Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

Something Bludz said on the OU VR thread confused me a little.

How does Shadow Bone not get Rocky Helmet damage? I couldn't find anything about this on Bulbapedia's Rocky Helmet and Shadow Bone pages; do Ghosts dodge residual damage from items or something now?
Something Bludz said on the OU VR thread confused me a little.

How does Shadow Bone not get Rocky Helmet damage? I couldn't find anything about this on Bulbapedia's Rocky Helmet and Shadow Bone pages; do Ghosts dodge residual damage from items or something now?

Shadow Bone doesn't make contact

EDIT: Ninja'd
I apologize for the two n00b questions. Just something that's been on my mind.

1) In ORAS I asked a quick question about the use of stat-drop moves (Screech, Featherdance, etc), and was told that they weren't good moves because they don't help with regaining momentum or forcing switches. I was told that it's always better to boost stats. However, I just saw that one of Dugtrio's top ORAS movesets include Screech. Can somebody explain why it's OK in Dugtrio's case? Are there any other examples of pokemon who can use stat-drop moves effectively? It seems a shame to not use these "interesting" moves...

2) This has bothered me for a long time. I've always had the belief that two-turn moves (i.e., Fly, Bounce) should be avoided at all possible. However, I've seen pokemon as Gyrados use Bounce. I understand that the turn in the air can help with leftovers recovery, but still... why? Wouldn't you lose momentum by allowing your opponent to switch in a favorable counter? if I really needed a flying-type move on a pokemon that absolutely couldn't learn any, I would use Hidden Power.
I apologize for the two n00b questions. Just something that's been on my mind.

1) In ORAS I asked a quick question about the use of stat-drop moves (Screech, Featherdance, etc), and was told that they weren't good moves because they don't help with regaining momentum or forcing switches. I was told that it's always better to boost stats. However, I just saw that one of Dugtrio's top ORAS movesets include Screech. Can somebody explain why it's OK in Dugtrio's case? Are there any other examples of pokemon who can use stat-drop moves effectively? It seems a shame to not use these "interesting" moves...

2) This has bothered me for a long time. I've always had the belief that two-turn moves (i.e., Fly, Bounce) should be avoided at all possible. However, I've seen pokemon as Gyrados use Bounce. I understand that the turn in the air can help with leftovers recovery, but still... why? Wouldn't you lose momentum by allowing your opponent to switch in a favorable counter? if I really needed a flying-type move on a pokemon that absolutely couldn't learn any, I would use Hidden Power.

The reason stat dropping is mediocre is because your opponent can switch out and reset it. With Dugtrio this isn't the case.

Bounce is simply Gyarados' best flying STAB and gives pretty good coverage when combined with waterfall. This gen it can also be used as a one-time nuke with Flynium-Z.
The reason stat dropping is mediocre is because your opponent can switch out and reset it. With Dugtrio this isn't the case.

Thank you for answering. That makes sense re: Dugtrio. However, what about your point about switching out? Seems like encouraging switches would be ideal for stall-ish teams to rack up hazards/residual damage? I have to do some theory-moning, but seems like it puts pressure on the opponent: switch out and take damage, or stay in and take more damage (because their pokemon was slowed down or weakened).
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I apologize for the two n00b questions. Just something that's been on my mind.

1) In ORAS I asked a quick question about the use of stat-drop moves (Screech, Featherdance, etc), and was told that they weren't good moves because they don't help with regaining momentum or forcing switches. I was told that it's always better to boost stats. However, I just saw that one of Dugtrio's top ORAS movesets include Screech. Can somebody explain why it's OK in Dugtrio's case? Are there any other examples of pokemon who can use stat-drop moves effectively? It seems a shame to not use these "interesting" moves...

2) This has bothered me for a long time. I've always had the belief that two-turn moves (i.e., Fly, Bounce) should be avoided at all possible. However, I've seen pokemon as Gyrados use Bounce. I understand that the turn in the air can help with leftovers recovery, but still... why? Wouldn't you lose momentum by allowing your opponent to switch in a favorable counter? if I really needed a flying-type move on a pokemon that absolutely couldn't learn any, I would use Hidden Power.

