All type Terrain [Stage 4: Playtesting]

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Doubleposting to separate this from submissions
Exploudit since we're doing Corrosive Terrain abilities now, it would be nice to know which Pokemon can use the move. You wrote "Learned by: WIP" in your submisison.
Sereg I don't mean to offend you, but some of your abilites are quite overcomplicated, stacking 2 or even 3 different effects. Part of Pokemon appeal is their simplicity, abilities usually give 1 simple or 2 intuitively connected effects. Too complicated effects might throw off potential new ATT players.
ChrystalFalchion I think you could also list Surge avilities in a sheet of Pokemon with changed abilities.
No offense taken. Constructive criticism is good for improving long-term quality.

I get you. I'm just trying to make effects that are mechanically interesting, flavourfully rich and powerful enough to justify their ircumstantial nature, especially in a meta with terrain wars. As such, I'm modelling my complexity more on the side of Water Bubble. You do have a point though. I'll think about it and try to come up with ways t simplify some without losing the core of their identity.
Sandy Terrain
Name: Sandy Terrain
Type: Ground
Message: "The battlefield became coated in sand!"
Sandy Surge: Hippodown, Palossand
Z Move: +1 Speed
Nature Power: Earth Power
Effect 1: halfs flying type damage by 50%, surf does only 50% damage, grass types move do only 50% damage
Effect 2: Every grounded ground or rock type will get 1/16 hp every turn and a +1 stage boost in defense.
Attack: most ground and rock types
Seed: -
Seed Effect: -
Competitive Use: this + sandstorm and many ground type get what they need.
Sandy Terrain
Name: Sandy Terrain
Type: Ground
Message: "The battlefield became coated in sand!"
Sandy Surge: Hippodown, Palossand
Z Move: +1 Speed
Nature Power: Earth Power
Effect 1: halfs flying type damage by 50%, surf does only 50% damage, grass types move do only 50% damage
Effect 2: Every grounded ground or rock type will get 1/16 hp every turn and a +1 stage boost in defense.
Attack: most ground and rock types
Seed: -
Seed Effect: -
Competitive Use: this + sandstorm and many ground type get what they need.

We have already chosen the Terrains for each type - now we are creating abilities that interact with said Terrains (like Grass Pelt and Surge Surfer).
They must be B rank or below on the OU viability ranking thread.

Edit: my nominations.

Elevated Terrain

Name: Weightless
Effect: User gains +2 Speed and weight is halved during Elevated Terrain
Pokemon: Staraptor, Togekiss (instead of Hustle), Toucannon (instead of Keen Eye)
Competitive Use: Simple Speed boosting ability, basically a free Autotomize

Cloudy Terrain

Name: Cloud Cleanse
Effect: Upon switch in to Cloudy Terrain, user cures the team (including itself) of status. Only works once per switch in.
Pokemon: Blissey (instead of Serene Grace), Mega Audino, Altaria (instead of Cloud Nine)
Competitive use: It's an auto Heal Bell, what's not to love? It also frees up the slot for Blissey.

Name: Nimbus Force
Effect: During Cloudy Terrain, the user's damage dealing Normal type moves hit Ghost types for X2 damage.
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (instead of Early Bird), Tauros (instead of Anger Point), Meloetta, Linoone (instead of Pick Up)
Competitive use: Think you can switch in your Ghost type to block the incoming Normal type attack? Think again.

Corrosive Terrain

Name: Venom Infusion
Effect: All of the user's damage dealing attacks have a 30% chance to badly poison the foe in Corrosive Terrain. Overrides whatever previous secondary effect the moves had.
Pokemon: Crobat (instead of Inner Focus), Drapion (instead of Battle Armor), Tentacruel (instead of Rain Dish), Skuntank (instead of Keen Eye)
Competitive use: Makes your opponent very wary of switching in something to tank the attack, as you could easily poison their best wall.

