Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

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1. Editing Pokémon Data on a team for custom battles. If I do an extreme randomizer versus or Cagelocke or soul link or something, I may wanna fight my opponent’s mons. I know this may be niche, but even just being able to swap types and maybe base stat editing I feel like shouldn’t be too hard to implement and would be a harmless backup addition that could give more player freedom.
2. I would want that available in any gen, because that would just be helpful if I were to do it.

Help out us crazy nuzlocke players out there and do us an obscure solid :P
1. Editing Pokémon Data on a team for custom battles. If I do an extreme randomizer versus or Cagelocke or soul link or something, I may wanna fight my opponent’s mons. I know this may be niche, but even just being able to swap types and maybe base stat editing I feel like shouldn’t be too hard to implement and would be a harmless backup addition that could give more player freedom.
2. I would want that available in any gen, because that would just be helpful if I were to do it.

Help out us crazy nuzlocke players out there and do us an obscure solid :P
Editing Pokémon data is not a feature that will be implemented.
For custom room tours, there should be a way to ban categories of moves like how you can ban different categories of pokemon (by tiers or generation). There's already some small categories of moves that can be banned together with evasion clause and ohko clause for example. Currently you can manually ban individual moves, but that is very inconvenient. Other categories for moves could be by type, physical attack, special attack, status, etc.
I feel like the rules should be made more prominent, because right now it’s just this tiny little button in the bottom left corner, if somebody didn’t know it was there, they’d almost certainly break a rule at some point which they didn’t know about. I feel like this would be quite unfair on them, so maybe we should have them when you register an account maybe? Then you have no excuse. Thanks in advance!

P.S. Anubis (in a conversation with him) eventually agreed with me and said he might take that up with someone, idk if he has.
Make a command to ignore tournament notifications.
I still want to be able to participate in tournaments when they happen, I just don't want to get pinged when I'm not interested in them.

Possibly even modify the idea or the ignore tournaments setting for users to select specific rooms to ignore tours/notifications from, rather than having your only option be to ignore tours from all of PS.
There is an option: in settings, there’s an option saying ‘ignore tournaments’.
Not as important but maybe add the ability to delete entire format folders including the teams at once (maybe with required confirmation so it doesn't happen by accident).
That can be useful for people who have lots of teams for some formats they don't play very often so they can just make a backup file and delete them from their PS teambuilder when they are not needed for a while to reduce teambuilder lag and import them later.
Introduce a per user basis modchat system for PMs (rather than the admin only site-wide PM modchat) allowing atleast an autoconfirmed modchat for users. This can prevent a bunch of issues regarding unregistered accounts being used to send inap messages, ignoring /ignore and some other problems. This can also be extended to modchat friends, when/if a friends system is introduced.
Introduce a per user basis modchat system for PMs (rather than the admin only site-wide PM modchat) allowing atleast an autoconfirmed modchat for users. This can prevent a bunch of issues regarding unregistered accounts being used to send inap messages, ignoring /ignore and some other problems. This can also be extended to modchat friends, when/if a friends system is introduced.
Dosent exist for autoconfirmed but you can /blockpms + to limit your PMs to global auth (staff will always be able to PM you anyways).
when you use a ditto on showdown, it shows the stats of the ditto and the speed modified by the choice scarf. You know... we dont care about base ditto status.... it should show all the 5 status of the transformed pokemon, so i can have any idea if the current pokemon can tank any sort of hit, if i can outspeed other threat etc.

when you use a ditto on showdown, it shows the stats of the ditto and the speed modified by the choice scarf. You know... we dont care about base ditto status.... it should show all the 5 status of the transformed pokemon, so i can have any idea if the current pokemon can tank any sort of hit, if i can outspeed other threat etc.

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This is correct behavior. On cart, looking at Ditto's status while transformed shows Ditto's stats, not what Ditto is currently transformed into.
when you use a ditto on showdown, it shows the stats of the ditto and the speed modified by the choice scarf. You know... we dont care about base ditto status.... it should show all the 5 status of the transformed pokemon, so i can have any idea if the current pokemon can tank any sort of hit, if i can outspeed other threat etc.

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Not happening because of information leaks.
make dark mode less shit
Maybe something more constructive than that
also name colors
The range of the colors have been the same since the start basically, nothing that's gonna change
also mono randoms on ladder
I'd like to suggest for Monotype Random Battles to be added to ladder. It's an incredibly popular challenge-only format on the site and would have massive support to be made into a ladder so it's more easily available to play to the user base.
Also not gonna happen, as TI doesn't see it as anything competitive or representative of what Monotype is as a metagame.
Also not gonna happen, as TI doesn't see it as anything competitive or representative of what Monotype is as a metagame.

If monotype random battles isn't making it because it isn't competitive then that must be true of Metronome(though it wasn't added on TI's part, it's on the ladder none the less), CC1v1, and hackmons cup, which are all on the ladder, no?

BSS factory is on the ladder yet its teams are completely unrepresentative of the tiers they represent, I don't really see why there would be a reason to exclude Monotype Random battles for being random when there are many formats on the ladder that are more guilty of being random than it is.

Personally I just don't see the logic of keeping a feature that a lot of users want just because it's "uncompetitive" and I'm confused as to why mono is being excluded?
Ok, so you are trying to say that monorands isnt a ladder because it is "uncompetitive." So, why tf are CC, REGULAR randbatts, BSS and BSF considered "competitive"? They are RANDOMIZED metagames dependent on the luck of the draw. So what exactly is the issue of taking a hugely popular part of PS battling and making it a format, even though damn near half of ps wants it? Because it certainly isnt because it is "uncompetitive".
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