Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

I do this all the time when I'm out of ammo but still need to use one of my cooldowns. Lots of scenarios where I use this. I get flanked while short on ammo or have to reload. I'd reload into a sleep dart or a grenade on the ground depending on if im full hp or not. And while healing anyone who's not under big focus fire that can live through it.

i heavily disagree with that comment saying its completely useless. it's a good tech to keep in mind.

I'm referring to scenarios where you absolutely need to pump out the heals on a dying 200HP heroes. Sure it's good when you *need* to reload soon or immediately. But now you can't always grenade like a 50HP person instead of shooting them. That's what I meant, so the method is useless in this case. If you want to reload and want to nade as well, by all means go ahead. But don't force yourself to reload and nade otherwise.

Basically the 100->50 change is pretty relevant to make nading a risk for critical health allies is what I'm trying to say. Reload nading is only when you have the luxury to, and if you have the luxury to do that, it doesn't make a big difference but still some difference. Useful for reloading on low clip situations where you aren't in a pinch but still want to nade.

edit: ooo didnt see this post

Pretty sure he's talking about shooting then throwing nade almost immediately after. You can shoot, interrupt animation with nade, then shoot again for big burst heals. Not as effective as it used to be but it's still strong.

Yea and what I mean is normally, shoot nade shoot is a safe thing to do with 100 heals from nade. But now, with only 50 heals, it can actually cause a critical hp hero to die if you don't continue M1 until he's safe enough to get naded. You do need to identify this critical hp and rate of damage or you're gonna get boned for nading when you should M1 instead. So yea can't blindly nade anymore.

Also hnggg it doesn't even need to be 200HP heroes, they just need to be low enough on hp and getting high enough damage.
Been playing some mercy recently btw. Rez changes feel really powerful. I've noticed you can sometimes get away with panic rezzes now, with the invulnerability to keep you alive and get behind your teammates. It has that sort of swing factor it was intended to have a lot more consistently now. It's still counterable but it's fantastic for forcing the opponent's to burn tons of ults to win the fight. I guess it's always been that way but back when I was a mercy main I didn't understand that much about the game lol.

I think maybe with bastion being good, pharah being good, Rez buff, and ana nerfs maybe mercy might come back just a little bit? Idk I hope so.
New ptr build


  • Hack
    Hacked healthpacks can now be seen through walls for her allies.


  • Orb of Destruction
    Weapon spread removed.

We also have another build in the works, that will probably hit some time tomorrow. This build will include these changes:


  • Biotic Grenade
    Impact damage and healing reverted to live values


  • Orb of Discord
    Targeting through barriers has been reverted
I didnt even know zen's primary fire had spread. Tbh the nade was probably what needed to be nerfed more than the gun since it was what let her deal with 1v1s so effectively (the extra 100 hp + 60 free damage). idk, not too sure on that either way looks like they dont want to take ana out of the meta. Sombra change is good, not making her stronger just making her more effective in soloq and quick play.
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Finally hit plat this season playing mostly Lucio and Sym with a bit of Pharah. Kinda feels good that I grinded out of gold instead of going on a random 10+ game win streak this time, but I'd gladly take that shit again if it gets me to diamond.

Also I'm glad they reverted the Ana nade nerfs because at least on console Mercy is king. I seriously don't think I played a match in gold without a Mercy on both teams. Not sure what it's like higher up but the nerfs would've killed her usage since the nade is the best way to heal squishies since they're so small.

What's everyone's favorite way to get a kill? To me there's something so satisfying about booping people off the map with Pharah or Lucio, but a close second is getting a finishing blow with Lucio's secondary fire.
Personally would have reverted the rifle change on Ana instead of the grenade, since grenade was probably the most problematic aspect of her kit. Kinda wish they'd make the other supports more fun to play but so long as I can play Ana I'm not complaining lol. I don't think this is the final build they're going to roll out.
What's everyone's favorite way to get a kill? To me there's something so satisfying about booping people off the map with Pharah or Lucio, but a close second is getting a finishing blow with Lucio's secondary fire.
Getting headshot elims is reallllly satisfying. Part of why I started playing widow in the first place.
What's everyone's favorite way to get a kill? To me there's something so satisfying about booping people off the map with Pharah or Lucio, but a close second is getting a finishing blow with Lucio's secondary fire.
3 shotting a stupid pharah as ana, melting someone from full to 0 as zarya, landing directs as pharah, getting a meat shot with roadhog's right click (two shotting tanks and one shotting anything else) are probably the most satisfying things for me in this game.

