Pokémon GO

The Pikachu rate is very high though... it could certainly help a lot if you haven't finished that Pikachu fanclub medal. As of me... eh, I kinda hoped for great shiny Pikachu, but nah... went for EXP more and Raichu can't learn Surf anyway, sighs....

Now if I can make my future AnniversAloRaichu learn Surf, that'll be different story....
Should've done your research! Yeah, there was. I caught 9 shinies / 200K dust / 2M exp during the 3 hours =) Felt great.

The Community Event was simply just that: to bring the community together. Double Exp, Pikachu w/ Surf, increased Shiny chances were just extra incentives to bring people to partake; as a solo player (or a player in a stagnant community), you're not gonna reap the benefits of it too much unless you want to mass level in the very limited window. The event was definitely targetted at casuals, though.
I caught 60 Pikachus, one Shiny (CP10), and a Kyogre during the community time. Decent chunk of EXP and ever closer to finishing that Electric medal. Need that ready by the time Zekrom happens or they rerun the old ones (realistic for "Legendary Pokemon" year of the main games)

And my god, Kyogre is SO much easier to hit after this update's size change and distance. I also swear they made it less aggressive with interrupting shots. I landed 6 greats compared to barely landing for distance before.
Collection... Raichu was nowhere stated to get Surf so idk what'd you expect from evolving one lol
Well he keeps his costume, and his shininess, and Niantic didn’t specify that it would be switched out upon evolution. Same goes for Present.

I’m sure many people thought a Surf Raichu would be something worth having.
TMs didn’t revert it back either.
It’s not really funny, it’s frustrating because I purposefully wasted TMs to ensure it had both moves and when it evolved I hoped it would reroll the moves back...

Uh, so over Niantic not being direct and clear, over something I’m sure others were expecting as well as myself.

Plus if Raichu can carry on Surf in the main series games, why can’t it here? No precedent preventing a Raichu from knowing Surf in any other games (unless you specific look at Pokémon Yellow where it cannot evolve but there are newer games that permit Surf on Raichu).

In other news, who needs Surf Raichu when you catch a 95% Kyogre? 75F6019B-179E-4F81-A430-5F72B192509E.png Looks like I have my Water/Electric Coverage right here.
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So, apparently it was announced that Lati twins are going to come along while we still have Kyogre here. Oh great... I think there's never time to rest.

Bad news is that Dragon medal is hard to complete, I'm stuck at 120. It'd be easier if scanners are used but nah.... I hope this little lack of bonus doesn't screw me up when they come....

I'll want a great Latios. A great generalist and generally just one most favourite. Too bad they can't be brought to gym, which automatically makes Latias and other defensive mon like Regis or Cresselia soon nearly useless in comparison. Sad since Latias is one of those I loved most.
That Lati post was fake, or at the very least unconfirmed. Idk why it's circulating so much - just check the Niantic site or TSR.
That Lati post was fake, or at the very least unconfirmed. Idk why it's circulating so much - just check the Niantic site or TSR.
That made sense. The twitter was also not crowded like I had expected when I finally got on lappy

Oh well, I was on the road while I saw this news circulating over LINE chat group and didn't check on Reddit right away.

Good news then. We need a break....
Spoink's height is like half tail, though.
Ya, I just saw a Seviper looking tiny beside a Slugma and I thought it was a glitch. Seviper is definitely longer and taller than a Slugma. They focus on the wrong details...

Kyogre’s Raid looks is definitely bigger and looks nicer.

In other news; I caught a 100% Feebas. I’m debating if it’s worth investing stardust, candy, and walking it as my buddy. I guess Gym Defense is its only Niche, might as well.
Oh whoa. While I was reading this research, got another EX pass. This will be my second time for an EX raid.

Anyway, it's late at night nearing morning, so I'll need to stomach the research again later... but reading that research, it can now be said that Niantic is lying on one of the criteria that heighten the chance for EX invitation; Doing more raids actually gives LESS chance to get EX passes. Other criteria such as gym badge tiers also seem to lean toward LESS chance, although this is not statistically significant enough to be conclusive yet.

