Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

Indeed, D.Va now is paper thin and its main use is absorbing damage and projectiles/ults with defense matrix. She should be with the team until McCree or Soldier have to be shut down.
And now Reaper and Genji are simply much better.

ctf is superior to 2cp and I would prefer it on comp.
Just some of my observations for capture the flag. Reinhardt seems to be not good in this mode. Any high mobility character who can temporarily suppress damage is really good. Special mention to Zarya who can assist other heros really well. Once you get the flag the point for the most part is a freebie unless a really really good roadhog says otherwise.

There is one really bad thing. As far as I can tell, if a really awful person gets the flag, they can stand in front of their own flag and singlehandedly prevent their team from winning. Haven't tested that out though so there might be some rule that prevents that.
I think D.Va is fine... as for how far she melts it's probably placebo plus the fact that Heal Boost from Ana is less strong right now for a pure face-tank sustain. Genji has always been fine in terms of damaging D.Va if she's not paying attention to him, not much of a difference other than it being slightly quicker to desuit her. Also D.Va mech is on kill feed now! Imo it's more of the fact that face tanking is less good on D.Va but overall her sustain isn't that bad, mostly due to heal boost taking a nerf. Don't think D.Va can get away after getting hooked now though?

Also Torb has always been a tank melter, especially Molten Core. iirc his shotgun damage is comparable to Hog? So yea. The big thing about Torb though is he can just armor himself in between shots lols. A Torb with 1-2 armor could fight D.Va pretty well assuming no heals.

Rein is fine on CTF. OW CTF is still ultimately based on team fights more rather than skirmish fights. Gardens though could require constant rotation since both routes are really far. Other than that, most of the fights happen in pretty enclosed areas, which is pretty good for Rein. And ya Zarya bubble to get the flag is pretty good, then use the second shield to bodyblock.

Kinda awkward there's no bind to drop the flag once picked up, to pass to someone more agile. I'm really liking OW CTF though. Damage to block capture is a pretty good mechanic imo. The flow and stuff feels very TF2 5CP-ish, like you have to worry about backcapping due to the fast flag cap rate, and more emphasis on watching flank side so that you rotate to engage the team fight. It's cool, I like it, definitely more than 2CP even though ties are pretty common in CTF. Don't think people would like golden cap cos it could still last forever too. I think OW CTF has kind of done well at discouraging double defending, ie having an attack and defend force, probably due to the damage blocking cap mechanic. This kind of makes turrets more useful and you could leave them unattended more often.

Also had way too much fun playing Mercy/Ana and going ham killing people. It just happens that parts of the map converges and you can just spam for kills. And maybe because people are encouraged to flank so I take more 1v1 fights and also end up sleeping a ton of people? IDK. Whatever it is, I have a lot of fun playing support in CTF because you can just keep getting em kills and fights occur more often.
The new "capture the flag" mode reminds me of a certain old FPS similar to Overwatch...

"Alert! The enemy has taken our intelligence!

Oh look it's TF2.
I'm not sure how controversial of an opinion this is, but I think hog needs a nerf bad. I actually preferred hook 1.0 to 2.0, at least then most roadhog didn't know how to pull off a good combo to one shot 250 hp heroes and ana and such. Right now he just feels ridiculous. The hook has insane travel speed, the range is so long, and there's ZERO counterplay after getting hooked now. He feels stronger if anything. People like to throw out the "just position better" argument but that doesn't work since even if you're cowering behind a rein shield roadhog can shred that insanely fast anyways. The range is absurd (literally hooks me out of damn sniper spots as widow), and the cd is so short for an instakill ability. The thing that makes him more frustrating than other one shot heroes is that he doesn't even take some significant amount of skill to get hooks with him like it does to get headshots with widowmaker for example. He has so much value for such a low skill floor hero. I was already feeling this before hook 2.0, but now he just feels even worse to play against since there's no longer anything you can do to survive after getting hooked. Even his main disadvantages, charging ults and having low mobility, can easily be patched up by standing behind a rein shield and being pocketed by ana. Even if hes not totally unbeatable, he really makes the game a lot less fun to play at least for me. I almost prefer zen meta to this since he wasn't meta back then. What do you guys think about hog?
I'm not sure how controversial of an opinion this is, but I think hog needs a nerf bad. I actually preferred hook 1.0 to 2.0, at least then most roadhog didn't know how to pull off a good combo to one shot 250 hp heroes and ana and such. Right now he just feels ridiculous. The hook has insane travel speed, the range is so long, and there's ZERO counterplay after getting hooked now. He feels stronger if anything. People like to throw out the "just position better" argument but that doesn't work since even if you're cowering behind a rein shield roadhog can shred that insanely fast anyways. The range is absurd (literally hooks me out of damn sniper spots as widow), and the cd is so short for an instakill ability. The thing that makes him more frustrating than other one shot heroes is that he doesn't even take some significant amount of skill to get hooks with him like it does to get headshots with widowmaker for example. He has so much value for such a low skill floor hero. I was already feeling this before hook 2.0, but now he just feels even worse to play against since there's no longer anything you can do to survive after getting hooked. Even his main disadvantages, charging ults and having low mobility, can easily be patched up by standing behind a rein shield and being pocketed by ana. Even if hes not totally unbeatable, he really makes the game a lot less fun to play at least for me. I almost prefer zen meta to this since he wasn't meta back then. What do you guys think about hog?
I mean there is some counter play if you're jesus with Solider or Tracer, but no one is that good. Although, I agree with you. I liked the old hook better because it required some skill rather than just hook and shoot = death.
i'd like some tips on lucio. he's so extremely fun to play and though i feel like i play him decent-ish, i'd liek to improve obv
Lucio is a hero that can only REALLY shine with above average+ team coordination. You shouldn't be focusing too much on shooting enemies, and more on your teammate's position and needs, which determines whether you should amp up speed or healing. His speed boost is easily his most valuable tool in his kit, so amp it whenever it seems to be the most useful (whenever pushing a point, when moving with teammates from point A to B, when escaping from enemy fire, or when dodging enemy fire are the most obvious examples to me.