Usually you take stat drops as an added benefit of a move or in an ability like Intimidate, but never as its main purpose. Screech is really the only difference since Dugtrio isn't able to beat a full HP Chansey without it, and is often the only option of a team beating it. There are some exceptions but those are mostly weird cheese strats that work once every blue moon. Parting Shot and Memento are 2 other stat drop moves that are used rather commonly, but Parting Shot is mainly for momentum and Memento is more like a "got nothing better to do before fainting" move ^^

About the 2-turn moves, most of them are lures and have their main benefit in beating a Pokemon's defensive checks or counters. Often teams will only bring a single pokemon that checks a threat, so even if you "waste" a turn for flying up, what's your opponent gonna switch into if he only has 1 check? He can either stay in and pray or sac another member of his team. Apart from that though, you're right, 2-turn moves are still 2-turn moves, so they should always be taken with a grain of salt.

So Mantine getting Roost is enough to make it actually good?

Roost increases his longevity without having to use Rest, making it way more consistent in checking the things it's supposed to check, or defogging regularily. Also it got a stat raise in gen7, HP iirc
So the SM Viability Rankings have Salamence at a cozy B+, whereas in ORAS it struggled to hold on to a D ranking due to how crowded its niches were, with everything from Dragonite to Mega Charizard X to Garchomp outclassing it in one way or another. What's changed for it, specifically?
What are some good partners for this Zygarde set?:

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 188 HP / 72 Atk / 72 SpD / 176 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Dragon Dance
- Thousand Arrows
- Extreme Speed

Also I haven't been keeping up with the changes S/M have made so if anyone could point me to any resources to learn what's new that'd be great.
So I'm new around here but I have a question about teambuilding.

What exactly is stopping me from slapping Mega-Metagross, Tapu Lele, and Ash-Greninja on a team with some support mons to sweep to victory?

I ask this because if there's anything close to stopping these three I'd be happy to slap a few gimmicks on my team to remove any of these from the equation to give my own Meta/Lele/Greninja a leg up.
So I'm new around here but I have a question about teambuilding.

What exactly is stopping me from slapping Mega-Metagross, Tapu Lele, and Ash-Greninja on a team with some support mons to sweep to victory?

I ask this because if there's anything close to stopping these three I'd be happy to slap a few gimmicks on my team to remove any of these from the equation to give my own Meta/Lele/Greninja a leg up.
For Tapu Lele, I use AV Alolan Muk. As for Ash-Greninja, an option is scarf Adamant Landorus-T. Always knocks out Ash-Greninja with EQ after rocks + they never expect you to be scarf since you almost only see defensive Lando nowadays.

No real idea for M-Metagross though. You can use Lando as a check but watch out for Ice Punch
Does the +10 make a difference between Pulverizing Pancake and Breakneck Blitz on a Snorlax set or are there simply better options than a normal Z-Crystal for Snorlax (new to SM OU, sorry)?
Does the +10 make a difference between Pulverizing Pancake and Breakneck Blitz on a Snorlax set or are there simply better options than a normal Z-Crystal for Snorlax (new to SM OU, sorry)?
Pulverizing Pancake isn't really worth it on snorlax as being stuck with Giga Impact isn't a very optimal situation. Snorlax currently isn't a great Z-move user or even that good in OU as of now. Definitely run leftovers or choice band if you really want to use snorlax
Does the +10 make a difference between Pulverizing Pancake and Breakneck Blitz on a Snorlax set or are there simply better options than a normal Z-Crystal for Snorlax (new to SM OU, sorry)?

Snorlax is a pretty niche pick for OU... even more niche for a Z-crystal user.

However, I wouldn't use its signature Z-move since it requires running Giga Impact, which is more or less a worthless slot otherwise.
So I'm new around here but I have a question about teambuilding.

What exactly is stopping me from slapping Mega-Metagross, Tapu Lele, and Ash-Greninja on a team with some support mons to sweep to victory?

I ask this because if there's anything close to stopping these three I'd be happy to slap a few gimmicks on my team to remove any of these from the equation to give my own Meta/Lele/Greninja a leg up.
I find Mega Scizor to be adequate in handling both Mega Metagross and Tapu Lele, and Ash Greninja can be handled by quite a few different Pokemon, the most notable one that fits on offense well being Tapu Fini. I'm fairly new to this whole smogon thing, so excuse me if this is inaccurate information.