Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

Why is the creative/underrated thread so dead? Probably my favorite thread on the site. I'd post, but alas I am not creative.
We're currrently in the middle of a major tournament season, so a lot of people likely don't want to share their favorite under the radar sets just in case they want to use them. It's also just a general shift that's occurred in the community lately that there's so much more of a focus on scouting and valuing information that people avoid sharing their teams/techs for the most part so that they can't be used against them in the future.
I pretty much agree with everything on the viability ranking except for pyuk. I've never really seen it be used and I'm sure it's viable, but can some post a replay with it or something, because i just never see it in OU when I play
I pretty much agree with everything on the viability ranking except for pyuk. I've never really seen it be used and I'm sure it's viable, but can some post a replay with it or something, because i just never see it in OU when I play has a niche on stall teams for its ability to disrupt opposing bulky teams with sets like block + spite and block + toxic while also providing the traditional role of unaware mon that checks setup sweepers like Zardx, Volcarona, Mega Scizor, and others.
Besides the obvious Magnezone, what are some of Kyurem's (vanilla, not black) most ideal partners? I kinda wanna build around this thing but it feels like it has more than its fair share of weaknesses you need to patch up.
Honestly base gyara is better for a bulky set (tho its not really recommended)
quick question, was just wondering why Necrozma-DW will never be tested, is it just too bulky? The offenses and movepool remind me of the Hoopas roughly (necrozma has a really fat movepool tho).
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quick question, was just wondering why Necrozma-DW will never be tested, is it just too bulky? The offenses and movepool remind me of the Hoopas roughly.

I'm probably completely wrong about this, but the thing has extremely good bulk and while its defensive typing is awful in some cases it's incredibly good in others (i.e. as a spinblocker that shreds all Defoggers in half if it gets a hit off on them). It doesn't have the crazy coverage Lunala has since it can't learn Focus Blast but something like CM+3 Attacks with Lunalium Z or Groundium Z, or CM+RP with either Z-Move or Psyshock over Earth Power/Heat Wave if it runs Lunalium would give virtually every team archetype the hands. It also gets SD and some relatively decent coverage options if it wants to blow past stuff like TTar and what have you although that's a lure set if anything. Note that Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom is a 200-power Z-move that has built-in Mold Breaker properties so your random Unaware mon that probably doesn't have any SpDef investment is gonna get nuked at +1.

That 97/109/127 bulk is really good. Those 113/157 offensive stats are also really good considering that thing is able to pick and choose its counters decently well. It has a great movepool that allows it to potentially lure in would-be counters and if it absolutely needs to it can forego coverage for an additional boosting option or for semi-reliable recovery so it can further boost up in the face of Stall.

TL;DR: USUM gave Necrozma as a whole better coverage which means it can actually utilize stuff like Earth Power or Heat Wave to beat specific stuff and with a Lunalium Z Dawn Wings is pretty capable of doing stuff like this:

If I listed every calc of this thing OHKOing some shit at +0 or +1 with its Z-move I could have a full-length essay so here are some of the things its Z-Move fucks up, and some of the stuff that its coverage moves can deal with when its Z-move doesn't quite do the job.

252+ SpA Necrozma-Dawn-Wings Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye-Mega: 271-319 (89.4 - 105.2%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

252+ SpA Necrozma-Dawn-Wings Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Aggron-Mega: 343-405 (99.7 - 117.7%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO (note that Mega Aggron has to run some level of offensive investment sometimes in this tier)

252+ SpA Necrozma-Dawn-Wings Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom vs. 248 HP / 16 SpD Scizor-Mega: 406-478 (118.3 - 139.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Necrozma-Dawn-Wings Psyshock vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 330-388 (46.9 - 55.1%) -- 69.5% chance to 2HKO

+1 252+ SpA Necrozma-Dawn-Wings Earth Power vs. 168 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar-Mega in Sand: 214-252 (55.8 - 65.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (Mega TTar can't even switch in on this behemoth because Prism Armor lets it live a 40-power Pursuit from full.

+1 252+ SpA Necrozma-Dawn-Wings Moongeist Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-Therian: 373-439 (97.6 - 114.9%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery

+1 252+ SpA Necrozma-Dawn-Wings Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom vs. 248 HP / 224+ SpD Assault Vest Magearna: 276-325 (76 - 89.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
In the future please refrain from responding to questions like this. I'll allow it this once since the response is in-depth.
1. why are Smogon metagames on PS still played on lv100, when the DS games themselves are trying to push lv50 as a more friendly setting. basicly everyone thats playing on DS over PS is using lv50, including Smogon formats, and not just VGC.
is there any reason PS-Smogon still uses lv100, as it is unnessicarily splitting the community atm? just out of curiousity

2. i remember, in some thread i cant find back around the time people were discussing M-Aggron, a quick summary about M-Steelix in OU. i like messing around with whack stuff for fun once in a while, but since i cant find the post anymore, can anyone give a quick summary on its use in OU?
1. why are Smogon metagames on PS still played on lv100, when the DS games themselves are trying to push lv50 as a more friendly setting. basicly everyone thats playing on DS over PS is using lv50, including Smogon formats, and not just VGC.
is there any reason PS-Smogon still uses lv100, as it is unnessicarily splitting the community atm? just out of curiousity
We do not follow everything the DS cart does exactly. There are some changes that also take into effect with the stat crunch, and we have done Level 100 6v6 for years. We do have a spot for Battlespot, VGC, and other tiers to accommodate mildly closer to cartridge. There isn't really a community split because of it (it's rarely if ever brought up).
2. i remember, possibly in the metagame discussion thread before it got nuked and died, a quick summary about M-Steelix in OU. i like messing around with whack stuff for fun once in a while, but since i cant find the post anymore, can anyone give a quick summary on its use in OU?
It's basically a Mega Rocker that can be annoying for Tapu Koko while having some options to deter some switches from coming in freely.
I was trying to build a team around Toxicroak (I know) because it has some interesting matchups against some higher ranked mons because of its typing and ability. I was wondering if my 4th move should be EQ or Sucker (forgoing the Lando-T matchup entirely)?