sleeping pharah also :D

edit: also landing 3 shurikens > dash > melee and killing a squishy as genji, or point blank right click to the head > melee to also one shot any squishy.
Finally hit plat this season playing mostly Lucio and Sym with a bit of Pharah. Kinda feels good that I grinded out of gold instead of going on a random 10+ game win streak this time, but I'd gladly take that shit again if it gets me to diamond.

Also I'm glad they reverted the Ana nade nerfs because at least on console Mercy is king. I seriously don't think I played a match in gold without a Mercy on both teams. Not sure what it's like higher up but the nerfs would've killed her usage since the nade is the best way to heal squishies since they're so small.

What's everyone's favorite way to get a kill? To me there's something so satisfying about booping people off the map with Pharah or Lucio, but a close second is getting a finishing blow with Lucio's secondary fire.

I don't know I think Nade is probably fine compared to Ana's damage. I think her DPS is a little extreme even on console. To be fair I'm a pretty good Ana, hitting 70/70 most games, but I shouldn't be able to duel a tracer and come out on top.

Nade is basically an "oh shit" button or a "you cunts aren't healing" button. The health is nice but what you're really looking for is something that can help you out in a panic. You're still going to get ganked by the tracer, but at least you feel like you have a fighting chance.

I'm also glad because I do hate playing Mercy and this means I don't have to
I don't know I think Nade is probably fine compared to Ana's damage. I think her DPS is a little extreme even on console. To be fair I'm a pretty good Ana, hitting 70/70 most games, but I shouldn't be able to duel a tracer and come out on top.

Nade is basically an "oh shit" button or a "you cunts aren't healing" button. The health is nice but what you're really looking for is something that can help you out in a panic. You're still going to get ganked by the tracer, but at least you feel like you have a fighting chance.

In gold/plat if you're not playing a tank the only time an Ana is healing you is if you stand still. I don't think they should balance the game based on lower tier console players but it still makes me happy they reverted the nerf :)
In gold/plat if you're not playing a tank the only time an Ana is healing you is if you stand still. I don't think they should balance the game based on lower tier console players but it still makes me happy they reverted the nerf :)

Oh shit shots fired. I can hit a jumping Genji, flying Pharah and a blinking tracer. I've also played against strong Ana's too. I'm slowly approaching diamond this season :)
Yeah I've thought about it a bit and i think its Ana's nade impact healing specifically that's an issue.

When I play Tracer, the one thing that annoys me the most is Ana's nade. If I get 2 tapped by her and die, that's my fault for not evading. If I get slept and killed, same deal. The real issue lies with her being able to just burst heal 100 hp on herself whenever she wants to, letting her live an attack that should have killed her, and buy enough time for her team to help. When I won the 1v1 fair and square, tracking Ana well enough and dodging her shots, but she just nades the ground and gets an extra 100 hp to get back to her team with, that is really the part that bothers me. She's nearly as survivable as Lucio while having the best healing in the game and having enough damage to take duels.

I'm fine with the skill aspect of her kit being emphasized in 1v1s. I think its fair that an Ana wins the battle against a flanker if she can land 2-3 shots before being killed or sleep them. That takes skill and I feel is a fun aspect of the game. What I don't like is Ana having her nade as a "get out of jail free card" to survive things she really shouldn't be able to.

A possible adjustment would be changing her damage from 80 -> 70 so she can no longer 2 shot tracers at 100% hp, or changing her nade damage from 60 -> 40 so it only does 200 hp with the shoot-nade-shoot combo (so she can kill slept targets, assuming she keeps 80 damage per shot). I think this would be fair personally so shes toned down a little in the damage department without making her too much weaker.

