Project OM Interviews (#22: Ren)

Well, I didn't thought my message would be that long.
I want to say sorry if my english isn't perfect, I hope you'll understand my english and my answers !
Enjoy ! :blobwizard:

Why are you so amazing?
Because the cutest user, Gmansour20 said I'm amazing :blobuwu:

Hello Dragonillis!
Hello Andyboy :D

Hello Dragonillis!
1. What do you think the most undeveloped permanent ladder OM is?
It's hard to answer this question atm, because because the DLC was released only one month ago. But it's probably STABmons because ladder is empty (more than another OM). But I hope the next world cup can change that.
Free camomons permaladder btw

2. Who are some players you really enjoy playing in the OM community?
Overall, it's Siamato, because if I win vs him on a OM game, I know I was very good (or I stole him).
Same comment for Racool on AAA and you on MnM.

3. What is the key difference between the entire OM community and the French OM community?
The language.
Yeah, it can be stupid to say it, but to being able to communicate easily helps me a lot.
In english, I have many difficult to express myself. Therefore, I speak a little in OM discord and OM room.

4. What is your favorite part of the French OM community?
The ressources and learn to other people how to discover and play in OM.

5. I remember Gman telling me about a tournament you guys did in the French OM community where you played "Elite 4" members for each of the OMs and if you beat all of them you played the Champion (Matiss) and if you beat him, were crowned the new Champion. Did anyone end up clearing the challenge?
For played Siamato, you need to win 4 of 5 members of the elite 5,
The Elite 5 :
MnM : gmansour20
STABmons : Lancer FR
AAA : LaBalladeDesCieux
AG : Canardeau
BH : Tzop
I tried once, and i lost vs gman and Canardeau.
Only one person faced siamato, Alternatif.
If he wins vs Siamato ? Look this BO3. This BO3 is one of the hypest moments I've lived throughout my OM carrier :blobwizard:

6. Why do you enjoy using weather teams so much in OMs? Which OM do you feel is the least suited for weather?
It's not true, I don't play hail team :blobnom:
More seriously, because I think it's underestimated, you have the momentum and it's easy to play these teams.

7. It seemed like there was a significantly larger French representation in OMPL this year can we expect team France to be even scarier this year in OM World Cup? If so, why?
We'll be ready for this world cup and we will not have a format without a main user !
This year, we will go to the semi-finals !
But I think this team will be less scarier because Siamato, our captain and the best french player will take his "pokéretreat"

8. Thoughts on OM Classic going on right now? What metas are you the most confident in?
Tbh I don't know what to think about it, the ORAS metagames are unknown to me and SM will be the occasion to type a little with old teams.
But I'm probably most confident with ORAS AAA.

9. Do you think listening to music is a help or a hinderance while playing serious tour games?
For myself, listen a music (not rhythmic) is a big help for focus in a serious battle, for calc and playing.

10. Do you put in a conscious effort to continually improve at mons? If so, what do you do?
Try to learn how to do a gameplan, and take my time for playing my turn. Try to have a solid build.

11. Do you view mons as a good or bad part of your life right now?
Good. With my studies, I needed a le time-consuming leisure. I stopped Dofus and i found showdown, and i don't know how, but currently, i have this atypical course.

1. Top 3 video games outside of Pokemon?
Heavy Rain
Kingdom Hearts
Bravely Default/Second

2. Top 3 sports to watch?

3. Top 3 sports to play?

4. Top 3 favorite foods?

5. Top 3 least favorite foods?

6. Where did the username "Dragonillis" come from?
A long time ago, when i'm 10/11, I played a MMORPG, Dofus. One day, a guy nammed Dragonilli stole me and I stopped this game. One year later, I started this game again, and I stole his pseudonym and add the "s" to create Dragonillis.
Since this day, I conserved this pseudonym on internet.

Hello Darky :blobwizard:

Hello, do u prefer Chocolate Cake or Cheesecake ?
I eat both.
But i prefer chocolat cake, I love chocolate.

Hey Drago !
Emeri :blobuwu:

I know I'm not used to ask serious questions, but sometimes, I have to pretend I am :blobthumbsup: . If somehow, OM disappeared, would you stop strategic Pokemon ? Or would you start playing more conventional tiers, like OU with the same motivation you have when playing OM ?
I always wanted to be versatile and "if" OM disappeared, i'll not stop strategic pokemon, i'll play an another tier with the same motivation, like OU, random battles, or low tiers. Pokemon is vast, everybody can find his tier.