Sandy Terrain

Name: Sands of Time
Effect: When Sandy Terrain is active, all of the user's Attacks will go first within their priority bracket.
Pokemon: Rhyperior (instead of Reckless), Mega Camerupt, Swampert, Marowak (instead of Lightningrod)
Competitive use: Negates the problem all of those Pokemon face, i.e. terrible Speed, for a few turns. Functions similarly to Trick Room.
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Ok everyone, voting time! Vote for your 3 favourite abilities for the Terrain types. Voting time closes on Monday morning. You may vote for one of your own abilities.

My votes

Ground: Soil Absorb
Flying: Gale Force
Normal: Nimbus Force
Poison: Cauldron Bubble
Flying: Gale Force, Weightless, Fierce Gust

Normal: Clear Skies, Cloud Cleanse, Nimbus Force

Poison: Neurotoxin (Phoenix_Alchemist), Toxic Waste, Neurotoxin (Gliwick)

Ground: Earth Shattering, Sticky Sand, Clay Stomp
Elevated Terrain abilities: Eagle Eye, Gale Force, Weightless
Sandy Terrain abilities: Soil Absorb, Mirage, Clay Feet
Cloudy Terrain abilities: Clear Skies, Cloud Cleanse, Nimbus Force
Corrosive Terrain abilities: Sweet Poison, Neurotoxin (mine), Venom Infusion

ChrystalFalchion I have to warn you that negating status immunities is impossible, at least in a simple way
Also, could you hold off results a bit? There are only 3 voters, and I could get X good to vote tomorrow

Oh and in case both Neurotoxin abilities win I can rename mine to Toxic Drench or something
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Oh and in case both Neurotoxin abilities win I can rename mine to Toxic Drench or something


Gliwick made their ability first so I'll rename mine. Change it to Mind Infection, I'll update my submission later.

Elevated Terrain: Weightless, Ring Out
Cloudy Terrain: Steam Bath, Nimbus Force, Cloud Cleanse
Sandy Terrain: Sticky Sand, Clay Feet, Earth-Shattering
Corrosive Terrain: Catalysis, Neurotoxin (Gliwick's), Acid Bath
Elevated Terrain abilities: Gale Force, High Ground, Eagle Eye
Sandy Terrain abilities: Mirage, Fairy Dust, Sticky Sand
Cloudy Terrain abilities: Clear Skies, Cloud Cleanse, Nimbus Force
Corrosive Terrain abilitie: Cauldron Bubble, Neurotoxin (by Gliwick), Toxic Waste
Sorry for the delay, been a busy week and I lost track. The votes are in! The winners are:

Sandy Terrain: Sticky Sand, Fairy Dust, Earth Shattering
Elevated Terrain: Gale Force, Weightless, Eagle Eye
Cloudy Terrain: Nimbus Force, Cloud Cleanse, Clear Skies
Corrosive Terrain: Neurotoxin, Toxic Waste, Cauldron Bubble

Strangely there was only 1 tie this time, on Sandy Terrain. You can see the votes here. Have updated post no. 2 to reflect the new abilities.

Alright, the final slate (possibly). We are now choosing abilities for the following types: Psychic, Rock, Steel and Water. You may also nominate 1 fully evolved Pokemon below B Rank in the OU VR to receive the ability Grass Pelt. All nominated Pokemon will get it.
Name: Hocus Pocus
Pokémon: Celebi, Clefable (instead of Cute Charm), Klefki, Hoopa, Mew, Necrozma
Effect: Сreates another item after one is used in Psychic Terrain, excluding berries and herbs. Full list: Absorb Bulb/Cell Battery/Liminous Moss/Snowball, Eject Button/Red Card, Focus Sash, Normal Gem, Psychic Seed, Weakness Policy
Competitive Use: This ability needs quite a bit of in-battle exploration, but there are some obvious tactics like +1 SpD boost per turn; abusing Weakness Policy to get multiple boosts or shufflig opposing team with Red Card

Name: Space Warp
Pokémon: Alakazam (instead of Synchronize), Espeon, Hoopa, Jynx (instead of Forewarn), Mew (? might be OP with Mewnium Z), Reuniclus (instead of Overcoat)
Effect: The Pokemon's attacks never miss and ignore Protect and Substitute in Psychic Terrain
Competitive Use: Pokemon are free to use powerful inaccurate moves such as Zap Cannon, Focus Blast and Blizzard
Name: Gem Boost
Pokémon: Ampharos (instead of Plus), Diancie, Necrozma
Effect: Doubles the Pokemon's Speed stat in Rocky Terrain
Competitive Use: Makes a standard fast terrain sweeper. All of them get Power Gem/Stone Edge and thus also benefit from terrain itself

