Media Videogame Thread

from what I've heard, #FE bombed in Japan saleswise because not many weebs owned a WiiU, but it was pretty well regarded among the people that actually did play it

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is really good incidentally, definitely recommended if you're looking for a 2D action game. I played Muramasa awhile back and thought it was decent but not amazing, but Odin Sphere is an improvement on it in basically every way.
any idea when dark souls 3 dlc is coming out? I'm unsure whether to buy ds3 right now since it's on sale (25% off) or wait until the dlc is out, since it'll be cheaper then.
zero time dilemma is the game of the year, and im only 5 hours in.

its outstanding
Please hit me up when you've finished it! I was so jealous of you getting it before me I didn't reply to your VM, but I marathonned it for a whole day when I had the chance on Steam and had a very intense, polarised reaction to it -- in some ways it was infinitely better than its predecessors, in other ways I felt it could've used some improvement.

I agree that it is one of the best narrative/mystery games of the year, but I wouldn't recommend it to people who haven't played ZE:VLR. 999 and VLR are must-plays for the DS/3DS/Vita unless you're very squeamish anyway. Otherwise I'd totally recommend it. It's totally playable on PC too, and the bigger res is lovely with the cutscenes; I'd say maybe the controls might be by default optimised for a handheld, but the game is ported very well.

I've also been playing SUPERHOT, one of my favourite picks from the Steam sale. An fps that makes me feel good at fpses :) The campaign mode is short, but it's made up for with depth and the post-game challenges. I think of it as much a puzzle game as an fps, so the challenges are very welcome. It's a game I've enjoyed more than any other in a long time. It's a bullet time shooter (as in, it's pure first person bullet time) with incredibly slick (think Mirror's Edge/Portal, pared down for readability and style) aesthetics and cleverly-designed levels, and I'd say while it requires use of the skills that make you good at fpses, anyone bad at them can still do it because it's bullet time and it's more about decision making. Bullet time owns because it makes you feel like Neo basically lmao

I will say that there's a bit of frustration for some where the sequences will surprise kill you the first time you clear a wave until you go back and anticipate it, although I didn't mind dying.

My killstagram username's homura if anyone cares :P
in other ways I felt it could've used some improvement.
Definitely the production values although that can be excused as ZTD had a very protracted development. I'm just glad it was made in the first place.

They really set out to make people uncomfortable (not just being a complete gorefest but the Decision Game itself and one scene later on that was pretty uncomfortable) and I think they succeeded admirably. I actually played the series out of order (I still haven't played 999 and played VLR/ZTD on my 3DS) so I'm looking forward to playing 999 to make the other two make more sense.

There were thankfully enough light moments to not make me want to put the game down altogether though
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I'm eager to play more ZTD but I also fucking hate it. Seems like for whatever reason the game was made to appeal more to westerners due to us being the ones who bought the first two and demanded more, but the changes aren't good. All but one character are either boring or unlikable, and that includes the four returning characters somehow. The puzzles are marginally better than VLR, some rooms almost seem similar to 999 in design, but none of them yet lack cat-hair mustache level baffling puzzles (oh, you put the iodine on the potatoes, OF COURSE). The decision game feels insulting in its stupidity compared the nonary and ambidex games. Both previous games challenged the characters and player on a social and intellectual level. Here you find a button, press it, die, go back with the power established two games ago and not die. And then the characters forget everything anyway. The choices don't fucking matter at all, and exist only to add more saw-like elements to a series that was already described as a smarter saw. And yeah, it's fucking uuugly, and the lack of new music is really pathetic.

Had to say it cause I'm hearing people who haven't finished it praise it. When I'm done, we'll see if it comes together and makes sense or not. But I'm getting more than that feeling of deja-vu where, because 999 was so good, people gave VLR a pass and a large number of newcomers to the series would even call it a better game. But it wasn't. It was a big step down. At least it had more than its fair share of memorable moments. Here's hoping I can at least say that about ZTD.
Beat Zero Time Dilemma.

It was simultaneously the most flawed Zero Escape game, but also the most fulfilling one. Gonna post more later when i'm feeling less lazy.

