Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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So since you can transfer Ash Greninja to your full game, could you actually be able to start the game with a Level 36 or some shit Ash-Greninja? Or would they just make it like a Froakie that evolves into Battle Bond Grenny later on?

Aren't Event Pokemon given unique Trainer IDs? Thus if you get an overleveled Pokemon from an Event they won't listen to you unless you get the appropriate number of badges? And they changed the disobedience mechanic in Gen V where an overleveled traded Pokemon will never attack, instead either not attacking, falling asleep, or hurting itself in confusion.

We'll probably need to wait until we get 3 Badge... oh. Hmm, that's an interesting dilemma I didn't think about. Hmm, I guess maybe they came up with a new increment system based on how many Island Challenges there are. Still, we'll probably need to be at least off the first island and possibly a bit through the second before we can use Ash-Greninja.

Isle Evelup="I/I'll level up"
Isle Abeens="Isle o'Beans"
Isle Aphun="Isle o'Fun"
Yes, they are terrible.

But how is mining fun? Okay, yes, they call it treasure hunting but all they find are stones, they're obviously mining! You know let me look at the Japanese names:

Poke Pelago: Poke Resort
Isle Abeens: Carefree Resort
Isle Aphun: Exciting Resort
Isle Evelup: Noisy Resort

Really? Those are the original Japanese names? They barely help. Well I guess since they consider mining "exciting" than I guess I see where they got "fun" from. Personally I would have gone with something like "Tresur" in that case.

Be thankful for those puns, Spanish ones tend to be even worse than the English ones.

From what I can tell they're pretty much near direct translations of the Japanese names just using "island" instead of "resort".
Trailer was amazing. Lots of good stuff was revealed here.

Poke Pelago certainly is my one of my favorite additions made to the game. Glad to see gamefreak resolve a large number of the nuances people had with playing in-game, namely the tediousness / difficulty in EV training, obtaining certain items (namely limited evolutionary stones), and leveling up. The Island that interest me the most out of the Islands they showed is definitely Isle Abean since you can catch wild Pokemon here. This could be this game's replacement for the friend safari and may be the only way to obtain certain Pokemon like Exeggutor in their non-alolan formes.

The 3 starter evolutions look good, through I feel Torrcat is a bit lacking compared to Dartrix and Brionne. Dartrix's design makes it look a lot more talented, yet its general animations make look more snooty, while Brionne's design gives it a more stylish design and its animations makes it seems more energetic and outgoing, perhaps to receive more attention. Torrcat doesn't seem to have much going on in terms of character or design like the other two, though the fiery bell is definitely a nice touch.

Unlike alot of people, I'm pretty glad to see Ash-Greninja in this game and its design looks much better than I had hoped. I feel its new upright stance allows the more unique characteristics of its design, like the frozen Water Shuriken on its back, stand out more, in addition to making it look more menacing. That being said, the demo better give us a good explanation as to why its called Ash Greninja and how it appeared in alola in the first place. Looking forward to using it nonetheless.

Glad to see Mega Evolutions back. Like the new effects the developers used to show the transformation, though I must say that it does make the megas themselves look far less threatening. Being able to buy the stones through an ingame shop is pretty rad too, as I found the quest in obtaining the stones rather tedious in ORAS and XY.
Some notes:
On the Pokemon website it says about Ash-Greninja "This form is only for battles where it needs to break the limits!" It also says
"In a special Season 1, which will begin November 18, this special format is anticipated to be a Single Battle format where you’ll be able to participate with Pokémon that cannot take part under other battle rules: the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala, the Magearna that can be obtained through the QR Scanner, the Ash-Greninja obtainable through the Special Demo Version, and others!"

That makes me think that it will mostly be an in-game Pokemon rather than usually allowed online. I do like the look of it but I also like Protean so I will have to wait and see whether I prefer it, but the demo is only two weeks away!