Plop Drago !
Hello Siamatoto, Siamaretraite, nullard Siamatomate or Matiss98

:greninja-ash:Fun questions

Est ce que tu penses que la chance est en fait une partie de ton talent ?
Do you think luck is, in fact, a part of your skill?
Maybe it's sad yo say that, but yes. I play too often with the probability, and it's ridiculous.
One day, I'll compile a "best of luck" during my "career".

0,026% et 0,014%, sais-tu quels sont ces nombres ?
0,026% and 0,014%, do you know what those numbers are?
Hum, probably crit, confusion, confusion, confusion and no miss thunder/hurricane c:

Quelle chanson préfères-tu entre, It's raining men et Les Sunlights des Tropiques ?
What's your favorite song between, It's raining men and Les Sunlights des Tropiques?
I prefer Darude Sandstorm, sorry :blobwizard:

Prochain irl Jap, Italien, kebab ou ??
Next irl Jap, Italiano, kebab or??
Panini first !

:greninja-ash: More serious questions
En OMPL tu as joué AAA mais tu joues dans beaucoup de tiers, lequel préfères-tu ?
In OMPL you played in AAA but you play in many tiers so, which do you prefer?
I don't think I have a preference, I think it depends on my mood and which team I want to play.

Les tournois en équipe (OML et OMPL) n'ont pas été une grande réussite (en terme de record) pour toi, qu'est ce qui n'a pas été selon toi ?
Teamtours (OML and OMPL) were not a great success (in terms of record) for you, what do you think went wrong?
I don’t think I’m wrong if say I did a "good game" during OMPL, OML and World Cup.
But a good game is not a perfect game.
One error and you can lose your game.
I need to be solid, not for 20/25 turns, but for until my fight is over.

Comment penses-tu pouvoir améliorer les choses et assurer un soutien de poids à ta futur team OML II ?
How do you think you can make things better and provide a strong support to your futur team OML II?
For my support, I don't know, I think it's my big big strong point, thanks to my versatility.
For my game, probably need to train with a defensive team, balance or (semi)-stall, for learn this patience.

Tu as du mal à build de bonnes teams, comptes-tu essayer de t'améliorer à ce niveau ou penses-tu que ce soit une fatalité ?
You're in trouble to build good teams, are you planning to try to improve at this level or do you think it's a fatality?
If I succes to build a good team, OM or not, i can repeat that. Just I need to try again and again and again. But yes, steal a team is easier than building.

Comment envisages-tu ton avenir au sein de la communauté OM FR ? Au sein de la communauté OM ? Penses-tu jouer encore longtemps ?
How do you envision your furur in the OM FR community? In the OM community? How much longer do you think you'll play?
I'll probably have the answer 1-2 weeks after you'll leave OM FR.
I don't know, atm I want to be a solid guy, solo and in a teamtour. Find me a teamtour with which I make more victory than defeat and you'll see i'm not very satisfied about my games.
Probably yes, because I finish my studies and I get a job, so I have more time to play to showdown :blobthumbsup:

Vais-je te manquer quand j'aurai quitté le jeu d'ici ~1 semaine ? :blobnom:
Are you gonna miss me when I leave the game in ~1 week? :blobnom:
You're not only a player, you're a friend for me, so, yes.
I hope to see you sometimes IRL !

Bonjour Drago :3
gman :blobnom:


2. Have you ever been to Italy? Or Switzerland? If so, where? Did you like it? When do you plan on coming again?
France : 22 years
Belgium : 36 hours
Netherlands : 3 hours
Italy and Switzerland : 0 hour
Sorry gman, not yet.

3. If you could teleport anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Probably in my friends' houses, to see my IRL some of my friends, like you :blobnom:

4. What genres of music do you enjoy?
Rhythmic, epic and videos games musics:blobuwu:

5. Do you prefer sweet or salty food?
Sweet !
I love to cook some cakes (and eat it, of course) !

6. If they gave you Room Voice in the OM room, would you stop going for the Star?
Probably not, because star rank is unique on showdown, and having this star shows me that I'm not totally lost in OM.

7. Who are your favorite ROs of the OM room? Of the Arcade room? Of Franais?
OM room : SectoniaServant (hello :3)
Arcade room : Emeri (hello :3)
Franais room : Emeri and Teclis.

8. Norman Vincent Peale said: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” Does this apply to the Star role of the OM room in any way?
Exactly, and I don't regret this shot :blobthumbsup:

9. What is your favorite OM and why is it Mix and Mega?
Because we can't evolve in other tier.
Free Natdex OM

10. What is your favorite Mix and Mega set and why is it Sablenite Mandibuzz?
Mandibuzz because it's your waifu.
Sablenite because this stone helps to balance this tier and I like to take my time with this stone.