Name: Gem Energy
Pokémon: Carbink, Diancie, Lunatone, Necrozma, Solrock
Effect: The duration of field effects is increased by 2 turns if used by this Pokemon in Rocky Terrain (the idea is ripped off Persistent ability in CAP, I just found it really fitting)
Competitive Use: Prolonged dual screens and Trick Room make these Pokemon a great support option.

Name: Gem Glow
Pokémon: Diancie, Espeon, Grumpig (instead of Own Tempo), Mismagius, Slowking (instead of Own Tempo), Starmie (instead of Illuminate)
Effect: Boosts the Pokemon's Special Attack stat by 50%, but HP decreases every turn by 1/16 of full HP in Rocky Terrain
Competitive Use: Makes either fast powerful attackers (Mismagius, Starmie) or bulky ones (others). All of them (except Espeon) get Power Gem and thus also benefit from terrain itself
Name: Magnetic Aim
Pokémon: Bronzong (instead of Heavy Metal), Empoleon, Lucario (instead of Steadfast), Magnemite/Magneton (instead of Analytic), Porygon line (instead of Analytic), Probopass (instead of Sand Force)
Effect: The Pokemon's attacks never miss in Metallic Terrain
Competitive Use: Pokemon are free to use powerful inaccurate moves such as Zap Cannon, Focus Blast and Blizzard. Bronzong and Empoleon also get an accurate sleeping move in Hypnosis/Sing

Name: Metal Slide
Pokémon: Bisharp (instead of Pressure), Lucario (instead of Inner Focus), Sandslash-Alola
Effect: Doubles the Pokemon's Speed stat in Metallic Terrain
Competitive Use: Makes a standard fast terrain sweeper with SD/NP set-up that's useful against offense
Nominate Virizion to Grass Pelt.

ChrystalFalchion I'd also like to change Overcharge's recoil to 1/16 per turn. I made it like Solar Power, but comparing to other abilities I feel like 1/8 is too much of a disadvantage.
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As you wish, thanks for your nominations. Will edit this post to include mine.

Name: Stone Armor
Effect: During Rocky Terrain, Water, Ground, Fighting, Steel and Grass type moves have 50% power
Competitive use: Makes the Rock typing less shitty defensively by removing weaknesses for a few turns
Pokémon: Regirock, Rhyperior (over Reckless), Aerodactyl, Bastiodon

Name: Mind Over Matter
Effect: During Psychic Terrain, all damage dealing moves become Special. Apart from Psyshock, Psystrike and Secret Sword they all inflict special damage.
Competitive use: Enlarges certain Pokémon's viable options, letting them beat things they couldn't before.
Pokémon: Alakazam (over Synchronize), Hoopa Confined, Gengar

Name: Quick Thinker
Effect: Doubles Speed during Psychic Terrain
Competitive use: Simple Speed boosting ability - also helps as Psychic Terrain negates priority
Pokémon: Hoopa confined, Gallade, Metagross

Was a bit strapped for inspiration

Grass Pelt: Celebi
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I nominate Simisage for Grass Pelt.

