Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

I was trying to build a team around Toxicroak (I know) because it has some interesting matchups against some higher ranked mons because of its typing and ability. I was wondering if my 4th move should be EQ or Sucker (forgoing the Lando-T matchup entirely)?
I have a set from a post I made a while back on the vr.
The set :
Ability: Dry Skin
Item: Life orb
-Swords dance
-Drain punch
-Gunk shot
-Sucker punch /Ice punch
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 attack/ 252 Speed/4 HP
Eq is only really useful for pex, and toxicroak can wall it, possibly set up on it and absorb toxic spikes already.
Are there any guides for returning players that stopped playing at X/Y?
Not exactly a specific guide, but you can gather some information with some spl replays as well as looking over some of the threads that are posted in here. We also have a metagame thread (I need to update this a bit when I get back), but I always feel the best thing to do is look over some sample teams, do some friendlies or ladder, and get your feet wet too!
I have a set from a post I made a while back on the vr.
The set :
Ability: Dry Skin
Item: Life orb
-Swords dance
-Drain punch
-Gunk shot
-Sucker punch /Ice punch
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 attack/ 252 Speed/4 HP
Eq is only really useful for pex, and toxicroak can wall it, possibly set up on it and absorb toxic spikes already.
One does not simply set up on Toxapex without Taunt or some way to threaten it. Haze exists.
One does not simply set up on Toxapex without Taunt or some way to threaten it. Haze exists.
I only said possibly, as toxicroak pressures pex by wittling it down with attacks, forcing recovers and allowing toxicroak to sd from, which lets it hit pex even harder before it hazes it. Taunt is also a waste of a moveslot in practically every other situation.
I only said possibly, as toxicroak pressures by wittling it down with attacks, forcing recovers and allowing toxicroak to sd from, which lets it hit pex even harder before it hazes it. Taunt is also a waste of a moveslot in practically every other situation.

Uhm... how exactly is it going to whittle Toxapex down? Drain Punch and Gunk Shot aren't really threatening (not even +2 Gunk Shot is a guaranteed 2HKO on CALM Toxapex, and you have to factor accuracy... and the Swords Dance Boost being Hazed immediately afterwards), and Sucker Punch won't work because most run Scald as the only attacking move (and it won't try to Scald something with Dry Skin).

You need Taunt or Earthquake. Otherwise, you're not setting up on a Toxapex unless it's noticeably weakened or against a bad player.
Uhm... how exactly is it going to whittle Toxapex down? Drain Punch and Gunk Shot aren't really threatening (not even +2 Gunk Shot is a guaranteed 2HKO on CALM Toxapex, and you have to factor accuracy... and the Swords Dance Boost being Hazed immediately afterwards), and Sucker Punch won't work because most run Scald as the only attacking move (and it won't try to Scald something with Dry Skin).

You need Taunt or Earthquake. Otherwise, you're not setting up on a Toxapex unless it's noticeably weakened or against a bad player.
Its because it completely walls toxapex, and pex cant do anything back besides set toxic spikes up, which toxicroak removes anyway. This forces pex to either switch out or being slowly wittled down and semi-stalled by toxicroaks moves, typing, and the ability dry skin. I also already said that you CAN run eq, but it either has to lose stab, setup, or the ability to kill threats like mega zam or hit faster ground types on the switch. What I meant by "setting up" was actually more of an extra way to pressure pex, and admittedly I could have worded that better In my previous posts.
Let's refrain from further theorymon in here.

The Toxicroak will always lose unless it purposely switches into Scald, and what makes it worse is that Toxicroak has to switch in to absorb the Toxic Spike. That means if your team has no Steel-types nor Flying-types / Levitate Pokemon remaining you're going to be put in a bad spot. Even if you do have those remaining, they can still be Scald burned.

I'll allow Scuba Diver to reply to Finchinator on the question, but the rule for this question is - replays or don't speak from here on for this question only.
I'm not sure where I could ask this but I have a few questions about that Smogon Premier League that I was hoping to get some answers about.

