NOC Lovers Dance: Second Date Game Thread - Game Over

ok guys i have news.

last night, i slept with my girlfriend, dawningwinds. wow she was so beautiful and she smelled really good.

i did not detect any mafia qualities.
p sure dopog's post-ds leave wall was all wifom so not gonna read too much into it, only read notable to note is eagle pinging him early

dont super see any strong interactions to note but feels good that i had a gut read there ig

Passing something off as wifom is idk kinda goofy. You could say anything is wifom. I’ll prob read dogop iso when I’m home.
Me and doggo danced in the woods but I am a frigid ice queen so nothing more
We all know I was the one who rejected your advances :rolling_eyes:

Anyway, there's 14 players left. The first dance ends when we get to 12. So we can only vote out 1 pair before the night now.
hahaha do we really have asek and nuxl town

do you mind elaborating when you already said this on d1

Im pretty sure texas is scum. Calling himself hard town with asek and nuxl is uhhhh lol

good to see season 1 of the m2h/ds soap opera have a happy ending, hopefully they don't renew season 2 though

genuinely had ds/dopog as my second most likely t/t read (more on ds' end, but i had dopog slight town based on how late he was leaving to be paired up) but maybe i should not put as much weight into *when* maf would most likely pair up

unbelievably perplexed by dopog's pre-death post-knowing-he's-going-to-die read list, only reason i can see for him posting that is that he's just having fun before he bows out

Reads so far, have done an anti-nuxl and scumread too many people whoops:

HealNDeal (t) + M2H (leaning scum) -> honestly i don't give a toss about m2h's 'towncore'. how he's handled d1 is pretty annoying but more importantly, i am inclined to scumread him for the same reason as healndeal i think.

Energy (slight scum?) + Dawning (? but more s than t) -> little clue w/ this pair, read energy as leaning scum for most of day 1 because of their insistence on pairing up immediately, and from dopog + energy's interactions on d1 i can see them being a pair, but also dopog's flip makes me second guess how much importance I should put in to the initial quick pairing up. a lot of people seem to be reading him as slight town based on very little atm which has the alarm bells ringing for me though. DawningWinds needs to post more, all they've been doing so far is answering questions posed mainly by nuxl, and reminding to bold votes, which gives them easy outs and the illusion that they're active when they're actually posting nothing of any substance.

OM (leaning s?) + CaffeineBoost (leaning t?) -> OM just needs to post more lol. Have a very very vague scum read on him just for vibey reasons over anything else (+ got a pair up early). CaffeineBoost needs to post more but i have them as slight t for vibey reasons also. What I will say is that everyone seems to be on board with an om/cb vote out which makes me less on board w/ it lol (I personally think there's a better chance w/ energy+dawning)

Calem (who the hell knows, prob more t than s?) + Mega (?) -> Pattern emerging of calem getting incredibly defensive when someone townreads him, and I have no-idea what to make of that, but I can't quite shake off that it feels performative more than anything, but also it being performative doesn't make me more inclined to think he's maf. The way he reacted to me+nuxl being banned seemed quite genuine and on the side of townie. Mega-Pokebattlerz needs to post more, and post w/ more substance. One thing interesting to note is that dopog claimed he'd be happy with the winning towncore of healndeal/m2h and calem/mega so hmmm

Eagle4 (t) + Texas (still leaning s sorry) -> In answer to your q Nuxl , no i don't want me and texas as the last t/t pair. Don't think metareading tex is a great strategy, he hasn't been a maf in NOC for at least three years (i've checked) so we've got nothing to compare him to. The Asek/Tex block doesn't sit right w/ me for reasons i've already given, + i kinda agree / healndeal that the maf would ideally like to get one of their own banned, and dopog flipping maf makes it less likely to be asek/nuxl (i'll explain later in this post), and it clearly wasn't ds. (Doesn't mean one of the peeps banned has to be maf but out of the 6 the only one who i can see is texas, maybe former but i have a t read on them atm). Only interaction tex had with dopog was approving the ds/dopog pairing too. Am willing to actually change my mind if texas posts reads/stuff of substance rather than sleepwalking through the game.

bgb (very slight s) + former (prob t) -> bgb has contributed nothing of value yet, still waiting on their promised read list :) bluegummybear . Slightly suspicious of the eagerness to pair w/ former instead of dopog (also the inviting right after i said that nobody should pair until nuxl is paired), but the latter is kind of in line with how they've played the game so far so *shrug*. Ban on DS + Former put former in a tight spot + his interaction with healndeal before the ban seemed very genuine to me. Former calling out dopog lurking and getting him to post looks good on former as well

Asek (strong t) + Nuxl (strong t) -> I think dopog's post here:

I think I’d feel more confident about a game winning towncore with some slightly different pairings (e.g. I really like DS/Nuxl > Asek/Nuxl), but of what we got/likely will have I think HnD/M2H | Calem/Mega is the most fruitful bloc.

looks very very favourably on asek for obv reasons.

Nuxl is also clearly town, every time i think 'ooh what if he's playing us' (which has been often in this game) i just look at any number of his posts/reads he's made/things he's said/actions that have been taken that can clearly only come from a town perspective, e.g. his suspicions of dopog (and wanting t-ball to be paired instead of dopog), the me/nuxl ban (which i don't think nuxl would make considering we would've formed what looked like a t/t pair), + actually putting town winning strategy in motion.

we've got 5 days let's not be hasty to vote a pair off immediately

right now i'm me + heal > nuxl > asek > former for most townie and energy > texas > m2h/bgb/dawning for most maf