Pokémon Let's Go! - Pikachu and Eevee

BUT NOW, to sort of get back on semi-topic, are there any mechanics or features of Let's Go you think they may bring to future games? Or at least you would like them to bring to future games?

For those who played the game (or at least watched a playthrough), how about you help answer a question of a cancelled JAPE article: what did you think of Let's Go? Or maybe to get more specific, how do they compare to the original games and the Gen III remakes? Was there changes you liked? Didn't like? Changes and additions that surprised you? Disappointed you?
Let's go felt like a weird combination of a main series game and a spinoff. I was excited for the multiplayer aspect however I was disappointed at how poorly fleshed out it was. The only thing player 2 can do is chose what your 2nd pokemon in battle does. This has a slight disadvantage if you normally play on shift as you can't switch out when the opponent faints but otherwise it creates a 2 on 1 battle which is just, why not make it a double battle.
Part way through the game you realize there is no point in fighting trainers. Most of the experience you get comes from catching wild pokemon. Once I realized this I started avoiding battles. When you start avoiding both however it makes you under leveled and well Misty killed the fun of my no pokemon center, no items on ground, no candies play through when her level 18 Psyduck and level 19 Starmie swept through my level 13-15 team. Her gym is a difficulty spike as the trainers go from levels 9-13 in route 24 and your rival, to 16 in her gym, to 18 to Misty. It's a difficulty spike because they poorly placed out experience for normally playing the game has your pokemon over leveled.
Still the worst part about Let's go is the post game. There is hardly any. I decided to take on the Ninetales master trainer first. It was hard so I assumed the rest would be hard and trained my team to level 100. It turns out only that fight was hard and everything else was easy. I was over leveled for the gym leader rematches, and half of the master trainers for my team. The only thing to do post game is master trainers, gym leader rematches, Mewtwo, Red/Green/Blue fights, hunting shiny pokemon and well nothing else. My biggest disappointment is a lack of a battle tree/mansion. The post game is devoid of stuff to do. Replayablity is hurt because you can't transfer your starter Eevee out of the game, giving you no reason to use it on future playthroughs if you're like me and want to transfer all my pokemon onto my main save file after beating the game.
Let's see, Let's go is not an interesting glitchy mess like gen 1 is, or does it add onto the base game like gen 3 did. While you could say it's for beginners I feel like the gen 6 games did this better as with experience share your be kept at a level above your foes, XY gave you mega Kanto starter and Lucario while ORAS gave you Lati@s, and both games have more content than let's go.
I did like that let's go introduced following pokemon again, however I feel like it's a bit of a step down from how HGSS did it. It just doesn't feel like they're there as much to me. Though I do like how they sometimes stop to smell the flowers, or find items for you. Pokemon on the overworld was also pretty nice. Though it did become a pain waiting for something to spawn at times.
Still the worst part about Let's go is the post game. There is hardly any. I decided to take on the Ninetales master trainer first. It was hard so I assumed the rest would be hard and trained my team to level 100. It turns out only that fight was hard and everything else was easy. I was over leveled for the gym leader rematches, and half of the master trainers for my team. The only thing to do post game is master trainers, gym leader rematches, Mewtwo, Red/Green/Blue fights, hunting shiny pokemon and well nothing else. My biggest disappointment is a lack of a battle tree/mansion. The post game is devoid of stuff to do. Replayablity is hurt because you can't transfer your starter Eevee out of the game, giving you no reason to use it on future playthroughs if you're like me and want to transfer all my pokemon onto my main save file after beating the game.
Just as note, the main difficulty of "Master trainers" is the fact their Pokemon are mostly fully candied up, so basically force you to ALSO fully candy yours. Yes, that's about it.
It works like a standard double battle so yes, it can attack the first if you're really wanting to troll your friend :P
I was wondering because it could possibly lead to makeshift PvP battles in one game. Of course there would only be 30 turns a battle (Metapod Harden) and each side could only use 3 Pokemon, In addition to limiting spread moves, but it was an idea.
I was wondering because it could possibly lead to makeshift PvP battles in one game. Of course there would only be 30 turns a battle (Metapod Harden) and each side could only use 3 Pokemon, In addition to limiting spread moves, but it was an idea.
Unfortunately there's no trainer for you to perform this :P

If you're thinking of the Master Trainers, they actually trigger PvPlike rules, where you can only use one pokemon, and cannot use items
For those who played the game (or at least watched a playthrough), how about you help answer a question of a cancelled JAPE article: what did you think of Let's Go? Or maybe to get more specific, how do they compare to the original games and the Gen III remakes? Was there changes you liked? Didn't like? Changes and additions that surprised you? Disappointed you?

