Megas For All: V4! (Voting - Lickilicky, Togekiss, Dusknoir)

Would you guys be interested if I had MFA include Gen 8 mons when it comes out?

  • Total voters
I'll add votes here later.

For now I just wanted to say, if anyone's wants help coding a custom ability, I'm more that happy to do so :)

I'll try and help at least. Just PM me and say what the ability does, or post it in here and I'll try and code the ability for you ;)
Mega Entei: MaceMaster, wishes, Miyami~~
Mega Raikou: Miyami~~, Jucherz, wishes
Mega Suicune: Exploudit, MaceMaster, Jucherz
1. Miyami~~
2. Ticktock
3. wishes


1. Miyami~~
2. wishes
3. Ezaphs


1. wishes
2. Ezaphs
3. Miyami~~

Slate Idea: Neglected Gen 2 Pokemon - Stantler, Girafarig, Magcargo
Mega Entei: Miyami~~, Exploudit, MaceMaster
Mega Raikou: Ezaphs, Exploudit, Miyami~~
Mega Suicune: Miyami~~, Exploudit, MaceMaster
Once again, I'll end voting. Tagging MaceMaster to update the title

Mega Entei:
Miyami~~: 7
MaceMaster: 4
Exploudit: 5
wishes: 2
Marrrrrrrrrr: 1

Mega Raikou:
Ezaphs: 7
wishes: 4
Jucherz: 4
Exploudit: 2

Mega Suicune:
Wishes: 3
Cheryl: 3
Miyami~~: 5
Ezaphs: 2
Exploudit: 3

So congratulations to Miyami~~ for winning Entei and Suicune and Ezaphs for winning Raikou.
Next slate is...


Fully-evolved Pokemon with Magnet Pull

All Pokemon will have an ability limit of 4.5 due to their niche coming from Magnet Pull and two new moves.
Ability: Magnet Pull/Sturdy (Analytic) ----> Arena Trap
Typing: Electric/Steel


HP: 70 ----> 70
Attack: 70 ----> 60 (-10)
Defense: 115 ----> 145 (+30)
Special Attack: 130 ----> 140 (+10)
Special Defense: 90 ----> 150 (+60)
Speed: 60 ----> 70 (+10)
Base Stat Total: 535 ----> 635 (+100)
Movepool Additions: Recover, Eerie Impulse


I decided to give Megazone (haha) a niche that its base form doesn't- a hellish wall. This is because it already runs AV in OU, so I thought it would be fun to take the idea of a bulky Magnezone and run with it. This resulted in a major increase to its Special Defense to make up for the lack of an Assault Vest. I also boosted its Defense so that it could keep up with its Special Defense and to increase Megazone's overall bulk. I gave a slight boost to Special Attack to give it a somewhat better Special Attack compared to its regular forme. However, don't be fooled. Choice Specs Magnezone has a much higher Special Attack stat than Megazone, so don't run full offense on this mega and expect better results in terms of raw power. However, it does let you switch moves, so that isn't completely unviable, though keep in mind that it's better to run this as a defensive mega rather than an offensive one. Finally, I decided to add ten points to Speed as to make it more usable than other defensive walls, that are usually around half the speed of Megazone. I gave Megazone Arena Trap. You may be wondering "Why give an offensive ability to a defensive Pokemon?" While Arena Trap is used offensively on Dugtrio, I decided to explore new territory with Arena Trap, letting Megazone use it as a defensive ability, trapping foes and forcing them to be stalled out if played correctly. Specs is still viable with this mega, meaning that if they want to switch in something that can beat Megazone that is rather frail, they have to analyze Megazone's teammates and determine if Specs is likely. If this person facing Megazone has something with Earthquake that can live one hit from Specs Zone like Landorus-T or Salamence, you can just switch them in for free without any worry and knock out this Magnezone (mega or no) with Earthquake. Also, VoltTurn still exists and is not affected by Arena Trap, letting you go into something with Taunt and shut Megazone down. Anyways, I decided to give Megazone some reliable recovery to increase its longevity in the form of Recover. I also added Eerie Impulse, which lowers the foe's Special Attack by two stages. This gives Megazone some great utility overall and helps contribute to Megazone's defensive playstyle.