11. Will you be joining OM Snake, so that we can cheer for you there, as well?
Tbh, idk, i'll probably decide when i'll know the captains of this OM Snake.
Last edited:
:greninja-ash: More questions

1. Quel est le joueur qui t'impressionne le plus sur Smogon ? Top 3 ?
Who is the player that impresses you the most on Smogon? Top 3?

2. Quel est le joueur d'OM qui t'impressionne le plus sur Smogon ? Top 3 ?
Who is the OMs player that impresses you the most on Smogon? Top 3?

3. Quel est ton joueur français préféré ? En OMs ?
Who is your favorite french player? In OMs?

4. Quel le meilleur espoir de la communauté OM FR d'après toi ?
Who is the best hope of the OM FR community in your opinion?

5. Top 3 de tes films préférés ?
Top 3 of your favorite movies?

6. Top 3 de tes Pokémon préférés ?
Top 3 of your favorite Pokémon?

7. Physique, Chimie ou Biologie ?
Physics, Chemistry or Biology?

8. La ligne de train que tu détestes le plus à Paris ?
The train line you hate most in Paris?

9. Mcdo, BK ou KFC ?
Mcdo, BK or KFC?

10. Anime/manga, film ou série ?
Anime/manga, film or series?

11. Premier jeu Pokémon auquel tu ais joué ? Celui que tu as préféré ?
First Pokémon game you played? Your favorite one?

12. Vas-tu pick Adri en slot Camo s'il in l'OML II ?
Are you planning to pick Adri as Camo slot if he join OML II?

13. Si kuyukihime ne rejoint pas l'OML II, est-il un nullard ?
If Kyuremtime didn't join OML II, is he a nullard?

14. Xizaaa et SFG tombent à l'eau, lequel sauves-tu ?
Xizaaa and SFG fall into the water, who are you saving?

15. Envoi un pm à Emeri sur PS, as-tu réussi ? Si non, c'est l'histoire de ma vie.
Send a pm to Emeri on PS, do you succeed? If not, this is the story of my life.

16. User le plus cute ?
Cutest user?
Hey Drago !
As i'm too lazy about pm you in discord, I'm going to ask you a few questions here...(In order of importance)

• Sinon tu t'amuses toujours autant sur le jeu ?
(Are you still having as much fun on the game ?)

• Quel est ton anime/manga préféré ?
(What is your favorite anime / manga ?)

• Quel est ton meilleur souvenir parmi les tournois qu'on a fait ? (Et après de manière générale)
(What is your best memory among the tournaments we did? (And after in general ?))

• Penses-tu que Matiss98 essaye de me remettre en STABmons car je lui manque trop ?
(Do you think Matiss98 is trying to put me back in STABmons because I miss him too much ?)

• Et aussi à ton avis combien de fois Matiss98 dira "Sayonara tomodachi !" pour revenir la semaine d'après ? (Si tu te trompes pas, je ferai potentiellement l'OML III)
(And also in your opinion how many times it will say "Goodbye my friends" to return the next week ? (If you're not mistaken, I will potentially in OML III))
:greninja-ash: More questions

1. Quel est le joueur qui t'impressionne le plus sur Smogon ? Top 3 ?
Who is the player that impresses you the most on Smogon? Top 3?
No idea.

2. Quel est le joueur d'OM qui t'impressionne le plus sur Smogon ? Top 3 ?
Who is the OMs player that impresses you the most on Smogon? Top 3?
I don't know the history of OM, I am rather a recent player, but i think that :
Probably Stresh, he has same qualities than you (see next question)
1. Stresh
2. Mother Stresh
3. xavgb

2. Andyboy, Master of Mix and Mega, he is very versatile.
3. aesf, very good player and build, he tries again and again to exploit a metagame, to find new gimmick and new goat set.

3. Quel est ton joueur français préféré ? En OMs ?
Who is your favorite french player? In OMs?
You because you have all the qualities to be an excellent player, versatile, good builder, good player, you're demanding and you're very very solid.

4. Quel le meilleur espoir de la communauté OM FR d'après toi ?
Who is the best hope of the OM FR community in your opinion?
I could only answer this question after OML II.
But But I'm going to bet on Atha.

5. Top 3 de tes films préférés ?
Top 3 of your favorite movies?
Le voyage de Chihiro, Insaisissable (le premier) et La vie immortelle d'Henrietta Lacks.
Spirited Away, Now You See Me (first) and The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks.

6. Top 3 de tes Pokémon préférés ?
Top 3 of your favorite Pokémon?
Aegislash, Dragonite and Jirachi.
Do I need to argue my answer ?

