Terrakion [QC 0/3]


is a Tiering Contributor

QC: / ✘ / ✘
GP: ✘


  • With the transition to SM, Terrakion is accepting the role of a revenge killer more than it did last generation due to new threats such as Pheromosa, Tapu Koko, and Tapu Lele while still being used to manage older threats such as offensive Landorus-T and Mega Charizard X.
  • Terrakion has one of the most feared offensive typings in the game in Rock-type and Fighting-type which in combination are incredibly difficult to switch into without it affecting the way you have to play later in the match.
  • Terrakion still continues to has its own flaws, whether its not being able to break through defensive Pokemon with its Choice Scarf set, not being able to find a lot of opportunities to be able to set up with Swords Dance, or its speed not being able to outspeed key offensive threats such as Tapu Koko, Latios, Pheromosa, etc. on its Choice Band sets while being easily pressured by walls with reliable recovery that can easily switch into it.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Poison Jab / Toxic / Rock Slide
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

  • Close Combat gives Terrakion a reliable yet powerful STAB to be able to fire off for consistent damage. Its Terrakion's way of being able to revenge kill threats such as Mega Metagross and being able to nail other Steel-types in Ferrothorn and Magnezone. It can also KO weakened Tapu Koko and Pheromosa where relying on Stone Edge or using Poison Jab wouldn't be the best play.
  • Stone Edge is Terrakion's other STAB which isn't as power as Close Combat or reliable but with it Terrakion is able to nail Pokemon such as Tapu Lele and Landorus-T. Its also able to revenge the likes of Mega Charizard X and Salamence at +1 Speed and other Pokemon weak to rock such as Weavile, Zapdos, and Alolan Marowak.
  • Earthquake gives Terrakion the ability to pressure the likes of Toxapex which can easily come in on any of Terrakion other attacks. With Earthquake, Toxapex is 2HKO'd by Terrakion after Stealth Rock damage. Its also likely for Toxapex to be worn down as its also used to check a lot of threats that could partner well with Terrakion.
  • Poison Jab nails Tapu Bulu mainly, but also hits other fairies such as Tapu Fini, and Tapu Koko. On top of hitting those, it can also revenge lower health targets like Pheromosa without relying on Stone Edge to hit.
Set Details
- Maxing out Terrakion's attack and speed stats gives it the most power possible to outspeed Pokemon base 100s and speed tie with key threats such as Keldeo
- Choice Scarf allows Terrakion to be able to revenge kill boosted Pokemon such as Mega Charizard-X, and Salamence.
- Justified is a nice situational ability being able to get attack boost from Dark-type moves such as Knock Off or Sucker Punch. It allows Terrakion to not be effected as much by Knock Off due to it receiving an attack buff upon switching into the attack.

Usage Tips
- Look to revenge kill weakened offensive targets such as Salamence, Tapu Lele, and Mega Charizard X. Choice Scarf Terrakion is able to outspeed threats such as these even when they have a +1 boost in speed andknock them out.
- Terrakion doesn't hit as hard as its previously mentioned sets so don't expect it to get a lot of kills of off healthier targets

Team Options
- Tapu Koko makes a great partner for Terrakion, being able to weaken common threats to it such as Landorus-T, Mega Metagross, and Mega Scizor which all can hinder Terrakion's ability to clean up
- Entry hazards such as Stealth Rock is also vital to make up for the lost damage from Terrakion's other sets, so Pokemon such as Landorus-T make great partners

Other Options

Stealth Rock alongside Taunt can make Terrakion a suicide lead. But the set is pretty outclassed by other leads such as Azelf and Nihilego. The set also struggles with common leads such as Landorus-T. Using this set really wastes the potential Terrakion has as a Pokemon and there would be better options elsewhere.
Hidden Power Ice is an option, but since Terrakion is able to use Continental Crush now, the only real target for Hidden Power Ice is Garchomp which doesn't take Close Combat too well and can get worn down fairly easy.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Pokemon**: Pokemon above base 108 Speed such as Latios, Serperior, Starmie all outspeed Terrakion that isn't holding a Choice Scarf. They have the ability to also knock out Terrakion easily with their respectable STABs, but they do have a difficult time coming into Terrakion safely because of its strong offensive pressure.

