Sword & Shield **Official news only** DLC Crown Tundra 22nd October

Polteageist BETTER evolve into a Ghost/Rock type, I like its design a fair bit and that'd be cool to see. Cramorant is... ok? Gulp Missile might be need. Probably gonna have ass SpA and have to rely on Dive for physical Water STAB as such, just watch

Also, did anyone notice that green Alcremie in the Pokemon Camp demonstration? Is that its shiny form or are alt covers ie Vivillon gonna be a thing for it

Pokemon just released a new trailer with more info that states they're different flavors:

Also apparently we get to make customizable "trading cards"? That's cool I guess.
Here are the English and Japanese trailers.
The end of the Japanese one shows a Switch Lite skin.

My thoughts: The direct announcer saying "it's not just tops and bottoms" didn't seem very fitting since the 3DS games had decent customization. The cards look neat especially in the pre-battle intro. VS option on the start menu is interesting. Either a local wireless shortcut for battles like gen 7 had or the online facilities/trading are just outside of a menu this time. I don't know if we've seen the menu before actually. Town Map has its own spot for some reason.

Well my online question is answered. 1:10 in the japanese trailer shows a communication menu and what looks to be like a background version of Wonder Trade. All this stuff is on the website now too. https://swordshield.pokemon.com/en-ca/gameplay/trading-pokemon/
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Minor detail seconds into the video: Lime Mint Alcremie! There's different colors for different fruit.

Edit: I didn't realize they advertised it at first because they didn't point it out in the direct.
We have enough Water/Flying Pokémon at the moment, but I believe this is the first time we have a Flying/Water combination. While I'm not too excited about the new bird, at least it's somewhat different from other Water/Flying Pkm. Wonder how much damage it deals, is it as much as Iron Barbs? Speaking of its new ability, it would be nice to see it on other Pkm (maybe under different names), such as Rhyperiour who is said to throw Geodudes, I believe.

As for Polteageist, to be honest, I did not expect a ghost at all. All the time, I thought it would be some kind of an elephant, but a ghost? That's a pleasant surprise, and it could make some sense in hindsight, especially when you think of djinis.

On the trainer customization, looks like you have quite the variation. Make-up and eyebrows are a nice new addition. Wonder if make-up is only for girls.

On another note, do my eyes deceive me or does the trailer/graphic look a little bit more polished?

Note that the Polteageist in the second image has more EVs/IVs than the one in the first image.

If the first Polteageist has 0 HP EVs and IVs: then Polteageist has either base 65 or 66 HP.

If the second Polteageist has 31 HP IVs and 0 HP EVs: then Polteageist has base 56 HP.

This means that Polteageist has at most base 66 HP. Its base HP could be less than 56 if that Polteageist has sufficient HP IVs/EVs, but its base HP is most likely between 56 and 66. It is unclear whether Polteageist evolves. This base HP range is low for the typical fully-evolved Pokemon but some fully-evolved Pokemon do have HP that is in this range or lower.

Note that it is misleading to calculate the scenario where the second Polteageist has 0 HP EVs and IVs because you would calculate that Polteageist has base 71 HP. However, this is incorrect because we know from the first Polteageist that it cannot have more than base 66 HP. The same reasoning is why the first Polteageist was not used in the 31 IV scenario.


Note that the Cramorant in the second image has more EVs/IVs than the one in the first image.

If the first Cramorant has 0 HP EVs and IVs: then Cramorant has base 72 HP.

If the second Cramorant has 31 HP IVs and 0 HP EVs: then Cramorant has base 67 HP.

Again, it's possible that Cramorant could have less than base 67 HP but it is unlikely. Its base HP cannot be higher than 72, but is very likely to be between 67 and 72. And for the same reasons as Polteageist, it is misleading to use the second Cramorant in the 0 IV case and to use the first Cramorant in the 31 IV case.
So Cramorant is absolutely going to be part of my team if I end up buying the game. For now, I'd have my entire team planned, which is great.