7. Physique, Chimie ou Biologie ?
Physics, Chemistry or Biology?
Biology, I prefer to manipulate bacteria !

8. La ligne de train que tu détestes le plus à Paris ?
The train line you hate most in Paris?

9. Mcdo, BK ou KFC ?
Mcdo, BK or KFC?
Panini first !
Burger King/Quick.

10. Anime/manga, film ou série ?
Anime/manga, film or series?
Movies, I don't like to watch Anime/manga and series.

11. Premier jeu Pokémon auquel tu ais joué ? Celui que tu as préféré ?
First Pokémon game you played? Your favorite one?
Pokémon Red, when i was 3 years old.
Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky.

12. Vas-tu pick Adri en slot Camo s'il in l'OML II ?
Are you planning to pick Adri as Camo slot if he join OML II?
If Emeri will add ORAS camomons, yes.

13. Si kuyukihime ne rejoint pas l'OML II, est-il un nullard ?
If Kyuremtime didn't join OML II, is he a nullard?
Yes :blobuwu:

14. Xizaaa et SFG tombent à l'eau, lequel sauves-tu ?
Xizaaa and SFG fall into the water, who are you saving?
Both because I have 2 arms.

15. Envoi un pm à Emeri sur PS, as-tu réussi ? Si non, c'est l'histoire de ma vie.
Send a pm to Emeri on PS, do you succeed? If not, this is the story of my life.
If Emeri doesn't answer you, it's because he didn't see you.

16. User le plus cute ?
Cutest user?
The only and the best, Gmansour20 !

Hey Drago !
Kuyu :blobnom:

• Sinon tu t'amuses toujours autant sur le jeu ?
(Are you still having as much fun on the game ?)
Yes, and now, my study is over and I have a job, so I'm happy to continue showdown :blobuwu:

• Quel est ton anime/manga préféré ?
(What is your favorite anime / manga ?)
Probably SAO, because i's the only anime that I watched in my life.
But I don't like to watch it, too time-consuming.

• Quel est ton meilleur souvenir parmi les tournois qu'on a fait ? (Et après de manière générale)
(What is your best memory among the tournaments we did? (And after in general ?))
Probably the random teamtour BLH with naoki, I think it's the only teamtour with which I have more victory than defeat (5-1) and I win it with you and Naoki.

• Penses-tu que Siamato essaye de me remettre en STABmons car je lui manque trop ?
(Do you think Siamato is trying to put me back in STABmons because I miss him too much ?)
Yes, he doesn't find your successor.

• Et aussi à ton avis combien de fois Matiss98 dira "Sayonara tomodachi !" pour revenir la semaine d'après ? (Si tu te trompes pas, je ferai potentiellement l'OML III)
(And also in your opinion how many times it will say "Goodbye my friends" to return the next week ? (If you're not mistaken, I will potentially in OML III))
Probably 2, because he will be take a break after a semester.

Pain au chocolat ou chocolatine ?
Fais attention à ce que tu vas dire
Pain à la chocolatine.
Good Evening, and welcome back to OM (heh) Interviews! In the chair today is none other than the BH mastermind himself...


A Loser.

Hello A Loser, and welcome to OM interviews! How are you doing today?

Hi! I'm doing quite well today. What about you?

I'm good, thanks. First off, do you mind telling us a bit about yourself?

Sure. Without getting too specific, I'm probably way too old to be spending as much time as I do playing mons lol. I'm closer to 30 than I am 20 at this point, but mons is just a really fun escape and distraction from real life things. I work in Civil Engineering and am in a committed relationship so both of these keep me pretty busy, but mons is just fun to do as well.

Yo that's sick man, nice to see you're able to balance ur life so well, considering you do a lot for OMs as it is. Speaking of which, How has your experience been as part of OMs so far?

Yeah it is always easy to balance when you consider that mons is just a time wasting mechanism and that jobs and relationships are much more important. But speaking of relationships and responsibilities, my involvement in OMs has led to some interesting things. OMs, mainly Balanced Hackmons, sparked my interest in competitive Pokemon a few years back and I've pretty much been all in since. I've met a ton of cool people in the three years I've been playing BH, had some cool experiences like getting drafted in the last two OMPL seasons, and have put in a lot of time building teams and contributing to the forums which ended up landing me in charge of the BH Council, which I never would have seen coming.

How has your experience been as part of BH Council? Anything you guys planning for?