When amping healing (whenever you need to regen health or when passivley healing teammates in a defensive or slow moving position where speed boost's benefits are lessened), try to time your amp to get the most heal points as possible. Not before enemy fire reaches your teammates, or you'll waste amp, and not after they've taken too much damage, at which point the speed amp is probably better to help teammates retreat.

tldr: Don't focus so much on the "shooter" part, and focus much more on teamplay, even more than other supports.
I don't like new D.va, without her broken amount of armor she feels like a Rein with mobility but with a worse shield and moves slower while attacking. Also I worse ult. Idk I don't think she's BAD (like, a team could easily run her and do well) but I can't imagine her being picked very often in the pro scene outside of on a dive comp on Numbani or Gibraltar or some KoTH maps. I mean it's better than what she was but still >.>. Ugh it just sucks because release D.va was so FUN but now after all the patches I just feel like I'm playing Rein. I honestly hate her Matrix in terms of how powerful it is because it forces you to centralize your gameplay around it unless you have a Rein (and even then, a lot of the time you're sitting with Matrix trying to take pressure off the shield). Before it was a situational ult blocker / escape option so it forced you to play aggressive and flank because that's all you could do. I know she's better off with the change but it's so much more boring... I used to play her so much too! I had 40 QP hours with her in two months and then the Matrix change came and I've only played about 15 hours of her in the past like 5 months. To be fair I also started to use more Mercy around that time but when I came back to D.va she was way less fun and I think it's because of Defense Matrix. Idk I'm just rambling at this point... It's not like they're ever going to change it back anyways lol :pirate: she's already been changed so much.

As for the other things... CtF is kind of boring, not necessarily because it's bad but moreso because I have no idea how to play it. I need pro gameplay to study or something lol. I do like that Roadhog's hook is more consistent now, both from the perspective of playing against and as him. It feels consistent which is good because it didn't before haha. I do think he's a quite a powerful hero in terms of what he can do, but I don't really know how you would balance him without ruining his kit. Or hell if he even NEEDS any balancing changes. Maybe you could lower the hook range or add a couple seconds to its cooldown? But that would be too much I think... He's just so weird lol like how are you going to have 600 health / 300 HP heal / one-shot combo but no barriers / escapes / movement / armor / shields? Haha. Ana feels significantly weaker but still amazing, she feels much more fair at least, although I'm wondering if it's only the recent memories of what she used to be able to do haunting me that make me think that way. Sombra's hack is more useful since you now have more opportunities to use it and control health packs, now you can have a map locked down quite quickly which can be effective if they're running like solo heal Zen / Lucio.
Apparently somewhere along the updates since release, backpedalling is slower than walking forward :( I come from TF2 background where that's already the case but aw it does feel sad that it happened since I backpedal a lot, most of the time rather than turn around and walk back, since I play mainly supports... oh well. Not too sure if you can do the backward S strafing thingy like in TF2 to maintain most of your speed. Or I'll resort to turn jump turn for like Ana and stuff with lower firing rate to keep momentum.

Played some D.Va and I personally don't feel any difference aside from as what I previously mentioned not being able to face tank and take stupid 1v1s that you shouldn't be taking. So yea she feels pretty fine with me since I never ever got the bad habit of face tanking enemies although that was sometimes the most effective way to play D.Va previously heh.

Been holding back on playing Mercy in QP since apparently her binds get bugged after first round :c Can't fully comment on Hook 2.0 since I play on high ping most of the time. Still think the best way to balance the game is to simply remove Hog but that's never going to happen haha :p also you can gain ult by hooking people off the map now.

I'm not sure if it's always been the case but I think Sombra just melted my TP with EMP today rip >_>

Gotten the Rein skin so far. Any recommendations on what to buy?
Are you sure it hasn't always been like that? I honestly had a feeling about it but always brushed it off as placebo/not real but this confirms it lol
Are you sure it hasn't always been like that? I honestly had a feeling about it but always brushed it off as placebo/not real but this confirms it lol

What do you mean by that. If you're referring to the walkspeed yea it was same both ways after release.

