Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Can someone touch trade me a Solgaleo? The dex entry will make soft resetting easier.

Also is Careful a good nature for Solgaleo?

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If anyone still wants Pokérus, let me know.

Shiny Jangmo-o (lv1, Naughty nature) up for trade, offer something cool if you want it or I'm just gonna hoard this cute pink-heart-on-forehead thing!
I'll take you up on some pokerus. Don't have much to offer yet but I will soon.

And on a bragging note, I finally got this sucker to pop out after a 2 hour chain:

Mareanie 31/x/x/31/31/31 Relaxed with Regenerator. I can finally breed me some better ones :)

I'll be generous with feedbacks seeing as chaining these bastards is a horrible and painful experience.
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Hi, we have finished the game (sun/moon) to find pokemon with hidden ability in s.o.s battle?

If you are asking, no, you do not need to finish the game to find hidden ability. The chances are just really low. It can take a long time as a result. Some are harder than others.
Hey! I was planning on making a competitive team to use in-game, but I need a Kommo-o with Overcoat. If you don't mind me asking, could somebody trade me a Jangmo-o with Overcoat (its hidden ability)? I'll trade you guys anything you want in return!

FC: 1633 - 4480 - 1439

Also, is it okay if we put the trade on pending for now? I have to go to College and my 3DS can't connect to the wifi there.
Hey, guys, long time no see. I have a question: Has breeding changed since last gen?
Hey, guys, long time no see. I have a question: Has breeding changed since last gen?

Yes. Males can occasionally pass on hidden abilities now as well as pokeballs. Genderless pokemon can pass down pokeballs when mating with Ditto.

A male mating with a ditto will always pass down its pokeball and can pass down its hidden ability. A male mating with a female of the same species can pass down its pokeball 50% of the time. A male mating with a female of a different species cannot pass down the pokeball; it will always take the females.

In that regard, things have been significantly more streamlined.
Hey, guys, long time no see. I have a question: Has breeding changed since last gen?
No. Unless you care about Pokeballs. If you do then male and genderless pokemon can now pass down Pokeballs when breeding with ditto and males now also have a chance to pass down their pokeball when breeding with a female of same species. Also Kanto forms can be obtained if one of the parents is a kanto form and holding everstone(this is possible only after bank)
Yes. Males can occasionally pass on hidden abilities now as well as pokeballs. Genderless pokemon can pass down pokeballs when mating with Ditto.

A male mating with a ditto will always pass down its pokeball and can pass down its hidden ability. A male mating with a female of the same species can pass down its pokeball 50% of the time. A male mating with a female of a different species cannot pass down the pokeball; it will always take the females.

In that regard, things have been significantly more streamlined.
No. Unless you care about Pokeballs. If you do then male and genderless pokemon can now pass down Pokeballs when breeding with ditto and males now also have a chance to pass down their pokeball when breeding with a female of same species. Also Kanto forms can be obtained if one of the parents is a kanto form and holding everstone(this is possible only after bank)
Thanks! That's good to know!
Anyone able to give me a spitback galvanize Geodude and HA Rockruff? Nature and IVs are irrelevant.
I can give spitback Level ball Salandit, Heavy ball Togedemaru, Beast ball Dewpider, Friend ball Bounsweet and Love ball Fomantis. Random nature and IVs though, as I don't have Everstone and a good Ditto.
Bump. Can anyone help, please? Been trying to chain Geodudes for hours.
I can also offer HA Marienie in Dive ball and Heavy ball Honedge.
What kind of set should I run on drampa?
I was thinking, calm nature with leftovers and berserk ability
252 spd
176 def
80 spa
-dragon pulse
-hyper voice
Caught a nice Trick Room Ditto:

31/31/31/31/x/0 Careful nature

Can you still clone in these games? Guessing you need to use an Action Replay or something.
Does anyone have an adamant synchronize abra they'd be willing to trade? Unfortunately I don't have much to offer.
I have one but I might need it myself I can give it to you with an everstone though so you cna breed one yourself real fast if you want
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