Obviously I'm not asking to get in or anything, not only is it probably way too late but I'm not even close to being viable for it. I'm just curious about it

My question is how exactly does it work, with all the teams and stuff? How do you get matched up with somebody?

Also, how exactly do you qualify for it? Is it like, a best of the best sort of tournament?
I'm not sure where I could ask this but I have a few questions about that Smogon Premier League that I was hoping to get some answers about.

Obviously I'm not asking to get in or anything, not only is it probably way too late but I'm not even close to being viable for it. I'm just curious about it

My question is how exactly does it work, with all the teams and stuff? How do you get matched up with somebody?

Also, how exactly do you qualify for it? Is it like, a best of the best sort of tournament?
For the first question, when sign-ups go up in December, you sign up in the thread. Then there is a live auction once sign-ups conclude, where the managers and their assistant managers nominate players. Each team has an amount of money to spend and they spend that money to create a team. A player must sell for at least 3000 points.

Once the teams are drafted, a player is slotted into each metagame spot available. They fight the player in the matching opposing team's metagame spot. So Team A's and Team B's SM OU1 spots will face off, as will their GSC OUs.

Qualifiying just means signing up and getting drafted in the auction, which usually means getting your name out there in the community by doing well in tournaments or on ladder, although tournament results are quite often preferred. If you can show you can play at a high level, you are more likely to be drafted.
this might be a dumb question, especially coming from me, however I've seen this phrase thrown around a lot to describe several pokemon. Can you explain what this means? Are you basically just saying it's versatile?
I moved this to the SQSA because it belonged here most and it could be a question that others are having, too, so I wanted to answer it.

This means that it can fulfill multiple roles that you need to have fulfilled my team members when building. Versatile is sometimes a characteristic that can be used to describe Pokemon who compress roles, but I would not quite call them synonyms. For example, Greninja is a ridiculously versatile Pokemon, but it really is only providing you offensive utility and some sporadic soft checking, so it would not be the case here at all. However, Magearna, on the other hand, can be used to check/counter a plethora of Pokemon while also generating momentum, breaking through cores, or even sweeping depending upon the set. This is an example of a Pokemon that has both versatility and the ability to compress roles when building. There are countless examples of versatile Pokemon and individuals using role compression to decide upon a specific team member and some overlap for sure, but not all of them do. The main difference really is that role compression focuses on utility and making sure you limit team-wide vulnerabilities whereas versatility is more focused on the Pokemon itself and if it can do numerous things as opposed to being one dimensional.
Hi so I’m new here and to competitive Pokémon and I had a couple of questions so if someone could answer them it would be greatly appreciated ^_^
So first I was wondering how hoopa unbound was in OU since he has a 680 base stats like other Uber tier legendaries? And the same with kyurem b?
Hello Turbanator, and welcome to Smogon!

