Super Smash Bros themed Mafia game.

I want to stay true to the theme of the game (which is free-for-all) by potentially just making everyone on their own, but I fear that may be too chaotic. I'm also thinking about putting players in pairs (Mario and Luigi, Ness and Lucas, etc.) and then maybe one common mafia (Master Hand). If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.

edit: I also had an idea where everyone is on their own, but the game ends when only 5 players remain (and they are crowned the winners), so it maybe encourages players to team up, but at the same time nothing is sacred and people can lie/deceive at any time they want/need.

FFA has been done before and is definitely an interesting mechanic (although generally such games are not very "mafia" like). I'd recommend looking through the game listing and finding the FFA games if you want to take a look at them (eg wayne brady mafia hosted by walrein, sinking submarine by general spoon). There's probably some older FFA games too that happened prior to tags being implemented although the only one I can really remember is dak mafia? I think that was a FFA.

Here's two games in case you don't want to do too much searching.

I thought zorbees game was the most interesting especially in terms of giving you a lot of freedom to choose who you wanted to work with. Anyways, basically all I want to say is that FFAs are definitely a viable format and there's a lot of things you can do with them.
I'm trying to think of some ideas for a Super Smash Bros themed Mafia game.

I want to stay true to the theme of the game (which is free-for-all) by potentially just making everyone on their own, but I fear that may be too chaotic. I'm also thinking about putting players in pairs (Mario and Luigi, Ness and Lucas, etc.) and then maybe one common mafia (Master Hand). If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.

edit: I also had an idea where everyone is on their own, but the game ends when only 5 players remain (and they are crowned the winners), so it maybe encourages players to team up, but at the same time nothing is sacred and people can lie/deceive at any time they want/need.
I would say do it as a factions game, like the team option in Smash which keeps it true to the theme. Also, Master/Crazy hand would make a good Wolf character. If you're looking for somebody to work with, this is something which'd interest me so please ask.
Yeah, I also thought of doing it faction style (ex. Mario Team, Pokemon Team, Star Bound Team, etc.), but for some reason that idea is unappealing to me. I kinda like the idea of pairs a bit more, but I'm not sure how I could execute it.
The main appeal to Mafia for me is the teams. I feel that without teams, the Mafia may end up as a random killing spree or something repetitive.
Looking for cohosts for two games that I'll be running in the (probably distant) future - IKEA Mafia, a multifaction game based around the Swedish Furniture Empire, and Airplane Mafia, a Village vs. Mafia game taking place entirely on board an aircraft (and probably having nothing to do with the movie).

Less experienced hosts are preferred, as I'd like to be able to show some people the ropes so that they can begin hosting their own games. PM me if you're interested.

edit: found some, thanks
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I'm trying to think of some ideas for a Super Smash Bros themed Mafia game.

I want to stay true to the theme of the game (which is free-for-all) by potentially just making everyone on their own, but I fear that may be too chaotic. I'm also thinking about putting players in pairs (Mario and Luigi, Ness and Lucas, etc.) and then maybe one common mafia (Master Hand). If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.

edit: I also had an idea where everyone is on their own, but the game ends when only 5 players remain (and they are crowned the winners), so it maybe encourages players to team up, but at the same time nothing is sacred and people can lie/deceive at any time they want/need.

