Pokémon Kommo-o

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Honestly they've already done the whole "fast and hard hitting" DDancer plenty of times before. Not sure why everyone just wants more of the same with a different typing slapped onto it.
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Thoughts on a BD set?
I've been using an autotomize-z-belly drum set,and oh my gosh does it sweep teams.Its main counters are 1)fairies,2)status,3)priority,in that order bc most relevant priority attacks cant kill it.I also love that its good bulk allows it to set up against many pokemon.So,after you deal with its checks,its game.
Honestly they've already done the whole "fast and hard hitting" DDancer plenty of times before. Not sure why everyone just wants more of the same with a different typing slapped onto it.

huh? There's only 2 viable Dragon Dancers in OU, Gyarados and Dragonite, and they're both quite slow. I suppose Zygarde and Mega T-tar are there too, but neither are fast or all that great.
huh? There's only 2 viable Dragon Dancers in OU, Gyarados and Dragonite, and they're both quite slow. I suppose Zygarde and Mega T-tar are there too, but neither are fast or all that great.

A. OU isnt all that matters. Only like 5% of Pokemon players in total (probably much lower) even pay attention to our playstyle/rule sets.

B. If we're counting every dragon they create, a vast majority of them rely of D.Dance. Altaria, Charizard X, Dragonite, Kingdra, Flygon, Haxorus, etc etc etc all can successfully use that style of battle to boost their 80-100 base stats to useable levels. I don't care if they're not all "OU" or "meta" or "viable". This is about design and why we don't need to wish for another dragon like that. Because its been done to death, and I think every tier has a dragon that fights that way at this point.

C. If people want more of the same dragon stat spreads then all that will do is inflate an already crowded niche. This might not be the best spread, but at least its unique. Slow, Bulky, Mixed dragon isn't a niche that's overflowing exactly.

I am in no way saying he's great this way. Heck, usually he just gets OHKO'd by a dazzling gleam or something! But at least he's not making other dragons obsolete by stealing their jobs. (Which has happened to many of our beloved favorite dragons)
A. OU isnt all that matters. Only like 5% of Pokemon players in total (probably much lower) even pay attention to our playstyle/rule sets.

B. If we're counting every dragon they create, a vast majority of them rely of D.Dance. Altaria, Charizard X, Dragonite, Kingdra, Flygon, Haxorus, etc etc etc all can successfully use that style of battle to boost their 80-100 base stats to useable levels. I don't care if they're not all "OU" or "meta" or "viable". This is about design and why we don't need to wish for another dragon like that. Because its been done to death, and I think every tier has a dragon that fights that way at this point.

C. If people want more of the same dragon stat spreads then all that will do is inflate an already crowded niche. This might not be the best spread, but at least its unique. Slow, Bulky, Mixed dragon isn't a niche that's overflowing exactly.

I personally think they should have gone the full ten yards of making Kommo-o more special/mixed instead of leaving it still wanting to try an take advantage of its physical movepool only to be outclassed. Possibly take a small chunk out of the defenses to make the Special Attack stat equal to or higher than the Attack stat, or heck swap them. Then give it Aura Sphere and/or Nasty Plot (not sure if it'd be broken) and then you have special attacker with potent STAB that can hit physically too if need be which allows for wall-breaking or just dishing out good damage on both sides overall while not being too frail. Plus its signature move could be utilized better. I feel Kommo-o is suffering Kyurem Black syndrome but even worse. Its movepool doesn't complement its better attacking stat but unlike KB going mixed isn't nearly as effective for it due to the modest Special attack stat and its iffy Fighting STAB. If it had more Special Attack or Nasty Plot then it wouldn't have as much of an identity crisis.
Kommo-o's best set would be a Hasty mixed wall breaker. Clanging Scales accents it's ability to break physical walls with the defense drop.
Kommo-o's best set would be a Hasty mixed wall breaker. Clanging Scales accents it's ability to break physical walls with the defense drop.
It lowers your own Defense, not your opponent's. It's like Hyperspace Hole.

That said, a move with decent power that always lowered the opposite defensive stat would be really cool, now that I think about it.
This thing reminds me of Haxorus for some reason. Neat moves like SD, DD and Taunt but overall outclassed by better Dragons like Zard-X. Even the Special set needs to compete with Lati@s, Kyurem or Hydreigon for a teamslot.
I guess what sets this apart is that unlike Char-X, DDnite and Garchomp is that it resists SR and therefore doesn't require the defog/Rapid spin support while also having DD which Garchomp lacks while having similar or better bulk and good abilities to back that bulk up. It's a nice middle, and honestly 85BP for Sky isn't that bad for the time being at least, and it has coverage moves against Fairy.
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I'll keep saying that this guy is a great bulky mixed dragon. He has more defenses on both sides then most of the other Psudo legendaries. And a 110,100 attacking stats is very nice, plus a Powerful dragon attack that goes through subs and doesn't lower your SpA is very nice. what you have to give up in return for that is that he doesn't hit as hard as some would have liked.