I've thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the BH Council. The start of Gen 8 was a little rough though with so many broken things in the meta like Double Iron Bash and Octolock, then cartridge testing went back and forth on Zacian-Crowned's ability to be hacked in or not, and Flint stepped down so a lot was going on at once and the community was, understandably, screaming for solutions. But now we've got a good staff of players who have all shown they are committed and interested in Gen 8 BH and have made some good moves that helped the meta get to a fairly balanced state. As for future action, I anticipate some people would want to re-suspect Dynamax since Chansey's addition to the metagame means you get an insanely bulky Imposter to deal with for three turns. Other than that, then main thing Gen 8 BH has to deal with right now is competing with the recently released NatDex BH, which allows you to play with all mons and Mega Evolutions. This meta solves the big issue Gen 8 metas have been dealing with, Dexit and lack of options to build with. But we think the meta is in a good state right now and hopefully we'll get the second release of the DLC sooner rather than later to get some new and returning mons to build with.

Along with that, how have you enjoyed playing BH so far? Anything neat you'd like to share?

I've had a lot of fun playing BH this generation. It has been a lot different having to build with different mons due to Dexit, like Snorlax and Seismitoad, but I have found it to be refreshing and challenging to change up what we knew about building in BH. Room for creativity is a big part of what drew me into BH to start and I think this gen offers it, even though it might not look like people are used to. The only thing I can think to share is one of my latest teams that has done well on the ladder: It makes use of a new mon in Urshifu-Single-Strike and some of the new moves we got in the DLC.

To close this part off, how have you enjoyed you past two OMPLs? Is there something you're looking forward to in the later tournaments?

Both OMPLs were very enjoyable. I was lucky to be drafted by Jrdn's Honchkrow's in OMPL VII since they are always a threat to win the whole thing and was honestly just glad someone picked me as I was still making a name for myself in the OM community. I only got to play once, and lost, but had a lot of fun testing with sugarhigh and seeing the crazy things he came up with for his great season. This last OMPL I was lucky enough to land a starting spot in BH for the Klink's and had a lot of fun building and trying new things all season and playing against some BH legends. As for future tournaments, I'm just looking forward to more opportunities to play with and/or against some great BH players and having a good time in the process.

Shifting Gears, you're also on the camomons council! How have you felt about camomons this gen?

Yeah and I am happy to be a part of it! Camomons has been a blast for me so far this generation and there is still so much to learn about the metagame. The fact that GameFreak made things like Dragon Dance into a teachable move is pretty crazy and has solidified Mew as by far the best mon in the meta thanks to its ability to take on almost any role it wants. But what I love about Camomons is the freedom you have to choose your own typing and come up with creative builds and this generation of Camo offers this even with Dexit.

Are there any metagames you've been playing around with, or that you'd recommend for others to play?

Well my favorite one to play when the BH ladder is inactive is Hackmons Cup. I love how random it is and the crazy combinations you can get while praying you have useful moves, or if you're lucky a STAB move. You never know what you'll end up with and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for something that is always different. Other than that, I've been getting back into Gen 7 BH thanks to the OM Classic Tournament and it is fun to see how that meta is still evolving after several years now. I've also been toying around with NatDex BH, which has been pretty fun to test out all the new moves and mechanics with the mons we lost in Dexit. So basically, if the metagame has Hackmons in the title I'd recommend it!

In your multiple years playing OMs, you've met tons of people. Anyone you'd like to shout out, and any special moments you'd like to share?

I'd like to shout out DarkRisingRay, who was my first friend in BH and has helped me countless times with team building decisions and is always fun to battle. They've been inactive all this generation but I'm hoping they'll come back around and get in on the BH action. Shout out to willdbeast who is always fun to talk to and be sarcastic with and it was really fun to do what turned out to be a best of seven with you in the BH seasonal last year. I'd also like to shout out all the guys in the SR Gang who are a lot of fun and have stuck together for a while now. There are a lot more I could mention but basically I've enjoyed getting to meet everyone on here and pretty much everyone has been friendly, which has made playing OMs even better.

Do you have any other hobbies you do in your spare time? Anything you'd like to share from them?

I'm always down for a quality TV show to pass the time, with The Office, Breaking Bad, and LOST being a couple all time favorites, but I also like to get out and be active. I grew up playing sports, mainly baseball and football in school, but in adult life I've grown to love tennis. It is really fun to play and helps keep you in good shape with all the running around you have to do. I live near the coast so I like going to the beach too and kayaking around. When I'm not doing any of that, I'm a big fan of trying out new types of coffee and beer or just eating food because it is fun and delicious.

Finally, anything you'd like to say that we didn't get to during the interview?