Name: Refined Stone
Pokémon: Aron, Lairon, Aggron (Instead of Heavy Metal), Carbink, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith (Instead of Sand Force)
Effect: When under Rocky Terrain, this Pokémon has no weaknesses.
Competitive Use: Obviously, Refined Stone bolsters the tanking ability of many Rock-types, which typically have to deal with their many weaknesses. This grants them more switch-in opportunities and adds to their longevity.
Name: Meteor Strike
Pokémon: Lunatone, Solrock, Geodude, Graveler, Golem (Instead of Sand Veil), Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable (Instead of Cute Charm), Togedemaru (Instead of Iron Barbs)
Effect: On this Pokémon's first turn in Rocky Terrain, its attacks deal *1.5 damage and have +3 priority, but its resisted hits will deal no damage on this turn.
Competitive Use: Meteor Strike allows for high-risk, high-reward play, where the Pokémon can unleash a ridiculously powerful, high-priority attack under Rocky Terrain that will do nothing if the foe has the right switch-in for it. Rock-type moves are especially notable, dealing 2.25* damage and always hitting first with Meteor Strike on the first turn.
Name: Mind Jack
Pokémon: Slowking (Instead of Own Tempo), Elgyem, Beheeyem (Instead of Telepathy), Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
Effect: When under Psychic Terrain, any moves used against this Pokémon that can miss (have less than 100% accuracy) will always miss. Does not factor accuracy and evasion stat changes.
Competitive Use: Mind Jack allows certain Pokémon to dodge many of the high-powered attacks that come with low accuracy. It is notable that most status-inflicting moves have imperfect accuracy, meaning a Pokémon with Mind Jack can avoid Thunder Wave, Toxic, Will-O'-Wisp, and Sleep Powder every time.
Name: Enchanted Regalia
Pokémon: Drowzee, Hypno (Instead of Forewarn), Spoink, Grumpig (Instead of Own Tempo), Kadabra, Alakazam (Instead of Inner Focus), Farfetch'd (Instead of Keen Eye), Nidoking, Nidoqueen (Instead of Rivalry)
Effect: As long as Psychic Terrain is active and this Pokémon is holding an item, then this Pokémon's attacks deal *1.2 damage, and the foe's held items will have no effect.
Competitive Use: If a Pokémon can manage to hang on to their enchanted held-item, they will be rewarded with a small power boost, as well as negation to their foe's held item. This means that opponents cannot rely on Life Orbs or Choice items to increase their damage output or Leftovers and berries for healing, although it makes the Pokémon very vulnerable to Knock Off.
Name: Water-Walker
Pokémon: Suicune, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Kabutops (Instead of Battle Armor), Surskit, Accelgor (Instead of Sticky Hold)
Effect: When Sea Terrain is active, this Pokémon's speed is increased by 33%, and this Pokémon is treated as airborne with exception to Sea Terrain's effects.
Competitive Use: (I know, giving this to Surskit seems overpowered, but that's just how this is gonna have to be). Water-Walker allows Pokémon to avoid entry hazards not named Stealth Rock, as well as Ground-type moves, which Empoleon and Kabutops quite appreciate. The speed boosts are also helpful, but not enough to outspeed everything on the field.
Name: Seafoam Splash
Pokémon: Frillish, Jellicent (Instead of Damp), Pyukumuku, Shellos, Gastrodon (Instead of Sand Force), Wailmer, Wailord (Instead of Water Veil), Chinchou, Lanturn (Instead of Illuminate)
Effect: When Sea Terrain is active, this Pokémon takes 25% less damage from attacks, and is immune to status afflictions.
Competitive Use: Seafoam Splash is a general buff to bulky Pokémon, allowing them to take less damage from attacks and shrug off status conditions. Not much else to say.
Name: Mirror Image
Pokémon: Cobalion, Zubat, Golbat, Crobat, Diancie, Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire
Effect: When Metallic Terrain is active, this Pokémon and the foe's defense and attack stats are swapped (Defense swaps with Attack, Sp. Attack with Sp. Defense). This swapping includes boosting items, such as Assault Vest or Eviolite, but does not include stat changes.
Competitive Use: With Mirror Image active, a Pokémon can completely switch roles at the drop of a hat. Cobalion can take advantage of its high defenses for an offensive purpose and use Close Combat without worrying about its defense dropping. Also perhaps notable are Golbat and Electabuzz, which, with Eviolite, get a free Choice Band & Specs boost without being locked into a move. They are still hindered by their low stats, but could be worth exploring.
Name: Cutting Edge
Pokémon: Honedge, Doublade, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Gallade (Instead of Steadfast), Pawniard, Bisharp (Instead of Pressure), Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion
Effect: When this Pokémon is under Metallic Terrain, its cutting/slashing moves will deal *1.5 damage. (Includes: Slash, Air Slash, Night Slash, Air Cutter, Fury Cutter, Cut, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Precipice Blades, Razor Leaf, Razor Shell, Razor Wind, Secret Sword, Sacred Sword, Smart Strike, and anything else I may be leaving out.)
Competitive Use: Apologies to Kartana and Keldeo in advance. Cutting Edge powers up a vast assortment of physical attacks under Metallic Terrain. Samurott gets a boosted STAB Razor Shell, Gallade gets a buffed Psycho Cut, Bisharp's Night Slash is stronger, Cutting Edge is just an all-around nice ability to have under Metallic Terrain.