I am still going with a Rash set with Assault vest. The Assault vest negates the rash decrease, and still gives you extra SpD then if you had a neutral nature with no vest. Then Clanging Scales, Sky Uppercut, Poison Jab, and Flamethrower. I may even switch that around to be Flash Cannon and earth quake, depending on what I need, though I think the first one is better.

I do think Move tutors will greatly increase his value though. Drain Punch, Super Power, Earth Power, Heat Wave, And Iron tail from ORAS would be great, and heck even if it got some new tutors like Dragon Hammer or flying press would be nice
While that might be true, LO Earthquake from Garchomp OHKOes or 2HKOes most relevant Fairies in OU (outside of Tapu Bulu). Faster Fairies like Mega Diancie and Tapu Koko which Garchomp loses to, Kommo-o can't beat either so a pure physical set is difficult to justify at this stage.
Fighting moves are so OP people look at a 85 BP one and say it's trash :D

Yeah this isn't awesome but it isn't "outclassed" either. The typing is amazing offensively outside of fairies, and it does even have Flash Cannon / Poison Jab for them. It resists U-Turn, Volt Switch and Stealth Rock, while being bulky, that's another plus.
It has the stats to go mixed like Goodra, but is way more unpredictable and has boosting moves.
Could an overcoat kommo-o possibly be viable on a hail team? It's got an interesting typing for such a team and it's bulk and power could make it a better choice for a dragon than the typical Flygon, I think. Just wondering
I am in no way saying he's great this way. Heck, usually he just gets OHKO'd by a dazzling gleam or something! But at least he's not making other dragons obsolete by stealing their jobs. (Which has happened to many of our beloved favorite dragons)

Its really discouraging that OU functions that way.

If something was 103 base speed and did literally all of Garchomp's things exactly...Yeesh I can't even think of the shitstorm that'd happen.
I guess what sets this apart is that unlike Char-X, DDnite and Garchomp is that it resists SR and therefore doesn't require the defog/Rapid spin support while also having DD which Garchomp lacks while having similar or better bulk and good abilities to back that bulk up. It's a nice middle, and honestly 85BP for Sky isn't that bad for the time being at least, and it has coverage moves against Fairy.
Garchomp resists SR too.
Working a team with a sub passer and/or aurora veil.... was wondering which z-stat boosting move was most viable?
I know BD is +6 but I'm unsure about the effects of his others.
Could an overcoat kommo-o possibly be viable on a hail team? It's got an interesting typing for such a team and it's bulk and power could make it a better choice for a dragon than the typical Flygon, I think. Just wondering

The ideal Dragon to use in hail is Kyurem-B - significantly higher Atk, solid mixed coverage, faster, fatter (save for its typing), has Roost, and can use Blizzard if you wanted to. The only reason that I can think of that you'd use Kommo-O over Kyurem-B is for fighting STAB (like you REALLY need to hit Steel types) and for the SR resist. And if you really want to get rid of steel types on Hail, there's Magnezone and Mamoswine.

I agree with those who are saying that Kommo-O is comparable to Haxorus - it has a bunch of the right tools to pack a punch, but its just a day late and a buck short of what it needs. In Kommo-O's case, that's speed and not high enough offensive stats to do its job better than Lati@s or others. It DOES have the niche of being unpredictable - its not like Lati@s or Haxorus where you can be 95% sure that its special/physical, respectively. When you see Kommo-O in team preview, you think "what set does it run? Physical, special, mixed?" It creates a mindgame. However, the question becomes "how much can this Pokemon do that another Pokemon can't do once its out in battle?"

tl;dr Kommo-o seems to be a master of all trades, master of none (if any), but it definitely at least has a niche.
The ideal Dragon to use in hail is Kyurem-B - significantly higher Atk, solid mixed coverage, faster, fatter (save for its typing), has Roost, and can use Blizzard if you wanted to. The only reason that I can think of that you'd use Kommo-O over Kyurem-B is for fighting STAB (like you REALLY need to hit Steel types) and for the SR resist. And if you really want to get rid of steel types on Hail, there's Magnezone and Mamoswine.

I agree with those who are saying that Kommo-O is comparable to Haxorus - it has a bunch of the right tools to pack a punch, but its just a day late and a buck short of what it needs. In Kommo-O's case, that's speed and not high enough offensive stats to do its job better than Lati@s or others. It DOES have the niche of being unpredictable - its not like Lati@s or Haxorus where you can be 95% sure that its special/physical, respectively. When you see Kommo-O in team preview, you think "what set does it run? Physical, special, mixed?" It creates a mindgame. However, the question becomes "how much can this Pokemon do that another Pokemon can't do once its out in battle?"

tl;dr Kommo-o seems to be a master of all trades, master of none (if any), but it definitely at least has a niche.

This is pre-bank for the record, more for vgc but figured I'd ask here but I'm just looking for kimmo-o advice
This guy is mixed, so he fits very well with Draco Meteor hit-and-stay.

Kommo-o @ Life Orb
Ability: Bulletproof / Overcoat
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant / Naive Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake / Dragon Claw
- Sky Uppercut
- Poison Jab

Basically use Dracom Meteor at the beginning or after some hits to grab a surprise KO on the other pokémon.
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