**Priority Attacks**: Terrakion is weak to common priority attacks such as Bullet Punch from Scizor and Mach Punch from Breloom, and it doesn't have the best defenses ever to try and tank the attacks.

**Status Moves**: Terrakion doesn't appreciate being burned or paralyzed as they can severely cripple it from doing its job effectively. Getting burned halves Terrakion's Attack stat which is a huge decrease in power and being paralyzed halves Terrakion's Speed stat which keeps it from outspeeding offensive threats such as Garchomp, Genesect, Mega Pinsir, and Nihilego.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Slowbro, Toxapex, and Landorus-T can give certain Terrakion sets trouble sometimes such as its Choice Band or Choice Scarf set but can be threaten to be broken through by +2 Continental Crushes on its Swords Dance set. The Pokemon stated above has an incredible amount of bulk and can reliably heal themselves except for Landorus-T allowing them to be some of the most reliable Terrakion switchins available
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s/o Hootie giving me more time
wanted to get something posted so i don't lose the reservation
was also gonna add a SD rockium Z set, can post calcs if needed
Im pretty sure SD Wallbreaker, Double Dance and Scarf are set worthy. Mixed HP Ice is legit too, just saying.
was also gonna add a SD rockium Z set, can post calcs if needed

Mixed HP Ice is lol, especially when there's Continental Crush which completely destroys Lando-T and Gliscor, and CC still puts up a large amount of damage onto Garchomp at +2.

Idk about Scarf, I always found it mediocre nowadays but w/e.

+2 252 Atk Terrakion Continental Crush vs. 244 HP / 8 Def Gliscor: 478-564 (135.7 - 160.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 Atk Terrakion Continental Crush vs. 248 HP / 244+ Def Landorus-Therian: 340-402 (89.2 - 105.5%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
-Poor defensive typing along with mediocre defensive stats

Its typing gives it many weaknesses, but 91/90/90 defenses is far from mediocre, especially when bolstered by Sand. It would be more accurate to say that it's easier to KO than its stats imply due to its multiple weaknesses. I would also classify its Speed tier as more than decent, since it still gets a jump over a quite a large part of the metagame (though 108 is definitely less valuable than before)

I think Terrakion's main issue is that it's too easy to cover Fighting + Rock coverage in this gen. It's getting harder and harder for it to get by on just Close Combat + Stone Edge alone.

On the Choice Band set, it's probably time for Terrakion to man up and use Earthquake in the 4 slot for Toxapex. Even if you don't come close to OHKOing it and EQ is generally a bad move to lock yourself into, you do around (58.7 - 69.3%) meaning you can pick it off at some point or outright beat it in a 1 v 1.

In the Usage Tips section, playing aggressively with CB Terrakion is key. It's not enough to just spam Close Combat and hope for the best; if they're packing something like Toxapex, you better be clicking Earthquake and double switching on the next turn. Sure, Regen is demoralizing, but it's still coming back in at less than 100%, so if you play aggressively you can consistently keep its health down and land the easy 2HKO with Stone Edge. It's that kind example of aggressive play where Terrakion shines the most, I feel. It really requires some patience before you can truly break down walls.

A SD wallbreaker definitely set definitely works, and it finally has a real attack move for that 4 slot. Rockium Z works, and I think Groundium Z is great for luring out Toxapex and completely annihilating it. In fact, SD might be the best set now because of the destructive power Z-moves.
Its typing gives it many weaknesses, but 91/90/90 defenses is far from mediocre, especially when bolstered by Sand. It would be more accurate to say that it's easier to KO than its stats imply due to its multiple weaknesses. I would also classify its Speed tier as more than decent, since it still gets a jump over a quite a large part of the metagame (though 108 is definitely less valuable than before)

I think Terrakion's main issue is that it's too easy to cover Fighting + Rock coverage in this gen. It's getting harder and harder for it to get by on just Close Combat + Stone Edge alone.