I would appreciate some feedback or concerns about Megazone, so please let me know what I can improve upon. I may do the other two, but I am not certain yet.
I'm really sorry I missed voting, I've been working all week and this thread stopped giving me alerts. I'll try my best to keep up with this in the future.

Now, this slate looks interesting. I wasn't even aware Alolan Forms could have Megas.


Type: Rock/Electric
Ability: Magnet Pull

HP: 80
Attack: 145 (+15)
Defense: 130 (+0)
Special Attack: 130 (+75)
Special Defense: 105 (+ 40)
Speed: 15 (-30)

New Moves: Recover

So, since Alolan Golem has the best movepool to deal with Steel-Types before Movepool additions, I figured that it would be the best Mega to keep Magnet Pull. The goal of this Mega was to create an unconventional Steel-Type trapper for OU. With access to powerful Fire-, Electric-, and Ground-Type Moves and a neutrality to Steel, Alolan Golem can handle most Steel-types in OU better than Magnezone. Unfortunately, it sometimes struggles to do its job due to coverage moves from Pokemon it should check, and it is painfully, dreadfully slow.

Sample Set:
Stuck On You (Standard Trapper)
Golem-Alola @ Alolgolemite
252 HP / 128 SpA / 128 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- Recover

The given EVs in HP and Special Defense (as well as a Sassy Nature)allow Mega Alolan Golem to survive Heatran's Earth Power, with the remainer dumped into Special Attack to make sure it hits as hard as possible. Recover provides longevity, Thunderbolt is your best bet against Celesteela, Earthquake nails Heatran, and Fire Blast fries most other Steel-types, like Mega Scizor or Mega Mawile.

Mega Probopass and Magnezone coming soon!



HP: 70 → 70 (0)
Atk: 70 → 80 (+10)
Def: 115 → 145 (+30)
SpA: 130 → 170 (+40)
SpD: 90 → 100 (+10)
Spe: 60 → 70 (+10)

Magnet Pull/Sturdy/AnalyticMagnet Pull

  • Tremendous special attack, decent bulk and good defensive typing makes Magnezone quite a good tank.
  • Keeping Magnet Pull allows Magnezone to have its niche as a powerful anti-steel type.
  • Slow, and while its typing grants it eleven resistances and an immunity, it also grants it three very common resistances, including a massive 4x weakness to ground.
Possible Sets:


Magnezone @ Magnezonite

Magnet Pull/Sturdy

252 HP/4 Def/252 SpA


Flash Cannon
HP Ice
Volt Switch




HP: 60 → 60 (0)
Atk: 55 → 75 (+20)
Def: 145 → 175 (+30)
SpA: 75 → 95 (+20)
SpD: 150 → 180 (+30)
Spe: 40 → 40 (0)

Sturdy/Magnet Pull/Sand ForceLevitate

  • Though hampered a bit by its bad HP stat, Probopass still has great mixed bulk. It also has decent offensive stats now for a defensive Pokemon, meaning it's not complete Taunt bait.

  • Electric typing makes sense considering how Probopass evolves and its design based on electromagnetism.

  • Levitate with Probopass's typing is incredible, removing its terrible 4x weakness. It also makes Probopass immune to Spikes which makes it much easier to switch in since it already resists Stealth Rock

  • Sadly for Probopass it lacks recovery and can be worn down by repeatedly switching in. While Excadrill isn't as common as it was in Gen VI, it's still common enough and with Mold Breaker it can easily one shot Probopass (not to mention other users of Mold Breaker and its variations)
Possible Sets:


Probopass @ Probopassite


252 HP/4 Def/252 SpA


Flash Cannon
Earth Power
Volt Switch

Probopass @ Probopassite


252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD


Stealth Rock
Thunder Wave
Flash Cannon
Volt Switch
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Mega Magnezone
Typing: Electric/Steel
HP: 70 (+0)
Attack: 70 (+0)
Defense: 125 (+10)
Special Attack: 160 (+30)
Special Defense: 100 (+10)
Speed: 110 (+50)
Description: Mega Magnezone turns into a spaceship, hence Levitate and the large speed boost. It's ground weakness is alleviated, and it plays an entirely different role than it used to. It's great SpA and speed makes it into a great offensive pivot, capable of switching into pokemon like Tapu Lele and turning them into a KO or a gain in momentum.
Magnezone @ Magnezonite
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 180 SpA / 76 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Fire]/[Ice]/[Ground] / Magnet Rise


