Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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This is a Dracaena Draco or dragon palm.
DRAGON palm.
Alolan Exeggutor is the best thing in generations.


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I think the biggest impact is that you can have ridiculous coverage with the Z-crystals since they don't have to match your pokemon's type, apparently.

Like imagine a setup sweeper like Volcarona having a ground/ice Z-move to remove pokemon that would normally check it.

There isn't any indication though of if base stats affect the moves power (i.e. if it uses Atk/SpAtk) given that there's just one move per type.

Also just want to say I love the new Exeggutor. I'm 95% going to use Rowlet as my starter but tempted to use both on my team despite sharing grass type.
So one of the rumors (that just gained some credibility this morning) states that the new forms are only accessible when you bring those Pokemon from previous game versions. When the VC games were released they specifically mentioned that you can transfer G1 Pokemon to Sun and Moon. Maybe the Pokemon from those VC ports are the only ones that change form? That would be devious.
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So one of the rumors (that just gained some credibility this morning) states that the new forms are only accessible when you bring those Pokemon from previous game versions. When the VC games were released they specifically mentioned that you can transfer G1 Pokemon to Sun and Moon. Maybe the Pokemon from those VC ports are the only ones that change form? That would be devious.

That also doesn't make any sense, this pokemons changed forms after years of adaptation, only unlocking this forms by transferring them from a region where they don't exist is nonsense.
That also doesn't make any sense, this pokemons changed forms after years of adaptation, only unlocking this forms by transferring them from a region where they don't exist is nonsense.

I agree as the description implies those pokemon have been established in Alola, but it makes sense that it's Pokemon specifically brought from Kanto and would require you to send more $$ on their previous ports..
Wow aloha Vulpix and Ninetales are gorgeous

I'm in love

Also somebody made a post about one of Exeggutor's pokdex entries mentioning how "its heads grow longer when exposed to strong sunlight" and I found something kinda similar

Vulpix Leafgreen/X pokedex entry: "When it is born, it has just one snow-white tail. The tail splits from its tip as it grows older." Wonder if that possibly used as a basis for its design/type.
Icetales and Iceslash seem to hint to them attempting to buff that Type this gen, which is something that has been overdue for FAR too long.

Oricorio has now ascended to being one of my most hyped Pokemon, due to that ability that is just born to punish DDMence or Volcarona alongside individual typing to fit in team slots easier.


Snowslash and Hailtales*****
Guys, this was mentioned earlier, but after today's reveals, I think it would be wise to treat the Chinese leak and the Reddit leak as accurate.

with the only error being Ninetails (fire/fairy instead of ice / fairy), everything else that wasnt revealed on the list has been marked true.

This includes FIghting Abra lines, Ash-greninja, multiple Rockruff evos, A snowman ice/ghost, and returning NPCs

I'm still not convinced, actually.

Have a look at the things the "leak" got right: A Fire/Poison lizard, Mimikyu keeping its Japanese name, no Gyms, and Yungoos' evolution being fat and hairy. If there's more, please correct me.

Thing is... educated guesses could take you halfway to those details already. Hear me out here:
  • "Fire/Poison lizard" is a little like "Bug/Dark scorpion", "Water/Normal dolphin" or "Mono-Grass horse". A very generic guess. Notably, neither of the other predicted Pokémon have been shown yet, maybe except for the "appearance-changing bird" (which was described in extremely broad terms).
  • As the leaker noted himself, most Pika-clones keep their Japanese name. After Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne and Togedemaru, you have pretty good odds if you guess the trend will continue.
  • A quick glance on the Kalos maps (which were released in exquisite detail) will reveal that there are no buildings shaped like Gyms in the traditional sense. Nor do as many as 8 towns/cities have buildings that could be unconventionally-shaped Gyms. The "no Gyms" detail can be guessed with reasonable plausibility by studying the map.
  • Yungoos is sleek and hairy. It turning fat and hairy upon evolution is one of the very few directions it could possibly have taken. I mean, how do you make a Yungoos evolution that isn't simply a bigger Yungoos? You keep the colours and change the proportions. Just like Sentret, Bidoof, Lilipup and Patrat.
Notably, the leak also got some things wrong. For one, Salandit's typing was "leaked" backwards. Neither does Ninetales' supposed new typing match the actual one, which should be a pretty dumb mistake from one who's supposedly familiar with Alola Ninetales. I feel like those were both lucky guesses that were almost right, but not quite, yet believed because of confirmation bias.

