Little things you like about Pokémon

Pokemon Daisuki Club at it again.
Some dark/ mean Japanese humor in the latest PV.

Basically it's an advert/ sight seeing guide to Alola.
In Alola, good things happen.
Then it revolves how the nerd/ scientist gets a fashion change in Alola, and got "refreshed"-- everything changed-- girls started admiring him, he started to have fun and dances... etc.
Everything was so happy.
But all was just a dream/ has already past... and he wakes up and find that his life is back to normal (the sad nerd life)
Another one:

I really like Ilima's character. When you first meet him, he's the first trial captain, he's a Trainer's School graduate, he has an oddly strong Smeargle, etc. But if you backtrack to rebattle him for the left-handed pose, you get to see his room. It's got a lot of trophies and battle notes, and a cupboard filled with the Pokemon vitamins. If you talk to him after you beat him, he says he wants to "begin by analyzing [your] battle data", implying that he battles competitively... just like us. When he gives you the Everstone, he tells you its intended purpose, which is to stop evolution. BUT, he also says that "it has some other effects too, but let's not talk about them right now", of course referencing the purpose people actually use it for (passing natures). This is all well and good, but what really drove it home for me is that there's a cool detail if you look at the shelf above his computer.

It's a Destiny Knot.


Yeah, actually. In general it's really nice how educational Pokémon is without being patronising or in-your-face about it.

I definitely have to agree with this! I feel like GF has started putting explanations of actual, real-life things in their recent games: ORAS has the Oceanic Museum, which legitimately taught me some things about the ocean, and SM has the Geothermal plant. It's pretty cool if you ask me, and I hope they keep doing this kind of thing in future games.
It does kind of make sense, though. Alola is a tropical region, so you wouldn't expect there to be all that many Ice-types.

They still had an ice area, though, which was a neat touch. I like how they always manage to cram in an area for every typical Pokémon habitat in every region (designed since the hardware allowed them to). There's usually a desert, an abandoned building for ghosts, a volcanic area, a deep forest, a sea, and again, an ice area. My favourite so far is Hoenn's, with an ice cave deep below the ocean, but Cold Storage is a neat concept too.

If I am allow to complain a little in this positivity thread, though, I'd really wish they'd put the ice area a little earlier in the story for once. I've looked it up and made a spreadsheet, the Ice type is nearly always the last Pokémon type you will encounter. Early Ice types either require massive backtracking (GSC Lapras), going out of your way to find things in an obscure order (RBY Cloyster, which requires a Super Rod and a Water stone), choosing away something else (XY Amaura), or are pitifully weak (SM Delibird). The area where you can reliably and repeatedly encounter Ice types is always around the seventh Gym or at equivalent points in the game. BW and Vanillite is the only exception. This is rather strange, seeing as by many metrics, the Ice type is the worst type in the game and not something you have to put off until late-game.
They still had an ice area, though, which was a neat touch. I like how they always manage to cram in an area for every typical Pokémon habitat in every region (designed since the hardware allowed them to). There's usually a desert, an abandoned building for ghosts, a volcanic area, a deep forest, a sea, and again, an ice area. My favourite so far is Hoenn's, with an ice cave deep below the ocean, but Cold Storage is a neat concept too.

If I am allow to complain a little in this positivity thread, though, I'd really wish they'd put the ice area a little earlier in the story for once. I've looked it up and made a spreadsheet, the Ice type is nearly always the last Pokémon type you will encounter. Early Ice types either require massive backtracking (GSC Lapras), going out of your way to find things in an obscure order (RBY Cloyster, which requires a Super Rod and a Water stone), choosing away something else (XY Amaura), or are pitifully weak (SM Delibird). The area where you can reliably and repeatedly encounter Ice types is always around the seventh Gym or at equivalent points in the game. BW and Vanillite is the only exception. This is rather strange, seeing as by many metrics, the Ice type is the worst type in the game and not something you have to put off until late-game.
Not to mention Glaceon has been given the proverbial shaft since it was introduced because Ice areas and the Ice rock come so, so late...
The Bank update is finally out, and after transferring my ribboned Qwilfish over, I've noticed that the boosts from Pokemon Amie are retained in S/M when you transfer Pokemon over. I'm also fairly sure that happiness isn't reset either, since after using just a couple of EV reducing berries (to redo Qwilfish's EV spread to account for Hyper Training now), the happiness was already peaked out.

They're small little details, but it's really nice to not see happiness and affection being reset via the VI to VII shift; especially handy for all your old battle ready Pokemon w/ Return

Edit: Apparently I was wrong about happiness. Guess the accelerated happiness is an Amie thing that I wasn't aware of. Amie boosts still definitely carry over though

Edit2: I was wrong again, happiness does carry over. My Diggersby apparently never had max happiness.

/me facepalm
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*Is fuming about Pokemon Bank* I need to calm down a bit, so here's a neat thing I just learned.

When I first went to Malie Garden I was said it was designed after something but never figured it out until I saw the full map layout:

It looks like a Gyarados, I'm guessing a reference to the Lake of Rage?
*Is fuming about Pokemon Bank* I need to calm down a bit, so here's a neat thing I just learned.

When I first went to Malie Garden I was said it was designed after something but never figured it out until I saw the full map layout:

It looks like a Gyarados, I'm guessing a reference to the Lake of Rage?

...It sorta looks more like a Zygarde 50% to me, with that island looking more hexagonal, and the two streamers we see being two of the five crests that rise from Zygarde.

But then again, at a passing glance it DOES look more like a Gyarados when just looking at it without scruitiny, so I'm probably overthinking, ahah
*Is fuming about Pokemon Bank* I need to calm down a bit, so here's a neat thing I just learned.