Mega Probopass
Magnet Push (reverse Magnet Pull; phases opposing steel types out)
Typing: Rock/Steel
HP: 60 (+0)
Attack: 65 (+10)
Defense: 165 (+20)
Special Attack: 110 (+35)
Special Defense: 175 (+25)
Speed: 50 (+10)
Description: Probopass instantly phases steel types, making it difficult for opposing hazard setters like Ferrothorn and Skarmory to get their hazards up. With Magnet Pull pre-mega, it can also get up a free set of Stealth Rocks the first time it comes in.
Probopass @ Probopassite
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Power Gem
- Volt Switch
- Earth Power / Flash Cannon / Hidden Power [Ice]


Mega Alolan Golem
No Guard
Typing: Rock/Electric
HP: 80 (+0)
Attack: 130 (+10)
Defense: 145 (+15)
Special Attack: 95 (+40)
Special Defense: 85 (+20)
Speed: 60 (+15)
New Move: Zap Cannon (Why doesn't it get this?..)
Description: Alolan Golem enjoys risk-free Stone Edges and 100% para Zap Cannons.
Golem-Alola @ Alogolemite
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 68 Atk / 252 SpA / 188 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Stone Edge
- Zap Cannon
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Fire Blast
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Mega Probopass
Typing: Rock / Steel

HP: 60
Attack: 55
Defense: 170 (+25)
Special Attack: 135 (+60)
Special Defense: 170 (+20)
Speed: 35 (-5)

New Moves: Shore Up, Overheat
Description: Mega Probopass grows much bulkier upon Mega Evolving and changes form to resemble a large sentry. It levitates off of the ground due to its powerful electromagnetic field and its Mini Noses form the end of a large cannon-like barrel that forms its new Mega-tier nose of doom. It makes Mega Probopass look like a floating turret. Mega Probopass has greater bulk than its non-Mega counterpart and it makes up for a minor drop in speed with a significant boost to its Special Attack, allowing it to fire off powerful Flash Cannons and Power Gems. Shore Up helps it recover HP by drawing in surrounding stones and bits of metal to heal itself, while the heat generated by Mega Probopass' electromagnetic field can be released dramatically with Overheat. This also helps it break through opposing Steel-types more easily.

Sample Sets:

Bulky Attacker / Pivot

Probopass @ Probopassite
Ability: Magnet Pull -> Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
-Shore Up
-Flash Cannon
-Power Gem
-Thunderbolt / Overheat / Volt Switch / Earth Power
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Mega Magnezone

Speed Boost
HP: 70 (+0)
Attack: 70 (+0)
Defense: 115 (+0)
Special Attack: 155 (+25)
Special Defense: 115 (+25)
Speed: 110 (+50)
Added Moves: Heat Wave, Overheat
Design: Mega Magnezone is bigger than the regular one, the magnets on its body were removed and replaced by flared up jets, the antenna on its head is much longer and there is a small red flag attached to it.
Description: Mega Magnezone is much faster and stronger than the regular Magnezone. It loses its niche in Magnet Pull, but gets a new broken ability, Speed Boost. Now it also has Heat Wave and Overheat to hit Steel types and doesn't need to use the weak Hidden Power.

Magnezone @ Magnezonite
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power Ice
- Protect / Flash Cannon

Mega Probopass

HP: 60 (+0)
Attack: 55 (+0)
Defense: 165 (+20)
Special Attack: 125 (+50)
Special Defense: 170 (+20)
Speed: 50 (+10)
Added Moves: Moonblast, Shell Smash
Design: Mega Probopass's color changed from blue to gold, his nose now looks like it is made from clear crystal, his hat changed shape into a four-sided pyramid and it is also made from clear crystal. He doesn't have his mustache anymore and his mouth is now visible, it looks like a small fissure.
Description: Mega Probopass is a great Shell Smash sweeper. He has got a better bulk and a much better special attack. His speed is great too after it is doubled by Shell Smash and with Dazzling he fears no Bullet Punch. Rock/Fairy is also a better offensive typing than Rock/Steel.

