Unova Classic

It's a shame I can only taunt amoongus since almost every cresselia/jellicent i've seen has a mental herb. Scarf braviary sounds neat on a ninetales/cherrim team.
It's been cool to run my proposed team on PS: while weather teams can beat me, they have to really earn the victory (rain in particular), the majority of the team is hardy enough to survive the anticipated Dark attack onslaught, I'm often able to get Trick Room up two or three times in the course of a match, one trainer in particular is running a really fun-looking Round quartet team (look up "Smuckem vs. naegahoshi" on replays), and by God I've won a couple of battles. (Three TR setters in one team seems to be difficult for folks to handle...)
Naegahoshi is me, smuckem! hahaha

I tried a triples team similiar to my oras team and I can't believe how good it is even without m-kang, sylveon, and talonflame. It's life orb ambipom, specs gardevoir, lum berry hitmontop, sharp beak crobat, weakness policy heatran, and sitrus gastrodon.

Ambipom's speed allows it hit terrakion with low kick before terrakion attacks (feint and opposing whimsicotts' beat up should get rid of it). My gardevoir has HP ground to deal with heatrans (my sylveon had hyper beam instead). I am pleased that crobat and talonflame have very similiar movepools as well. Crobat even has more speed and power (those quick guards won't work on me now hehe). My heatran is max sp atk and max sp def, so i can switch it in when gardevoir/sylveon might be in danger. the sp def lets heatran eat up scalds and get +2 sp atk. Gastrodon's storm drain is also very useful in triples.

I think I'm done messing around with teams, so I'll use this team. it helps that i already have an ambipom, gardevoir, and crobat, so no breeding for me B)
Eruption heatran sounds cool to use but I don't have one..and since i'm not using a trick room team, heat wave should be sufficient lol
So from what I've played, there are enough similarities to Battle Spot Triples that I think a viability ranking is possible at a much earlier time than Sinnoh Classic. On Monday, I will put up an early viability list for everyone to comment on!

Im a long time lurker and just want to say thanks for the help.

Pretty big newb so this is a real challenge trying to get the hang of tripples. I'm really liking my water absorb team but I think it just has too many weaknesses and only works on teams that I catch off guard.
Hey guys, Sinnoh Classic was my first competition so want to follow that up with this one, anyways here's the team:

Raikou@Lum Berry
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
-Aura Sphere
-HP Ice

WIN2011 Event so I'm stuck with the Rash Nature but get the any spot attacking Aura Sphere, plus Raikou was the MVP of my Sinnoh Classic run with his T Bolt and HP Ice coverage (though I was running calm mind and bait partners) so I have I have him here. Kept losing him too early due to Toxic and burns so that's the reason for Lum Berry.

Latios@Life Orb
EVs: 56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Light Screen
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Pulse

Latinos complements Raikou so well on the other side. Dragon Pulse is another non adjacent attacking move so he can just chill on the edge and perform the same task as Raikou.

Whimsicott@Focus Sash
Evs: 252 HP / 44 Def / 212 SpD
Impish Nature
-Worry Seed
-Helping Hand

Helping Hand and Worry Seed are the main reasons I have this guy. Helping Hand boosts either Latios or Raikou's attack since they'll be on both his sides. Worry Seed is for Justified Terrakion. Might replace Swagger with Encore as it has yet to really help me.

Hitmontop@Sitrus Berry
Ability: intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Fake Out
-Wide Guard
-Close Combat
-Sucker Punch

Standard Hitmontop but with the Gen 4 tutor move Sucker Punch. Mainly used for Wide Guard and Fake Out Support. Good alternative lead in the case of a Terrakion/Whimsicott lead so I can get the Fake Out + Worry Seed and not having to worry about Hitmontop going down.

Heatran@Shuca Berry
Ability:Flash Fire
EVs: 48 HP / 252 SpA / 208 SpD
Modest Nature
-Heat Wave
-Earth Power
-Flash Cannon

Shuca Berry means I can survive one EQ. Heat Wave is my main spread attack. Sub is for mons tha have no way of touching Heatran. From there he can just pick them off.

Hydreigon@Choice Specs
EVs: 4 Def: 252 SpA / 258 Spe
Modest Nature
-Dark Pulse
-Draco Meteor
-Earth Power

Draco Meteor basically OHKOs anything not resisting or with serious bulk. Earth Power is specifically there for ruining opposing Heatran's day. Flamethrower is for Steel types and Dark pulse for STAB. All of these moves aren't bad lock in moves and Specs will boost his attack even more.