I'll say go Atlanta Braves! I hope the MLB season gets to continue with COVID still going on. And on that note, I'll say you really do need to be careful with COVID because it really does spread a lot easier than you would imagine. So be responsible and safe and just stay inside and play mons :)

Have fun asking questions below!
Wait what the fuck I thought you were like 17
Lol it has been a while since I was 17
What is the origin story of your username (and what would it take to justify a name change to "a winner")
Well I wanted a fresh alt when I started getting serious on the Gen 7 BH ladder and was tired of using my old Runescape username I made in the 6th grade, which is colookanater. I'm a big fan of irony but was also feeling a little bit like a loser IRL at that time. It was also in the year 2017, so I came up with the genius name loser2017. I started to like the name the more I used it and eventually grew tired of the 2017 on the end, especially on Smogon, and figured out you could change your name once so I cleaned it up to just be a loser. My main account on showdown now is A LOSR because "a loser" was already taken and it also lets me rep the SR gang by having it in my name. I don't want to change my name to "a winner" but you'd have to convince the Smogon mods to allow another name change lol.
if you could ask me a question what would you ask?
Do you like an SEC football team and if so, which one?
Hey _ _____!! (I really can't bring myself to call you by your username, especially after that interview! I already thought you were cool but maaan are you awesome :0 How do balance so many demanding tasks and stay sane?)

1. Have you ever been to Europe (and Italy in particular) and if so, have you liked it?
2. Camo BH mashup pros/cons?
3. What are your hopes for WCoOMWC III?
4. Would you ever be interested in managing a tour? (Pardon my ignorance if you have already done so!)
5. Most broken Mon/Ability/Move combo you ever encountered in Hackmons Cup?
6. Favourite food?
7. Three wishes you would ask a genie?
8. Keep being very cool :blobnom:
what is the "SR gang"?
SR = Sinnoh Remakes. It is a group of BH players that started kinda toward the end of Gen 7 and just discuss the game and post memes and copypastas. Fun stuff
Hey _ _____!! (I really can't bring myself to call you by your username, especially after that interview! I already thought you were cool but maaan are you awesome :0 How do balance so many demanding tasks and stay sane?)

1. Have you ever been to Europe (and Italy in particular) and if so, have you liked it?
2. Camo BH mashup pros/cons?
3. What are your hopes for WCoOMWC III?
4. Would you ever be interested in managing a tour? (Pardon my ignorance if you have already done so!)
5. Most broken Mon/Ability/Move combo you ever encountered in Hackmons Cup?
6. Favourite food?
7. Three wishes you would ask a genie?
8. Keep being very cool :blobnom:
I don't mind being called a loser lol, especially since I chose it as my name. I can see how it would be different actually referring to someone as a loser though. Balancing work, relations, and mons can be a lot but I'm a pretty chill guy so not much really stresses me out.

1. I took a WW2 themed trip to Europe in school which involved visiting Paris, Munich, and some parts of Austria. I was a lot younger at the time but I really loved everything about the trip and have always wanted to go back. Haven't been to Italy but several members of my family have and all have loved it. I'd love to go to Spain and to return to Germany someday. There are lots of places I'd like to see!

2. I love Camo BH! I played a lot of it last gen when it got the spotlight in OM Mashups and also have played in lots of friendlies but none in Gen 8 yet. Pros are you get a ton of creative room for typings and movesets (like Ground/Ice Refrigerate MMX or Dark/Ghost Normalize MMY), especially with a Forme Clause intact to keep from Mewtwo and Zygarde spam. Cons are that V-create (and now Bolt/Rend) is insanely strong and that there is just a ton of threats to prep for since there are so many options in building breakers.

3. I'd love to get picked for the World Cup again since I had fun getting to know my fellow US Southerners but I'd say my hopes are to actually play in a battle this time if I get picked again.

4. I've never managed a tour, but would definitely be down! I haven't looked into the details of how it is done though but that is something that I've been thinking about a lot lately. So it might be a good time to look into it.

5. Man, I've had some good ones. One time I got a Nidoqueen with No Guard Guillotine but my opponent had a team of LC mons so it didn't get any KOs. I've also gotten Stored Power + Extreme Evoboost twice and that is pretty fun. And this game I basically got a full stall team lol.

6. Favorite food is really hard to choose. But some great ones are grilled steak, fried chicken, and grilled burgers. Not very healthy but they are dang tasty.

7. Lol I haven't thought about this question in a long time. But probably for a lifelong stream of income to basically cover my expenses but not get me filthy rich, then... man this is a hard question. Probably ask for more wishes? Idk if that would be against the rules. Hopefully I wouldn't have a time limit because I suck at making decisions like this sometimes.