Probopass @ Probopassite
Ability: Dazzling
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shell Smash
- Moonblast
- Power Gem
- Earth Power

Mega Golem-Alola

Electric Surge
HP: 80 (+0)
Attack: 150 (+30)
Defense: 130 (+0)
Special Attack: 55 (+0)
Special Defense: 85 (+20)
Speed: 95 (+50)
Added Moves: Accelerock, Electric Terrain
Design: Mega Golem-A is bigger than the regular one, he has a tall black lightning rod on his back and there are small electric discharges flashing in his beard
Description: Mega Golem-A is an extremely strong physical wallbreaker thanks to the increased attack stat and Electric Surge.

Golem-Alola @ Golemite-Alola
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Autotomize
- Wild Charge
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
Well, I think it's time I started trying to contribute here. This happens to be my favourite pet mod as I really do think that basically all lines deserve megas and I love the creativity that comes out of it, which is why I've been folowing since the second iteration of this thread. So, I'm going to try help out.

Mega Probopass
No Guard
Typing: Rock / Electric
HP: 60
Attack: 30 (-25)
Defense: 170 (+25)
Special Attack: 125 (+50)
Special Defense: 170 (+20)
Speed: 70 (+30)
New Moves: Charge, Parabolic Charge
Description: Mega Probopass’s nose grows larger and it grows a beard. Its relationship with magnetism has charged it up and changed it to an electric type. Its large nose (and mini noses) give it a great sense of smell and combined with its sense of direction and mini-noses for targeting, it ends up with perfect aim, though always facing North prevents dodging. No Guard, STAB Zap Cannon off of its massively raised special attack is very nice, though its rock moves, while appreciating the accuracy, appreciate the attack drop less. Ground types still ruin your day and your speed, while faster, hasn’t increased enough to truly shine, which particularly hurts a mon with an ability that reduces their defences. That said, your defense and special defense boosts, as well as ease with which you can spread paralysis, will help mitigate that.

Mega Alolan Golem
Iron Filings (Absorbs Steel moves to raise defense. Clone of Sap Sipper/ Lightning Rod/Storm Drain)
Typing: Rock / Electric

HP: 80
Attack: 130 (+10)
Defense: 160 (+30)
Special Attack: 85 (+30)
Special Defense: 115 (+50)
Speed: 25 (-20)
New Moves: Parabolic Charge, Thunder Wave
Description: Mega Alolan Golem’s beard lengthens and metal studs grow out of its shell. It has grown so used to attracting metal, incoming steel simply gets stuck and becomes extra armour instead of causing damage. The extra metal pieces have slowed it down due to awkwardness, but otherwise it has bulked up all of its stats. It can both wall, and dish out loads of damage. It makes a great partner for Tapu Bulu, as Bulu can set protect Alolan Golem from the ground types it fears, and Alolan Golem can switch into the steel moves that fairies like Bulu hate and simply become an even bigger wall. A draining move helps, but ground types are immune to it and will really hurt you.

Mega Magnezone
Typing: Electric /Steel
HP: 70
Attack: 50 (-20)
Defense: 135 (+20)
Special Attack: 160 (+30)
Special Defense: 120 (+30)
Speed: 100 (+40)

New Moves: Charge, Iron Defense
Description: Mega Magnezone floats. So yes, it has Levitate, eliminating its biggest weakness. Its magnets have twisted to all face backwards, becoming thrusters and its front has become more pointed and streamlined while its antenna has migrated to that point to become a cannon. It’s now a bulkier mon with much better seed and its secial attacks hit even harder. That said, there are plenty of faster mon and it is still weak to fire and fighting.
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Reactions: Eve
Well, I think it's time I started trying to contribute here. This happens to be my favourite pet mod as I really do think that basically all lines deserve megas and I love the creativity that comes out of it, which is why I've been folowing since the second iteration of this thread. So, I'm going to try help out.

Mega Probopass
No Guard
Typing: Rock / Electric
HP: 60
Attack: 30 (-25)
Defense: 170 (+25)
Special Attack: 125 (+50)
Special Defense: 170 (+20)
Speed: 70 (+30)
New Moves: Parabolic Charge, Stealth Rock
Description: Mega Probopass’s nose grows larger and it grows a beard. Its relationship with magnetism has charged it up and changed it to an electric type. Its large nose (and mini noses) give it a great sense of smell and combined with its sense of direction and mini-noses for targeting, it ends up with perfect aim, though always facing North prevents dodging. No Guard, STAB Zap Cannon off of its massively raised special attack is very nice, though its rock moves, while appreciating the accuracy, appreciate the attack drop less. Ground types still ruin your day and your speed, while faster, hasn’t increased enough to truly shine, which particularly hurts a mon with an ability that reduces their defences. That said, your defense and special defense boosts, as well as ease with which you can spread paralysis, will help mitigate that.