On the Choice Band set, it's probably time for Terrakion to man up and use Earthquake in the 4 slot for Toxapex. Even if you don't come close to OHKOing it and EQ is generally a bad move to lock yourself into, you do around (58.7 - 69.3%) meaning you can pick it off at some point or outright beat it in a 1 v 1.

In the Usage Tips section, playing aggressively with CB Terrakion is key. It's not enough to just spam Close Combat and hope for the best; if they're packing something like Toxapex, you better be clicking Earthquake and double switching on the next turn. Sure, Regen is demoralizing, but it's still coming back in at less than 100%, so if you play aggressively you can consistently keep its health down and land the easy 2HKO with Stone Edge. It's that kind example of aggressive play where Terrakion shines the most, I feel. It really requires some patience before you can truly break down walls.

A SD wallbreaker definitely set definitely works, and it finally has a real attack move for that 4 slot. Rockium Z works, and I think Groundium Z is great for luring out Toxapex and completely annihilating it. In fact, SD might be the best set now because of the destructive power Z-moves.

I agree with you and would add / make the changes outside of the Groundium Z part. I don't see a point in it when; +2 252 Atk Terrakion Continental Crush vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex: 312-367 (102.6 - 120.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Is there something else I'm forgetting that Groundium-Z would nail?
I wouldn't bother with Groundium-Z. Continental Crush is basically Rock Gem Stone Edge all over again. As far as Earthquake all I got off the top of my head is Toxicroak and Nidoking - Nidoking is probably not going to last in OU long with Landorus-I in the spotlight and Toxicroak isn't receiving an analysis at this time. It's a little stronger against some of the Steels I guess. The only new Pokemon to resist Stone Edge + Close Combat is Pallosand.

I think Swords Dance is by far its most threatening set and should be first. I think fourth should be Quick Attack or Substitute unless you're merging Double Dance together.
Definetly add Rockium Z Swords Dance, it can beat a lot of the Pokémon that Terrakion normally struggles with

+2 252 Atk Terrakion Continental Crush vs. 244 HP / 8 Def Gliscor: 478-564 (135.7 - 160.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 Atk Terrakion Continental Crush vs. 248 HP / 244+ Def Landorus-Therian: 340-402 (89.2 - 105.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 Atk Terrakion Continental Crush vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 585-688 (144.8 - 170.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Terrakion Continental Crush vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 421-496 (104.2 - 122.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Terrakion Continental Crush vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Slowbro: 399-471 (101.2 - 119.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
It also might be worth noting that Continental Crush has perfect accuracy versus Stone Edge's normal 80%, so you won't have to worry about missing when using your Z-move.
I really don't think that a Z-item should be the singular slash for any set. This applies to all analyses, not just this one. The reason for this is you only get to use one Z-item per team, and you might very well want to use it on a different pokemon (such as Bloom Doom Heatran or Conversion Porygon). However, there may be situations where you still would like to use sets like SD Terrakion with Lum or Life Orb, or Tail Glow Xurkitree without Electrium Z. Even if those are worse items than Z-moves, the other items are still viable and should be slashed as such because a Z-move comes with such an opportunity cost

I know people will disagree but I think this is an important discussion to get out of the way.
I really don't think that a Z-item should be the singular slash for any set. This applies to all analyses, not just this one. The reason for this is you only get to use one Z-item per team, and you might very well want to use it on a different pokemon (such as Bloom Doom Heatran or Conversion Porygon). However, there may be situations where you still would like to use sets like SD Terrakion with Lum or Life Orb, or Tail Glow Xurkitree without Electrium Z. Even if those are worse items than Z-moves, the other items are still viable and should be slashed as such because a Z-move comes with such an opportunity cost

I know people will disagree but I think this is an important discussion to get out of the way.