When I first went to Malie Garden I was said it was designed after something but never figured it out until I saw the full map layout:

It looks like a Gyarados, I'm guessing a reference to the Lake of Rage?
It is supposed to look like Gyarados. A girl in the garden gives you an Air Balloon if you answer her little quiz, and one of the questions has you answer that the garden looks like Gyarados.
...It sorta looks more like a Zygarde 50% to me, with that island looking more hexagonal, and the two streamers we see being two of the five crests that rise from Zygarde.

But then again, at a passing glance it DOES look more like a Gyarados when just looking at it without scruitiny, so I'm probably overthinking, ahah

Hm, interesting perception. It is a vague serpent shape, sure there's a few other such Pokemon it can somewhat resemble (kind of also resembles Milotic, though thinking about Milotic is sort of a counterpart to Gyarados). But as Detective Barricade pointed out, it is suppose to be a Gyarados. I linked it to the one from Lake or Rage due to the Johto-esque design of the garden. There's also a Rage Candy Bar hidden there and Fishing Pokemon can summon Gyarados via SOS.
Hm, interesting perception. It is a vague serpent shape, sure there's a few other such Pokemon it can somewhat resemble (kind of also resembles Milotic, though thinking about Milotic is sort of a counterpart to Gyarados). But as Detective Barricade pointed out, it is suppose to be a Gyarados. I linked it to the one from Lake or Rage due to the Johto-esque design of the garden. There's also a Rage Candy Bar hidden there and Fishing Pokemon can summon Gyarados via SOS.
Personally I saw Primarina at first, though yeah I can certainly see Gyarados.
*Is fuming about Pokemon Bank* I need to calm down a bit, so here's a neat thing I just learned.

When I first went to Malie Garden I was said it was designed after something but never figured it out until I saw the full map layout:

It looks like a Gyarados, I'm guessing a reference to the Lake of Rage?
I see my parents fighting
I loved the return of characters in SuMo. Colress and Grimsley were my favs. Of course, they had to put Cynthia in there. Can’t have a Pokemon game without a cameo appearance by Cynthia.
I was actually a bit disappointed with Colress´ inclusion. basically you are just exploring some route, and then

suddenly Colress

and then he explains a bit about the research he has done and gives you a TM and that´s it. I feel like they could have done a lot more with it. The only reason that Colress is even in the game is because of fan service and because (I'm only speculating here) Gamefreak wanted to ensure that the player got flame charge before the Lurantis fight.

It's the same story with Grimsley, although it makes a little more sense at least. I mean, Grimsley is a very mysterious character, so it makes sense for him to suddenly not show up again in the story.
I was actually a bit disappointed with Colress´ inclusion. basically you are just exploring some route, and then

suddenly Colress

and then he explains a bit about the research he has done and gives you a TM and that´s it. I feel like they could have done a lot more with it. The only reason that Colress is even in the game is because of fan service and because (I'm only speculating here) Gamefreak wanted to ensure that the player got flame charge before the Lurantis fight.

It's the same story with Grimsley, although it makes a little more sense at least. I mean, Grimsley is a very mysterious character, so it makes sense for him to suddenly not show up again in the story.

Speaking of Grimsley, I like how you can select that the coin will land on neither side when he tosses it.

"...Astonishing. I had indeed been planning to have Skarmory snatch it out of the air as it spun in the sky."

While Heads/Tails also are "correct", I love this little detail so much.
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Speaking of Grimsley, I like how you can select that the coin will land on neither side when he tosses it.

"...Astonishing. I had indeed been planning to have Skarmory snatch it out of the air as it spun in the sky."

While Heads/Tails also are "correct", I love this little details so much.
That was neat, but still, I can't help but wish he mentioned Murkrow or Honchkrow snatching it due to his specialty being Dark types.
I was actually a bit disappointed with Colress´ inclusion. basically you are just exploring some route, and then

suddenly Colress

and then he explains a bit about the research he has done and gives you a TM and that´s it. I feel like they could have done a lot more with it. The only reason that Colress is even in the game is because of fan service and because (I'm only speculating here) Gamefreak wanted to ensure that the player got flame charge before the Lurantis fight.

It's the same story with Grimsley, although it makes a little more sense at least. I mean, Grimsley is a very mysterious character, so it makes sense for him to suddenly not show up again in the story.

I can't help but feel at some point they had more extended roles.

I decided to post my thoughts in the Mystery and Conspiracy thread as it started to sound like it belonged there than here.
The obtained location message for Pokemon traded from the Gen I VC games is different from the others.

While, on other games, it says the Pokemon travelled through time and space from a remote place called (insert region here), the Pokemon obtained from the Gen I games say they travelled through time and space from a remote and nostalgic place called Kanto.

Looks cute, if you ask me.
The obtained location message for Pokemon traded from the Gen I VC games is different from the others.

While, on other games, it says the Pokemon travelled through time and space from a remote place called (insert region here), the Pokemon obtained from the Gen I games say they travelled through time and space from a remote and nostalgic place called Kanto.

Looks cute, if you ask me.
Not only that, it says "From the good old days". I love it.
I like the warm and happy feeling that playing Gen 3 gives me. It's indescribable but I feel so calmed and pleased when I play RSE

Is it by any chance called Nostalgia? :p

Edit so this isn't a useless one liner: I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but I love the starter ceremony, which is really adorable and much better than the generic 'get a PokeBall out of the bag/briefcase/capsule', which is less personal. It actually makes me form a connection with the Pokemon I'm receiving, especially Rowlet, which is really adorable when it flies into your hands.
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