Mega Alolan Golem
Iron Filings (Absorbs Steel moves to raise defense. Clone of Sap Sipper/ Lightning Rod/Storm Drain)
Typing: Rock / Electric

HP: 80
Attack: 130 (+10)
Defense: 160 (+30)
Special Attack: 85 (+30)
Special Defense: 115 (+50)
Speed: 25 (-20)
New Moves: Parabolic Charge, Stealth Rock
Description: Mega Alolan Golem’s beard lengthens and metal studs grow out of its shell. It has grown so used to attracting metal, incoming steel simply gets stuck and becomes extra armour instead of causing damage. The extra metal pieces have slowed it down due to awkwardness, but otherwise it has bulked up all of its stats. It can both wall, and dish out loads of damage. It makes a great partner for Tapu Bulu, as Bulu can set protect Alolan Golem from the ground types it fears, and Alolan Golem can switch into the steel moves that fairies like Bulu hate and simply become an even bigger wall. A draining move helps, but ground types are immune to it and will really hurt you.

Mega Magnezone
Typing: Electric /Steel
HP: 70
Attack: 50 (-20)
Defense: 135 (+20)
Special Attack: 160 (+30)
Special Defense: 120 (+30)
Speed: 100 (+40)

New Moves: Charge, Iron Defense
Description: Mega Magnezone floats. So yes, it has Levitate, eliminating its biggest weakness. Its magnets have twisted to all face backwards, becoming thrusters and its front has become more pointed and streamlined while its antenna has migrated to that point to become a cannon. It’s now a bulkier mon with much better seed and its secial attacks hit even harder. That said, there are plenty of faster mon and it is still weak to fire and fighting.
Dude, Probopass learns Power Gem.

I will try to make a mega or two later.

Mega Probopass:
Type: Rock/Steel > Ground/Steel
Ability: Magnet Pull/Sturdy/Sand Force > Filter
HP: 60 > 60
Attack: 55 > 75 (+20)
Defence: 145 > 155 (+10)
Special Attack: 75 > 95 (+20)
Special Defence: 150 > 160 (+10)
Speed: 40 > 80 (+40)
New moves: None

Thoughts: Probopass's stats are strange, in that its stats are really polarizing. Those defences are pretty phenomenal, but if you give it a good SpA, it then becomes a beast of a wall that's also going to hit you really hard with Rock/Ground/Electric coverage. But, buff its defences and the low HP doesn't actually matter because nothing will kill it, ever. So, I decided to just give it minor buffs to everything, enough to make it viable but not enough to make it go over the edge for me. I also didn't add to its movepool for the same reasons, I don't want it to go overboard. Removing the Rock type and giving it Filter may be too much, but it does still have a fair amount of common weaknesses, just less so.

(Wish this guy had a 2D sprite)
Mega Alolan Golem:
Type: Rock/Electric > Ground/Electric
Ability: Magnet Pull/Sturdy/Galvanize > Magnet Pull
HP: 80 > 80
Attack: 120 > 150 (+30)
Defence: 130 > 140 (+10)
Special Attack: 55 > 55 (+0)
Special Defence: 65 > 75 (+10)
Speed: 45 > 95 (+50)
New moves: Zing Zap

Thoughts: Physical electric trapper. Any attempt to turn this into a special trapped would just make this a weaker Magnezone, so I went the other way and made it Physical. Ground/Electric over Rock/Electric here gives it STAB Earthquake and a Resistance to the steels it's supposed to trap, helping it out a lot. The increase in speed was so it could outspeed other Steels as opposed to having to bulk through them.