And the second most important reveal wasn't the teapot Pokémon (which is nice, but not the second-best thing), not camping, not the curry minigame... the second most important reveal IS THAT MALE CHARACTERS HAVE FULL-LENGTH TROUSERS NOW!
We have enough Water/Flying Pokémon at the moment, but I believe this is the first time we have a Flying/Water combination. While I'm not too excited about the new bird, at least it's somewhat different from other Water/Flying Pkm. Wonder how much damage it deals, is it as much as Iron Barbs? Speaking of its new ability, it would be nice to see it on other Pkm (maybe under different names), such as Rhyperiour who is said to throw Geodudes, I believe.

As for Polteageist, to be honest, I did not expect a ghost at all. All the time, I thought it would be some kind of an elephant, but a ghost? That's a pleasant surprise, and it could make some sense in hindsight, especially when you think of djinis.

On the trainer customization, looks like you have quite the variation. Make-up and eyebrows are a nice new addition. Wonder if make-up is only for girls.

On another note, do my eyes deceive me or does the trailer/graphic look a little bit more polished?
By the amount of icons on the boys and girls hair and make screen, girls again have waaaaay more options, and I do believe make up is for girls only.
Everything positive I have to say about this trailer can be summarised as "Yay Maractus! and I guess a cormorant pokemon is concept we didn't cover previously I guess"
also I hate that those are tinned beans and not tinned berry-stand-ins-for-beans
that is all
According to some pictures, there is 18 confirmed Alcremie variants, but they have similar body palettes and toppings/hairclips.
I see so far: 5 toppings, 7 body palettes(?).

That makes a theoretical 35 variants.

Happy shiny hunting!
Arceus help you if you want a certain variant combination's G'max-able shiny forme.

I just wanted to say this is adorable.
(Also, we did get the confirmation that all eevolutions are present, so there's going to be a way to get Glaceon and Leafeon in game as usual)
Also, Eevee is eternal. They have learnt from BW that leaving Eevee hurts TPC badly. It is just too marketable to leave out. :p
Would be more surprised if there is no new Vee.
(rant incoming)
So, they’ve shown flashes of the trainer customization. I’m going to focus on one option, but I’m sure this is true of everything. They showed us both male and female hairstyles:

Notice anything? It’s 2019, why are they STILL giving guys and girls different haircuts? Hair is hair, let people grow it however they want. This is the 3rd generation with customization, and GF is still stuck on guys getting a half-dozen variants on “short” while girls can choose anything from pigtails to a L’Oreal commercial as long as it’s past their chin.
They’re putting forth MORE effort to create completely different options for guys and girls, and making it less customizable in the process. Do better, GF.

Polteageist, the Ghost typed Tea Pokemon. Looks like this was the Pokemon that was seen very briefly in the previous video.

You mean the one Rose threw out that we saw for just a frame? Unless polteageist has forms like Alcremie with different styles of teapots or an evolution, I don't think this was it; the mon Rose threw out looked pretty different, it definitely looked like it had 4 legs and was red or orangish with black tips.

While I'm glad we finally got a new ghost, it... wasn't exactly what I was expecting or hoping for! It could grow on me, but for now I think I'll wait to see what other options there are before considering adding it to the team. Not sure how I feel about the design; the most intricate part is the teapot, and the Pokemon itself is rather plain aside from the eyes and mark on top of its head. On the other hand, when it closes its eyes it does look a bit like the original "unknown ghost" sprite in Lavender tower, so that's fun, but probably not intentional.

Of minor note, in the trailer it uses shadow ball, which appears to move rather slowly this gen.
So... here's some stuff I found. We have 40 (currently) forms of Alcremie. Here's all that's been found so far.

Also, mysterious Pokemon statues in the city where you face Nessa. My personal view is that it's either a form change of Zacian and Zamazenta, or it's that 3rd legendary that's been practically confirmed by now.


Speaking of 3rd legendary. The leak it comes from also called out our newest Cormorant Pokemon and even it's ability to fish up pokemon in battle. The leak also had camping and curry in it. With this, roughly 90% of it has been confirmed.

EDIT: I completely forgot about this, but you can now make your own Masters icon for anyone who's interested.
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