Smogon Premier League IX - Week 5

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Bullshit situation update, because SPL is apparently not about playing Pokémon to win anymore:

Alexander. vs. GGFan
Both scheduled for this morning. When the scheduled time came, GGFan asked Alexander. to play on some random Chinese server due to some VPN issues. Scooters do not agree to letting them play on a non-official server, because to be totally blunt, GGFan has a reputation for cheating and we have gotten dicked enough this season over DCs and sketchy losses.

Edit: TDs making calls too fast for me to write I guess...

Said the uneducated idiot who has no idea what he's talking about. Right, my horrible reputation for cheating on the forum which I've been a part of for five years in which I'm viewed as a helpful veteran presence and someone who upholds what little integrity the game has left.

To the people who actually matter (and no, gimmicks like Benchedbear don't count, sorry): I'm sorry I couldn't play due to where I currently reside. Thank you for being supportive and for being beacons of maturity and inspiration in a toxic, childish, hateful environment that does everything in its power to take the fun out of this game.

P.S. I have played several tournament games on the Chinese server. Not one person whined or made excuses about it. What garbage.
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P.S. I have played several tournament games on the Chinese server. Not one person whined or made excuses about it. What garbage.

I came here just to say this is true. GGFan has indeed problems connecting to PS Main / Smogtours due to currently living in China, it happened several times in other tours (not on Smogon) that he joined over the last years.

we are requesting an activity win, because this was a clear missed scheduled time (not showing up to play on an official server is the same as not showing up at all).

I don't agree. There's a big difference. You are on your right to refuse playing in another server and leave the decision to the TDs, but it's not the same thing.
Won vs. Trosko gg
He timed out but I believe I would have won anyway. No way to know though.
shoutouts me for throwing week 1 and 3 so I could get out of the meme tier
also shoutouts me for not letting myself get impacted by the performances of my teammates, unlike the other pathetic mortals on Smogon who talk about nonsense such as teams "choking leads"
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(Won vs Sweepage, gg.
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