More submissions to come, probably.
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Grass Pelt: Leavanny (instead of Swarm)

Name: Quarry
Pokémon: Carbink, Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith (Instead of Sand Force), Geodude, Graveler, Golem (Instead of Sand Veil), Conkeldurr (instead of Iron Fist), Steelix (instead of Sheer Force), Excadrill (instead of Sand Force), Beedrill, Rhyperior (instead of Solid Rock)
Effect: When under Rocky Terrain, this Pokémon’s rock attacks hit a second time at a quarter power.
Competitive Use: This is a downgraded Parental Bond. Rock is a good attacking type and that helps out here, especially with the power boost from Rocky Terrain. You can also break subs, Multiscale, Sturdy and Focus Sash. It also gives you more chances to boost with Ancient Power or to flinch with Rock Slide.

Name: Rubble
Pokémon: Sandslash (instead of Sand Veil), Carbink, Bastiodon, Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith (Instead of Sand Force), ), Geodude, Graveler, Golem (Instead of Sand Veil), Lycanroc (all), Steelix (instead of Sheer Force), Exeggutor (both), Avalugg (instead of Own Tempo), Chesnaught, Claydoll, Stakataka, Electrode (instead of Soundproof), Grumpig (instead of Own Tempo), Gogoat, Rhyperior (instead of Solid Rock)
Effect: At the end of every turn, when under Rocky Terrain, this Pokémon lower’s the opponent’s Speed one stage.
Competitive Use: This provides a method of speed control and of encouraging switches.

Name: Stone Wall
Pokémon: Carbink, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith (Instead of Sand Force), Stakataka, Vespiqueen, Claydoll, Geodude, Graveler, Golem (Instead of Sand Veil), Conkeldurr (instead of Iron Fist), Steelix (instead of Sheer Force), Excadrill (instead of Sand Force), Bibarel (instead of Moody), Nidoking (instead of Rivalry), Nidoqueen (instead of Rivalry), Rhyperior (instead of Solid Rock), Mr. Mime (instead of Technician), Mudbray (instead of Own Tempo)
Effect: When under Rocky Terrain, this Pokémon rises its Defense one stage at the end of every turn.
Competitive Use: Rock may have a lot of weaknesses, but this will help make your alls harder to get past.

Name: Mirror Armor
Pokémon: Aron, Lairon, Aggron (Instead of Heavy Metal), Shieldon, Bastiodon, Excavalier (instead of Overcoat), Steelix (instead of Sheer Force), Golurk (instead of Klutz), Bronzor, Bronzong (instead of Heavy Metal).
Effect: When Metallic Terrain is active, all Special attacks against this Pokémon cause recoil as i it were a contact attack against a Pokémon with Iron Barbs/Rough Skin/a Rocky Helmet.

Competitive Use: This is a way to punish Special Attackers, which there are fewer ways to do. Once they get through your wall,they’ll be vulnerable to a revenge kill.

Name: Jury Rig
Pokémon: Aron, Lairon, Aggron (Instead of Heavy Metal), Excavalier (instead of Overcoat), Golurk (instead of Klutz), Klinklang (instead of Plus), Elgyem, Beheeyem (Instead of Telepathy), Alakazam (instead of Synchronize), Farfetch’d (instead of Keen Eye), Conkeldurr (instead of Iron Fist), Rhyperior (instead of Solid Rock), Klefki
Effect: Сreates another item after one is used in Metallic Terrain, excluding berries and herbs. Full list: Absorb Bulb/Cell Battery/Liminous Moss/Snowball, Eject Button/Red Card, Focus Sash, Normal Gem, Psychic Seed, Weakness Policy
Competitive Use: This lets you repeatedly abuse consumable items.