Well I think if the set is drastically better with the Z item, then there's not much of a need to slash something else with it. I think a mention in set details would work just fine. I'm not saying Life Orb Terrakion in unviable or anything but Rockzium Z Terrakion accomplishes so much more that the consistent power from Life Orb isn't really worth it in most circumstances. Being able to OHKO so many Pokemon that normally check is such as Landorus-T, Gliscor, Mega Venusaur, Toxapex, and Slowbro is insane. In fact I think Terrakion is one of the best users of Z moves in the tier, so if I'm going to use SD Terrakion, I'd pick it as my Z move Pokemon over most others. If I'm not using Rockzium Terrak, I'd rather just use CB or even Scarf tbh.
Thanks to Z-Crystals nullifying the Knock Off damage boost, Rockium Z Terrakion is, bar none, the best Knock Off switch-in in the entire game. Resisting Knock Off, getting a Justified Boost, and taking little damage allows Terrakion to come in on any passive Pokemon that relies on Knock Off to annoy its opponents and immediately gain momentum. For that reason, a Double Dance set would be great, as listed above, as it can set up Swords Dance on passive Knock Off walls or set up Rock Polish if the opposing team is more offensive.

If Hoopa-Unbound spends a significant amount of time in the metagame, 148 HP EVs allow Terrakion to reduce neutral-natured Band HyperSpace Furies and Specs Dark Pulses to a small chance (~10%) of being 2HKO'd; even with the reduced Speed EVs, Terrakion outspeeds all Max+ Base 90s. That is likely the strongest Choiced Dark attacks Terrakion will see, meaning anything weaker than that is asking for Terrakion to set up Rock Polish / Swords Dance.
I have a few scattered thoughts about this analysis. Feel free to agree or explain why I'm an idiot.

On the first set, I think Substitute should be slashed first in that last slot. The utility it provides is just as great as it was back in the BW days when Rock Gem Terrakion ran a similar set. Besides, without the Life Orb, Quick Attack is just so pitifully weak. For example, at max it only knocks off about half of Greninja's health, and that's one of the frailest faster things you'll ever encounter (Pheromosa is the only one I can think of that's significantly frailer).

Also, does Rock Polish really deserve a slash? Can someone testify to its usefulness? The idea of Double Dance sets has been around since Terrakion's inception, but they've always struck me as sets that are fun to discuss on paper but not all that practical. I feel that the job of protecting Terrakion from faster threats is done better by Substitute most of the time, especially considering it protects Terrakion from priority as well.

While I don't feel very strongly about this, I do think that the Life Orb deserves a secondary slash for a few reasons. For one thing, LO SD Terrakion is still very powerful, and it has the advantages of a stronger Close Combat (good for things like Hippowdon and bulky Garchomp) and Quick Attack. It also frees up your Z-move for something else, as mentioned earlier. Lastly, Continental Crush can be lured and wasted. For example, your opponent can bring in a Landorus-T or Slowbro or something as you SD, switch to a Rock resist or death fodder to eat the Continental Crush, and then handle your Terrakion more easily with the aformentioned check. LO's consistency negates this problem. It's still a secondary option because Continental Crush is so ridiculously strong, but the advantages are there.

As far as Set Details go, you make it sound like Quick Attack is there for revenge killing. That's not really what it's for. It's mainly for beating weakened faster things after a Swords Dance so that they can't stop your sweep (and as I mentioned before, they have to be heavily weakened to do so given how weak QA is). You should also mention that Substitute protects Terrakion from incoming revenge killers, which is one of the greatest perks of the move.

So uh...Quick Attack on the Scarf set. How good is that? I can't think of much that Scarf Terrakion can't outspeed naturally, and the few things that are faster (like Excadrill or Kingdra in their respective weathers) take laughable damage from the move. I don't think it deserves a mention at all on the Scarf set, personally.

One last thing, Checks and Counters needs to be beefed up some. Specifically, you should mention bulky tanks like Landorus-T, Slowbro, Toxapex, Hippowdon, etc. Mention that some of these can be broken by a +2 Continental Crush, but they still handle the other sets nicely (and a couple like Hippowdon don't even fear its Z-move).

That's all I can think of at the moment. I'll let you know if I come up with anything else.
Once Terrakion. finishes Choice Scarf I will QC this.