I really think reverting the nade changes and leaving her with 60 damage per shot is not the right way to go in this situation. She can still bail herself out with the nade, but gets rewarded less for having the raw skill to land those shots on flankers up close. I think its better to go the other way around and change her nade impact heal from 100 -> 50 with this one. Just my point of view on the situation.
As an ana main i personally really like that they reverted the nade and not the dmg nerf but yeah i do think thats the broken aspect in 1v1 against her lol. i like their approach to the balance this time ho instead of heavily nerfing her once
So the official Overwatch forums is very split on the opinion of D.Va. Most people believe she is not relevant in the game anymore after the nerfs and changes in some heroes. However, others believe she is in the spot she should be, and is annoyed on how the other side complain about her being so bad. What really sparked this is when one of the developers basically implying she is a DM bot, but another says she's a diving hero to harass the backlines. It's basically a shitstorm.
What do you guys think; what exactly is D.Va's role in the game?
D.Va isn't awful but I think she's a little weak right now. They shouldn't have so drastically changed her at once 2 times in a row. Both her nerf and buff were not well done.

The buff wasn't executed in a smart way. The only real problem I think 100 hp 400 armor dva had was her extremely slow move rate while firing which meant most targets could simply run away. Evidently Blizzard felt similarly since they buffed that (as they should) but also gave her 100 extra hp no one actually asked for which made her a little too powerful. On top of that, her main competition and counter (Zarya) getting nerfed, a soft counter to her (Mei) getting nerfed, and a couple heroes she counters (Soldier, Torb) getting buffed all turned her from a D tier hero almost exclusively used for stalling into one of the best heroes in the game. Furthermore, Ana heals combined with D.Va's already excessive amount of bulk made her seem immortal and unpunishable. They needed to not change so much at once. They clearly wanted to make D.va good but this was not the way to do it. I think if she was just left with the 100 hp 400 armor but was given the movement speed while firing buff she would have been balanced, but c'est la vie.

I don't understand why they thought the damage change was necessary (apparently for "consistency" even though she was never that inconsistent if you were tracking well) but it was fine before and now she's significantly weaker against armored targets or after her damage starts to fall off. Not the end of the world but I always felt this was unnecessary and dumb.

The armor nerf was really not well thought out on the developers part. They wanted her to feel more mortal but they decided the 400 armor (which she had ALWAYS had since release) was the issue when in reality it was giving her 100 extra hp. With the removal of her armor she actually fares worse against several targets (tracer, roadhog, soldier, reaper, lucio, etc) than she did before with 100/400. While its not that much worse for some of them, the extra 100 hp also means she feeds more while taking damage, as opposed to when she had 100/400 and the armor absorbed that 100 and a bit more too (at least against most relevant things). They should have knocked off the extra 100 hp or tried 300 hp 300 armor first. Removing 200 armor was just too drastic of a change imo, they overreacted.

She can do lots of things honestly. She could dive a lot more back then when she was overpowered but she can still do it now sometimes, she just has to be a lot more careful. A fair bit of her play time is dm botting too. I think shes in a pretty good spot just roadhog is so good and he totally fucks her over and prevents her from making any sort of play if he's in the equation, since its an easy hook and he almost 1 shot demechs you. I would say his presence forces dva to play a little too conservatively, to where she really does feel like a dm bot sometimes. Getting some armor back would help to fix that, as would nerfing roadhog. Even without roadhog though, she cant dive certain targets like she used to due to her severely reduced armor. Torb wins the 1v1 now if he has turret up, for example, and tracer actually severely damages her now.
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Be careful on competitive, the weekend warriors are out there in force tonight.
D.Va is in a decent spot right now albeit a bit weak. She's perfect in last point defense, helps against specific comps, and with the new dm buff she's a nightmare for hog, when not hooked.
D.Va is in a decent spot right now albeit a bit weak. She's perfect in last point defense, helps against specific comps, and with the new dm buff she's a nightmare for hog, when not hooked.
Second point Volskaya is a D. Va field day.