Event Discussion

(For some reason, Decidueye has no Egg Moves)
To be fair, They probably didn't give Decidueye any Egg Moves because it doesn't have any good Egg Moves. One's a Tutor Move, one's banned here iirc and there's better Haze users (Same with Baton Pass). The others aren't worth mentioning. Also none provide synergy with a strategy with Long Reach.
They gave Fake Out to Incineroar because it and Intimidate are so good in VGC. Primarina has VGC in mind with it's set too.
Yeh it's quite evident they gave them "battle ready".

Okay random IV and nature and no EV but the moveset is already good on its own.
To be fair, They probably didn't give Decidueye any Egg Moves because it doesn't have any good Egg Moves. One's a Tutor Move, one's banned here iirc and there's better Haze users (Same with Baton Pass). The others aren't worth mentioning. Also none provide synergy with a strategy with Long Reach.
They gave Fake Out to Incineroar because it and Intimidate are so good in VGC. Primarina has VGC in mind with it's set too.

Curse could have been fun, especially if you combine it with Spirit Shackle which for some reason it also doesn't have. I get they wanted to give it moves which it could use with Long Reach but I think Leaf Blade and Brave Bird is nice enough. I'd replace Phantom Force and Shadow Sneak with Spirit Shackle and Curse.

Though the one I feel more sorry for is Primarina. Her Hidden Ability is kind of lacking. It doesn't power-up the move as other Type changing Abilities so Hyper Voice is no different from Surf except it can bypass Substitute but it blocked by Soundproof (granted the former is probably more important than the later, but it would be even better if it had also been powered-up like Gardevoir's). And it's not like changing the type of the sound based Status moves affects anything. Looking at all the Sound moves that it can't learn, Boomburst would have worked fantastic with it but alas.
Interesting that they made it 3 separate Mystery Gifts, guess even Gamefreak knows about soft-resetting

and Liquid Voice Hyper Voice is superior to Surf because you don't hit your partner with it in doubles :<

Oh, yeah, forgot Surf hits your ally, which is funny because I didn't mention Sparkling Aria for that same reason. XD
Well Liquid Voice HV is also accurate compared to Muddy Water...

Like, surely primarina's HA is not... *awesome* but it's usable, at least, compared to Long Reach that has very very minimal implications as expecially competitively wise Static, Effect Spore and Flame Body are not really common abilities :(
Well Liquid Voice HV is also accurate compared to Muddy Water...

Like, surely primarina's HA is not... *awesome* but it's usable, at least, compared to Long Reach that has very very minimal implications as expecially competitively wise Static, Effect Spore and Flame Body are not really common abilities :(
Tell that to Volcarona.
So far I've figured out a few strategies for Liquid Voice, though they're situational:
-M-Salamence and LV Primarina with Round
-Megamence has great speed, and can deal some special Flying type damage (that bypasses Subs)
-Once Round is used once it acts like After You to the 2nd Round user and their attack is doubled. This allows Primarina to not worry about it's own speed, and can support Megamence with Icy Wind.

-Echoed Voice could work to, though speed would be an issue
-The only pokemon I can see this working with is Pyroar, M-Gardevoir, Sylveon, and maybe Aurorus or Drampa in Trick Room

-Perish Song could work once you get your opponent down to two pokemon and you have a bulky ally with Storm Drain (Gastrodon) or Water Absorb (Lapras, Quagsire, Jellicent, or maybe Aquaranid)

-As mentioned before Hyper Voice is like Surf, but doesn't hit your ally, and bypasses Subs

"Wind Lugia" will be distributed via serial code on pre-ordered tickets to the upcoming Pokémon movie. The tickets themselves will be available from April 13th to July 12th, while the distribution period is from April 13th to September 30th.

This Lugia will come at level 100 with Multiscale, knowing the moves Aeroblast, Hurricane (event move), Defog, and Tailwind.

"Wind Lugia" will be distributed via serial code on pre-ordered tickets to the upcoming Pokémon movie. The tickets themselves will be available from April 13th to July 12th, while the distribution period is from April 13th to September 30th.

This Lugia will come at level 100 with Multiscale, knowing the moves Aeroblast, Hurricane (event move), Defog, and Tailwind.

Hoping that event gets outside of Japan as I'm missing a Lugia with HA.

By the way, has anyone received the Pokemon Newsletter codes for Heatran or Regigigas? I didn't get it, and I was subscribed the whole time.
By the way, has anyone received the Pokemon Newsletter codes for Heatran or Regigigas? I didn't get it, and I was subscribed the whole time.
I seems no one has yet, we might have the same issues some of the 20th anniversary mythical codes had and get them months later
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I seems no one has yet, we might have the same issues some of the 20th anniversary mythical codes had and get them months later

Updating to say I just got the code.

I get Heatran and especially Regigigas under Slow Start are slow, but not this slow :P

The newsletter hints that it's the same code for each of the four Gen VII games. Which means... I'm going to use my Moon game to get a second Heatran.
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Updating to say I just got the code.

*Sigh* I'll give them a few days before trying to contact them...