Kyurem-B was due to a suspect test releasing it from Ubers in Generation 5. In Gen 6 Hoopa-U was banished to Ubers. In Gen 7 we allow any Pokemon that participated in OU in previous gen back into OU to see if they be within the tier. Hoopa-U has not done anything worthy of being an uncompetitive or broken Pokemon, as the same with Kyurem-B. Both are very strong, but still have enough flaws to (currently) keep them within the tier at this time.
Hi so I’m new here and to competitive Pokémon and I had a couple of questions so if someone could answer them it would be greatly appreciated ^_^
So first I was wondering how hoopa unbound was in OU since he has a 680 base stats like other Uber tier legendaries? And the same with kyurem b?
While Hoopa-U is certainly not a bad option, there's better options overall for a wallbreaker for teams (mainly Tapu Lele). 160/170 attacks are amazingly strong, but a measly 80 speed leaves it vulnerable to common things you could find in offensive teams (Landorus-T, Tornadus-T, Kartana, Garchomp, Greninja, all of them have access to either U-turn or just very strong attacks), not to mention is horribly 60 base Defense and Quadrupedal weakness to Bug (U-turn is a common move on offensive oriented teams, which is a Bug Type).
It also is outclassed by other common pokémon in either one side of the spectrum:
  • Physical wallbreaker: Mega Mawile (amazingly high Attack thanks to Huge Power and one of the best typing [Steel/Fairy]), Mega Medicham (similar case, sky high Attack due to Pure Power, but this time with a pretty good 100 base speed and access to Fake Out), and other things with >120 base attack (many of them have either better speed, a way to boost their speed, better typings, etc.).
  • Special wallbreaker: Tapu Lele (insane power in Psychic moves thanks to terrain, actually has speed, and Fairy is overall better than Dark), Mega Alakazam (Trace is a cool ability to check many mons that have immunity based abilities, Intimidate, Speed-boosting, etc.), Magearna (Better typing, have a Speed-boosting move) and other things I will not mention to not make an needlessly long post.
On Kyurem-B, while is certainly intimidating, have enough counterplay to not overcentralising the meta compared to Uber-tier mons. Bulky Steel Types are able to switch into it's Ice Type attacks, there's many faster threats that are able to revenge kill it, and the fact that lacks an spammable physical Ice move prevents to transforming it into a fearsome physical wallbreaker, and force to become a decent mixed wallbreaker (The closest things it has to a real STAB are Ice Beam, Fusion Bolt and Subzero Slammer from Freeze Shock).
For the first question, when sign-ups go up in December, you sign up in the thread. Then there is a live auction once sign-ups conclude, where the managers and their assistant managers nominate players. Each team has an amount of money to spend and they spend that money to create a team. A player must sell for at least 3000 points.

Once the teams are drafted, a player is slotted into each metagame spot available. They fight the player in the matching opposing team's metagame spot. So Team A's and Team B's SM OU1 spots will face off, as will their GSC OUs.

Qualifiying just means signing up and getting drafted in the auction, which usually means getting your name out there in the community by doing well in tournaments or on ladder, although tournament results are quite often preferred. If you can show you can play at a high level, you are more likely to be drafted.

May I ask what you mean by money and points? Is this like a draft league? Are you paying real money to create teams?
May I ask what you mean by money and points? Is this like a draft league? Are you paying real money to create teams?
Each team is assigned an imaginary number of "credits" (this is what they mean by money/points), starting at 140,000 for every team and they spend these credits over the course of an "auction" where they bid on players that sign up in the signup thread until every team either runs out of usable credits or pulls out of the auction to wait for the midseason auction or use them in trades. As hoblaph stated, the minimum amount of credits that you can bid on a single player is 3000 and teams can upbid players by intervals of 500 credits. I hope this answered your question!
Each team is assigned an imaginary number of "credits" (this is what they mean by money/points), starting at 140,000 for every team and they spend these credits over the course of an "auction" where they bid on players that sign up in the signup thread until every team either runs out of usable credits or pulls out of the auction to wait for the midseason auction or use them in trades. As hoblaph stated, the minimum amount of credits that you can bid on a single player is 3000 and teams can upbid players by intervals of 500 credits. I hope this answered your question!

Is there a public price list of the players this year? I know there was one last year. I'm wondering who the most expensive players are. I know it was BKC last year but since he's not participating I'm guessing it's ABR this year?
does anyone know if at the start of sword and shield mons like genesect/mkhang/deoxys etc will return to ou? i remember in 2013 they were dropped to ou at the start of xy, but for some reason at the start of sm nothing got unbanned other than aegislash greninja and hoopa. what's the policy regarding this?

also the only precedent for suspecting down from uber to ou in the past 5 years i can remember is when giratina got suspected in ou in like 2015 or smth, but that ended up being for april fools so does anyone know if suspecting down is accepted in the current tiering policy?