EDIT: Oh great... people in the comments also discuss about how they also seem to have lower chance to get EX pass with Gold gym badges although, it is not statistically significant yet as aforementioned. And coincidentally(?), I got that EX Pass on silver Gym, while the Gym I have Gold on doesn't give it or doesn't host EX Raid this time. Just Great, since I have ground so much for two of the EX Raid eligible gyms to Gold.

Either way, what a scrap show, Niantic. You actually screw up EX Raid so much, the community actually had to do research on it and proved what was announced to be Tauros scrap. Very well done. Truly the best example of Scrappy Mechanic ever.
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not really, but a city that hasn't had one since the system was set has now had 2 in a row on the same gym, so the garden tag is there.. will be fun when I go back there to see if my regular raiding and gold badge mean I wont get one
Maybe I'm jaded cause I do a lot of research on Go before I even do anything, but Niantic has always been very cut and dry about their expectations and what they provide to the community; they never specified Raichu getting Surf and we all know how evolving Pokemon work in this game (unlike the main games). For the future, just reference TSR and other sources before you do something like that; it'll help with saving resources.

That aside, we got the next Community Day schedule! Coming up on February 24th, 2018, we will see the next community day featuring Dratini!

The bonuses for this day will be:
• 3x Catch Stardust
• 3-hour Lures
• A Dratini exclusive move!
Triple Stardust Hype!

Also, if Dratini's rate is anything like Pikachu's I gotta stock up on Pokeballs to make sure I can catch non-stop. Besides needing Dragonite itself to have some generalists (and Dragon for blitzkreig of upcoming raids), it's a chance to work on the Dragon Capture medal. Definitely need that bonus for all the Dragon Raids we know are coming next few gens. Hoard your pokeballs people.
Oh... this should help up. At least this should happen while we're not halfway in supposedly Rayquaza raid. If they spawn just as many as Pikachu back then, then I must use this moment to max up the Dragon medal and be done with it. Very great, this means if everything goes well, by the time Lati_s come I'm perfectly ready for them.

3x stardusts. This can only mean the best time ever to drop all (well, 6 at most) the star pieces, making it easily 4.5x. Not that I really need dusts, but... maybe I should really use those dusts I've gathered....

In the meantime, stock up your balls and especially berries. We will want to get hoards of candies for easy stuff even though Rayquaza during it somewhat invalidates Dragonite. (Then again, Rayquaza can't defend gym, but then again again, now I somewhat hate Dragonite; they're mooks of choice used by major high levels, some in my area of which I have vendetta with. The same reason I keep defending with Vaporeon.)
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Oh... this should help up. At least this should happen while we're not halfway in supposedly Rayquaza raid. If they spawn just as many as Pikachu back then, then I must use this moment to max up the Dragon medal and be done with it. Very great, this means if everything goes well, by the time Lati_s come I'm perfectly ready for them.

3x stardusts. This can only mean the best time ever to drop all (well, 6 at most) the star pieces, making it easily 4.5x. Not that I really need dusts, but... maybe I should really use those dusts I've gathered....

In the meantime, stock up your balls and especially berries. We will want to get hoards of candies for easy stuff even though Rayquaza during it somewhat invalidates Dragonite. (Then again, Rayquaza can't defend gym, but then again again, now I somewhat hate Dragonite; they're mooks of choice used by major high levels, some in my area of which I have vendetta with. The same reason I keep defending with Vaporeon.)
The best way to counter a Dragonite is a Dragonite. Unless you only do Lapras Raids and collect Lapras candy, or catch Spheal for Walrein.

Dragonite will be a good Generalist.

P.S. I am assuming the move is Extreme Speed (Pokémon Crystal). Remember, Crystal is released soon on 3DS, and it was a special move on a Dratini, given for answering a quiz correctly.

In either case, that move won’t survive the evolution move change to Dragonair, let alone Dragonite...

I will just Boost all my 32 Dragonites already evolved than having to Pinap Dratinis to 125.

I am hoping the next one is a Larvitar Raid, with Triple/Double Candy. All those unboosted Tyranitar from Tyranitar Raids need candy.
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