Siggu, what letter did your email start with? Maybe they're going in alphabetical order. Also I'm hoping changing my email (before the due date to do so) didn't effect anything...

The newsletter hints that it's the same code for each of the four Gen VII games. Which means... I'm going to use my Moon game to get a second Heatran.

Though if that's the case I guess this won't be a problem, I can just ask to use someone else's. Though why release it via newsletter than?
Updating to say I just got the code.

I get Heatran and especially Regigigas under Slow Start are slow, but not this slow :P

The newsletter hints that it's the same code for each of the four Gen VII games. Which means... I'm going to use my Moon game to get a second Heatran.
It is the same code for all 4 games but it can only be used once

after I got my Heatran in Moon I tried to input the same code in Ultra Sun and it told me the code was already used

*Sigh* I'll give them a few days before trying to contact them...

Siggu, what letter did your email start with? Maybe they're going in alphabetical order. Also I'm hoping changing my email (before the due date to do so) didn't effect anything...

unless your mail starts with Z I'd contact them 315111, I gotten mine and my mail starts pretty late in the alphabet
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My email starts with an a and still no code. I double checked and I did all of the steps right(the box was checked and all) in late February so I’m not sure what’s up there :/
Interesting how GF seems to have held back on releasing the newsletter/Tran or Regi codes. The aldora birds were released much earlier in their month (may 2016) and the tran/Regi ID indicates the that the codes could be used starting March 1, 2018. (Their ID is 030118 or something like that)
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Well, just got a response back. Pretty much nothing they can do, they aren't able to resend newsletters (Tauros mulch, they're just lazy) and they cleaned their hands saying it's the fault of the email provider. Now to be fair, I did find that gmail did send the response update to my Trash for some reason, but I looked though my Trash (which I hadn't cleaned since last month) and didn't see any newsletter. Checked every folder I had, checked my old email, nothing. So I responded to the ticket saying that, asking to check if I was on the mailing list (I did what they asked, checked the email preference box to receive promotional material, if I needed to do something else they should have mentioned how to sign up for the newsletter on the announcement), and also said I don't understand why they can't resend the newsletter (since the newsletter is being sent out via an email all they'd have to do is look through sent mail for my email (if it's on there) and resend it).

But if I don't get it I don't get it (yes, yes, sour grapes and all). But still, I hope there's no more sent via newsletter, because why? Why not just a plain internet download? Are you going to start sending out newsletters again? Probably not, so why force us to subscribe if you're then not going to do anything with the newsletter afterwards. It's an unneeded extra step that only serves to screw people over if they didn't sign up for the newsletter in time or they just never get one for some reason.
But if I don't get it I don't get it (yes, yes, sour grapes and all). But still, I hope there's no more sent via newsletter, because why? Why not just a plain internet download? Are you going to start sending out newsletters again? Probably not, so why force us to subscribe if you're then not going to do anything with the newsletter afterwards. It's an unneeded extra step that only serves to screw people over if they didn't sign up for the newsletter in time or they just never get one for some reason.

You are talking about the company that, in 2018, makes event distributions where you have to go to a place and get a code.

That's The Pokemon Company and their audience-alienating distributions for you.
You are talking about the company that, in 2018, makes event distributions where you have to go to a place and get a code.

That's The Pokemon Company and their audience-alienating distributions for you.
Granted, I suspect part of the code distributions in stores are at the store chain's request. (gets you into the store where you may purchase some figures or TCG packs while you're there, as far as TPC is concerned. Gamestop's happy if you buy anything while there) I also suspect that for said store code distributions tying into the Year of the Legendary Pokemon event, we may see them repeated via online code like what was done for 2016's 20th anniversary Mythical distributions. (and just like those, games that already redeemed the event via the store code can't redeem the online one)
Well, just got a response back. Pretty much nothing they can do, they aren't able to resend newsletters (Tauros mulch, they're just lazy) and they cleaned their hands saying it's the fault of the email provider. Now to be fair, I did find that gmail did send the response update to my Trash for some reason, but I looked though my Trash (which I hadn't cleaned since last month) and didn't see any newsletter. Checked every folder I had, checked my old email, nothing. So I responded to the ticket saying that, asking to check if I was on the mailing list (I did what they asked, checked the email preference box to receive promotional material, if I needed to do something else they should have mentioned how to sign up for the newsletter on the announcement), and also said I don't understand why they can't resend the newsletter (since the newsletter is being sent out via an email all they'd have to do is look through sent mail for my email (if it's on there) and resend it).

But if I don't get it I don't get it (yes, yes, sour grapes and all). But still, I hope there's no more sent via newsletter, because why? Why not just a plain internet download? Are you going to start sending out newsletters again? Probably not, so why force us to subscribe if you're then not going to do anything with the newsletter afterwards. It's an unneeded extra step that only serves to screw people over if they didn't sign up for the newsletter in time or they just never get one for some reason.
Obviously they make great games but some of their choices are questionable. Everyone wants walking pokemon back, and the front page for pokemon.com is pretty much an ad wall. Now, I love GF and their games, but I have questioned their choices on more than a few occasions.