It seems like we are getting most of the features from ORAS back, but I'm not sure if the RotomDex will also include the DexNav feature but what is written on the website seems to point towards it.

The new trailers also showed a Clefable and Seaking so that is two more Pokemon unlikely to get an Alolan form. Also now that Mega Evolutions have been shown again I am becoming more convinced that Pokemon that received a Mega Evolution will not receive an Alolan form.

But every new trailer is making these games seem like the best ones yet. Just confirm a way to battle Lvl. 100 suiciding Blisseys again (or lots of high level trainers) to get an easy way to get to Lvl. 100 and we'll be all set.
So has anyone been paying attention to The Riddler's lmage sheet? the hints for Passimian and Oranguru has been cleared out, and I figured out the "Yin Yang" hint, But I can't figure out the rest.


EDIT: I am aware about the clause about posting links. So far The Riddler's hints have all been vague but true, and has been predicting accurately since February.
I see that a lot of sources are referring to the "leaked" final evo's as fire/dark. What is the evidence for this? Based on the design I fear that it is another fire/fighting.

And popplio would be water/fairy?
So has anyone been paying attention to The Riddler's lmage sheet? the hints for Passimian and Oranguru has been cleared out, and I figured out the "Yin Yang" hint, But I can't figure out the rest.


EDIT: I am aware about the clause about posting links. So far The Riddler's hints have all been vague but true, and has been predicting accurately since February.
As I stated earlier in the thread...
The hint next to Oranguru indicates a Water/Ghost type that may be based off of Sadako from the Ringu (seven days...) series (subbing the long black hair for seaweed if i had to guess) since the anime character is a medium who uses Water to see visions and the lady is the actress that played Sadako in the prequel. Water/psychic is possible too.

Also, the picture to the right of Jangmo-o is a type of staff associated with buddhist monks. What this means is unknown, unless it is connected to Jangmo-o, which may be possible.
I see that a lot of sources are referring to the "leaked" final evo's as fire/dark. What is the evidence for this? Based on the design I fear that it is another fire/fighting.
They could go for a "dirty fighting" kind of style, Dark type has plenty of those moves with things like :
-Feint Attack
-Sucker Punch
-Parting Shot (please god, I want this so bad)
-Knock Off
-Foul Play

You still retain the "fighting" theme but you don't need the Fighting Type.

Edit : Even Crunch and Bite might work with this kind of theme since those are, in the majority (all ?) of fighting sport, prohibited.
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In French description of Litten evo

"La longue crinière de Matoufeu lui permet de capter tout ce qui se passe autour de lui, ce qui est très pratique dans la pénombre"
"The long mane allows it to capture everything that is happening around him, which is very convenient in the dark"

He loves fighting dirty, in the dark ! Remember, Dark type are not Evil, it's just the opposite side of the Fighting type
-The entire PMD storyline takes place inside the PCs, lmao...
-Dartrix is love.
-I love how they chose Lucario, Kangaskhan and Salamence to show that megas are still there.
-Glad to have Ash Greninja. I was getting worried it would get shafted or something. Wonder if well get other bond phenomenon Pokémon anytime soon...
Good luck getting kills in Ubers to change form. (Because Greninja will likely be banned in OU due to Protean's brokenness)

Don't take my word on this, since I'm grossly underqualified, but I *think* A-Greninja could be tiered separately. There's a similar precedent in Darmanitan Zen Mode (pretty sure that's tiered separately too, right?).

Not that I'm going to elicit an *opinion* on its tiering one way or another. That'd be premature and inappropriate :o
I don't think that the leaked final forms are there final design, but old concepts for the final. I think riddler was just (bow)stringing us along making us wrestle with idea of their legitimacy until they were perceived true, but seeing the middle forms has set off some sirens for me. I mean look at McChikin nugget it could evolve into robinroot and it could evolve into Robbie; but I don't see how Robbie evolves into Robinroot it is just to big of a jump.
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