Er I didnt mean like that lol but no big deal. Ill note to look at this tonight.
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I'm just going to double post this so we have an actual QC check implemented.

First off update the thread with the current format.
- Transition to SuMo, Terrakion remains as one of the most underrated wallbreakers in the metagame
I really wouldn't call Terrakion an "underrated wallbreaker". Terrakion faces a lot of fierce competition as a wallbreaker and it is a Pokemon that still is pressured by some common stall cores (Dugtrio, in particular, shuts down Terrakion). It only can set up on stuff like Mega Sableye with Substitute or when going off against Chansey at the start. Dugtrio also effectively shuts it down.

It's okay to mention Terrakion can bust through walls (+2 Continental Crush is hard for stall on average to tank through), but it still struggles against Unaware Quagsire as an example and Dugtrio will always seal its fate.
- Great offensive typing
- Decent speed tier
Both of these points could be summarized in one sentence - you could also mention that Rock / Fighting is a rather difficult STAB combo to resist and it outspeeds a lot of threats that Landorus-T fails to do such as non-Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, Mega Charizard Y, and non-Choice Scarf Garchomp.
- Incredibly hard to switch into although a lot of Terrakion answers can get worn down easily such as Landorus-Therian
I wouldn't call Landorus-T one of the easier Pokemon to wear down. It's a Pokemon that lacks recovery, but will bail out with U-turn often and doesn't really enjoy Terrakion's presence if it's Swords Dance (Scarf kind of invites it and sometimes Band can).
- Close Combat is Terrakion's main STAB move as it's its most reliable accuracy wise and puts out the most damage.
Also can mention it helps break through Steel-types that normally resist Stone Edge and Continental Crush such as Excadrill and Ferrothorn.
- Stone Edge is another STAB move that allows it to hit Pokemon that would otherwise be able to take a Close Combat such as Tapu Lele, and Mega Venusaur
- Terrakion gains access to Continental Crush via Rockium-Z which allows Terrakion to break through a ton of Pokemon it would struggle with such as Landorus-Therian, Toxapex, Slowbro, and Gliscor. With a Swords Dance Boost, it can handle a lot of defensive threats that Terrakion looked for its teammates to weaken, or handle them entirely. Another plus with Continental Crush is that it has perfect accuracy, so no worrying about pesky Stone Edge misses!
Find a way to merge the two together here. I would also mention more relevant OU Pokemon at the moment (Gliscor was relevant back in Gen 5, now it's almost non-existent).
- Quick Attack is good for priority if your team lacks it as it can knock out lower health targets. Substitute is also a viable option to be able to avoid status from moves such as Will-O-Wisp from Mega Sableye. Substitute also gives Terrakion a free turn to be able to Swords Dance or an extra turn to attack without taking damage. Rock Polish is another option to make Terrakion a more threatening sweeper as it becomes extremely fast while maintaining its hard-hitting status.
Break the moves into separate sections. Mention that Substitute makes Terrakion difficult to revenge kill since Mega Sableye will never bust through Substitute if Foul Play is absent (usually is, but not always). Mention Quick Attack is for hitting Pheromosa and regular Greninja.

I am also going to say that Substitute probably should be first in terms of "if you're dead set on playing this as a wallbreaker", but Quick Attack is usually a better choice on more offensive teams.
- Justified is a nice situational ability being able to get attack boost from Dark-type moves such as Knock Off or Sucker Punch. It allows Terrakion to not be effected as much by Knock Off due to it receiving an attack buff upon switching into the attack.
I know I'm not GP, it's "affected", though. I would probably remove the Knock Off switch mention - most Pokemon carrying Knock Off have a Super Effective move and / or a status move that Terrakion doesn't want to switch into and risk taking. The Knock Off point only really applies in the following scenarios with Terrakion:

Example A) Terrakion's team is carrying Tapu Fini and Misty Terrain is down.
Example B) Terrakion is carrying Substitute.
- Adamant nature is an option when using Rock Polish to give yourself as much power as possible
Personally I wouldn't opt Adamant because it hinges on getting that crucial Rock Polish. I think it's better to stick with Jolly here.
- Be sure to scout potential Choice Scarf users in Tapu Lele and Genesect. They both can revenge kill Terrakion easily and aren't phased by Terrakion's rather weak priority.
Remove Genesect. Mention other potential Scarf users instead (Garchomp, other Terrakion).