One of the games jalmont listed, Flavorless FFA, sounds a lot like what you are describing here. I personally liked how flexible the game was compared to most FFAs in terms of who you could work with, but I might be somewhat biased. Most of that game isn't in the thread, so if you want a rundown of what happened you could ask me or probably daletterel.
I don't know how feasible the idea is at the moment but I was considering doing a game where the players were in small teams of 2-4 within their factions and not told any other roles or players outside the team but in the faction, as such this would make life more interesting. The size of the teams and what roles were involved would vary depending on how many players were interested but my plan would be to have the generic mafia goon role as the night killers in one team of their own. Obviously then the rest of the mafia would not know who to protect and the people performing the maf night kills have the potential to kill their own. Please PM me any ideas or a simple expression of interest. I will also update this post as the plan thickens
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I don't know how feasible the idea is at the moment but I was considering doing a game where the players were in small teams of 2-4 within their factions and not told any other roles or players outside the team but in the faction, as such this would make life more interesting. The size of the teams and what roles were involved would vary depending on how many players were interested but my plan would be to have the generic mafia goon role as the night killers in one team of their own. Obviously then the rest of the mafia would not know who to protect and the people performing the maf night kills have the potential to kill their own. Please PM me any ideas or a simple expression of interest. I will also update this post as the plan thickens

Are you considering doing this as a mafia vs village game, or a multi-faction game where teams will be relatively balanced? If it's the latter, be careful regarding having ununited teams. There's some disagreement regarding this, but I think in general, having ununited teams for the sake of having ununited teams tends to make games very tedious and in some cases unfun. It leaves things up to chance and takes away a lot of potential player agency in terms of decision-making, in my opinion. Perhaps others may disagree, but I think you have to be very careful if you want to create ununited factions in multi-faction games where each team is relatively balanced. Mafia vs. village it's probably fine, but you'll probably have to nerf the village to compensate or otherwise strengthen the mafia to make up for their disadvantage.

In unrelated news, I'm planning on hosting a NOC game (setup complete) and an OC game (95% complete) in the near future (aka basically pending approval/games finish up/other players host/whatever). Since I'm currently running another game and I'm going to be working for this summer, I'm looking for any potential people who would be interested in co-hosting with me. Responsibilities would mainly be limited to helping out with updates, double checking results, calling deadlines, and stuff like that what I'm not around. Setup-wise things are basically set in stone, and I'm not looking to make too many changes (only minor balance ones), so while I'm not looking for people to help create the games, I would definitely appreciate any potential help in running them if anyone wants to. No experience necessary and I think it'll be a good opportunity to learn a little about what hosting is about and what it entails. Plus if my setups are broken or aren't good then you can get yelled out with me if you're into that sort of stuff :]
Are you considering doing this as a mafia vs village game, or a multi-faction game where teams will be relatively balanced? If it's the latter, be careful regarding having ununited teams. There's some disagreement regarding this, but I think in general, having ununited teams for the sake of having ununited teams tends to make games very tedious and in some cases unfun. It leaves things up to chance and takes away a lot of potential player agency in terms of decision-making, in my opinion. Perhaps others may disagree, but I think you have to be very careful if you want to create ununited factions in multi-faction games where each team is relatively balanced. Mafia vs. village it's probably fine, but you'll probably have to nerf the village to compensate or otherwise strengthen the mafia to make up for their disadvantage.

In unrelated news, I'm planning on hosting a NOC game (setup complete) and an OC game (95% complete) in the near future (aka basically pending approval/games finish up/other players host/whatever). Since I'm currently running another game and I'm going to be working for this summer, I'm looking for any potential people who would be interested in co-hosting with me. Responsibilities would mainly be limited to helping out with updates, double checking results, calling deadlines, and stuff like that what I'm not around. Setup-wise things are basically set in stone, and I'm not looking to make too many changes (only minor balance ones), so while I'm not looking for people to help create the games, I would definitely appreciate any potential help in running them if anyone wants to. No experience necessary and I think it'll be a good opportunity to learn a little about what hosting is about and what it entails. Plus if my setups are broken or aren't good then you can get yelled out with me if you're into that sort of stuff :]
I'd be interested in helping out, I've been thinking about trying to get in to hosting recently
Thanks to the few people who have messaged me in regards to my Mafia idea. The plan as it stands is for it to be a multi faction game where outside contact is required to win. I will plan for about 20 players spread into 7-8 teams, however that depends on interest. Feel free to message me with ideas, questions or if you are willing to co host.
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