Like I said, I'm new to competitive battling and extremely new to triples so any suggestions would be great.
Themexicanmateo, I recommend that you replace sucker punch on hitmontop with feint as other people can put up wide guard when heatran heat waves. and from my experience in triple battles, hitmontop almost always knocks out pokemon in the low red with feint, such as: mienshao, weavile, smeargle, etc. feint is superior imo because it breaks protect (very useful) and has +2 priority.

I think hydreigon should get dragon pulse instead of draco meteor because hydreigon could be one of the last 3 pokemon you have left, and having reduced special attack is not good. dragon pulse also hits far away opponents, which is a plus.

heatran can also replace flash cannon with protect as earthquake is everywhere, and you want it to live as long as possible. flash cannon might only have use for gardevoir. that brings me to this: your team seems weak to gardevoir. perhaps latios could be replaced with a life orb crobat. brave bird and maybe cross poison are strong attacks, and you don't have a physical attacker, bar hitmontop, who rarely attacks. crobat is faster than gardevoir and can knock it out before it uses its strong dazzling gleam or psychic on your team.

hope this helps :J
To add to what Epalk said, I'd certainly put Encore on Whimsicott thamexicanmateo , since it severely punishes Pokemon that use Fake Out or Protect. Since I'm not sure you can fit Tailwind without getting rid of Helping Hand (though I do think this can be worth it), I'd consider Tailwind Zapdos if Raikou doesn't end up working for your team. Maybe its just me, but it seems like your team would massively benefit from Tailwind!

If you replace Latios with Crobat, then that's an exellent Tailwinder as well. You could even use Tailwind Life Orb Hydreigon if you're desperate.
I've actually been using LO Tailwind Hydreigon to some success. Both Dragon Pulse and Dark Pulse are great STAB moves that can hit anywhere and LO gives them the power boost I always find they really need on Hydreigon. Protect and Tailwind round at the moveset as good support moves.

Worth noting that it's a backup Tailwind user though.
So, i discovered this weird set while browsing the BS Triples statistics.
Corsola@Choice Band
EVs: ???
Brave Nature
-Head Smash
-Rock Slide
-Spike Cannon

Apparently 100% of Corsola in BS Trips run this set, which is why it stuck out to me. How viable do you guys think this will be for UC?
So, i discovered this weird set while browsing the BS Triples statistics.
Corsola@Choice Band
EVs: ???
Brave Nature
-Head Smash
-Rock Slide
-Spike Cannon

Apparently 100% of Corsola in BS Trips run this set, which is why it stuck out to me. How viable do you guys think this will be for UC?
I don't think it is very viable. The Corsola is also only run on one team which is why it's all the same.
I battled against the user running the corsola team in the past, and he/she was unable to do well and forfeited. Since it was battle spot, talonflame's quick guard allowed me to fake out audino. The team also has mega mawile as its star. The stats also say that corsola's rock slide mainly knocks out char-y, talonflame, and sylveon, which don't exist in the competition lol. Corsola doesn't seem very usable until you're using a trick room team and need rock slide. I personally don't have rock slide on my triples teams o.o
Sorry for the wait, here's the first draft of the viability rankings. Please comment on them so we can sharpen this as we get closer to the competition! I also put it in the first post.


S Rank


A Rank


B Rank


C Rank


D Rank

None yet!

Unsure of

Last edited:
I've been testing Conkeldurr out a little bit and I think it deserves a spot on the VR. While it does face competition from Hitmontop and Hariyama as a fighting-type with Wide Guard, Conkeldurr excels in being able to provide more offensive pressure, which is especially helpful under Trick Room. Conkeldurr also has some better coverage moves such as Knock Off and Ice Punch. The main downside to Conkeldurr is that it doesn't provide Fake Out support like the other fighting-types.
I've been testing Conkeldurr out a little bit and I think it deserves a spot on the VR. While it does face competition from Hitmontop and Hariyama as a fighting-type with Wide Guard, Conkeldurr excels in being able to provide more offensive pressure, which is especially helpful under Trick Room. Conkeldurr also has some better coverage moves such as Knock Off and Ice Punch. The main downside to Conkeldurr is that it doesn't provide Fake Out support like the other fighting-types.