Carlos is best dude.
All this talk about ZE:ZTD and I'm here sobbing because #1 fan here who preordered watch edition day 1 on amazon got screwed. Still waiting on my copy of the game AND the watch to come. /me sobs sobs sobs sobs sobs....
been playing Terraria and it's really fun, to me it has that same sort of appeal as Skyrim where it gives you a huge world and a couple objectives and you're free to pursue them how you like. I've been using mostly ranged "melee" weapons, was originally thinking I'd do more magic but MP issues and the way that the game won't let you switch weapons until you've stopped using your current one for a second or two aside, all the magic armor tends to have terrible defense which leads to getting killed pretty easily. I also got really lucky and got 2 biome keys, one of which was Crimson so I now have Vampire Knives to play with, the other one was the Frost Hydra staff which is alright, seems like it'll be pretty good for boss fights.

if anyone decides to play it, learn from my mistakes and:
-unless you're planning to spend a really long time on the game (I'm guessing it'll take somewhere around 50-60 hours to "beat" it), make your world Small, it's still massive and Medium just makes getting around take longer and you can just take your character to a different world later if you want
-look up what smart cursor does, it saves a ton of time but the game never tells you that it exists

edit: the Lunar Events are pretty ridic, I have a build that's pretty tanky (Beetle Armor with the defensive chestpiece and a couple accessories with Warding) and I still die in 5-6 hits or so, doing this without Vampire Knives would be really difficult, though Nimbus Rod makes the towers themselves pretty easy to cheese. Also it seems like most of the monsters themselves could be similarly cheesed with the right wall setup and a wall-piercing weapon or a yo-yo, though setting it up while the pillars are around would be pretty difficult.
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Fishin I've sunk several hundred hours into Terraria, it's a blast. Vampire Knives are basically mandatory for any melee build, even the "ranged" ones. Just make sure not to rely on them during the final boss fight or you'll have a bad time. If you've managed to take out the Solar Pillar, you should pick up a Solar Eruption, which is not only one of the best melee weapons in the game but also a weapon that can cheese the final boss pretty easily, though not without risk.
Yeah, I really liked Bravely Second too. More refined than the first and plenty of content for people who played and enjoyed the first. I truly enjoyed the chomper mini game; I could make chompers for an hour or more at a time, had a hypnotic and tranquil quality to it.

Only portables I'm looking forward to in the future are sun/moon, the dragon quest remakes, and etrian odyssey 5. This year has been stellar for the 3ds so far and looks to be even better in the 3rd and 4th quarter.

Also, someone mentioned Odin Sphere-thought the first one for PS2 was over rated. The item system confused me for awhile at first but I had fun with it. How does the sequel improve upon the original?
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yeah, I did manage to beat all the pillars and forged a Solar Eruption and Stardust Cell staff, then promptly died to Moon Lord. It looks like he's best fought with some solid blocks to guard against his attacks and not an open arena. Having more than 415 health would probably help too, I had a surprisingly hard time finding Life Fruits

Also, someone mentioned Odin Sphere-thought the first one for PS2 was over rated. The item system confused me for awhile at first but I had fun with it. How does the sequel improve upon the original?

Leifreiser is a remake and not a sequel. It does have a Classic Mode that lets you play the game as it was on the PS2 (albeit with higher resolution and much better performance) and from playing that, the combat is different and hugely improved. It feels much more responsive, you have a lot more mobility and there are a bunch of extra abilities, including a badly-needed dodge, and it no longer has a stamina meter for attacks that causes you to get stunned when you run out.
With it being a remake I'd be more tempted to dust off my ps2 and play the original. It's a good game if you can get past the horrid item management. Also Fishin the PS1 Valkyrie Profile game is really amazing if you like Odin Spere. Good luck getting your hands on a physical copy without paying top dollar, though. However there is a PSP enchanced version of that game called Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. It's basically the pinnacle of 2D side scrolling rpg goodness.
My Zero Time Dilemma experience



1: Nothing is happening and the decision game is dumb
2. Now that there's an actual story 25 hours in, this actually seems better than VLR
3. Zero is revealed. Lana, this is by definition a farce