8. Not a question lol but you too!
thanks for asking, its vanderbilt (i am obligated to root for em even if we are shit every year, anchor mf down)
Nice! I've always root for Vandy to have a big year. I'm an Auburn fan myself, War Eagle!
Hello a loser how are you, really
I'm really quite well. I don't have anything that is worth complaining about and have had a nice day today.
i’ll write these questions before i forget
1. bh7 or bh8 or nd bh?
2. favorite mon in bh7?
3. favorite mon in bh8?
4. favorite playstyle?
5. best/ favorite bh player not named Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request)?
6. favorite user in om room?
7. favorite ps staff?
8. favorite smogon staff?
9. favorite tier not named bh or camo?
10. favorite things to do in leisure time not named ps?
11. favorite nba team?
12. favorite drink?
13. favorite food?
14. favorite type of pizza?
15. favorite place that you have been to?
16. have you been to hong kong?
17. coffee or tea?
18. when will you host a tour?
19. when will you tryhard for the star rank?
20. have you ever made a team featuring megagross in bh?
21. i’ve been struggling to deal with drilbur in bh lately because i can’t sweep with mono electric zekrom. any advice?
22. fr any advice on intrepid band dragapult cuz i got owned by rex 2 in a row
23. thoughts on this team?
24. what mon do you think is the most underrated rn in bh8?
25. if you had a chance to namechange on ps, would you change to a loser or keep losr for the sr gang?
26. why aren’t you incredible absolutely phenomenal?
27. what’s your personality type?
28. favorite pokemon related meme?
29. favorite gen?
30. do you have a switch?
31. if yes, what’s your favorite non mons game?
32. how many hours do you sleep a day on average?
33. favorite movie?
34. most underrated bh player?

shoot i’ll update the list once i rmb the remaining half of my questions
what are your hottest tech in gen 7 bh, ndbh, and camomons atm
In Gen 7 BH I played around with a couple interesting Gengar sets:
Gengar-Mega @ Spooky Plate
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Poison Fang
- Rapid Spin
- Secret Sword
Gengar-Mega @ Spooky Plate
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Acid Spray
- Judgment
- Sludge Wave
- Taunt

In NDBH I don't have super hot tech but I like non-choiced Ash-Greninja lately and have been using mixed Adaptability with Black Glasses. Doesn't get some of the OHKOs that Banded sets get but picks up nice 2HKOs. Also I've been liking Discharge on PH Xern to get some para hax and punish Ho-Oh.
For Camomons I'd have to say the pure Flying-type Volcarona I've been using some. Defog makes Hurricane more accurate, which is pretty fun.
Volcarona @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Hurricane
- Roost
- Quiver Dance
1. bh7 or bh8 or nd bh?
2. favorite mon in bh7?
3. favorite mon in bh8?
4. favorite playstyle?
5. best/ favorite bh player not named Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request)?
6. favorite user in om room?
7. favorite ps staff?
8. favorite smogon staff?
9. favorite tier not named bh or camo?
10. favorite things to do in leisure time not named ps?
11. favorite nba team?
12. favorite drink?
13. favorite food?
14. favorite type of pizza?
15. favorite place that you have been to?
16. have you been to hong kong?
17. coffee or tea?
18. when will you host a tour?
19. when will you tryhard for the star rank?
20. have you ever made a team featuring megagross in bh?
21. i’ve been struggling to deal with drilbur in bh lately because i can’t sweep with mono electric zekrom. any advice?
22. fr any advice on intrepid band dragapult cuz i got owned by rex 2 in a row
23. thoughts on this team?
24. what mon do you think is the most underrated rn in bh8?
25. if you had a chance to namechange on ps, would you change to a loser or keep losr for the sr gang?
26. why aren’t you incredible absolutely phenomenal?
27. what’s your personality type?
28. favorite pokemon related meme?
29. favorite gen?
30. do you have a switch?
31. if yes, what’s your favorite non mons game?
32. how many hours do you sleep a day on average?
33. favorite movie?
34. most underrated bh player?
Wow lots of Q's here. For the sake of the thread I'll put my responses in a spoiler.
1. Gen 7 BH is what got me started and where I felt the most creative, but I'm also super invested in Gen 8 BH. It is always fun to go back to Gen 7 because it is such a solid meta but I've had a lot of fun with Gen 8 and how different the game play has been.

2. This is tough. Favorite in terms of just design and typing I'd have to say Mega Sableye but I also love Mega Beedrill and Yveltal. I also built a ton of sets with both MMX and MMY, if you wanna look at it that way.