The TM changes and most of the move buffs. There were very few moves on the list that weren't at least situationally useful.

Having two turn charge moves be 200 base power seems about right -- they *should* be more powerful than simply using a standard move twice, because of the vastly reduced versatility.
Having two turn charge moves be 200 base power seems about right -- they *should* be more powerful than simply using a standard move twice, because of the vastly reduced versatility.
Though let's be honest, that was only done due to no items or weather available, so no Power Herb and no Sun to make Solar Beam istant.

Same with MegaDrain buffed to GigaDrain BPs purely to reduce moveset bloat.
Though let's be honest, that was only done due to no items or weather available, so no Power Herb and no Sun to make Solar Beam istant.

Same with MegaDrain buffed to GigaDrain BPs purely to reduce moveset bloat.

And no Z-Crystals either.

That being said, I do hope for Teleport's battle usefulness being retained, as well as Play Rough as a TM (or at least having a physical Fairy-type move learnable from a TM, either Play Rough or something new).
And no Z-Crystals either.

That being said, I do hope for Teleport's battle usefulness being retained, as well as Play Rough as a TM (or at least having a physical Fairy-type move learnable from a TM, either Play Rough or something new).
When Let's Go released, I was so hyped about the possibiity of Play Rough on Tapu Koko/Bulu :(
That said, considering Let's Go pokemon are going to be compatible with Sw/Sh, that is as long as they are in the pokedex, there's good chances the Megahorn and Play Rough TMs (as long as some moveset additions like Poliwrath finally getting fighting stabs) persist.

As for move changes... it's not impossible that the Teleport one stays, though I'd not keep my hopes too high
What are all of the double battles in this game? I only know of the ones related to Team Rocket, but are there others I don't know about?
Sadly there's pretty much no double battles in this aside from the Team Rocket ones that you mentioned. As a matter of fact, I came in fully expecting doubles to not happen at all in single player, so the Rocket battles were a pleasant surprise.
Of course, you can always do 2v1s with co-op, lol.
Sadly there's pretty much no double battles in this aside from the Team Rocket ones that you mentioned. As a matter of fact, I came in fully expecting doubles to not happen at all in single player, so the Rocket battles were a pleasant surprise.
Of course, you can always do 2v1s with co-op, lol.
I was hoping for more since P2 doesn't seem to be able to attack P1 in a 2v1. (I was still holding on to an dies for budget pvp, but it may not happen)
Patch dropped today that fixes some bugs. Strange to see that so long after release

"This patch will bring the game up to Version 1.2 and will fix some bugs in the game. The first bug is one to fix communication problems that occur if playtime is at 999:59. The second is fixing a problem that prevents Mystery Gift entry after 10 attempts even if time has passed "

Patch dropped today that fixes some bugs. Strange to see that so long after release

"This patch will bring the game up to Version 1.2 and will fix some bugs in the game. The first bug is one to fix communication problems that occur if playtime is at 999:59. The second is fixing a problem that prevents Mystery Gift entry after 10 attempts even if time has passed "

Interesting to see that they won't be adding hack checks to the online even now (unless that's a stealth fix not listed in the features).
Interesting to see that they won't be adding hack checks to the online even now (unless that's a stealth fix not listed in the features).
Let's be honest, I doubt they even care.