Name: Rivet
Pokémon: Aron, Lairon, Aggron (Instead of Heavy Metal), Klinklang (instead of Plus), Rhyperior (instead of Solid Rock), Bronzor, Bronzong (instead of Heavy Metal)
Effect: When Metallic Terrain is active, opposing Pokémon lose 20% of their maximum health when trying to switch out.

Competitive Use: This isn’t a complete trap, but certainly makes switching harder and punishes it. Even Regenerators have their benefits reduced.

Name: Dreamwalker
Pokémon: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Drowzee, Hypno (Instead of Forewarn), Munna, Musharna (instead of Telepathy), Florges. Aromatisse
Effect: When under Psychic Terrain, this Pokemon can still move freely while Asleep and cannot be fully paralyzed while Paralyzed.
Competitive Use: This makes Resting a much easier option and means that Spore and Thunder Wave don’t ruin your day nearly as much.

Name: Pilgrim
Pokémon: Chandelure (instead of Infiltrator), Golurk (instead of Klutz), Chimecho, Gothitelle (instead of Shadow Tag), Gardevoir (instead of Telepathy), Gallade (instead of Steadfast), Medicham
Effect: When Psychic Terrain is active, this Pokemon raises its Specal Defense one stage when it, or any other Pokemon, enters the field.
Competitive Use: Your setting upstarts as soon as you switch in if you have the right Terrain up. This also punishes switching and helps you wall more in addition to your priority immunity.

Name: Mindscape
Pokémon: Gallade (instead of Steadfast), Alakazam (instead of Inner Focus), Accelgor (instead of Sticky Hold), Slowking (Instead of Own Tempo), Reuniclus (instead of Overcoat), Mew, Drowzee, Hypno (Instead of Forewarn)
Effect: When under Psychic Terrain, when this Pokémon uses a Physical move, it is boosted by 20% and becomes a Special move.

Competitive Use: This lets you take advantage of a physical movepool while pumping special attack and boosting damage.

Name: Foamwashed

Pokémon: Cloyster (instead of Overcoat), Clamperl, Gorebyss, Huntail, Dragalge (instead of Poison Point), Goldeen, Seaking (instead of Water Veil), Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra (instead of Damp), Frillish, Jellicent (instead of Damp), Manaphy, Phione, Suicune, Swanna (instead of Keen Eye), Milotic (instead of Cute Charm)
Effect: When Sea Terrain is active, this Pokémon heals as if it holds Leftovers and cures Poison at the end of every turn.
Competitive Use: This helps you all a lot better.

Name: Waverocked
Pokémon: Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Dhelmise, Chatot (instead of Keen Eye), Binacle, Barbaracle (instead of Pickpocket), Lileep, Cradilly

Effect: When Sea Terrain is active and this is suffering from a Status effect, it doubles its Defense and Special Defense and heals as if i is holding Leftovers.

Competitive Use: This works well with Rest, Facade or just ensuring that your wall stays healthy.

Name: Tidebreaker
Pokémon: Wailord (instead of Water Veil), Lycanroc (all), Solrock, Lunatone, Mudbray (instead of Own Tempo), Cosmog, Cosmoem, Staryu, Starmie (instead of Illuminate), Poochyena, Mightyena (instead of Quick Feet)
Effect: When this Pokémon is active, the opposing side can gain no benefits from Sea Terrain.
Competitive Use: This lets you ruin your opponent’s terrain dependence, or just lets you use a terrain without worrying about it helping you opponent.
Name: Metal Cruh
Pokémon: Aerodactyl (instead of Unnerve), Armaldo, Rampardos, Rhyperior (instead of Lightning Rod), Tyrantrum, Lycanroc-Dusk, Lycanroc-Midday (instead of Keen Eye), Lycanroc-Midnight (instead of Keen Eye).
Effect: Makes Pokemon's Rock-type attacks super effective against Steel type.
Competitive Use: Steel type is a common problem for Rock types that stops their sweep, this is no more the case.