Er, more Team Options? Cmon man there's gotta be more than Latios and Jirachi that can support this mon.

The second set needs to be Choice Scarf. It has been rather used a lot in SPL and holds a lot of critical advantages over other Choice Scarf Pokemon:

- Boasts the Rock move being difficult to wall once Steels are usually gone.
- Has Close Combat to roast said Steels.
- Ghosts are extremely rare.
- Outspeeds important threats (+1 Zard Y, +1 Volcarion) while also adding Scarf Nihilego and Scarf Garchomp to its list, though Garchomp will usually win a duel unless it's locked into like Fire Blast.

The second and third set need a little more detail - much like I mentioned with the first set.

Before I officially QC check this I would like to ask that you flesh out the details and try to update everything more to the meta (i.e. remove Genesect, etc). Once that's done Terrakion. tag me in a new post and I will look over it once more.
Is that first set actually good to where its more viable than scarf? Serious question. I havent seen a build actually use this set effectively or even in common play in a tier rittled with scarf lele, set up sweepers, and stalls packing dugtrio. This seems like one of those sets that sounds a lot better in theory than in practice and also part of the whole z move hype to find uses for a mon. At least with scarf you can justify its use with outrunning some of the common offensive trends and even the handful of set up sweepers like volcarona, scarf lele, and scarf chomp among others. It seems like it has the same fundamental problems that double dance /sd terrakion always has and i question the legitimacy of it as the first set.
Is that first set actually good to where its more viable than scarf? Serious question. I havent seen a build actually use this set effectively or even in common play in a tier rittled with scarf lele, set up sweepers, and stalls packing dugtrio. This seems like one of those sets that sounds a lot better in theory than in practice and also part of the whole z move hype to find uses for a mon. At least with scarf you can justify its use with outrunning some of the common offensive trends and even the handful of set up sweepers like volcarona, scarf lele, and scarf chomp among others. It seems like it has the same fundamental problems that double dance /sd terrakion always has and i question the legitimacy of it as the first set.
In the bluntest sense of when I played it, I found the biggest issue with it (on top of the mons you mentioned) is that it has to face fierce competition from Landorus-T, which arguably does the entire Z Move shenanigan much better. Though slower, it's bulkier and can work through doing damage on the Double Dance or just going for full offense right after the dance. Landorus-T's access to Intimidate and decent bulk only help with setting up Double Dance honestly. I wouldn't disagree with you on putting Choice Scarf first since many higher end players are using Scarf as an answer to a lot of problems that teams can have and, without having something like Substitute, you're not really busting stall that well with that first set IMO (nevermind that Unaware Bold Clefable kind of shrugs off anything but the CC and Quagsire doesn't care period), and once Sub is gone Dugtrio just craps it. I know others in QC also thought about this too (with the Z Move Terrakion being worse than Z Move Landorus-T) such as Gary and I even argued Terrakion down to B+ when the Z Move was considered "the set to use" since it does a rather middle-road job of anything really in the VR ranking thread - or at least stopping it from becoming A-.

I would agree with putting Scarf all the way as the first set for those reasons on top of yours.
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Swords dance + SR is a decent set I think. Like chomper it muscles past sableye (+2 stone edge does about 80%), but its faster and doesnt struggle with skarm. You can throw a sash on it and its a decent catch all sr user against hyper offense, stall and most between.
I like the idea of putting Scarf first. I do think that Poison Jab should get a Set Details mention, though. It's nice to have something a little stronger and more reliable than Stone Edge to smack Tapu Lele with, especially Scarf sets that can be a pain for offensive teams. It also OHKOs Tapu Bulu unless it has a lot of physical bulk investment. You could mention Iron Head instead for flinches and whatnot, but I like being able to hit Tapu Bulu harder and maybe poison a switch-in.