Mega Magnezone:
Type: Electric/Steel > Electric/Steel
Ability: Magnet Pull/Sturdy/Analytic > Magnet Pull
HP: 70 > 70
Attack: 70 > 70 (+0)
Defence: 115 > 135 (+20)
Special Attack: 130 > 170 (+40)
Special Defence: 90 > 120 (+30)
Speed: 60 > 70 (+10)
New moves:

Thoughts: Not much to say here, Magnezone's already a great Pokémon and this just lets it do what it needs to better.
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Mega Magnezone
: Electric/Steel
Ability: Repulsion (Steel types are forced out upon this pokemon switching in)
Stats: 70 (+0) / 80 (+10) / 145 (+30) / 150 (+20) / 95 (+5) / 95 (+35)
New Moves: Aurora Beam
Reasons: Magnezone has a bad reaction to Mega Evolution which causes it to entirely reverse its polarity! Rather than trapping steel types, it now repels them and forces them to switch out upon its own switchin. This makes it great to deal with Steel setup threats, for example Shift Gear Magearna. It also gains a decent amount of speed due to Mega Evolution, meaning it can outspeed some of the bulkier megas and gain momentum. Aurora Beam seems similar to Signal Beam which it learns thematically, and allows it better coverage with slightly more power than Hidden Power.
Set Ideas: Flash Cannon / Discharge / Aurora Beam / Volt Switch, Max HP Max Sp.Atk Modest

Mega Golem-Alola
: Rock / Electric
Ability: Railgun (Bullet moves are powered up by 50%, Mega Launcher clone)
Stats: 80 (+0) / 180 (+60) / 150 (+20) / 95 (+40) / 65 (+0) / 25 (-20)
New Moves: Zap Cannon, Hone Claws
Reasons: Alolan Golem clearly has a railgun cannon sorta thing built into its back, so it pulls a Mega Blastoise and makes it giant through Mega Evolution! This allows it to propel its projectile-based moves towards its enemies with significantly more force, such as Rock Blast, Gyro Ball, Focus Blast and the newly learnt Zap Cannon! It is balanced out by its speed, which is the result of becoming heavier yet, its special defense and its crippling ground weakness.
Set Ideas: Rock Blast / Gyro Ball / Wild Charge / Earthquake, Max HP Max Atk Brave, Hone Claws / Focus Blast / Zap Cannon / Fire Blast, Max Hp Max Sp.Atk Quiet

Mega Probopass
: Steel
Ability: Sturdy
Stats: 60 (+0) / 100 (+45) / 170 (+25) / 100 (+25) / 175 (+25) / 20 (-20)
Reasons: Mega Probopass takes the addition of Steel it experienced when it evolved from Nosepass further yet, so far in fact that all the rock within is removed from its body. This change to a much heavier material has resulted in Probopass falling to the floor, hence the decrease in speed. On the other hand, it has blessed Probopass with stellar defenses, which are balanced out by the lack of reliable recovery, and harder hits due to its tougher composition. Sturdy is a filler ability that will rarely have any use as I feel any better ability would break this mon. It will have an obvious role in OU (or higher) as a Stealth Rocker with great status options and decent offense.
Set Ideas: Stealth Rock / Pain Split / Toxic / Flash Cannon, Max HP Max Def Bold, Stealth Rock / Pain Split / Volt Switch / Toxic, Max HP Max Sp.Def Calm
Sorry. I wasn't trying to say that there were no special rock moves. Just that the rock moves with the highest BP are physical.
Power Gem is the second best Rock move after Diamond Storm, which is a signature move. Stone Edge WOULD be better given that you have No Guard, but still. Check stuff.

Ability: Galvanize
Typing: Rock/Electric


HP: 80
Attack: 120 ----> 160 (+40)
Defense: 130 ----> 100 (-30)
Special Attack: 55 ----> 75 (+20)
Special Defense: 65
Speed: 45 ----> 115(+70)
Base Stat Total: 495 ----> 575
Movepool Additions: ~
Description: Mega Alolan Golem reorganizes much of its armor into forms of magnetic propulsion and making itself more aerodynamic, lowering its defense but speeding it up (look, its typing is better suited to a fast threat, alright?). This makes it a dangerous physical threat. Still, it has much trouble with Ground-types that can KO it easily and shut down its offenses.