2nd account that I got to master now FeelsGoodMan

I won the next game but lost the following two thanks to a torb on ilios and a widow on oasis who has less than one hour overall on widow lol. this game is fucking aids.

hopefully I can get the 3rd account to master playing PURELY just dps - and from bronze too. Started at around 1.4k and at gold now.. I doubt i'll do it before the season end though.
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Idk starting to think I never deserved to climb at all and it only happened because of extreme luck on my part. I've been stuck in 2200s for what feels like forever now with no prospect of climbing. Now both my best heroes (Dva Mercy) are unviable and I'm gonna be forced into roles Im not that good at, so it's gonna be even harder to climb back up. I feel like I probably could gain sr if i spent more time playing roadhog but lowkey playing him makes me feel like a terrible person and just isn't fun for me. Ive tried and tried to get better but even as I learn new things about the game they're just... not applicable to low gold soloq where team coordination is a myth someone once heard of. I'd love to get back to plat but I just don't think it's feasible for me. Starting to almost exclusively play qp, its honestly more enjoyable than low gold comp because no toxicity and games of almost the same quality.
Apparently, there's a buff to Defense Matrix in the works, as seen here.

tl;dr version: it will be able to block bullets and such from any distance, as opposed to basically point blank like it is now.
Apparently, there's a buff to Defense Matrix in the works, as seen here.

tl;dr version: it will be able to block bullets and such from any distance, as opposed to basically point blank like it is now.
think this means more that you can now block damage on teammates even if they're getting literally barrel stuffed by a hog or reaper. Not a massive buff but it's something I suppose

Unrelated but I'm considering buying a smurf to play widow/other dps on. Realistically my widow is probably about silver-low gold rank, but I'm always trying to improve and it'd be nice to see just where I am with my widow play beyond just speculation and maybe get good enough with my aim to eventually start climbing up the ranks :> it's nice to have a chance to do stuff in comp I wouldn't normally do. If I actually decided to go for this, the dps I'd be playing would be mainly widow but depending on the situation mccree, pharah, tracer, Mei, and if necessary hog. Won't really have a chance to play until late next week because of school stuff but until then I have time to start brainstorming names... So far I'm thinking of Windowmaker and Widowmainer lol.
They gave us a good idea of what Bastion changes are coming next ptr

To quote:
Here are some high level stuff we're likely to have testable in the next PTR:

Recon Mode - Lowered spread and increased magazine size, to help with general viability in this mode.

Sentry Mode - We're looking at focusing this mode into more of a tank-buster and barrier-buster mode, while also making it feel less suicidal to be transformed. To that end we're testing stuff like increased spread and removing headshots, but taking less damage while transformed.

Self-Repair - We've been testing a few big changes to this that are feeling really good so far. Currently our internal build has Bastion able to use Self-Repair while moving and also having it no longer interrupted when taking damage. To balance that out it is now on a resource system (similar to the route D.Va's defense matrix went). These changes have turned this ability from a more niche rarely used ability, to a much more powerful and core survivability tool.

We're still testing and tweaking things with Bastion but we'll hopefully have a PTR build coming fairly soon so you guys can try it out!
Proposed Bastion changes look interesting, shifting its power more into recon rather than sentry mode. Recon changes is good for sure.

Damage resistance is cool, and with the changes Bastion should melt squishies slightly slower? Not sure how much exactly with spread factored in. Would wonder how much harder it would be to kill Bastion though, like would Pulse Bomb kill him? Damage resistance outside of armor HP is also something I always wanted to see because it complements healing very well while denying some enemy ult charge.

Previously thought of making reconfiguration faster but they decided to repurpose Bastion instead so it's good. Walking while healing is good, makes Bastion more mobile given how slow his pacing already is. Self heal in sentry form might be good too with damage resist.
The proposed changes make Bastion good for both attack and defense and still decent for stalling last point purposes of melting rein shield. He could be also useful to melt rein shield in chokes. I can see him being meta lol
Unrelated but I'm considering buying a smurf to play widow/other dps on. Realistically my widow is probably about silver-low gold rank, but I'm always trying to improve and it'd be nice to see just where I am with my widow play beyond just speculation and maybe get good enough with my aim to eventually start climbing up the ranks :> it's nice to have a chance to do stuff in comp I wouldn't normally do. If I actually decided to go for this, the dps I'd be playing would be mainly widow but depending on the situation mccree, pharah, tracer, Mei, and if necessary hog. Won't really have a chance to play until late next week because of school stuff but until then I have time to start brainstorming names... So far I'm thinking of Windowmaker and Widowmainer lol.
in preparation for the bastion changes, and because I have been increasingly interested in playing bastion more, I made a bastion only smurf. currently grinding to try and get the rooster skin for it.

Finally hit GM with Symm one-trick!!! Best Symm one-trick on Xbox which is nice. I did use some other characters but only when someone else took Symm or when I thought I was at risk of being banned. Now on to top 500 :heart: