Little things that make you happy

I really truly like it when someone doesn't realize how messed up my life has been and doesn't ask me questions like "What happened between you and your mother" or "So how's your brother holding up", since I get emotional quickly and crying my eyes out in the middle of school is not something I look forward to in my life. At all.

Also, when my favorite songs start playing on the radio when I'm feeling down.

Oh, and candy. Don't care what as long as it ain't black licorice. Can't down black licorice without nearly choking.
I really truly like it when someone doesn't realize how messed up my life has been and doesn't ask me questions like "What happened between you and your mother" or "So how's your brother holding up", since I get emotional quickly and crying my eyes out in the middle of school is not something I look forward to in my life. At all.
I've done my fair share of crying in school, definitely not fun. Still, I like when my friends ask about me because I like when they care. Though if you have trouble talking to friends about your problems, I highly recommend you see a psychiatrist instead. Unless your issue is just talking about it in public? Either way, having someone to talk about your issues with is always a good thing. You really shouldn't hold those feelings back. Trust me, I understand.
baby bella mushrooms
ramen noodles (instant, neoguri and shin)
cute babies wearing sunglasses
sleep tight pupper
fridge magnets
closing my eyes
the feel of dewy grass on your feet
a nice yawn
caramelized onions
people keeping their little promises
soft t-shirts
looking into the sun and feeling the warmth on your face (eyes closed of course!)
the walk to the bus stop after school with my friends
tibetan mastiffs
monster hunter monsters
checking out a library book with my very own card!
people who smile a lot
making shadow puppets on the wall
going up the stairs two steps at a time
What are your favorite candies anyway?
ok lemme tell you about These Fucking Things


see that shit?

that's crack

that is literally a bag of crack cocaine
ramen noodles (instant, neoguri and shin)
the walk to the bus stop after school with my friends
My equivalent of this back when I was in high school would've been the walk home after school with my friends. It was about a 10-15 minute walk for me, and I had a group of three other people. Though by my senior year, it was only me and one other guy left because one of my friends got a car, while the other moved.
checking out a library book with my very own card!
Oh man, it's been so long since I've been to my local library. I don't even know where my old card is. Back then, I was in about late elementary school/early middle school, and I would mostly get manga and "How to Draw" books.