Ability: Levitate
Typing: Rock/Steel


HP: 60
Attack: 55 ----> 65 (+10)
Defense: 145 ----> 175 (+30)
Special Attack: 75 ----> 105 (+30)
Special Defense: 150 ----> 170 (+20)
Speed: 40
Base Stat Total: 525 ----> 525
Movepool Additions: Calm Mind, Recover
Description: BULK. A Fighting Type move will still put a huge dent in it, but it's still a tough customer.
Slate suggestions: Both Sinnoh legendary trios
Type: Rock/Electric
Stats: 80/140/160/55/115/45 (±0/+20/+30/±0/+50/±0) [BST: 595]
Ability: Galvanize
Appearance: Alolan Golem's cannon is much longer and glows on the inside, kinda like a railgun. Its forehead cavity glows yellow with electricity. Electricity can also be seen coursing throughout its hair and the cracks on its body. (Height: 1.9m/6'03"; Weight: 335.0kg/738.5lb)
Added Moves: N/A
Description: Finally, it has usable Special bulk! It also has beastly Defense and an Attack matching that of Conkeldurr.
Example Moveset:
Golem-Alola @ Alogolemite
Ability: Magnet Pull / Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- Thunder Punch
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Gyro Ball
It has EdgeQuake alongside Thunder Punch as its other STAB. In addition, it has Gyro Ball as coverage due to being painfully sluggish. The only existing mons that resist EdgeQuake are the Bronzong line, the Claydol line, Torterra, Breloom, Virizion, and Chesnaught. The first of these can be hit with Thunder Punch, and the rest can be hit with Gyro Ball.
Type: Rock/Steel
Stats: 60/55/160/145/165/40 (±0/±0/+15/+70/+15/±0) [BST: 625]
Ability: Levitate
Appearance: Probopass has black lines going on the "NE, NW, SE, SW" lines, like it's a more sophisticated compass. The mininoses' noses are red, and the main body's nose is jet-black, as is the forehead line thing on its "hat". (Height: 1.4m/4'07", Weight: 360.0kg/793.4lb)
Added Moves: Shore Up
Description: Now, Probopass can hurt like a train and dish out excessive damage, packing the same Special Attack stat as Chandelure. It's more or less got Celesteela-tier defenses, and though it still has to worry about Fighting-type moves, that Ground-type weakness is patched up quite nicely.
Example Moveset:
Probopass @ Probopassite
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Power Gem
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power Water
- Shore Up
Two STABs, HP Water for neutral coverage, and Shore Up for recovery.
Type: Electric/Steel
Stats: 70/70/140/170/125/60 (±0/±0/+25/+40/+35/±0) [BST: 635]
Ability: Galvanize
Appearance: Both of things attached to Magnezone are all detached and floating on their own, as is Magnezone itself. Its central eye has a jet-black sclera, and electricity visibly emits from underneath that metal plate on its head. The "mini-saucers" are both connected to the main body via electromagnetic waves between where they once were and the mini-saucers themselves. The mini-saucers and antenna are "visibly" emitting electromagnetic waves. Oh yeah, and the screws are gone... (Height: 7'03"/2.2m; Weight: 181.0kg/399.0lb)
Added Moves: N/A
Description: Oh, what do we have here? A Skarmory that, though gravely weak to Ground, has more Special bulk than Dragalge and has almost as much hurt as Xurkitree? Whoa...
Example Moveset:
Magnezone @ Magnezonite
Ability: Sturdy / Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Tri Attack
- Hidden Power Fire
- Flash Cannon
- Volt Switch
Classic Magnezone, now gone Mega. You can go Magnet Pull as the initial ability if you're feeling sadistic towards Steel-types, though Sturdy lets you live attacks on 1HP.
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Power Gem is the second best Rock move after Diamond Storm, which is a signature move. Stone Edge WOULD be better given that you have No Guard, but still. Check stuff.

Well, yes. Stone Edge was exactly what I was thinking of with those posts. That's my point. I was talking about BP only as accuracy no longer matters with No Guard, which again, was my point.

Just FYI, they both already learn Stealth Rock. Probopass gets it as an egg move, and Golem as a level-up move.

That's a real mistake though. Sorry. I'll fix that. I looked for it on bulbapedia and obviously missed it.

Description: Oh, what do we have here? A Skarmory that, though gravely weak to Ground, has more Special bulk than Dragalge and has almost as much hurt as Xurkitree? Whoa... Just Baton Pass a Magnet Rise on it, and it'll prove deadly...

Um, Baton Pass has been banned to AG.