Let's Go was never designed with the idea to have a real PvP, it even misses a Battle Spot and your only way to PvP others is via the codes that you're meant to have your friends communicate you.
bumping to say that I recently completed a Living Dex in Let's Go Eevee, in preparation for the Johto sequels that will never come :psysad:

anyone else still using this game in any capacity, whether casually, competitively or for collecting? Its ease of getting shinies makes the game still useful, imo :psyglad:
bumping to say that I recently completed a Living Dex in Let's Go Eevee, in preparation for the Johto sequels that will never come :psysad:

anyone else still using this game in any capacity, whether casually, competitively or for collecting? Its ease of getting shinies makes the game still useful, imo :psyglad:

I am, thanks to that NPC in Sword and Shield that makes your mons usable in Battle Stadium, it turns out Lets Go has been a useful place to get some stuff before breeding, like Magnemite. Additonally, I have a few 0 Atk stuff from Pokemon Go that I transfered to Let's Go, so even less breeding for me!
Its ease of getting shinies makes the game still useful, imo :psyglad:
i take this back, i tried to set up a shiny cubone and got a zubat and an onix instead:psycry:

at least new data suggests that at max, the shiny rate is over 1/1000 so that’s some consolation for my mixed luck lol
This happened a while back in December 2020 so I didn't feel that a new thread was needed, but a Let's Go prototype was leaked dating to May 12 2018, pretty much right before we heard about this game. Time really flies, but I still remember this thread and the crazy stat theories that came from candy numbers. This build is a lot closer to the final product than the October leak at least. I don't know if it was ever mentioned here, but beluga/the thing that was supposed to be LGPE in that leak was just a 2017 Sword build, though with some Let's Go leftovers like the title screen image. Development was probably pretty rough for the games and I'm still not sure what the gamefreaks were even planning initially.

Relevant links:

Overall there are some slight differences all around, from lower enemy levels to mentions of removed mechanics. It has a little something for everyone. Some of these pages seem to be unfinished, but something interesting I noticed is that all the starter moves went through changes from the prototype to the final, and the prototype stats (that were added to the page) match up exactly with the ones they had in final SWSH, even referencing the evasion boost that apparently didn't work. Along with the context from the other leak, it all just makes me wonder about these games and what was even going on at Game Freak.

EDIT: Minor text fixes.
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Overall there are some slight differences all around, from lower enemy levels to mentions of removed mechanics. It has a little something for everyone. Some of these pages seem to be unfinished, but something interesting I noticed is that all the starter moves went through changes from the prototype to the final, and the prototype stats (that were added to the page) match up exactly with the ones they had in final SWSH, even referencing the evasion boost that apparently didn't work. Along with the context from the other leak, it all just makes me wonder about these games and what was even going on at Game Freak.

Hmm, I'm trying to think of reasons why SWSH would have the original prototype stats instead of the finalized ones. I can only think of two reasons:

  1. Maybe the Starter moves was such an early idea for Let's Go it was implemented before GF even started development of SwSh. Then when SwSh's development started they used the current build they had for Let's Go at the time as a base to build on. Of course they changed a lot, replaced/deleted a lot of the Let's Go mechanics, though some things remain. Since the Starter moves were likely placed in the same location as the other moves they weren't really touched, and since GF has no interest in using them they didn't change them from their prototype stats (their text was just changed to mentioning it can't be used).

  2. Maybe early in SwSh's development they were thinking of allowing you to have a Pikachu and Eevee with the Starter moves, likely when they created Gigantamax Pikachu & Eevee so they have that connectivity with the Let's Go games. Could be during the decision process they implemented the Starter moves in SwSh which were still their prototype stats. But for whatever (good) reason, they decided not to let them use the Starter moves and instead remove them just changed their text to them being unusable.
Overall there are some slight differences all around, from lower enemy levels to mentions of removed mechanics. It has a little something for everyone. Some of these pages seem to be unfinished, but something interesting I noticed is that all the starter moves went through changes from the prototype to the final, and the prototype stats (that were added to the page) match up exactly with the ones they had in final SWSH, even referencing the evasion boost that apparently didn't work. Along with the context from the other leak, it all just makes me wonder about these games and what was even going on at Game Freak.

The easiest explanation is that Sword and Shield was forked from Let's GO, at some point before the moves were modified.


These images from the prototype look the most interesting - a significantly lower camera in Viridian Forest and some rocky overhangs in Mt. Moon. Definitely would've made the areas look more realistic, though I get the "may cause gameplay frustrations" argument.

Other noteworthy prototype changes:
The bad: Almost all important opponents were made weaker by the time the final game came out. For example, the Giovanni->Lorelei->Champion progression used to be 57->60->62, but this was weakened to 50->52->57 in the final game.
The good: The catch requirements for obtaining the 3 original starters were tuned down for the final game. Bulbasaur / Charmander used to require 50 / 90 catches, but now require 30 / 50.