A lot of other Pokémon have also been revealed, which weren't mentioned in the leaks. You'd think they'd have got more than Salandit, Oricorio and halfway Ninetales right by now.
So one of the rumors (that just gained some credibility this morning) states that the new forms are only accessible when you bring those Pokemon from previous game versions. When the VC games were released they specifically mentioned that you can transfer G1 Pokemon to Sun and Moon. Maybe the Pokemon from those VC ports are the only ones that change form? That would be devious.
I think you have it flipped. You'll only be able to get the forms we're used to by transferring from previous games.
Oh man this bird just might be amazing in doubles.

it has FOUR TYPES to choose from, but electric flying looks most solid out of the bunch.

Copies dancing moves? So you're saying he copies quiver dance, swords dance, dragon dance, petal dance, and fiery dance? So you can get two boosting moves off in one turn if your ally uses the dancing move, perhaps even when Oricorio uses protect. You can use 3 moves per turn!

Boosting moves are normally a waste of time in doubles, but if you boost BOTH pokemon perhaps we could see some viable strategies? Say for example if you paired it with Lilligant, who will quiver dance one turn and petal dance the next? Fire Oricorio would enjoy the coverage boost.

Nevermind any new dance moves that might come out.
Depending on its stat distribution, Cheerleader Oricorio could be a terrific check of Mega Salamence, resisting Return/Facade, and being able to copy its Dragon Dances...
Oh man this bird just might be amazing in doubles.

it has FOUR TYPES to choose from, but electric flying looks most solid out of the bunch.

Copies dancing moves? So you're saying he copies quiver dance, swords dance, dragon dance, petal dance, and fiery dance? So you can get two boosting moves off in one turn if your ally uses the dancing move, perhaps even when Oricorio uses protect. You can use 3 moves per turn!

Boosting moves are normally a waste of time in doubles, but if you boost BOTH pokemon perhaps we could see some viable strategies? Say for example if you paired it with Lilligant, who will quiver dance one turn and petal dance the next? Fire Oricorio would enjoy the coverage boost.

Nevermind any new dance moves that might come out.
Oricorios' signature move is also a dance which changes type based off the form. -> Revelation Dance is a move that only Oricorio can learn, and its type changes based on Oricorio’s current style.

That thing in triples, Focus Sash/other survival items, each of them does Quiver Dance, you'll get 3 boosts on each of them, next round, 3x3 Revelation Dance. G effin' G.
Oricorios' signature move is also a dance which changes type based off the form. -> Revelation Dance is a move that only Oricorio can learn, and its type changes based on Oricorio’s current style.

That thing in triples, Focus Sash/other survival items, each of them does Quiver Dance, you'll get 3 boosts on each of them, next round, 3x3 signature Dance. G effin' G.

I'm just waiting for the mandatory double battle in-game where you face 2 Oricorios and they both use Dance moves, effectively attacking 4 times in a turn lol.
Wow, I actually was hoping for formes of older pokémon with new typings when I saw how those jewels in the japanese logos looked a bit like those gems in Pokken. I was thinking it would be dark/light pokémon and light would have types like fire, water, grass, fairy, Electric and dark pokémon would get the more creepy typings like bug, dark, ghost, Psychic, ice etc. Turns out I was wrong but I'm definitely pumped to see these new Alola formes! Hope they are not only Kanto pokémon thought..

Was also hoping for boss battles, so that's another awesome thing! xD Don't like those Z-moves thought, the poses the players make look super awkward :P
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