3. Zacian-C and hero forme Zamazenta are really cool to me. But it is also nice that Snorlax is really viable this gen.

4. My go-to build, without even trying really, lands somewhere between Balance and Semi-Stall. I feel comfortable having at least two breakers and also a wall that can surprisingly punish you. It is super fun to play with HO though, if built right.

5. I'd have to say highlighter. Not only is he insanely good, he is also really fun to watch and I still never know what to expect them to bring to any given battle.

6. I don't really chat much in OM Room but I do play in some tours. I'd say my favorite person is whoever is available at the time to help me test a BH team out.

7. Ransei is always nice and pleasant to talk to. They did ban my funny alt suspect name once but I know they're just doing their job.

8. I think drampa's grandpa is a pretty cool dude.

9. Same as in the interview, Hackmons Cup! Other than that, Random Battles can be fun too.

10. Did you read the interview? Lol JK. But as mentioned, I do like playing tennis, going to the beach, playing with my dogs, and trying to be somewhat active. But I can also be super lazy and love watching TV or playing games on my Switch in my down time. Mainly mons or Mario.

11. I'm not really invested or super interested in the NBA but I do tune in for the playoffs usually. Can't really say a team, but I enjoy watching super talented players like Steph Curry and LeBron James play.

12. Water is honestly pretty great and I've recently grown to like La Croix and other flavored waters like that. If I had to pick a soda though, Coca-Cola all the way.

13. See answer to #6 from Gman's questions.

14. It is hard to turn down meat lover's, but I am really flexible when it comes to pizza. Can't go wrong if you have sausage and mushrooms on it but I definitely am not a fan of supreme or anything with onions.

15. I've been to Boston twice and have really enjoyed it both times. It is a place I could see myself living one day, or at least visting regularly.

16. Never been anywhere in Asia. I'd like to go, though.

17. Definitely coffee. But if you're talking tea, I take mine cold and sweet.

18. Good question. I feel like we need one for Gen 8 BH soon so I might look into it.

19. Until recently, I've switched around alts way too frequently when laddering to get consistent results on an account. I also am usually getting off PS for the day around when the daily is happening.

20. I like calling him megagross too. I really haven't used it much though, other than one team with Metagross running Mold Breaker hazards and Anchor Shot.

21. I think you mean Excadrill? Just give Zekrom a broken move like Fishious Rend or V-create and delete it.

22. Banded Pult is a neat set but you could try to revive the former glory of FC Melmetal to counter it. FC Zama-C should work too though.

23. No Prankster is a little suspect and Choice Lunala is fading in usefulness lately. Looks like some neat movesets like Boomburst Type: Null but idk how effective that would be in practice. I think doubling up on Knock Off + Burn Spreader PH mons might be overkill though and I'm not sure who you really switch in to take big Fishious Rend or V-create. Double Choice breakers can be really good, but a decent stall team could give you trouble.

24. I think Dragapult is pretty underrated. Its ability to go mixed and barely land kills on things like Eternatus is super useful.

25. If "a loser" became available on PS I would definitely take it.

26. Incredible. Absolutely PHENOMENAL

27. Campaigner: ENFP-A


29. I grew up on Gen 1 and 2 so it is hard not to love them the most. But the game I enjoyed playing the most was Soul Silver, cause at the time it got me back into Pokemon after not playing it for several years. The nostalgia of seeing Kanto and Johto again was really nice.

30. Yes

31. Mario Odyssey was really fun to play but I also enjoy Mario Kart.

32. I'm a night owl at times, but I'd probably average around six to seven hours a night. I don't take naps.

33. Can't go wrong with The Matrix.

34. My boy Marsopa Trump & Test Rex
tell me some hackmons cup stories!
One time I got a Beedrill with Beedrillite, but it didn't have any STAB moves. I played TheCoastsOfToast in a friendly once and got Wish Eternatus Eternamax and Wonder Guard Snorlax with Double Iron Bash. There have been several games where I landed three OHKO moves in a row without the help of abilities. One time I got a Wonder Guard Scrafty with Defense Curl and Ice Ball but was killed by a critical hit from Brave Bird Shedinja when Ice Ball missed. I also got a Huge Power Terrakion with Close Combat and V-create once, as well as a Storm Drain Primal Groudon with High Horsepower. Lastly, once I got a Color Change Poliwag with Coil, Soft-Boiled, and Power Trip and swept after picking up Dark-type STAB. Gmansour20 I missed some of these when I answered your question lol. If you ever get bored I saved a bunch of good replays from Gen 7 HC under HateFringe.
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