Gen VII: Pokémon Sun and Moon (New info Post #5834)

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Pretty much the easiest way to catch Wimpod would be to hope it has an odd HP stat and Super Fang it. Then put it to sleep. If its ability works while sleeping that would legit be the most efficient way.

Maybe it is like the legendary beasts and it will flee while asleep.
With all the discussion about IV, I just remember about the fact that we can transfer pokémon from RBY to Sun and Moon. While the values can be just multiplied by 2 to match more or less with the actual stat system, Hidden Power has still a problem (all hidden power would be fighting by using that system). So, i have two thing in mind. One, Hyper Training will be used to help pokémon coming from RBY to have perfect IV and two, Hidden Power will probably use another system (that I hope will be easier than relying on IV) to find the type.

The only question I have left is what about the EV (since we can max out all EV in RBY) ?
The only question I have left is what about the EV (since we can max out all EV in RBY) ?

My guess is they'll just wipe them. EV training in modern games is already so much easier, and if you wanted to use anything you caught in RBY you'd probably want to clear off its EVs anyway.
I don't expect to partake in this discussion very much because I can't see it as being allowed past another page or two, but: Eugenics kind of rides as much on the idea of traits being hereditary as it does on the whole "Best genes" thing. If you're editing one pokemon, and using that as motivation not to have to breed more, then you're de facto not talking eugenics at all.

This is a weird topic :|

e: tl;dr difference between genetic engineering and eugenics
Genetic engineering is one way of carrying out eugenics. The current breeding process and the new feature can both be described that way. (And regardless of the semantics, what causes people to object morally to eugenics is also present in genetic engineering; the idea of decrying one and not the other is absurd.)
Like the iv thing from competitive aspect and just normal message in Pokemon. If think of it like Jibaku said, it's pretty nice that theoretically possible after hit max lvl, you and your in-game team partners can become stronger and be battle ready instead of just 100x generations down of inbreeding.
As I've spent the last week hatching Scyther in attempt to breed for 5 IVs, this Hyper Training news is both really exciting and incredibly frustrating.
As I said, we STILL don't know how we're going to get bottlecaps in game. It may be like the ability capsule where it's a rather expensive item to get. Which would you rather do, try to hatch the 5 IV Scyther yourself or get 200 battle points?
Ugh, I'm late. So much discussion! Here's my two cents:
Bewear is still pretty eh to me. I'm still hoping it gets a cool evolution that I can appreciate.

Mimikyu probably is a gimmick pokemon, but damn, I still love it. Seriously considering it for my team.

Wimpod is neat. Though it's ability sounds like it'll make it a bitch to catch.

Mudsdale is awesome. So it's defense goes up whenever it's hit by a contact move? That'll be difficult to deal with in battle. It's making me wonder the use it'll get competitively.

Comfey is eh. I don't really have much to say on it. Maybe it'll get an evolution I'll like?

Also hoping Bounsweet evolves into something cool. It's a cute pokemon.

That's really all I have to say at the moment. There's a lot of discussion about the IV strengthening system, it's a little overwhelming since I was late lol. I had to backtrack quite a bit to see what was going on.

Anyway, I'm hype!
I'm looking forward to the Selfdestructing Mega Mewtwo X in Ubers myself.

Yeah, now that I think about it, this change is going to make RNG abuse in the older games obsolete. That's probably a good thing for the franchise, but as a veteran RNGer myself, I can't help but feel sad about it.

On the bright side, I can finally use the Jolly 28/31/24/5/27/30 Qwilfish that I caught during a playthrough of Colosseum in a serious match without dying a little on the inside. Already knows Swords Dance too.
So I was watching the video again and when I got to the Hyper training part, I noticed that all the stats went up at once. So either there's different types of bottle caps that do different stats, or every bottle cap raises each stat.


Either that or it's just a cut in the footage, but the top screen doesn't have a weird cut or anything, so it looks entirely possible.


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As I said, we STILL don't know how we're going to get bottlecaps in game. It may be like the ability capsule where it's a rather expensive item to get. Which would you rather do, try to hatch the 5 IV Scyther yourself or get 200 battle points?

But, much like Ability Capsules, Bottle Caps can just be hacked in.
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