My main thing with Conkeldurr is that since Hariyama also has Knock Off, I think it might have a really hard time competing with that. That being said, Conkeldurr's extra power and access to Drain Punch and Mach Punch make me think its at least worth a C-ranking, so I'll add it!
I'm kind curious how Dusknoir compares with Dusclops. I'm sure the extra offense stats, and much more flexible item choices can make a big difference! Also, have you thought about where to put Excadrill on this list? His boosts with Sand Rush and T-tar/ Hippo's Sand Stream gained him many victories in regular Battlespot Triples, right?
I'm kind curious how Dusknoir compares with Dusclops. I'm sure the extra offense stats, and much more flexible item choices can make a big difference! Also, have you thought about where to put Excadrill on this list? His boosts with Sand Rush and T-tar/ Hippo's Sand Stream gained him many victories in regular Battlespot Triples, right?

Whoops, forgot to mention Excadrill, that was supposed to go in B!

As for Dusknoir, it can 2HKO Landorus-T without investment with Ice Punch, which could be useful when your're facing the likes of Crobat or Whimsicott who may have Taunt. Granted, Dusknoir could just run Mental Herb too so Taunt might not be a big deal.
Where would you say Serperior ranks on the list? I know it's probably more suited for Singles rather than Triples, but it's been doing okay for me so far.
I think escavalier could land a spot in the vr especially in a meta where talonflame and charizard dont exist. Escavalier laughs in the face of amoongus and can ohko common mons like heatran and ludicolo for example. The only thing holding it back is the absolute need for trick room to be up.
Where would you say Serperior ranks on the list? I know it's probably more suited for Singles rather than Triples, but it's been doing okay for me so far.

I'm not sure, Serperior's frailness is a big issue in triples, and it faceplants against Flying types and Amoonguss.

I think escavalier could land a spot in the vr especially in a meta where talonflame and charizard dont exist. Escavalier laughs in the face of amoongus and can ohko common mons like heatran and ludicolo for example. The only thing holding it back is the absolute need for trick room to be up.

Yeah, Escavalier is not only dangerous on TR, it's also a THREAT to TR teams! I'll put it at C for now since it's a more niche tr mon, but I don't object to moving it up to B if there is demand.

I think Kecleon should be in C-rank. It can carry TR and also support the team with Fake Out and Feint.

In other news I managed to get #1 on the ladder :)

D'oh, I can't believe I forgot this thing considering how much I love it in regular triples! Added it to the first post!

Anyways, here's some more food for thought.

-I'm gonna move jellicent up to A, since it's the best offensive tr mon.

-I think Murkrow might be worth a slot in C. Unlike other pranksters, it has Perish Song and a ground immunity. It's really annoying on trap teams in particular!

-this one is odd, but I saw a few Musharna and also tested it briefly. It's not as good as Cresselia, but After You is pretty awesome against opposing TR teams, and it hits Amoonguss harder with Psychic. Maybe worth a slot in C?

I've seen a few Slowbro and Slowking as well, since they are immune to taunt. Thoughts? I might give the edge to Slowking to survive a Dark Pulse personally, but I'd like some discussion!
think Murkrow might be worth a slot in C. Unlike other pranksters, it has Perish Song and a ground immunity. It's really annoying on trap teams in particular!

I think Murkrow derserves a spot. It has a nice little niche with quash.

I also think liepard might be worth a mention with its fast fake out and foul play/swagger shenanigans. Just wandering what does illumise do that the other pranksters don't? It's also weak to rock slide. Maybe D rank for it?

this one is odd, but I saw a few Musharna and also tested it briefly. It's not as good as Cresselia, but After You is pretty awesome against opposing TR teams, and it hits Amoonguss harder with Psychic. Maybe worth a slot in C?

I think c is a good spot for musharna. It doesn't do much the other TR setters can't

I've seen a few Slowbro and Slowking as well, since they are immune to taunt. Thoughts? I might give the edge to Slowking to survive a Dark Pulse personally, but I'd like some discussion!

I haven't tested them but with my experience from doubles I think B is a good spot. To whether which is better is in this meta I couldn't say.

Some other Pokemon I've seen are togekiss and clefairy as follow me support which disrupts terracott. Your opponent is pressured to taunt you which opens up terrakion or whimsicott for a KO. Togekiss also provides flinch and tailwind support. Clefairy has unique niche with friend guard

Not gonna lie triples is pretty fun
Ambipom; I think D rank (personally, I wouldn't rank him at all). The only thing I see him doing well is being able to take out approx. 1/5th of an opponents HP with Technician boosted STAB Fake Out, and then follow up with Double Hit or Knock Off, or with support moves such as Quick Guard, Snatch or Taunt. A lot of the mons already listed on the viability ranking can do this job just as well if not better than Ambipom, and many already listed counter him too. He just isn't a good mon imo. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I doubt Ambipom deserves higher than C rank.