Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

How do I get privelidge to post on OU RMT?
post it in the RMT Forums and have 3 lines of descriptions, and all 6 Pokemon. You don't really need anything else. If you want raters to actually look at your team, putting an importable, sprites/gifs, and a TeamBuilding process would be helpful. Also, if the team is not good, raters would be discouraged to look at it, for it requires too many changes, so be sure to make it viable, and require not like 4-5 mons on the team gone.
1. Is there a thread similar to this one for OU? I know about the SM OU Role Compendium, but I'm more specifically interested in the 'Checks and Counters' section.

2. Is there any way at all to make the battle window on Showdown larger? I don't care about the quality drop, but seems awkward to have the battle screen take up less than 1/4 of the window.


It's still being worked on unfortunately.
post it in the RMT Forums and have 3 lines of descriptions, and all 6 Pokemon. You don't really need anything else. If you want raters to actually look at your team, putting an importable, sprites/gifs, and a TeamBuilding process would be helpful. Also, if the team is not good, raters would be discouraged to look at it, for it requires too many changes, so be sure to make it viable, and require not like 4-5 mons on the team gone.
2. Is there any way at all to make the battle window on Showdown larger? I don't care about the quality drop, but seems awkward to have the battle screen take up less than 1/4 of the window.
If you're on browser, use ctrl+plus on windows or cmd+plus on mac. If you're on the downloadable desktop app, there is no way to zoom in.
Is there or has there ever been a successfully competitive user of the move Snatch? And how reliable/effective is this move? I like it on paper....
Is there or has there ever been a successfully competitive user of the move Snatch? And how reliable/effective is this move? I like it on paper....
I vageuly remember that a few people tried Snatch Rotom-W last gen; I didn't use it, so I can't comment on its effectiveness, but it let it steal stuff like recovery moves (e.g. Chansey's Softboiled) and setup moves like Clef's CM and other stuff, which is p. neat at least on paper.
Snatch is pretty rare, but I think that Blissey used it in ubers last gen at least sometimes (It lets it beat certain CM arceus sets that it ordinarily would lose to).

It's not remotely a reliable move, since you have to predict what your opponent is going to do that turn, but it can be effective under the right circumstances.
I suppose it would depend on what you see on the team preview and whether there's going to be any obvious attempts at boosting up. It sucks that you can't Snatch Z-moves, because they seem to be the easiest status moves to predict based on the niche users of them. Like Z-conversion, z-hypnosis, z-stockpile etc.

Snatch is probably better in VGC where you see the team and then pick 3-4 mons, rather than 6v6

I love it on paper though. Just like Z-Mirror Move and Z-Yawn
I'm curious: Why is Mega Beedrill blacklisted on the viability rankings? I assume Heracross is because of Buzzwole and Galisopod is because of Araquanid, but I'm not sure what the rationale behind the bee is.
I'm curious: Why is Mega Beedrill blacklisted on the viability rankings? I assume Heracross is because of Buzzwole and Galisopod is because of Araquanid, but I'm not sure what the rationale behind the bee is.
To put it simply, the reason things get blacklisted on the vr is because when people bring up those mons for discussion, they derail the thread into a whole bunch of pointless posts and theorymonning. This is especially true when there's more important mons to discuss like in the higher tiers rather than mons no one really cares about in the lower tiers.
I'm curious: Why is Mega Beedrill blacklisted on the viability rankings? I assume Heracross is because of Buzzwole and Galisopod is because of Araquanid, but I'm not sure what the rationale behind the bee is.

People went mad when Mega Bee came out, there were pages on pages on discussion about it and people acted as if it was a godsend rather than a mediocre mon in the tier. Even after being warned, people didn't stop so it had to be blacklisted. Heracross and Goloisopod were blacklisted early on for similar reasons, especially golisopod because for some reason people are in love with gimmicks.
I must admit, even though I can't stand Golisopod, there is something very amusing about using the combo with Emergency Exit and Red Card to reset the field in your favour.

But it's still not viable.
Should Heracross be up for discussion again? Its mega stone is now available for testing.
Mega Heracross will be but not normal. Even then the general rule is to discuss the effect of Mega Heracross and not necessarily nominate it for a rank until it has had some time in the meta to understand how it fits in. This is how they have been going about all the mega introductions :)
Why are people running scarf Latios and Ttar when they are almost always a free switchin for mega mawile? Further on mega mawile, what mons are able to switch in throughout the game and reliably force it out while taking a knock off or a play rough? My real problem with mega mawile is that early game I feel pressured to just put chip damage on it while late game keeping either: one mon that can take a +2 sucker and live to ko (my usual mon here would be keldeo), or ash greninja to force a 50/50 with specs water shurken or hydro pump / dark pulse on the switch. I personally feel the same with mega mawile as back around June/July 2014 when mega mawile was suspected in xy, but with mons like heatran fewer and inbetween (decently sure ctc used arcanine on that one team purely for mega mawile).
Why are people running scarf Latios and Ttar when they are almost always a free switchin for mega mawile? Further on mega mawile, what mons are able to switch in throughout the game and reliably force it out while taking a knock off or a play rough? My real problem with mega mawile is that early game I feel pressured to just put chip damage on it while late game keeping either: one mon that can take a +2 sucker and live to ko (my usual mon here would be keldeo), or ash greninja to force a 50/50 with specs water shurken or hydro pump / dark pulse on the switch. I personally feel the same with mega mawile as back around June/July 2014 when mega mawile was suspected in xy, but with mons like heatran fewer and inbetween (decently sure ctc used arcanine on that one team purely for mega mawile).
(unless Mawile runs Thunder Punch)
(unless Mawile runs Thunder Punch)

Toxapex is kinda shaky tho because as you mentioned tpunch will 2HKO and is relatively common (usually its a tossup between knock or tpunch on the SD set). There really aren't too many hard counters to Mawile because it can run a lot of different coverage but here are some other options. Bulky Tran with wisp or sub is cool to dodge sucker punch. Mega Venusaur, despite not being very common or good rn, is a pretty safe switch in and can do a good chunk with HP Fire. For more offensive teams defensive Lando is pretty safe to switch in once if it is Intimidate over Hyper Cutter.

The best counterplay for most teams are good revenge killers as was kinda mentioned originally (keldeo, gren, koko, zygarde, chomp, offensive lando) or fast wisps.

To answer the first part of your question, I don't think scarf ttar is very common at all rn however scarf latios is a pretty good revenge killer. It outspeeds and can kill other common scarfers like keldeo, garchomp, and nihilego as well as revenge killing a lot of problematic offensive mons like greninja, zygarde, medicham, and tapu koko. It has decent bulk and good typing to switch into a lot of problematic mons like Zard-Y, keldeo, etc.. It also is a good role compressor with the possibility of running utility moves like defog and trick in addition to the speed control it provides.
Where was the thread where we could sign up to write OU analyses? I want to put in a request to write one about Mega Steelix.
I'm not sure where that thread is, but Mega Steelix will probably not get one. It isn't ranked because it's far inferior to the other steel type megas, even if they don't do exactly what it does. No offensive teams or balanced would wish to run it, and stall has better megas to work with as well. Sorry if i'm bursting your bubble.
Why offensive zapdos have evs in HP/spe over spa/spe, the latter spread can't have any notable KO, and the first one can take some notables threats that the second can't?