Psychic Terrain
Name: Otherworldly Voice
Pokemon: Alakazam (instead of Synchronize), Hypno (instead of Inner Focus), Starmie (instead of Illuminate), Xatu (instead of Early Bird), Espeon, Gardevoir (instead of Telepathy), Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Gothitelle (instead of Shadow Tag), Meloetta, Delphox, Meowstic (instead of Keen Eye), Meowstic-F (Instead of Keen Eye), Hoopa, Primarina.
Effect: Boosts the power of Sound moves by 30% and reduces damage from Dark- and Ghost-type moves by 50% in Psychic Terrain
Competitive Use: provides both a defensive and an offensive boost to Psychic-type Pokemon that also use sound moves

Name: Storm Rage
Pokemon: Blastoise, Poliwrath (instead of Damp), Gyarados, Feraligatr, Azumarill (instead of Thick Fat), Kingdra (instead of Damp), Swampert, Floatzel, Samurott, Seismitoad (instead of Poison Touch), Clawitzer, Golisopod
Effect: Boosts the power of attacks used against Grass-type Pokemon by 50% and Water-type moves ignore foe's abilities in Sea Terrain
Competitive Use: Water-type Pokemon no longer fear Grass types, having a boosted Ice Beam against them. Also Water-type immunities are no longer a hindrance

Name: Smart Metal
Pokemon: Sandslash-alola, Scizor (instead of Swarm), Metagross, Lucario (instead of Steadfast), Escavalier (instead of Swarm), Bisharp (instead of Pressure), Durant (instead of Truant), Doublade, Togedemaru (instead of Lightning Rod).
Effect: The Pokémon boosts its highest stat 2 stages each time it knocks out a Pokémon in Metallic Terrain
Competitive Use: provides a difficult to carry out, yet high reward setup opportunity

Grass Pelt: Carnivine
Sorry for the delay, voting time is now! Vote for your 3 favourite abilities for each type. You may vote for one of your own nominations. I will try to get the votes counted by Sunday.
Rock: Stone Armor, Meteor Strike, Metal Crush

Psychic: Enchanted Regalia, Mind over Matter, Otherworldly Voice

Steel: Cutting Edge, Metal Slide, Mirror Image

Water: Seafoam Splash, Water Walker, Storm Rage
Psychic: Enchanted regalia, Space warp, Otherworldly voice

Rock: Quarry, Gem energy, Metal crush

Steel: Magnetic aim, Cutting edge, Smart Metal

Water: Water walker, Seafoam splash, Storm rage
Psychic Terrai abilities: Hocus Pocus, Mind Jack, Mindscape
Rocky Terrain abilities: Gem Energy, Rubble, Metal Crush
Metallic Terrain abilities: Mirror Image, Jury Rig, Smart Metal (I wish I could choose more of these, so many good ideas)
Sea Terrain abilities: Water Walker, Seafoam Splash, Storm Rage
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Rocky Terrain Abilities: Metal Crusher, Meteor Strike, Gem Energy

Psychic Terrain Abilities: Otherwordly Voice, Dreamwalker, Mind Over Matter

Sea Terrain Abilities: Storm Rage, Foamwashed, Tidebreaker

Metallic Terrain Abilities: Jury Rig, Mirror Armor, Rivet

Metal Crush: 4
Gem Energy: 3
Meteor Strike: 2

Stone Armor: 1
Quarry: 1
Rubble: 1


Otherworldly Voice: 3
Enchanted Regalia: 2
Mind over Matter: 2

Space Warp: 1
Hocus Pocus: 1
Mind Jack: 1
Mindscape: 1
Dreamwalker: 1


Cutting Edge: 2
Mirror Image: 2
Smart Metal: 2
Jury Rig: 2

Metal Slide: 1
Magnetic Aim: 1
Mirror Armor: 1
Rivet: 1


Storm Rage: 4
Seafoam Splash: 3
Water Walker: 3

Foamwashed: 1
Tidebreaker: 1
ChrystalFalchion I'm coding abilities now, and there's an inaccuracy in your doc. There is a difference between gaining +1 stage boost or passive x1.5 stat boost, and you got it wrong for some abilities, it'd be better to fix this.
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